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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Light is Pure Awareness

    or, to put it the other way around unless DM and DE are postulated the current theory of the Universe does not work " Many scientists have also pointed out that the known properties of dark energy are consistent with a cosmological constant, a mathematical Band-Aid that Albert Einstein added to his theory of general relativity to make his equations fit with the notion of a static universe ..... Other scientists think the effects of dark matter could be explained by fundamentally modifying our theories of gravity. "Unlike for dark matter, scientists have no plausible explanation for dark energy. According to one idea, dark energy is a fifth and previously unknown type of fundamental force called quintessence, which fills the universe like a fluid. " So, now we are back to the 'hermetic Model' A new model based on the scale invariance of empty space There is light in a black hole ... its just travelling away from you and not towards you
  2. deleted post

    I just looked .... 'someone' moved the thread to here from Chaos pit to bunny hole which then made my last post in OAD at the top again and on index page . Okay , who's the joker ?
  3. deleted post

    anywayz , I stuffed up . This was supposed to be in the Primordial Chaos forum and I wanted to push out the OAD thread off the index with my name on it . Its still there and now this is in Bunny Hole ???? What happened .... either strange mystical powers are afoot .... or I am a confused incompetent cross threader ? (place you bets folks ! )
  4. deleted post

    Goat in boat in moat .
  5. Don't kill a water-dog !

    ummmmm ..... again ; " ..... the cat is numbered amongst the Khrafstras which it is enjoined to kill to redeem a sin " No doubt lizards were unpopular . They had whole lists of 'noxious' animals , some fish you could eat, others were considered 'noxious' . Also, some animals copped it because of their role in mythological stories . They seemed to have really disliked tortoises ... ? Perhaps this is the result of overt dualism ? Everything that benefited their lifestyle and culture as 'good' , anything that made life difficult or uncomfortable was bad and should be killed . As if a; the 'bad' things were eliminated and only the 'good' things ( to them ) survived, all would be good . . . . until they killed all the snakes and cats and a rat plague ate all their grain . A non- dualist approach might consider all animals, including humans, were part of a whole network and essential .
  6. Light is Pure Awareness

    Or, the other way around [ The original theories and maths were incorrect in the first place and all this follow on , calculations and formulas and concepts ( like 'dark matter' , multiple universes etc ) are attempts try and make the original mistakes correct and 'make sense' . ]
  7. Light is Pure Awareness

    So, your fear of darkness is less than the fear of .... dust bunnies ?
  8. Light is Pure Awareness

    Yes ...... ' you lot ' would say that , wouldn't you ;
  9. That is not necessary ,,, all the karma needs to do is to imagine it is running over by the dogma from a distance ......
  10. No .... they just 'weird nerds ' . You might be right, I suggest watching their antics , fits, jumps, flips, hops etc . to analyse their specific blockages in more details ...... especially when they al jump in a line or wave ..... and especially when they cant manage the wave jump and after the first one they all get out of sync ( means they should have practised more ) . at 4 :00 ;
  11. Light is Pure Awareness

    Oh yeah ..... I actually just about reversed the terms ... you should read my definitions of ''soul' and 'God' I am always 'inventing' new usages . For me 'awareness' has no special 'spiritual connotations' , its about being aware of what is around you and how to interpret that . Or being aware of a process, like psychological drives and conditionings .
  12. deleted post

    nothing really .... just bumped this thread cause I was sick of seeing my name on the index page next to ' that ' topic ... and wanted to hide it
  13. Light is Pure Awareness

    It does bring some colour to the thread .....
  14. Light is Pure Awareness

    Dude ... your fonts be so big , they dont even fit on the page ! Its like shouting so hard no one can understand you .
  15. Light is Pure Awareness

    Yes ..... when you move 'down scale' there is a relative absence of light ; Light ; bright .......... < > ........ dim . Total absence of light ? Dont know
  16. Light is Pure Awareness

    I see the Maharishi has taken to use large and ever increasing in size fonts , red colours and now yellow highlighting to make his point . I would have thought he would be more 'laid back' than that ?
  17. Light is Pure Awareness

    There is a name for this type of 'philosophy' , cant remember it at the moment ; one makes a specific definition of a thing then re-defines that definition to another thing and then the claim is that both are equivalent . A = B , B = C , so there fore A must = C , looks good on paper in symbols . For me , light is an active expanding process, in all directions (unless 'shielded' in certain ways ) . Awareness is an expanding (ie, 'going out from' me ) receptive process .... a 'reaching out' , a 'drawing into' , process. It is usually shielded in many ways, mostly so we dont get overwhelmed by signals , or due to 'atrophy' . Cultivating 'spherical awareness' ( of things all around one - directly above and below as well ) in limitless extension tends to dissolve the concept of separation between one and their environment . Awareness is like the Moon , receiving the energies , consciousness is solar , a spark, a sun, an atom, a 'point of radiation '; " I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. "
  18. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    The opposite of light is not dark ... the same as the opposite of temperature is not cold Temperature ; hot - cold , moisture ; dry- wet , Light; bright - dim, Tao; yin - yang . Nungali's 'Law of Three in Duality ' ( well, it's actually nature's law ) ... its everywhere ; even on a boat ; On a boat, its all about Stability (thats the 'feild' like Tao, light, moisture, temperature ) its 'yin and yang are rotational motion and translational motion. . Both of these has three aspects ; pitch, roll and yaw and heave sway and surge . And each of these has a polarity ; pitch (trim, out of trim ), roll (list or heel) , yaw ( deviation or set ) heave (up down ) , and so on . It also applies to physics . weak force, strong force ( the 'polarity ' ) and EM ( the 'field' ) and to our psychology (using astropsychology ; Mercury Mars Venus or the three 'basic drives ' .
  19. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    Einstein 's 'poetry' came from him imagining what it would be like to be an electron under various circumstances . Here is some more poetry .... about strange, charming, flavours ;
  20. Welcome to the digital world

    You shouldn't say that
  21. Does anyone experience walls popping around them?

    its pretty good outside the cabin too Also, normally I would include a pic of the rivers and waterfalls here , but since this mad guy did this ( deliberately ) here the other day : not sure if that plays OS ... he went over this in a kayak : \
  22. Ego

    Ha! 'Nasrudin and the Philosopher ' . Nasruddin was getting tired of some philosopher going on and on about illusion of material world ; this is illusion, that is illusion, nothing really 'exists ' . So Nasruddin punched him in the nose and then asked him ; " What hurts ? "
  23. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    Okay ... I watched it . Nothing in there about electron umbilicals and 'jiggling' . Like I said ..... 'poetic' .