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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Construction of Judaism

    Since you could not criticise the statement you quoted , you quoted it and then returned to this dead donkey ? Of course they can , happens all the time . You are affirming things you dont seem to know about . The linking of the relative chronological system with absolute dates is of major importance to understand the temporal dimension of the respective phases. Until the 1980s, the beginning of the EBA in Central Europe was dated to around 1700 BC on the basis of long-distance connections with the Mediterranean (for an overview cf. [18]). Since the late 1980s, a growing number of radiocarbon-dated contexts have enabled us to obtain scientifically determined dates of various phases. When Rüdiger Krause [19] published the radiocarbon dates for the Bz A1 cemetery of Singen in southern Germany, archaeologists were electrified by the surprisingly old dates for the beginning of the EBA. Following Becker et al. [20] it soon became common sense to locate the beginning of the EBA around 2300 BC or 2200 BC in central Europe at the very latest [21], [22]. As these dates enabled archaeologists to replace the insecurities of long-distance dating by the seemingly scientific truth of 14C dates, the new early dates were accepted widely and found their way into museum exhibitions as well as popular literature. At the same time in the late 1980s, dendrochronological dating of the so-called princely grave of Leubingen in Saxony-Anhalt helped to identify the beginning of Bz A2 in the 20th century BC and dendro-dates from Alpine lakeside settlements suggested an end of the EBA in the 16th century BC [23], [24]. Therefore, it seemed natural to date the transition from Bz A1 to Bz A2 to around 2000 BC. Since then, new radiocarbon dates have produced more problems rather than improving our understanding of the connection between the relative and absolute chronology: 22 graves from the area around Stuttgart in southern Germany, which were typologically attributed to Bz A1, were dated to the 20th and 19th centuries BC and, therefore, seemingly too young [20], [25]. On the other hand, contexts with Bz A2 type objects in the area of the Únětice culture (Aunjetitzer Kultur) in eastern Germany were dated to the centuries before 2000 BC ([26], [10], [27]): e.g. Quenstedt grave 34 with an Ösenkopfnadel (eyelet pin): 2350–1907 BC (90.7% probability); hoard II of Melz: 2205–1952 BC (95.4% probability). These results also met criticism, as it seemed impossible to have such early dates for sophistically cast bronze objects [28], though the early date for a grave with Bz A2 bronzes from Feuersbrunn in Austria– 2198–2162 BC (8.4% probability) and 2152–1960 BC (87.0% probability)–further underlines the early appearance of Bz A2 types [29]. However, these contradicting results have not found adequate explanation so far. Moreover, the rarity of Bz A1 types in eastern Germany and the rare Bz A2 types in southern Germany should have already raised the question, whether the traditional EBA relative chronology can be applied for the whole of Central Europe without further modification [30]. Until now, the lack of radiocarbon dated Bz A1 and A2 type objects from different contexts from southern respectively eastern Germany has prevented us from better understanding EBA chronology as well as social and cultural developments. In short : " On the basis of the early radiocarbon dates .. the beginning of the Early Bronze Age in Central Europe was originally dated around 2300/2200 BC ... to around 2000 BC ... On the basis of 140 newly radiocarbon dated human remains ... We are now able to date the beginning of the Early Bronze Age to around 2150 BC and its end to around 1700 BC. " Happens all the time . Or to put it in the form of 'archaeological humour' ..... ..... wait for it .... It Harappans all the time . See above . There you go with your irrelevant 'youtubers' stuff again . The above evidence to refute THIS PART of what you where trying to claim is NOT a youtube . Its one of those 'peer reviewed papers you where complaining about that are not being cited and ' all I got is youtube dunderheads ' . Note the copy its opening page ; Open Acess Peer-reviewed Research Article Rewriting the Central European Early Bronze Age Chronology: Evidence from Large-Scale Radiocarbon Dating Now, go on, try to 'muddy the water ' again .
  2. The Construction of Judaism

    Your quoted 'post history' does not go back enough to realise the context .
  3. Stranger things

    'Strange Fruit ' - I just had a totally out of season (for here ) imported from USA delicious nectarine , which was 10 times better than our in season ones that taste like they came out of deep cold storage ( at the local super and some of the time , for some reason there is a few weeks break when we get nice fresh ones . More strange fruit - once I was buying bananas imported from Mexico , they where in large bins outside the shop, against its wall and from there I had direct line of site to local banana plantations , local ones where 3 times the price . What a wacky world we live in .
  4. Stranger things

    .... and 'Servia' ?
  5. The Construction of Judaism

    You also forgot to have a little tantie about this ; " History (and archaeology ) is a record of what we know ..... so far . " Who knows what we will find or what might happen in the future . The Jewish Messiah might appear and the dead be resurrected All nations might recognize the God of Israel as the one true and only God . A new heaven and a new earth are created . And, if pigs are not rejected , they might fly up to heaven too
  6. The Construction of Judaism

    You are justifying something you said by referring to something you now say you never said . Typical .
  7. Stranger things

    First , can I use my phone ? What is a ft and an in or as 'yard' ? In Grammar Q 7 . There is no question or directive . Questions like geography 3 have no multiple choice option ? What ? You want some made up written story or something ? . Geography 5 , 'Servia' is not a country it is one of the main towns in the Kozani regional unit, West Macedonia, Greece. Trick question, nice try though . History 1 , well, their indigenous peoples of course . History 2. Should not that be in the art exam ?
  8. Stranger things

    I looked up some sites ; Us , since 2010, gas explosion average every 40 hrs. ! " generally, gas explosions appear to be increasing due in part to “aging infrastructure.” " and also 'companies release gas in pipelines when pressure is too high ' WTF ? AND ! “These figures only include the most serious events,” Matt Casale, the Education Fund Environment Campaigns Director at U.S. PIRG and one of the coauthors of the report, said in an email. He explained that PHMSA requires reporting only when some serious criteria are met, including when someone dies or is hospitalized, when property damage from an explosion exceeds $122,000 or more; and when there’s a significant amount of gas lost in the leak. $121,000 ? nah, push that one under the carpet .
  9. Stranger things

    There is ? There was a gas blast at work once . It was in a big building, in another part of the studious , about 500m away and around three corners (of the internal studio complex roads ) AND I was as well standing behind a shipping container .... WHOOOFFF! , I felt the shock wave and my clothes flatten on my body from it ! Three poor guys got whooofed to, one instantly dead, two others died a slow painful death later and one horribly burned . Burns are fucked ! I helped nurse some firefighters once in a burns unit .... tough stuff !
  10. The Construction of Judaism

    Oh, the old 'academic peer reviewed ' BS You might have noticed that DaoBUMS is not an 'academic' setting or institution . Mr Sealion complains that stuff on DaoBUMS is not being 'academically peer reviewed '. if you want THAT ... go there ! And get off DBs . forum .... or any forum . If you want a forum LIKE that , go to a history forum - Except they would eat you alive there . meaning , its about history and one's private religious proclivities and biases are immaterial .
  11. The Construction of Judaism

    Well, I am not the one claiming 'omnipotence' exists .
  12. The Construction of Judaism

    That also is the crux ( in a way ) of this thread . If you have someone 1 or some group 2 constructing a political takeover , oppression of others , war, invasion and slaughter ...1; 'Your God' is going to give you commands like that when you 'talk' to him . '' Go forth ... it is your divine God given right , and those that stand before you shall fall ! " Or 2; if you report such a 'revelation' it will be well received and considered valid within that group . Now, in ritual magic and psychology , its not 'bad' to have such guides and forces , but we must look at what they are telling us to do .... love they neighbor is better than 'kill they neighbor ' .... most sane people would agree .
  13. The Construction of Judaism

    Since your view is possible I shall soon post some information about the view that the construction of Judaism began in the Persian Period * . A few others have traced Judaism's construction to the Persian Period . * That is , when Persia ruled in that area and the 'Jewish Kings' where under their rule. This view holds some weight , as Persia started to decline and with Egypt as a neighbour a new political entity was formed to fill the void . And it is not unique for some newly formed aggressive political entity , that is going on a land grabbing violent rampage to claim some 'extravagant glorious and God ordained ' privilege / past / racial identity and special reasons to do so . < shrug > thats history for ya ... they all have done it in some form .
  14. The Construction of Judaism

    Yes , otherwise it is removed from history .
  15. Well, the first job to consider for new Mods then ?
  16. The Construction of Judaism

    Or could not be . What I find more relevant is your statement that it is a constructed religion . Maybe you are one of those that think the construction came earlier , after the ' Persian period ' ?
  17. The Construction of Judaism

    All religions do that . Thats 'religion' . Its the religious aspects that are constructed . However in this case the construction is not primarily individual and based on divine presence but political, used as an instrument to gain political solidarity for an uprising and overtaking and perhaps some 'religious justification' for rather horrific acts . So I would say yes it does make it constructed , in this instance (but maybe not if 'a person' does it ) . Any less genuine ? Not at all . if one considers the anthropological view as the definition of the function of religions . It certainly makes it less genuine from a literal interpretation . A look at how Christianity was constructed is a similar process . I will cite an opinion again which I have made many times regarding this subject ; when referring to a youtube ( I think called 'Kingdom of David ' - although I can not find it yet under that name , plenty of others but not this one ) I mention a Rabbi who holds the same opinion and have cited it a few times ; ' Of course its a made up story . Found the Book of the Law during temple renovations ? Give me a break ! It is a story .... but , its a great story and one that has enabled the Jews to live together and survive all types of oppression and attempts to wipe us out throughout a very long history .' And, as I have stated a few times here, I agree with him . Mythicism ? Yeah ? ... The scholarly opinion that the gospel is mythical. The habitual practice of attributing everything to mythological causes; superstition, the opposite of rationalism, or of realism. The creative potential for the creation of mythology; the faculty of mythopoeia. I cant see it I see it as more of a 'political propaganda ' fuelled by the creation of a religion ... not an uncommon habit of humans IMO . 1. It is not mythical but is a combination of various other people's cultural memories and stories ....' borrowed into ' Judaism's early history (ie. those people supposedly specially chosen by God to do a political task ) 2. Not much is being attributed to 'mythological causes' . 3. I dont see much original creative potential at all , its mainly borrowed - more plagiarism then creation .
  18. The Construction of Judaism

    " The 'formless' that can take on any form "
  19. The Construction of Judaism

    Of course I know about that . See my above response to when you already mentioned it as some type of 'revelation' The author clearly explains it himself as well . Although you may not be seeing my above response as you keep informing everyone you have me on ignore .
  20. The Construction of Judaism

    The following scheme shows how the data structure of the oldest part of the OT is composed based upon surveys from the archeological and epigraphical record. [ charts by wenamun ]
  21. The Construction of Judaism

    Thats because it is archaeology . This is the archaeological aspects of the thread subject matter . Archaeology deals with material evidence , not 'beliefs' unless they are backed up valid interpretation of material evidence . if you watch the youtube ... which by the way is a lecture from a Jewish professor , about a book he researched and wrote he states his parameters from the very beginning . If one does not like youtubes one could always read the text .