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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Logic

    Point ? He has been posting Hebrew words and dodgy 'gemetrology' for some time now, And using them to make some type of obscure personal meanings out of them that sometimes are connected to current events . Hard to tell what the point is as he doesn't engage in debate or conversation or meet criticisms with valid explanations . Same thing happened with some Japanese and Shinto concepts ..... then, he liked it so much he changed his name to Shinto. But I cant see that happening in this case ... I guess it stopped there with the name changing ....I never seen a poster that chose the simple name of ' Jew " before
  2. Yeah .... 'cousey bro's ' Here is a way to get yer orgone up !
  3. Ummmmmm ....... that depends where you from .... Well okay .... ice cream, lamb and construction workers
  4. Now I think I get your protest ... yes 'some' could do that , some even get more excited about the woo-woo stuff than his valid psychoanalytical discoveries .
  5. No problems for me .... I keep the baby and throw out the bathwater . ' Seek the gold ' .
  6. There was no need to make up that inaccurate prop .... as the real one still exists !
  7. Logic

    Unless you include punctuation and construct a translated sentence ; " No , there was nothing . "
  8. Spell

    of course ! The internet can provide anything ..... before you even thought it up in the first place or even a Jesus Toaster (no stencil needed )
  9. Indians Hopi and aliens

    Cool ! Sorta like a '3D tarot set ' , each one is codified semantics that encompass a range of teaching and knowledge . I particularly like this one ; looks a bit like an Aussie 'totem pole ' ( except for the modern colours ) .
  10. Indians Hopi and aliens

    ... and Kachinas do not 'come from outer space' , nor need space helmets , Within Hopi religion, the kachinas are said to live on the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, Arizona .
  11. Indians Hopi and aliens

    Pfffft ! I aint watching an hour and a half of that rubbish ! He is using old youtube alternative science woo-woo that got debunked years back ! (like the 'Orion Theory' . And, as he said , they have many types of headdresses , but "some look like space helmets " " Space helmets " ..... really ? What type of space helmet ..... the one's that were used by 'Earthlings' between 1960s and 2020 ? - in the narrow corridor of the present or the ones we used in the past or like one's we will use in the future
  12. Logic

    I wouldn't believe no words that they don't say .!
  13. Logic

    Now its 'a spell' !
  14. Logic

    After many years of practicing 'Neo-Daoism' , I am approaching the skill level where I am able to achieve something ..... ... by doing nothing
  15. Logic

    Nope , just your bad grammar and lack of understanding of the language ..... unless you understand the grammar better than the PM of Israel Actually, 'No nothing' and ' I didn't do nothing ' are typical American and Australian bogan grammatical misnomers " But I didn't do nuthin' ! "
  16. " Reich decided the patients' body language could be more revealing than their words. He observed their tone of voice and the way they moved and concluded that people form a kind of ARMOUR to protect themselves, not only from the blows of the outside world, but also from their own desires and instincts. Most of us desire something, and immediately set out to find ways NOT to get it! Reich saw this process working in the body. Over the years a person builds up this character armour through bodily habits and patterns of physical behaviour ... " He saw how maternity hospital procedures created the beginnings of armouring in newborn babies: Being violently expelled from a nice warm protective uterus into a much colder place, with too much bright light and hard or rough surfaces, being slapped on the bottom, prodded with various instruments, taken away from Mum and maybe left lonely, hungry and frightened. This process was continued with the imposed inhibitions of childhood and puberty; toilet training, commandments around sexuality - "Don't touch yourself there, that's dirty" etc. etc. " He evolved something he called Vegetotherapy which recognised that muscular rigidities in the body contain the history of their origin, and began to use touch when working with his patients ... " I see body armour not as a shell around or all over a person's exterior, but as specific individual muscles in spasm, painful and tight as piano wire, while surrounding or overlaying tissues may be soft or even appear flabby. The work is still cathartic at times. When touch on a particular spot evokes traumatic memories or feelings the client may express them. S/he cries, shouts, kicks, screams, shakes violently, punches nearby cushions --- any or all of these "
  17. I thought we providing info in context of the first post
  18. No .... it isn't ' a bit like anime ' with detectives and pirates .
  19. Indians Hopi and aliens

    I thought you said that an Indian told you ? Whoops ! There I go with 'mere details' again Cosmology don't mean 'aliens' 'flying' .... " Religious or mythological cosmology is a body of beliefs based on mythological, religious, and esoteric literature and traditions of creation myths and eschatology. " So if Kachina 'doll' is connected to cosmology , could mean lots of things ! These dolls are connected to cosmology too But it does not mean they are aliens that flew to us
  20. Indians Hopi and aliens

    The Basques are aliens that build UFOs in underground France .... and damn any 'minor details' that try to shoot my story down !
  21. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    My point that scholars of Hebrew understand their own language better than people that try to turn it to mean other things. And my other point is the loose transition from 'Bible' to Hebrew Scripture some are making . But some have not been able to comprehend that ... I mean ... interpret the bible as personal advice / handbook ..... or a manual to Kundalini practice , or proof of aliens and UFOs - or whatever .... Does not mean it isn't 'talking about God' though . And it doesn't mean your particular ';twist' 'is it' .
  22. Taiji Master fighting MMA guy

    Yes, for some strange reason they were not playing 'Eye of the Tiger ' I swear ... if I see one more MA vid with Eye of the Tiger playing ! Now, for a little interlude ...... Here is some nice music and visuals
  23. The importance of Cruelty

    Yes, a few crossed wires in the OP that somehow extend from what is in the vid. But I don't see ' cruelty ' as associated with enlightenment ; it is an imbalance - extended from 'severity' ; the wise (or enlightened) may need to invoke 'balanced severity' , but cruelty is an excess. " Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. " You do not have to be cruel or a sadist to address 'evil' , that actually helps create it . Its an attitude thing (like enlightenment) . If someone is violently wielding a machete , it might be necessary to break their arm , but not to delight in the act and continue to twist and wiggle the now disarmed person's broken arm . Although I imagine the psychopathic cruel sadist imagines they are very enlightened about human nature - not really, they have just observed a weakness in human nature and taking advantage of it to satisfy their 'crossed wires' .