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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Is it 'a cat' (random cats ) or 'the cat' (suggesting 'your' cat ) ? If the 2nd, perhaps its your 'animal protector / spirit companion / guardian ' ? If the first ... maybe you just got 'adopted' ? There is another possible ore random cause ; the cat senses you are listening to it, so it stops . I Know rats and mice do this, as I have tested it numerous times ; as soon as I 'directionally focus' on listening to where they are .... nothing . Ummmmm ... But maybe not, as cats do not have predators like rats and mice have.
  2. Sex & Magick

    I think it is incorrect in many ways to feel homosexuals when one sees them . I assume, unless they know you quiet well, they would object to any 'random stranger' feeling them . If you ... I mean , your conditionings ... dont want to feel betrayed by your 'own self ', then I advise you to stop feeling homosexuals .
  3. Are Secrets Really Necessary . . . (?)

    I think sometimes they are. But also are sometimes kept for bad or false reasons . I would say; You can only learn so much from books, as a beginner. A more learned person in a field may learn heaps from a book as they have a variant background beside the book. I When I first got my old Dan Inasanto book, I couldnt make much sense of a lot of it. It went into storage for a while. years later, after much more learning teaching and training, the book is a treasure mine ! ) At some stage it is good to have some sort of teacher, but 'having a teacher' ca also hold you back, depending on how you (and they ) manage it . In some areas I have surpassed my teacher ( as he never goes and trains a elsewhere or practices with others 'outside' his tradition . Some things even I won't discuss here , especially with certain people, and for a variety of reasons. A lot would be lost without the 'learning context 'anyway. I think some is dangerous for some people. Its always good to get a '2nd opinion' though. Then there is the issue of balance and and objective observer to help 'keep one on the rails' . Yup A heap of reasons ; as above, but many more reasons . For example, with naughty little boys and troublesome youths and unevolved adults, they often need training, a challenge, discipline, and other things that a martial arts class might supply, if asked I might direct them to local aikido club. A few times, people that work with troubled youth, or even a parent has asked about enrolling someone in our club ..... GOD NO! I always tell them. Totally inappropriate. Another reason might be the danger of the practice , potential or real . Ya gotta keep tabs on some people. There is a practice where it is written, each time the practice is broken, you slash your arm . Some replace this with a simpler and less damaging or scaring practice ( an elastic band on the wrist to snap ) a small electric shock , etc . One person might be missing the point and have an undercurrent of 'self-harm' and another might realise the essential of this practice is actually the process within this outer severe written form . If you dont have a teacher to objectively advise you , if you're doing dangerous or risky practices, I would hope you had a good friend or fellow practitioner to do so. This secrecy thing is a bit of an issue, for many years I heard people complain about our groups secrecy , I mean, we were out there and obvious, but a lot of the inner teaching and ceremony was for members only. People dont like that, they wanted the stuff handed out free to any that cared to ask for it, without joining, committing or any type of responsibility whatsoever . , The stupid thing was ; we had two other forms of teaching these things ; a liturgical from, for those that way inclined; and public ritual/festivity form, where the teachings were enacted in various 'myths' and 'passion plays' . But they didnt want to get involved n that either , to learn or participate they actually want .... It doesnt .... people care about that ... thats why people keep secrets . The Dao keeps no secrets ... they are all around us expressed in nature . Many see 'secrets' in the things they have not yet come to comprehend . This is true . and true with many things . At the moment, in Australia ( and no doubt elsewhere ) indigenous elders are dying, with no heirs, taking ancient knowledge with them. Yet, it is possible others might find that information or new information again. So we need to find ways to preserve these secrets' . We have national archives in Canberra which are kept secret, even the archivist may not access to them ; there are sections for men, women, uninitiated, and men and women, initiated, and other sub sections that only a few have access to . That way, if a custodian dies, there is still a record of their knowledge . Well, with my access to western stuff, and my restriction to eastern stuff (eg, via media, culture etc ) it certainly appears that way ! Then agen again, maybe its because there is a bigger 'market' in the west ? Or Karate in Okinawa ..... within a couple of generations of training the Americans turned it into one of the most shitful arts ever ! (and if you dont realise that, hear it from the very mouth of one of their most senior and popular proponents ; The 'George Dilman and Hokan Soken youtube - 56 reflections ' )
  4. 8vg d 4p

    No thanks . Thats like asking someone to google ; " 564 Cranstrophia' " .
  5. 8vg d 4p

  6. 8vg d 4p

  7. Incoherent ramblings

    At last ! A thread with an honest title .
  8. what exactly is "God"?

    Photons are male ?
  9. Trips, Tripping & That Which Is Hidden

    Well, back in the 'good ol days' of 'pure stuff' , I saw through a concrete wall once . We were sitting inside and a car pulled up and revved and someone : " Whats that ? " Me; "An old fj black holden " . We were sitting on the floor and the windows were high, someone stood up and looked out and 'Check it out . " we all did , and it was . Maybe I unconsciously recognized the sound of the motor and model and make ? But the colour ? When I said that, I remember seeing it , not just hearing it . But when one on hallucinogens , how can one really tell ? yes, I had that too ; the concrete 'shelf verandah' detached itself and floated up as a slab, with me sitting on it in lotus .... whizzed through the galaxy ... but the stars got no bigger than a baseball , and when they hit me they were soft and cool and dissolved into me .... ecstatically . Sooooooo ...... I have felt near that, not tripping, in a cathedral, looking at the windows listening to a Bach organ recital. 'Demons removed ' ... ( thats right up my alley ) I suggest for follow up, if you are not aware of it ; Leary's 'Exo-psychology' ..... ' circuitry of the psyche' .
  10. Where is Netherlands highest point?

    Pfffft ! Call that an erection ! ? THIS is an erection .....
  11. Sex & Magick

    One needs a creative outlet . Your father was correct . Another way of putting it .... or he will 'lose his soul' . The soul , in its classical mythological sense , is that specific human ability of imagination, visualisation and creation . If there is not some type of output, the soul does not have expression and is suppressed and restrained ... an energy block, and any energy block is unhealthy. The soul will eventually become either 'mad' * or atrophied ;- 'robotic' even ; * one type of ' madness' is ; the soul doesnt get to express itself properly ( try out a solution, observe the results, modify and retry ) it will start to throw up wild solutions and the self will believe it 'made results' ..... crazy concepts ... all the way through to believing they have 'powers' , can do miracles, , the 'imaginative' world intrudes directly into the material, subverting any actual creative process , that step being circumvented by 'hallucination' .. that is, its gone beyond imagining it happened to really believing one is seeing and experiencing something material . Creative output is v.healthy !
  12. what exactly is "God"?

    Yes . But it is just one expression ... or 'construction' even .... of the 'original' concept of Ezekiel . , and there are numerous ways to interpret that . As a vehicle, it was a magical construct , that really, can be easily done away with . You do not eed such a vehicle to travel in one's 'Body of Light ' . Also in its practice and construction ( before one gets to the above realisation ) the 'wheels' do not actually revolve , 'energy' moves along the 3 circular paths . Ezekal's descriptions also seem a vision of the 3 major celestial movements, as apparently observed from earth, with the understanding of 'back then' . Its also seen as 'map' of the Tarot deck , in a similar way ( see the appendix at the end of the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn's 'Book T ' (on tarot)
  13. Sex & Magick

    Meeehh .... Reich wrote some great stuff about sexuality then he went off the rails a bit into cloudbusting , I recommend the former and not the latter . He studied under Freud, you know .... but left as ..... well ; " Freud believed that culture and instinct were antithetical and that the baby was born with both libidinal and destructive drives. He believed,thus, that the destructive drive legitimately required repression for an orderlysociety and that, in the last analysis, society was correct in imposing such restrictions - otherwise, there would be chaos. Reich believed that the baby was born without destructive drives and with only the primary libidinal (love) drive, and that he was capable of regulating himself if allowed to function naturally. He believed that the destructive drives were a result of the repression of the libido, which then built up tension and pressure that could express themselves only forcefully and brutally. In this view, society is wrong in restricting the natural drives of the child, for it thus forces on him irrational and neurotic behaviour. " PS . the etymology is Avestan > Middle Persian , the Sanskrit is different , and relates to a meaning before the 'Indo-Iranian Split' .
  14. Where is Netherlands highest point?

    Its actually the Shell Penis
  15. what exactly is "God"?

    I am still going with my previous definition . Of course, any scripture isnt going to tell us what God is . It is only going to define God within the parameters of its own narrow belief system . " Light' is too narrow a definition IMO . We need to see it as 'that principle that inspires, or makes people originally, with those good propensities that enact behaviour (within my definition ) . Since we dont have words for such concepts ( just phrases ) I prefer the Zoroastrian terminology ;
  16. MLK 44

    I prefer Liber Librae
  17. Sex & Magick

    It needs a refresh anyway ( the topic that is ) as ideas , research , knowledge increases . depends on a definition of 'White Magick' though doesnt it ? Anything from the fuzzey New Age self referential judgementarian type and all' the way through to ( considering the addition of the 'k' and certain related considerations ) , ' The Holy Magick of Light ' . In some groups any practice related to sex is considered 'dark; or 'left hand ' . on The idea is two fold ; the first is that by conscious magical decision and act, children of a more advanced or evolved or specialised nature can come into the world ... also this needs to be followed up by their upbringing. The other idea is that the sex act is so powerful magically that in can result in the creation of the new being, so the idea is to subvert that creation and re-direct the magical force to other means . ( There was a third about rejuvenation, but this is mostly debunked nowadays, by the observant - see below ) This is just an extension of the 2nd idea above ; the 'subversion' of the 'magical force' . The homosexual practice just requires less risk and effort of a 'slip up' ( conception ) . It could be see that either practice like this ( hetro or homo) is a 'diversion' * from the first practice . * ( I didnt want to use the term ' Black Magick' but the word 'diversion' seems accurate, considering its common meaning and its etymology (old etymology that is , P.I.E. ) ; "The words deva (Vedic Sanskrit), daeva (Avestan Old Iranian) and div (Middle and Modern Persian) are commonly considered to be variations of the same word, div being the more modern (Middle Persian) word. While the different words may at times be applied in a similar fashion, there are times when they have different connotations.] ' ... deviate, divert, devil, evil, etc . This is the first thing I mentioned above ; The development of more advanced people, but within a marriage and stable upbringing . This was the original concept of Western Tantra . This is a part of the western tradition little known ... and a little surprising . Around this time, and going hand in hand with this would be also the works of other ' saints' like Ida Craddock , who tried to teach people in books about sex ... specifically men .... basically, back then, a lot of it was , please dont rape your wifes ! Of course they threatened to lock her up so killed herself instead For a more magicKal approach , see Moonchild , a novel by Crowley. It emulates a practice where the parents, time of conception, time of birth etc etc , are worked out magically and astrologically that deserves fist bump puppy You know , if someone REALLY wants to have and bring up kids ... there are an awful lot of kids out there that need adopting . And now we have ' social media dating' .... I hear, in a lot of cases dating means a lot more .... go on line to score a fuck ... basically ... jeeze ! But then again , maybe its just 'humping' and not any type of 'spiritual orgastic ecstasy' ..... 'non-potent' as Wilhelm Reich used to term it (and he is another one you should look up regarding changes in sexual ideas , if you are not familiar with him . Oh, I left out the rejuvenation bit ; basically people thought if they consumed the combined sexual fluids ( ' Sun and Moon' ) the 'life force' energy would rejuvenate them . Even Crowley admitted this was primitive and base and predicted, soon ( after his time) it would be understood scientifically and reproduced in a laboratory . This has been done with stem cell research and applications - and there is a lot ore to come on that research .
  18. MLK 44

    Yes .
  19. Alchemical Emblems

    It could be revamped , depending on the posts . Now, what would a witch want to use alchemy for ? They could just do 'candle magic'
  20. Cannabis Legalization Movement

    Well, all I can add is ... its been a wonderful autumn ..... sunny, warm, dry,, not a caterpillar in sight ! No mould , no rot , no fungus .
  21. MLK 44

    Struth mate ! Are you a shiela ? We dont have 'valley girls' here ... we have 'Shazzas' ;
  22. MLK 44

    Thats our standard currency , so of course I have some , we all do 'down here ' ( well, the possum magic one wasnt actually released for circulation ) OMG ! Now that I think of it ... our $5 note does have a secret meaning !