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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. MLK 44

    Struth mate ! Are you a shiela ? We dont have 'valley girls' here ... we have 'Shazzas' ;
  2. MLK 44

    Thats our standard currency , so of course I have some , we all do 'down here ' ( well, the possum magic one wasnt actually released for circulation ) OMG ! Now that I think of it ... our $5 note does have a secret meaning !
  3. Pets?

    Right ... thats it . I am getting a pet owl
  4. Pets?

    Ahhh ... but ya gotta bring them up a good way .... then they become 'nice' ; " Ahhhh there whooooo s a good boy now ? "
  5. 50 hours and counting....

  6. MLK 44

    yes, I am still in the well, someone threw my lappie and router down here for me . I guess the only thing for me to do is surreptitiously walk ahead of you and scatter some of these ;
  7. MLK 44

    Martin Luther King ? Okay thanks ( I had no idea I was his influence ! ) ... and a Baby Lamb ? Martin Luther King is a baby lamb (or came like a baby lamb ... a lamb of God ? Maybe , some believe he was the one promised in apocalypse to deliver the special people going to suffer and the results of the Civil Rights Movement were the new Jerusalem . See , one can get it to work all sorts of ways f So . Allow me to correct you ; In Gematria 44 can be the sum total of the letters ( that were also used to double as numbers) as baby lamb It can also be ; Drops AGLY A pool, pond; sorrow AGM Captive, captivity GVLH Angel ruling Gemini GYAL Aquarius DLY Blood DM Sand: also horror. ChVL A ram; Aries TLH Tet. in ? World. YVD HA VV HA Flame LHT So , why choose 'baby lamb' over the others , hmmmmmmm ? and ..... on an on it goes .... select the one you need to 'prove' you theory and meet the desired end ; 50 Red earth, the soil; Earth of ADMH Chesed Closed, shut up ATM Angel of 9 P. ALDYH Jonah's Whale DG GDVL To ferment HMH Pains, sorrows ChBLY Unclean, impure TMA 58th HB:Sh YYL 2nd HB:Sh YLY The sea YM All, every KL To thee LK What? --- Which? MY You probably realise names of 'God and 'Devil' make the same total ?
  8. MLK 44

    Okay, lets use the I ching as an example instead , since you seem to have been put off the inner meaning of what I wrote by the example . If one throws an I ching and they get say , hexagram 11 , but in their limited experience they look at at it and think 'Hmm looks like a well , I fell in a well once - extreme danger ahead ! ' Should they incorporate that into the reading or the 'systematic' interpretation ? Its not really a question ; its a demonstration of the modern 'two schools' of divination that things have devolved to . We could call them 'archetypal / Rorschachian ' . And yes 'archetypal should have 'latitude' - but not so much that it goes beyond the archetype / No , missed the point again . Oh well .
  9. MLK 44

    I see you totally missed the point of the example , regarding interpretations within systems as opposed to ones own 'Rorschach understandings'. Perhaps other readers got it though No , the point was ... it is surprising where other people's minds go when they interpret 'signs' according to their own unbalanced psychology, hang ups, traumas, etc . Thats the whole point , understanding the system keeps one 'in check' when 'interpreting' .
  10. Pets?

    What about some pet owls ?
  11. Pets?

    latest resident 'Stumpy' ; a Goanna , ' Lace Monitor ' ( Varanus varius ) * .... he turned up at the beginning of last winter with half his front leg torn off .... horrible , tendons bone and muscle hanging out and he was walking on it ! I fed him a bit and tried to help out , but he was pretty freaked out . Then he turns up after the spring emergence , still alive, flopping along on the stump ! So he gets food now and then to keep him going . he doesn't run off like the others ( cause he cant ) when you approach him, he just looks up at you wistfully as if saying 'You aren't gonna make me run are you ? Just let me lie here in the sun.' So i do, and can get very close to him . That is when I see him, and don't nearly accidentally tread on him ! *
  12. silat body conditioning

    I prefer 'flow' and 'drill' myself ... instead of bathing my face in boiling oil from 0.45 (turn volume off )
  13. MLK 44

    Ohhh , its no bother at all . I awake before dawn and often spend some time on TB before sun comes up. Its quiet comfy propped up in bed with a hot coffee. The guest had massive problems which I was trying to help her with - and they intersect with massive problems in the community and create suffering. We talked, she got angry complained got upset cried wailed etc etc .... then came to a better understanding and a course of action. I spent a few hours with her . Hopefully the problem is moving towards resolution. for all concerned . Its a serious problem and impact many people and families. So your hope above was completely misplaced . I am in no way 'following what you do ' , if I see things written that I consider wrong, incorrect or potentially dangerous , or trivialities touted as having some spiritual significance from anyone. I will speak up and offer the views I have developed over a life time of study of such things like divination, symbolism, systems of psychic anatomy , hermetics , Tarot ... in depth years long study . And not just off my own bat ... I had to learn, be examined and advanced by 3rd parties ... people outside of myself ... objectively . So to finish off, for anyone still interested in why one should use a system of divination and interpretation instead of going off one's own 'Rorschach associations ' ( and this just does not apply to divination, it relates to many things - teachings and applications in Daoism , TCM , etc . ) ; first , again consider what I already wrote above, then the 'resultant dynamic' might be best explained by this well known (to some here ) story ; he infamous interpretation of the RW 6 of cups . The systematic interpretation is a happy balanced emotion state ; 'happiness' , fondness, support, affection, etc . One persons ( ' Rorschach ' ) interpretation was ... 'child molesting' ... a weird dwarf like man tries to tempt a little girl with a gift, while the figure of authority in the background, turns his back and walks away . This created a massive argument on the now defunct AE Tarot site ; one lot argued for 'Traditional' interpretation, another for the 'Rorschach' version AND their rite to be able interpret any card or symbol according to their own ' Rorchachian whims' . I think its pretty obvious that the child molesting interpretation was coloured by that persons experience . Now, here is the problem . If one is reading the card for a querent and the querent themselves makes that association, fine. Maybe they want to talk about this issue, and their might even be some advice in the reading , using the wisdom inherent in the system / deck . But for the reader to make this interpretation and then project that into the reading for the querent is totally off. They would be advising the querent about their own issues, problems and possibly their own inability to resolve the issue . That could really mess someone up . ... certain types of people that is , especially those that have a propensity to continually seek advise from divination in the first place . Of course if one isnt reading for a person or isnt giving found coins extra significance and 'reading them psychically' for others but just doing it for themselves ... thats different . We are free to mess up our own psyche however we want .
  14. MLK 44

    Sure. But being aware of things and finding them isnt the same as giving the images on them significance that relate to other things. Great practice ! But see my comment above . Thats because tarot deck , regardless of it being shuffled or used for any divination has a system in it of knowledge and teaching (if you know about that ) , the same way as astrology can map the human psyche . Coins and notes dont have that . They are money . Or it ight be an increase of understanding . There is a difference, I will explain it later (visitor turned up )
  15. MLK 44

    Dear Mr Gnome , 'Intuitions' work best in areas we are already expert in , thats been proven in studies . The traditional shaman, who might have to 'intuit' things , like the amount of cull and preserve of the herd to last through winter depending on the type of winter ( not enough - starve, too much - impact on next springs breeding stock ) , might seem like a ritual , magic, and 'communication with spirits' but he is actually going on all the specialist information logged into his unconscious and combines that with the most recent observations of flora, fauna and weather patterns . .... a bit like an engineer looking with his eyes and ' No ... that isnt 3/100th of an inch, that 2/1000th of an inch . Seems impossible and 'other worldly' to us . I agree with your comments on synchronicity and Gematria . What we have above is devolved from Gematria > Hermetic 'Gematria' > numerology > New Age "spontaneous' Gimatria . ( A note; As Gnome pointed out re the traditional usages, this is important , any Gematric code is to help further understand the system in which it is being used , not to be applied all over the place to everything. For example, in some cases one has to learn, by heart. numerous hermetic correspondences ( which include Hermetic Gematric values and associations ) to be able to take part in Lodge initiations, so as to understand the highly symbolic and visually demonstrated 'knowledge lecture' of that degree . Such knowledge often appears and is communicated in symbols ... to get that message across ( eg, the Masonic Tracing Board ) . It isnt meant to apply outside that context . Like many the overt claims of many 'conspiracy theorists' these are exactly the sort of things people with 'unbalanced mental' issues do . Now, I am not saying everyone that does such things is mentally unstable , but we all know that when someone IS really mentally unstable ... they abound with conspiracy theories and 'out of context' associations .
  16. MLK 44

    Cant wait to hear what all that means ... according to " gimatria " "Pull up ... PULL UP JEFFERSON ! "
  17. MLK 44

    I disagree ... how does it 'hone awareness' ? I can see this happening with a process that describes the human psyche, like astrology or tarot, that , regardless of outcomes or predictions contains knowledge within the system ... but random numbers, number plates, coins on the street and football results ? This isnt 'honing awareness' , its the 'malpractice of a facility ' It is the prophesy or insight that is important , (or used to be ) along with the result ... its what made our ancestors 'the quick or the dead ' , that is, in the 'real world' if they discerned signs and linked them together correctly , it lead to survival or improvement and development of intelligence. Interpretation leading to a good outcome, that is , NOT reflecting the state of mind and expectations but "glimpsing (anticipating correctly ) the future' kept you alive . Nowadays it doesnt matter since we have circumvented evolution ... any idiot can survive going around thinking all sorts of significance relating to the real world but it really coming from their own state of mind and expectations. IMO this is NOT 'honing awareness' , it using an intelligent faculty in an non intelligent way . But I suppose it matters little , in modern times one need not worry about becoming a sabretooth supper and it 'just' means a further loss of human intelligence ( those sabretooths were a great regulator of human intelligence ..... via elimination ) . 'Spice' , I suppose thats one way of looking at it .
  18. 50 hours and counting....

    " ........ then , I looked over to the side of the fire and saw the shining thing . It was shining like the sun , but it was like hard water that you could see the clouds , the trees and yourself in , in this hard water, the light was from the fire that was in it . It was an amazing thing and I wanted to have it to put it in the centre of my head dress .. no one has a head dress like that .... if I could get this thing and put it in my head dress, I would ba top man . " So I decided to take it . I moved a bit towards it when the others were not looking and then, with my foot slowly pushed some leaves over it . I moved closer so I was sitting next to it and put my hand down to touch it . I dint know if it would kill me or not if I touched it, but I did anyway. I hid it in my hand and then got up and went into the bushes. I looked at it, it was cold and sharp but you could see the fire dancing in it. The next day, I attached it to the centre of my head dress . Yes I was top man, but then I saw other men had made head dresses from these treasures the white people had bought with them * .... " ( New Guinea tribesman describing a coffee tin lid dis guarded by a campfire ) * New Guinea ' steam roller' for flattening an airfield @ 3.10
  19. MLK 44

    Indeed , one can observe this 'issue' developing and gaining momentum . We had a guy in our town that would sit on the corner outside a cafe, drink endless cups of coffee and read the number plates of cars passing and parking and offer gematrical interpretations ..... out loud ... for everyone to hear ... continually . And thats all he ever said or talked about
  20. Places I wanna go

    and of course Socotra
  21. Places I wanna go

    Orkney Is ...
  22. Never use PayPal

    Okay, thanks . I was wondering about this . Also I kept getting emails from 'them' claiming someone was using my account, but no money ever went into it after a while so none was missing, it happened three times after I stopped using it . Then they ignored me . What will you switch to ?
  23. How long does a Tao bum sleep?

    I think I 'sleep' around 6 hours , but probably dont . Sometimes I 'come to consciousness' and realise I haven't been asleep at all , like, from a slight noise or something. Or, as they say with electronic equipment ; I am 'asleep' but not 'turned off' . At times during the night I am 'turned off' ; once I was awoken by a ' dull ' noise and thought " Whaaa ? Mhe ... " - went back to sleep . It was a wind storm that had knocked the crown off two trees that had landed on three sides of the cabin, missing it by inches all round and pinning the doors and windows shut . In the morning I had to climb out a window on the other side to get out . I am pretty sure I was asleep when that happened . " Sleep tight .... dont let the bedbugs bite . "
  24. beauty

    Well, you got an out loud 'wow' from me then ! Thanks . Snow like that is rare for a sub-tropical Aussie to see . I mean it looks beautiful ... but I doubt I would fare well there . Sometimes I read peeps complaining about cold long northern winters . I wouldn't mind looking out at it from in front of a fire place , through double glazing . Someone from Canada posted such a pic once and I said I think I could handle that ; big glass windows double glazed , ceiling to floor . But then the next pic showed early the next morning, a huge bear snout and paw prints on the glass . Often people comment on all the Aussie venomous critters, snakes, spiders, etc . But at east I can be assured of not waking in the middle of the night to a Peeping Tom grizzly bear ! ( Now I know why cabins there have big solid wooden doors and shutters ! ..... I leave mine open at night . )