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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Aikido Kumitachi

    Yeah yeah ... in 'practice' it works - note from 4 :25 and
  2. Aikido Kumitachi

    Of course ... and I am not even a genius It appears to have come out of Daito , founded byTakeda Sokaku who defined the art of aiki as " The secret of aiki is to overpower the opponent mentally at a glance and to win without fighting A skill I used many times in my work as hospital orderly ... and once with sword . Me; " Go on, attack ! " Opponent; " No . " ( first time I encountered THAT in training ! ) . Me; " Why not ? " O : " I dont like the look on your face ." So I went to attack him then, and he legged it ... literally , across the park and into the bushes . Unfortunately this all got messed up and turned into a 'peace process' like ' The way of Aikido is peaceful reconciliation ' , which only appeared after the Japanese got mashed at the end of WWII when resistance and aggressive martial stuff was banned. Ummmm ... one is not supposed to 'grab and throw' at all, in Aikido . Most benefit, in such a situation, comes from any system which realises and teaches the BASIC first principles when considering multiple attacks. Aikido 'randori' has some of these first principles, but they spoil it by the way they practice randori ( and Aikido ) .
  3. Aikido Kumitachi

    Many of the Aikido techniques are based on a wrist grab because people used to carry swords around and there are a few ways to stop someone drawing or using their sword ( if you are close enough to them ) and there are 'counters' to those 'anti-draw' and use moves . That's why in many Aikido techniques the hands are used as if one was holding a sword . But being a genius , you would already know this . Does your light sabre make a noise when you switch it on ? Dont use it for a surprise stealth Ninja attack ..... < crackling noise .... lights up > would be victim to friend ; " That 'genius ninja' is out in the garden again - release the dogs ! " The dogs will give you a nice 'wrist grab ' ... in that case , you need Master Wong
  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

    In a ring ? Thats nuts ! The ref has to be good at keeping his distance !
  5. Aikido Kumitachi

    Sure . I am having a beginners session on Friday 9 am, and a more advanced class on Saturday at 8 am . Come on over . But it is different from what the guys in vid did . ; our 'kumitachi' include various techniques not found in modern Aikido ( well, some schools may have them, but my Aikido instructor did not know them * , as I managed to 'kill' him 3 times with 3 different ones, he never seen them before and was totally surprised) . ( * that does not include Mr Sugano Jnr. I am not sure what he knows, but he did show me some stuff I did not know, or that other aikido instructors seemed not to know . ) The first teaching is, it isn't about flailing a sword around , it more about body movement and positioning depending on what your opponent does - so its about 'relationship' and 'harmony' - response , not reaction. Become 'mercurial' . However I do not train in a gym ; its outdoors, so the first part is about awareness , of yourself, environment, the ground you are on, nearby obstacles and advantages, the time of day angle of the Sun , etc . Then there is all the stuff about reading one's opponent. You will also need to have a background in some martial art that taught you movement, body placement , distancing, You need visuals for all that . and many breakdowns and explanations . Even for the first movement . George does a pretty good job , so have a watch and listen to this ;
  6. Do some likes/dislikes last forever?

    Some will last forever ... for me . ' He ' came around to visit yesterday .... urrrrghs ! Pathetic little snivler ! Yes, we all need to get on - when we have to . I have been working with him trying to sort out a complex water loss issue. Ahhh , communal life ! My philosophy is, what makes a community work ? Learning how to get on with it , even with people one doesnt like . As we are all different and humans, being primates, tend to work better in clusters of extended family groups (or similar ) , not everyone needs to be intimately associated. So I walked my talk and worked with ' A ' - to get the job done. It often infuriates me in this situation .... B wont work with C or D , so none of them turn up - work not done. E cant be in the same room with F, so neither come to dinner . Yet I would leave this silly scenario every so often to go work at my other job in 'the real world', for a few months at a time, and often have to work, every day, closely with people I cant stand or dont like .... to get the job done. But A thinks now, because I worked with him, I must like him and comes around and acts like some Ex girls friend trying to get back with me . Pathetic, sad and still after 30 years refuses to own any of the things that a whole heap of people have issues with him about. I see it all, the games he plays, the manipulations he tries, the pathetic emotive pleadings and attempts to get me 'on side' then the mild anger and displeasure at me 'saying bad things about him' to others. After his attempted set up he springs this on me. " I want you to stop saying ....... about me ." But even this is worded in a trickster way and neither quotes what I say and is an unclear and loaded 'trap question ' . So I tell him ; "Look people ask and I respond . They hear the stories and ask me the reality ; I tell them you caved your girl friends head in with a ferocious punch, then the police came for you, you ran and hid, we found you and handed you over, you went to jail . True or not ? " And out it comes, the excuses, the snivelling the 'poor me' , 'it wasnt my fault ' No one knows the terrible things she put me through ." " Why didnt you just leave or walk away ? " " Because she was pregnant. " OMG ! I did not know that , he did this to his pregnant GF ? ! ( and it isnt just this issue, he has a HEAP of them ) . " Time to leave my house ! Just because a job needs to be done and we are the only two that can do it, dont read anything else into this. Restrict our conversation to work issues - now, leave ! " I am reminded of the myth where Apollo, in a rage of jealousy, shoots his bow at his beloved and kills her , and he blames the arrow, the bow, his raven for informing him of her affair, his own arm, even , everything but himself . No, I can never change my dislike for this person, as I know he cant change. His behaviour is now 'modified' ... but the core is still rotten.
  7. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Maybe I would project that on to the wall during summer ( if I had a house like that .... and a wall ... and a projector ) But GF had a house , just about leaning over a river. Its nice ... for a while .... but then it gets constant .... and relentless , never silence. Then there are those that come into my cabin during rain ; " Ahhhh ... the sound of rain on a tin roof ! " Right ! ( It can rain for a week and a half non stop here ; that 'pleasant' sound makes listening to music, watching tv making a phone call near impossible ! ... even comes through over headphones ) .
  8. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Grass Bubble ?
  9. Its soooo hot ....

    that " A 10-kilometre stretch of the Hume Freeway in central Victoria has melted in the heat, with the state's police advising motorists heading towards Melbourne to prepare for delays " (but not as hot as that where I am .... got the sprinkler on the roof going though ) And last night on news they said , snowing in parts of Florida ?
  10. Its soooo hot ....

    cleanest 'working tractor' I ever seen in my life ! ^
  11. Its soooo hot ....

    Yes, my bird bath very popular lately , sprinkler in the tree, lots of birds sit in branches and have a shower. A basin of water near the fish ponds ( so others dont need to jump in the pond ), one near the front tap and a kiddy pool in back garden. However, it rained heavily yesterday , and is drizzling this morning. Digging below the surface, VERY dry down there. Good news is, after more than a week of testing and turning things on and off and measuring levels , finally found the leak in our water system - hooray ! - an old T - join with a tree growing on top of it. Impossible to dig up now, gotta lay a new route and section of line around a bunch of tree regrowth . We got a pipe layer somewhere in the shed ;
  12. 359 1953

    Yes, but this isn't gematria, remember , it is ' gimatria ' . Gematria is all about spelling . Gimatria is ... all about , well ....
  13. Its soooo hot ....

    Attractively dangerous ;
  14. Its soooo hot ....

    On a more pleasant note : Celestite ;
  15. Its soooo hot ....

    Oh no ... its true, because everyone had the same clothes on ..... and we know that NEVER happens in In North Korea Just you wait until the tunnel they are digging comes up in your back yard ! Obviously, all those 'same clothes' photos during China Mao revolution were faked as well .... now , where is my singlet , footy shorts and thongs ?
  16. Its soooo hot ....

    But back to the real subject ; swords and blades that should be actually . Ummmmm .... 'someone ' got rather injured / hurt at training this morning . Oh - O . Not TOO serious or a maiming , but ... we will wait and see . 'Someone' used one of my own wooden machetes ( I was talking about above ) and rushed at me with a head slice . Next thing I knew, they on the ground moaning groaning loudly . Not THAT bad as they were able to get up by themselves and make it to the side line and sit down. I mean, would be urked by that with anyone but this happened to be our instructor , Oh dear . I am just glad the others were watching to affirm , to their surprise, I WAS being slow and gentle . During the disarm, I had my shuto lightly on their wrist and I felt a 'click' , coming from their shoulder or neck . Anyway , he was eating scones and jam with us later ... so I guess he okay ? OOOOOOPS .
  17. Its soooo hot ....

    I got bored with my collection in their boxes, collecting dust on window shelves and taking up space on bookcase , So I made a desert garden with them (mineral samples, crystals, opals, etc ) and planted it out with unusual cacti and 'stone plants' (lithops) ; They on the sunny side of the path in, the other side to the desert is 'Rainforest' a shade house with fish ponds, tree ferns small palms, purple passion and pantho-sperma . ... and speaking of garden ( and thread subject ) it rained yesterday ! HOO RAY ! (must have been that rain dance I did on neighbours front lawn with their baby ... and today .... cool winds and big heavy thundercloud towers to the west Come on ! But no hail .... PLEASE !
  18. What kind of life do you have?

    Sometimes it seems to have a 'non local ' quality . But what does that mean ? Einsteinian non-locality: superluminal communication/transfer of information is possible. Einsteinian locality is closely related to causality - an effect must lie in the future light-cone of a cause. Quantum non-locality: superluminal correlations are possible. Quantum non-locality is closely related to entanglement. BUT even in quantum mechanics, e.g. in discussions of Bell's inequalities and local hidden-variable theories, Einsteinian locality is meant by locality. In other words, in most contexts, without a modifier, one should assume that locality refers to Einsteinian locality. There are other concepts of locality, including historical notions such as action at a distance. . BUT quantum mechanics permits superluminal correlations (it is quantum non-local), but forbids superluminal propagation of information (it is Einsteinian local). Perhaps it involves entanglement (it is quantum non-local), but, like all quantum mechanical phenomena and arguably all physical phenomena we know of, is Einsteinian local. BUT turning to the "force" or mechanism behind quantum non-locality. In common interpretations of quantum mechanics, there is no "force" or mechanism that explains this phenomena, nor is there anything to explain. This is related to the wave-function collapse and interpretations of quantum mechanics.
  19. Its soooo hot ....

    Oh good ! Precious stones and minerals .... so in keeping with this threads subject matter : Oooooooooo !
  20. What kind of life do you have?

    I used to get that driving home late at night from radio station ...... get to the 'cutting' by the river (narrow road, winding , cliff up on one side and down to river on other ) then next thing, I am turning off to my road 16 km further on - a total gap. (However a roo jumps out or something unusual happens , straight back in my body, aware and reacting . ) So what is with that ? Where was I and who was driving ? How 'conscious' are we actually, 'normally' ... who's driving this thing ! A big subject worthy of its own thread . It first came up for me during long term 4 times a day practice, one designed to break sleep cycle ( dawn or midnight ) . " I " would do the practice but " I " would not know about ; that is have no memory or consciousness of doing the midnight practice .... but the evidence of doing it would be there .
  21. Its soooo hot ....

    .... but they do not ' sing ' . I have had some wooden copy blades made. I have a double machete form I developed ( from Hohan Soken's 3 sai forms and 3 kama forms ) .. even guys in my club freaked about it and backed off .... practising the forms in Aboriginal camp and they " Whoa!" backed off " Put them away ! " ( except 'teacher' - shamanic teacher , not martial teacher - he not worried, his choice is machete in one hand ceremonial bundi {club} in other ) So I got a neighbour, who is good at woodwork, copy and trace their dimensions , and cut , shave, rout, two 30 year old pieces of tallow wood I have been storing. Tallow wood has a very tough, twisted, and entwined grain, very hard and durable. Once it is seasoned you cant nail it , have to drill a hole first and then nail through it . Need that to make the 'blade' thin and strong enough . They come up beautiful when freshly oiled and buffed, with the grain flowing through the handle and blade - all one piece . tallow ;
  22. Its soooo hot ....

    It is .... ... the final frontier
  23. Its soooo hot ....

    One time, training in park by river I noticed , in the park on the grass, further down was a police patrol car watching us . It was just before start of class and there were just two of us practising bo (long staff ) . I said : just do the pattern, no fighting or bunkais, the cops are watching us ... be cool . After a bit the car drove up close, stopped, door opened , officer put one leg out on the ground and sat there watching . He was a a new guy in town and didnt know us . Oh dear, where is this going going to go ? Then he reaches under the seat and pulls out his baton and starts walking towards us smacking it in his hand ..... wtf ? Then when he gets up to us, we stop, and he looks all sheepish and embarrassed and holds out the baton and says " My one is only this big ." And I replied , 'Yeah, but you got that on your hip . " and pointed . He looked down and looked surprised and then as if he had remembered something and patted his service revolver and goes " Oh yeah ! I forgot about that ! " We invited him to join training next week - but he never turned up .