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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    No thanks . I dont like those 'metaphors explaining physics vids ' and them electrons having unbiblical chords stuff Its more like this ...... < looks round for props > ... half this old chorizo and this ..... egg flipper . (Now I am having flashbacks to that thread here about 'world famous, important, professional and tv glamorous physicists explaining E=MC2 and there were all these nods here about it but I said they were wrong . Yes Brian Cox ! You were wrong . And I was mocked (or not understood ) only our very own Brian ( God bless him, wherever he is ) agreed with me . TV psychicists .... phtoey ! Prof Brian Cox looking adorable ;
  2. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    You got it ! The light from those stars ( that we observed / looked at ) left those locations thousands and thousands of years ago and its path converged as it travelled towards the earth until it reached our eyes where it was only about a meter apart
  3. Does anyone experience walls popping around them?

    Indeed ! I am a 'cabin dweller' too . Thats why I asked . As far as the 'personal popping' goes, I recommend ...
  4. chinese swords

    Great ... spear too ! I have just started using it (without the rolls and somersaults ) . Basically I suspected a lot of the staff ( long and short ) forms I was doing might be adapted from the use of spear, so I stuck a spear point on one end and .... bingo ! It even clarified some previous moves in the 'staff' forms that seem unknown or untaught. Its nothing like this highly polished, difficult and well executed 'drill ' above though . Another interesting point is the 'double dagger' , they are similar to my two medium to short length machete ( I got wooden copies made for training and 'drills' ) - I got the forms and techniques from the 6 double weapons forms I study ( 3 kama and 3 sai forms ) . I hadnt thought about using them against the spear though . So thanks for that ,
  5. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    Yes 'imagination' travels faster than light , not information , two different things. (Thats what I think you mean , as I know no other form of 'instant travel' ) . But what when you look at a far away star ( 'ancient' light ) then quickly zip your eyes across the sky to another star far away from the first , maybe thousands and thousands of light year apart, it only takes a fraction of a second to cover the distance
  6. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    Wot ? < unless you are being rather 'poetic' here >
  7. Why is light always in such a hurry?

    I dont think it can help it .
  8. Does anyone experience walls popping around them?

    It could be anything ... hard to tell from your scant description of the phenomena eg what is your wall made from, is it shared with anything on the other side, does it have plumbing in it, what are the house foundations like . etc ? If it s a large Doh sound ..... someone watching Simspon's in next door apartment ? ( Sorry, couldnt resist that one )
  9. The Human Cost of Talking Trump

    stay away from political and religious discussions ...... if you have 'a horse in the race ' ... and you want some sort of harmony between people. That 'rule' got developed for a reason .
  10. Flashes of light

    The series seems specifically made for our SBS 2 channel and is not viewable outside Oz . However some youtubes of some of them have started to appear . Its called 'The Cactus Apprentice' . A great series ... a fav episode was 'Dreamfish' , an hallucinogenic fish that gives the eater Nightmares . The situation re Mandrax and its mass distribution by the South African government episode was amazing ! ... and the LSD one , where they went to an old psychonaughtical chemist's ranch who had been altering the LSD molecule to give variant results - like increased intelligence and had buried his samples all over the place ... which they went and found and dug up .
  11. Flashes of light Do you know this guy ?'s_Pharmacopeia Awesome chemist ! awesome series !
  12. Unfair Karma

    Then, there is 'karma' in the Japanese sense . I like that concept .
  13. Unfair Karma

    " Unfair ? ...... Unfair ! What makes you think life should be 'fair' in the first place ? What, you think there is some Gid sitting up there or some mechanism that takes your human values and judgements of what is fair or not and should make a law of cause or effect and then project that back into your environment so it operates for you ? " " Goodness ! You sound just like my father, thats the exact sort of thing he would say ! " " Well .... your father was a very smart man . " (old remembered conversation with friends sister who was complaining life was not fair ) . Karma can not be unfair .... you pollute your water ; your water is polluted ... and the further effects of that effect you . You jump of a high cliff - you splat . You give out your anger to others constantly - you live an angry and unhappy life . You disdain dogs and look at them with contempt - the growl and bark at you . What is unfair about that ? Or are we talking the 'other type' of 'karma' ... where I get to live in white, western, material, opulence or high caste or class, because, obviously , I am or was a great kind spiritual person, somehow, at sometime. And those who slave to make my products and have a poor lifestyle .. well ... karma ... they must be or have been 'bad' . Now, if you are one of the slaves .. living in shit and working long hours to supply products to the opulent and privileged few ... dont rebel or overthrow ... karma ... you will get your reward in the future ... after this life though . That type of 'karma' ?
  14. Ego

    Ahhhh .... you mean the Supreme Macro-cosmic Ego ?
  15. Ego

    No . Its a concept . It might not exist in 'the real' , but it has an existence in ;the ideal' as a concept Our behaviours , let alone our minds, are complex things . Grouping things into concepts helps to understand or at least be aware of things . It does for me anyway . Maybe why that is why you use the term? Also not as a paradox but in the wider sense of the term ; " Sometimes they (oxymoron) are used to create some sort of drama for the reader or listener, and sometimes they are used to make the person stop and think, whether it's to laugh or to ponder."
  16. Ego

    Only if that is how one defines ego . I define the above as drive and ambition mixed with social expectation in an arena of western materialism.
  17. Ego

    I have seen the term ego used in many contexts ; mostly the Freudian or 'new age'. There are other concepts like Steiner used, that I dont adopt. I have my own understanding of it within the system I use to map the general human ' psyche' . In this it is a function of consciousness that we can not really operate without, it is fed and formed by other 'states' or functions of psyche as well, and does not really stand alone or in conflict with them . However it is within the 'medium' of ego (my understanding of it ) that many of our personal 'syndromes' manifest (Freudian ) . Also if the 'balancing of the forces' of the psyche (whose outward product is manifest by the ego ) is weighed towards the "Id forces ' ( The 'Ahrimanic nature' via Steiner , or the 'Aingra Mainyu' of Zoroastrianism, etc . ) then ths is manifest in 'Ego' , giving it a bad rap . The actual root force of what most consider 'ego' is more from this influence ( 'Id' ) then ego. ... and just for some recent retro fun .... here is 'Shirley' ;
  18. Ummmmm ..... you might want to fine tune that translation re ; 'psycho network ' if you actually want to market this .
  19. monotheism

    Well, it doesnt have to be in your driveway
  20. Lets not forget 'Sensai Dilman's' comment ( when his 'drop from a distance' didnt work in a test ) .' " Well , ahhh , you can neutralise it by pressing one of your big toes up and the other down. Thats what he was doing. And then switch them, press the down toe up and the other down . That will neutralise it . "
  21. Kernel of a Thought

    Fixed thought is a means to an end. Therefore pay attention to the power of silent thought and meditation. The material act is but the outward expression of thy thought, and therefore hath it been said that β€œthe thought of foolishness is sin.” Thought is the commencement of action, and if a chance thought can produce much effect, what cannot fixed thought do?
  22. monotheism

    " Thou shalt have no other car before me "
  23. monotheism

    Its your Fraveshi calling to you If it is a new car, better do what my Persian friend did; place an egg under each wheel then drive forward slowly .
  24. monotheism