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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Latin English 1. amo be fond of 2. amo cherish 3. amo like 4. amo to love
  2. Emotional

    because too much mind, not enough feeling !
  3. Emotional

    use both hands ! and a ball does not have sides ! It has a surface !
  4. Emotional

  5. Emotional

    "Pick up a ball in your hand and grasp it ... feeling it all round, both the side you can see and the side you cannot see . Sense it with your feeling . Now meld your sense of touch to your sight , Work on that .. Also hold the ball up in front of you, now go look at yourself and the far side of the ball in a mirror. This is also true of a flat disc ... hold it up and look at it , can you see the other side ? Turn it flat, now its a long very thin rectangle."
  6. III I ask the deep. Aim at high things........Seek-further-go-higher.
  7. china

  8. Emotional

    That's true ..... a 'reminder' from the heart about too much caffeine ;
  9. Emotional

    So its back again, huh ? Pick up a ball in your hand and grasp it ... feeling it all round, both the side you can see and the side you cannot see . Sense it with your feeling . Now meld your sense of touch to your sight , Work on that .. Also hold the ball up in front of you, now go look at yourself and the far side of the ball in a mirror. This is also true of a flat disc ... hold it up and look at it , can you see the other side ? Turn it flat, now its a long very thin rectangle . Where did the round shape go ? Well during (my) last night I slept for a lot of it . Now its starting to get light . I imagine soon it is your turn to go dark.
  10. I doubt he will be answering you . I was going to offer something but I see this refers to 'Taoist spirits' ... not my field .
  11. II From Proto-Italic *krēskō, from Proto-Indo-European *ḱreh₁- (“to grow, become bigger”). I increase, rise, grow, thrive; multiply, augment. I come to be. I become visible, spring from, arise, come forth
  12. sacred masculine

    I think it was Patrick Harpur ? that said the modern male archetype is Faust . I agree ! He likened the times and religion Faust was embroiled in to our 'old consciousness' ( pre dualistic / 'scientific revolution ), and Fausts dabbling in magic and forces he didn't really comprehend to our dabbling in science and technology , energy production, etc A man caught between two worlds , often ignorant of what he is invoking . " "Faust" and the adjective "Faustian" imply a situation in which an ambitious person surrenders moral integrity in order to achieve power and success for a delimited term " - Wiki . Now, I cant help wondering if the outcome, in this regard, will it be according to Marlowe or Goethe ? ( and note how Goethe's Faust is 'redeemed' )
  13. Sifu Steven Burton and Dim Mak

    That's the issue ! He goes trough one guy per video ! Note how he said the first guy had been " struck there a few times and is quite sensitive there now " . That's what happens with a ' demo partner' . Hopefully, some enraged person in a street fight reacts the same way . ( Don't seem to work in MMA comp though . ) But regarding the 'poor guy' ... been there done that ; went with instructor to another school to show their instructor some stuff ( at his request ) and my instructor is showing him all this stuff on me . But then the other one would go ' Oh ! I see, we do it like this .... " and do that to me , and mine would go ' and we do this ... this ... and this ... followed with a take down and this ... " and the other would go " Interesting, I would do this ... and this ..... " and on and on it went ... " ( Don't worry .... I eventually ' got even ' with both of them )
  14. Emotional

    Yours might be ... mine I can still hose scrub hose-rinse and the water all drains out the gap between the floor and wall on the north side even over the bumps and dips in the middle .
  15. sacred masculine

    Ha! Unless you have no dreams - or do not remember them ! Your more likely to be spending time with 'your unresolved self' when you asleep and dreaming . I see you have never done a stint of ' night duty ' ?
  16. Archaic Consciousness

    Thing is though. If you spend time with 'archaic people' like San Bushmen or Australian Aboriginals ... its not at all like this video says . I'd recommend the experience . You would learn a lot about 'archaic consciousness' Even just reading 'Uncle Bill's ' book , you would learn more about it than from that vid .
  17. Maybe this one, then ? Here is one about a good 'swordsman' (uses a 'stick' instead - but I won't say why and spoil the end in case you want to watch it ). ' Twilight' his associates called him .... imagining he was fading out ... until word about this got out .
  18. sacred masculine

    Interesting how this tread subtly changed from sacred masculine to divine masculine and then got criticised re the 'divine aspect of masculinity ' .
  19. If you haven't seen it its worth a watch Its Tatsuya Nakadai 'Sword of Doom ' " Evil mind - evil sword " ..... Here ... he meets his match (Mifune) ..... lesson .... don't ambush the wrong guy !
  20. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    More unusual stuff happening in my garden ; My green pitcher plants died during winter so I cut them back to the moss level ( they in a 'peat bog' pot ) . This spring they shot back up, looking very healthy but this weird stalk came up in them. Is it a flower stalk or an invader, It was hanging down with a ball on the end. then started to open this morning .... an intricate spiralling unfolding, but there is a type of ball underneath. I checked it on sunset and it looked shredded, Thinking insect attack, I googled some pics .... yep a flower ... but a strange one ! Here is the bud coming up with a higher one starting to open. Here is the 'shredded ' stage Didn't make much sense until I found this pic of a cross-section ; 'Open the pod bay doors Hal' . Hope I get fruit and seed .