
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. How long does a Tao bum sleep?

    How long can a Tao Bum's thread sleep for ?
  2. Ramsey effect

    Whaaat ? Do they use gold plated plates ?
  3. Ramsey effect

    thats another 2 .... added to the 2 previously is 4 now take away the number you first thought of .... 2 its you (Dont blame me , I learnt this stuff of you )
  4. Ramsey effect

    He scored 2 ? 121 has a 2 in it ... and either side iof it is a 1 which adds up to 2 So maybe its you ? (Shouldnta changed your name ) .
  5. What are you listening to?

    yes ... we are all getting old .... here is the 'new version' from some , now , 'oldies'
  6. A General Discussion

    Some may have seen this before ... but its new to me ..... wow ! What is 58 metres (190ft) tall and weighs over 1,320 tonnes, and it contains over 4,000 strips of bronze ? Its General Yu !
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Broke the inter, you mean ...
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    The 2nd one ... as "true story' ; A young girl here with a FE mum was asking us about it . Sadly, at about 16, she has no idea whatsoever abut natural science and how nature, logic or common sense works .... poor kid. Anywayz, she asked something and I told her the reason and she countered and I said, what about ... (cant remember now ) and she answered something which meant .... so I asked " Wait a minute ... re you saying its flat on top but round underneath ? " " Yes . " " What ? A hemisphere ? "Huh ? " "I mean .... like an orange cut in half ? " " Yeah . " Well .... thats a first ! She couldnt tell me what was 'underneath' she couldnt tell from 'up here ' as ...... I suppose ..... .. when she looked , it had its pants on . ( Poor modern kids ) It is a common philosophical question though ;
  9. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Here is what you say to a flat earther : ' Earth be so flat 'cause yo mamma be sittin on it . " besides ...
  10. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    cant find it now but a story about a guide dog ... we will call him 'Woftam' * . Woftam kept getting new 'owners' ... after he led the previous ones to disaster ! Leading them in front of cars, running off, falling asleep and missing train stops, even 'getting lost' . would just assign him to a new victim ... blind person. Those responsible said : " We would not tell the owners about the dog's past history ... it might make them nervous, and that would make the dog nervous ... and we dont want a nervous guide dog out there . " WTF ! ? * Waftam ; Waste Of Fuckin' Time And Money
  11. I fell down some stairs 2 years ago...

    Get a full set of scans and see a good Chiropractor or similar, as well as a doctor . I used to have episodes of not being able to walk for a few days. Hasn't happened since I see Chiro once a month . The doctors just about suggested I was faking it ! They looked at x-rays " Nope cant see nothing ! " Chiro looked at them ; " See here ... and here .... and this .... they will cause x y z symptoms . " and he was right ... and they dissipated after a while . I'm even back in martial arts training now . (except for 'flying rolls' , 'hard impact ' and grappling / wrestling . The little finger pain is indicative - ulnar nerve neck injury at lower cervicals ?
  12. Light is Pure Awareness

    I can help you there ...... I can cause your inner ear muscles to flex for you ..... from a distance
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    new social problem .... people using mobiles keep running into blind peoples guide dogs .... its true !
  14. Light is Pure Awareness

    No, it doesnt have to be a 'cover up' as you state ; it can be a 'development' exploring other aspects of the universal energies. the top image is a good diagrammatic mnemonic for 'Nungali' Law of Three in duality. The centre is the first principle , that is zero, or 'empty' then we have that 'begetting the one' the manifestations of the primal duality , which begets the 2nd ring and that 'begets' the next ring ; triplicity (in polarity ) and all appear together as ' a one ' - and obviously a visual representation of ; Tao Te Ching - chapter 42 The Tao begot one. One begot two. Two begot three. And three begot the ten thousand things. .
  15. Light is Pure Awareness

    Well, circuit 8 has consciousness as 'no-local ' , I dont know how that fits in with 'awareness' ?[45][46]
  16. Light is Pure Awareness

    Ohhhh ! if only you knew what you are missing ! ! ! ! !
  17. Good Friday

    ' Dead guy on a stick day ' Why is it better that Jesus was crucified instead of hanged ? Because, for the next 2000 years , it has been easier for people to make the sign of the cross when blessing themselves instead of doing this ...
  18. Light is Pure Awareness

    ..... oh well , And then the wheels fell off… and numerous other sites But I did manage to weed 2/3 of veggie garden, water, placate neighbour, and pick tomatoes , squash, cucumber and eggplant .
  19. Light is Pure Awareness

    Well, I was going to add 'weak force / strong force' to the above their 'mercurial mediating medium ' is electromagnetic force but it seemed ;out of the park' a bit . Until I saw this ^ .... done some downloads on it , but the sun just came up , the fog cleared and its a beautiful cool light filled day out there .... so ... later .
  20. Light is Pure Awareness

    It comes from the 'real' manifestation of an 'idea' or 'principle' , which, in its original form is 'non-dual' . EG, the idea or concept of temperature , as a concept, in the ideal world has no form . When the 'idea , form, concept, process', etc. is manifest in the 'material world' of 'substance ' we have a 'range concept' ; hot - cold ; polarities. Or the same with 'charge' ... its an idea or concept ('ideal' ) ; in the 'real' world , its polarities are + and - charge . Or Dao (Ideal , undefinable, etc ) - ying yang 'polarity. ( Law of Three again )
  21. Don't kill a water-dog !

    It takes 1000 male dogs and 1000 female dogs to make one water-dog ( when dogs die, they go to a 'water goddess' and she transforms each 1000 'souls' of dogs to one water -dog ) " Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'O Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! He who smites one of those water-dogs that are born one from a thousand dogs and a thousand she-dogs1, so that he gives up the ghost and the soul parts from the body, what is the penalty that he shall pay?' Well, I assume the water-dog must have been highly valued .... look at the penalties ! : " 2. Ahura Mazda answered: 'He shall pay ten thousand stripes with the Aspahe-astra, ten thousand stripes with the Sraosho-charana2. 'He shall godly and piously bring unto the fire of Ahura Mazda3 ten thousand loads of hard, well dried, well examined4 wood, to redeem his own soul. .... ten thousand loads of soft wood, of Urvasna, Vohu-gaona, Vohu-kereti, Hadha-naepata5, or any sweet-scented plant, .... 'He shall offer up to the Good Waters ten thousand Zaothra libations with the Haoma and the milk, cleanly prepared and well strained, cleanly prepared and well strained by a pious man, and mixed with the roots of the tree known as Hadha-naepata, .... 'He shall kill ten thousand snakes of those that go upon the belly. He shall kill ten thousand Kahrpus, who are snakes with the shape of a dog6. He shall hill ten thousand tortoises7. He shall kill ten thousand land-frogs8; he shall kill ten thousand water-frogs. He shall kill ten thousand corn-carrying ants9; he shall kill ten thousand ants of the small, venomous mischievous kind10. .... 'He shall kill ten thousand worms of those that live on dirt; he shall kill ten thousand raging flies ... " Thus reads the laws for the worlds first religion that had 'ecological considerations ' .... anywayz , to get away from all that environmental destruction ; .... He shall godly and piously give to godly men13 twice the set of seven implements for the fire .... a broom16; a pair of tongs; a pair of round bellows extended at the bottom, contracted at the top; a sharp-edged sharp-pointed17 adze; a sharp-toothed sharp-pointed saw ..... a set of the priestly instruments of which the priests make use, to redeem his own soul, namely: The Astra18; the meat-vessel; the Paitidana19; the Khrafstraghna20; the Sraosho-charana21; the cup for the Myazda22; the cups for mixing and dividing23; the regular mortar24; the Haoma cups25; and the Baresma. ... a set of all the war implements of which the warriors make use, to redeem his own soul; 'The first being a javelin, the second a sword, the third a club, the fourth a bow, the fifth a saddle with a quiver and thirty iron25b-headed arrows, the sixth a sling with arm-string and with thirty sling stones .. .. The seventh a cuirass, the eighth a hauberk27, the ninth a tunic28, the tenth a helmet, the eleventh a girdle, the twelfth a pair of greaves. ..... A plough with yoke and ...29; a goad for ox; a mortar of stone; a round-headed hand-mill for grinding corn; ... A spade for digging and tilling; one measure of silver and one measure of gold.' " So whatever you do ... do not kill a water-dog ! ( You should see the laws about regular dogs ! They even had laws for the dogs , that protected them, but also punished them for breaking a law .) Cats ? Nope ; " He shall kill ten thousand Kahrpus, who are snakes with the shape of a dog6 - 6. 'Mâr bânak snakes: they are dog-like, because they sit on their hindparts' (Comm.) The cat (gurba = Kahrpu) seems to be the animal intended. In a paraphrase of this passage in a Parsi Rivayat, the cat is numbered amongst the Khrafstras which it is enjoined to kill to redeem a sin (India Office Library, VIII, 13); cf. G. du Chinozi, p. 462: 'Les animaux que les Gaures ont en horreur sont les serpents, les couleuvres, les lezars, et autres de cette espece, les crapaux, lea grenouilles, lea écrevisses, les rats et souris, et sur tout le chat.' A snake with the shape of a dog ....
  22. deleted post

    Oooooh ... I know who is behind it all , all right ! Dont you worry about that .....