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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. monotheism

    Thats an interesting view and I agree somewhat. In reading the scripture, at first, it seems to be ascribing dualism to originating in thoughts and deeds ; the mind .... good mind or bad mind . Later it appears to have been mythologised into 'beings' . Yet other readings seem to put the personifications first ; at a much earlier time people did ascribe these forces to 'outside' beings / entities. Not sure though, the dating of the various texts is tricky and I dont know enough about that to discern what actually came first. At a guess, people generally, at earlier times , seemed to believe more in the outside influences; angels demons gods, etc. in driving human behaviour . Any 'internal responsibility' for 'psychology' seems to have come much later. But then again, this may be a result of modern thinking ; back then, there may have not been as much differentiation between 'outer and inner' or , 'the mind' may have not been limited to its biological generator , that is, it 'interfaced with' or was an aspect of the 'great mind' , 'anima mundi' world soul. But, for myself, not believing in Gods ( well, at least not believing in Gods in the way modern people think more ancient people believed in them ) , I think the process generates from 'mana ' , a type of concept for 'mind' . But that comes from 'Mainyu' a concept of an entity , God or demon . "Aka Manah is the hypostatic abstraction of accusative akem manah (akәm manah), "manah made evil". The objectification of this malign influence is the demon Aka/Akem Manah, who appears in later texts as Middle Persian Akoman and New Persian Akvan. " " In the Younger Avesta, Akem Manah is unambiguously a demonic entity, an auxiliary of Angra Mainyu. " - ttps:// I prefer the idea of 'psychological complex ' ; a pattern of desires, behaviours, actions that have gained their own power and operate outside of the will and sometimes consciousness and ego of the individual. The 'complex' seems to have more power than the person that has them, or the person that tries to change them . In this case, yes, it is like an 'outside' force' .
  2. monotheism

    This too is henotheism
  3. monotheism

    Do you mean the Zoroastrians did not have concept of devil ? Original PIE roots of the words ( devil, evil, deviant , etc ) , daeva ; the daevas are "wrong gods", "false gods" or "gods that are (to be) rejected". This meaning is – subject to interpretation – perhaps also evident in the Old Persian "daiva inscription" of the 5th century BCE. In the Younger Avesta, the daevas are noxious creatures that promote chaos and disorder. In later tradition and folklore, the dēws (Zoroastrian Middle Persian; New Persian divs) are personifications of every imaginable evil. - Wiki. They may well have started the devil concept . Also ; The Middle Persian equivalent is Ahriman (Anglicised pronunciation: /ˈɑːrɪmən/). Angra Mainyu is omnimalevolent. Angra Mainyu is Ahura Mazda's evil twin. - Wiki. Many assert that Zoroastrianism is not monotheism but henotheism because of these above issues. There is another term, which I forget at the moment , that is specific to their belief , it means that Zoroastrianism will become monotheistic in the future , once Ahriman is 'deposed' and becomes non-existent .
  4. In Australia , the criminals are the folk traditions ; The Big Ned; Or, if you feeling tough, a ned bumper sticker or jacket patch ; Ho - hum ...
  5. Lois ... is this you with shave and haircut ? What a fantastically shot piece of cinematography !
  6. Atlantis

    You should take holiday there
  7. Atlantis

    ....... but , if it never sunk compleatly , might be still there ! There is an island further out ; Socotra. never heard of it ? ...... yes, there is a hotel there for you to stay in
  8. Atlantis

    How long ago , recently ? There is an old site there underwater .... if you mean Yonoguni ? Its geological ... and some doctored pics of it suggesting otherwise were busted a while back . Aside from the atrocious 'information' in the above linked article, the location of the Gulf of Aden isnt too bad . if one considers its location, and variant sea levels over time and moving 'sand bars' during low sea level periods in both the 'mouths' of the Persian and Aden Gulfs. There may have been very early sea travel from Egypt in the Red Sea, from there, they had to pass through the ' pillars' into the Gulf ( and they may have changed to a Greek name as the story passed into a Greek language - if it did originally come from Egypt. The area is also vulnerable to displacement ; There are also hints of very early peoples crossing to and fro from Djibouti / Yemen ( the narrow 'pillars' ) . Its possible that people that had a base in the area came up the Red Sea and attacked the Egyptian coastal port ; Divers Uncover World's Oldest Harbor, in Red Sea Archaeologists find monumental harbor built by King Cheops 4,600 years ago at Wadi el-Jarf to import stuffs to build the Great Pyramid of Giza All deep underwater, on the bottom under millennia of sediment by now .
  9. Excuses, excuses...

    A lot of its coast line is wild and rugged and exposed to the Atlantic weather
  10. Excuses, excuses...

    Yes, Spanish food ! My sister occasionally goes to Galicia , home of our paternal granny , and returns home with tales of culinary wonder. Supposedly the ocean currents are good there , delivering great seafood . Wild though ..... I seen guys getting down in rock crevasses, between huge smashing waves to lever off barnacles to eat (yuk ) , then having to jump / climb / get pulled back up before the next wave - deadly ! All for some barnacles ! Bleerk !
  11. What do you sleep on?

    Here is a variation of the 'what we sleep upon' theme . I will never forget this story - what my friend used to sleep on ; ( Reminiscing around the fire one night ) " I remember at Baryulgil, when I was a little kid, all the people went to live there as they built us these little shacks to live in and made jobs for all the men. It was a new plan, give 'em a job and a house to improve our lives. The job was at the asbestos mine they made at the town. The houses were basically one room that the whole family slept in. The walls didnt go all the way down to the ground, so the water used to run through when it rained. " My job, every day, was to collect the mattresses, they were old sugar bags, potato sacks and stuff, I would take them out and shake them out and cut bladey grass and stuff them with that. I remember , at night, the rain on the tin roof and little streams of water running through the room, so my mattress would not get wet, I would divert the little streams around it by making a little diversion channel, around my bag, with my hand through the asbestos dust on the ground . " Uncle Lewi - still alive ; ( " We never ate the bread they gave us, it was wrapped in white paper and when you unwrapped it it was full of that yellow dust, my sister said not to eat it, she didnt like it. We made our own bread and went upstream to get our water and carry it back. " ) ..... " Dust permeated workers’ houses, and women and children were fully exposed. As at Wittenoom, tailings (mill residue) were spread around the community to settle the dust and provide material for road works. Children played in the tailings and on the mine site itself. ‘We didn’t know it was poison,’ explained one wife. " Baryulgil school being built Posted 30 Sep 2016, 3:03pm A pile of asbestos in the yard of Baryulgil school. ( James Hardie can only be sued in relation to the Baryulgil mine as a 'defendant of last resort', because of a special clause in an agreement the company struck with the NSW Government in 2005. )
  13. What are you listening to?

    You go home with strange memories of Namibia . You go
  14. Excuses, excuses...

    since its year of dog now, I should make dog milk custard tarts .
  15. Excuses, excuses...

    Wow ... never seen that before . yesterday I made some tarts ; tart case, will with almond meal, Cut a fresh fig into 6 segments (leaving the base uncut ) and open like a flower, place it upright on the almond meal in the tart case, put goat cheese in the middle of fig, drizzle with orange flower / honey syrup, bake 20 ins at 160 C . But for you, and since it is after CNY .... no tart case .... just a fresh fig, stuffed with goat cheese and drizzled with date molasses . Now, that is 'karma free' , the fruits 'want to be eaten' , as that is their purpose and the reason the the plant made them. And the goat milk ..... okay , I admit I robbed a baby ... - ' Light emitting food ' .... hmmmmm
  16. Excuses, excuses...

    ... and Easter is just around the corner ... with its Fabergé jewel encrusted hot-cross buns
  17. Excuses, excuses...

    Well .... it not just the celestial exam commission ; here kitty kitty kitty
  18. To know how an orange tastes ... eat the orange
  19. Spiritually practicing musicians

    Yes, one should make themselves look peaceful and holy and calm for a photograph so one can look like they might be able to achieve a spiritual practice
  20. Gun Control and Shootings

    Well, let's be more accurate ; 'only in USA ' and only in that form . But USA did and still does have a forefront position in the development of 'world culture' , or 'western global culture'. Which, by all the indicators, is in decline. One of the terminal indicators of decline , moves into the self destructive phase. This is self destruction. Just as a person in 'decline' and bad 'psychological health' may eventually kill themselves , a society and/or culture can, en mass, act out these self destructive forces. I dont expect the problem to just go away, it will get worse and worse , and become more senseless (unless one senses what is driving it ). It won't stop by itself without appropriate remedies and although on 'small scale' such remedies and solutions have worked ( eg in some smaller, regional, indigenous cultures ) , in a huge complex social structure like this, it is near impossible to implement such remedies ... without a massive 'master re-set' . Yes, the theory goes, not just individuals can get psychologically sick and aberrant, but whole cultures and societies can . And when you living in one of those ... not much makes sense ; meaning, life, purpose , reason for existence .
  21. Gun Control and Shootings

    Our Holy Father in heaven and our divine creator ... bless these guns (and our crowns of bullets )
  22. Staff addition and update

    Holiday time again .....