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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What ! ? How dare you address me in that manner !
  2. Yes, but if not fully aware of what 'it' is going to be , you should turn around from it . ( A point I am always making about footwork in kata . )
  3. sacred masculine

    I did all four at once most of the time . But. yeah, some people do go more into one aspect and neglect the others. It should be a balance. Even the fiercest warriors, who had no fear of death, in the martial tradition, were supposed to be able to write beautiful poetry, appreciate nature, arrange a nice bunch of flowers and make a good cup of tea .... or you were not really a 'proper man' The thing is most cultures had a definition and a way of implementing it and teachings on integrating it . Our modern culture seems to have lost that. From an anthropological perspective, it still arises and takes its own forms as societies, clans and nowadays 'gangs' - but they don't integrate well, into modern society 'as a whole' .... they are small sub-cultures within a greater society (which, still, is relatively normal ... even in small scale social structures, like Aboriginal language groups here that contain 'sub-cultural secret societies' ) . It was all supposed to be integrated in a development process. Many feel the industrial revolution played a big part in deconstructing it. Previously many youth worked and learnt from their fathers in a similar trade , or were 'given out' as an apprentice to another who fulfilled a similar role ; a 'Master' in some field or craft, who also had an obligation to teach. Following a pattern adopted by Masonry, he would have become an 'entered apprentice' . After a while he would have a trade. Then he could become a 'journeyman' and travel relying on his trade and supplement his training by what he learnt on his travels and with other people and places and cultures. Eventually he would become a Master, and teach his own son or apprentice. Nowadays some still achieve it, by 'winging it themselves' . In some places , it is still active, but not in our society as a whole. Hence we have many lost and misdirected people, especially young men , jails are full of them . And also adolescents and teens going into adulthood, some are very lost and confused with no real mentorship. There are some programs here that have been implemented, but its usually after they get in trouble , and then try to repair the damage . I did extensive studies in the past on ' cultures in crisis' and what makes a healthy culture or social structure that way, and what makes them decline and die out. I was surprised to see a clear set of reasons and stages of degeneration , across the board , regardless of the culture, certain 'laws' seem to be operating. According to these indicators, our culture is entering terminal phase. In one of the papers I was reading an L.A. gang's culture and everyday behaviour was likened to a group in a small African town. The anthropologist noted many similarities, he had come from LA and done a regular study, but in Africa it was more 'observation' of the group and conversation with the townspeople. They had a name for them, he later learnt that it meant ' the failed men' ; men and youth, for one reason on another had missed out on their tribal initiation into manhood . They didn't understand their purpose and what they were here for . On that note. and I have said this a few times here before, I have heard some Australian Aboriginals get totally confused, flummoxed , confounded by the concept that someone wouldn't know their purpose or what they are here for , how could you not know that . Of course, those that have lost their culture and 'spirit and soul' ... that seems the root of their problem. So, by now, the remedy should be pretty obvious. In some cases here, with the indigenous, it has been shown to work. They can get their purpose and life and its meaning back together.
  4. sacred masculine

    I think you hit the nail on the head there . What does being a man mean ? We know what it used to mean . But western society has gone through a massive paradigm swing there , only started around 100 years ago. Many men felt disempowered with the rise of sexual equality. What is the new identity ? What many men had as their keel , they now feel has been ripped from beneath them, so they flounder directionless, creating things like S.N.A.G. movement (urk ) ... some just refuse to give in and exhibit the same or similar behaviours as before ... or change on the outside, but life at home behind closed doors ain't that different . "That's 'women's work' ! I am not cleaning and washing and tidying ! " ... Sorry buddy, that was 'your Mum's work' and you just never grew up properly . Go join the army and see the first thing they teach you ... and make you do ! I went to a 'men's workshop' once ... it was awful ! . Somehow we got on the subject of initiations, I asked the group who felt they had been initiated into Manhood, two hands went up, one, an aboriginal guy, the other some older guy from OS . That shocked me. There were about 60 guys in that group. So I rephrased the question " How many of you, in your own terms and definitions think some event or occurrence or gradual development has turned you into a Man ? About 10 hands went up . I was shocked. So then I asked the others ' How many of you, again in your own terms, think you understand what it means to be a Man ?' Less than half put up their hand . So that means half the guys there didn't have a clue ! What a sorry state of affairs .... no wonder so many things are a fuck up !
  5. sacred masculine

    sacred means devoted to a special purpose .
  6. Matriarchal Societies in History

    Indeed ! I saw a Commander of the Woman's Peshawar Forces interviewed She seemed nice, kind, considerate, even when talking political matters, Kurdish 'nationality', etc ... ' motherly even' .... then she turned her other side and revealed what makes her a fearsome soldier to IS . It was when she stated her mission objective ; to protect villagers woman and children from IS crimes and rape. She totally changed and said "I have something for them ." and pulled out a huge machine pistol from her belt .
  7. But I already know the secret , you don't have to tell me . . . . or kill me . However, I might take you up on your offer sometime in the future .... better than spending one's last days in a hospital bed . I can help ... I can walk into ( or wheel into ) your double blades while you are practicing . . . . should be over quickly ?
  8. Yes ... I experienced that ' 2012 Maya 20k something circle ' ..... it was awesome .
  9. Noble Metals, Charging Water, Jewelry, and Longevity Alchemy

    The similar principle to a silver milk jug ... the milk is preserved a bit longer . Also, in the past, not as many inert substances were available for containers - except earthenware. Glass was rare and expensive , no plastics, etc . Lead water pipes ... yikes !
  10. Matriarchal Societies in History

    errrmmm ..... Naginata ... the classical women's weapon. Why ? Because the women were often left , at home, in the village and would have to fight against bandits attacking on horseback and in modern times we have these 'girls' , they join for life .... Who are about to have enacted on them ... one of the biggest , traitorous , cowardly actions against 'assisting armies' since the end of WWII . No ... I was taught that in the sandlot by the two older girls that lived next door .
  11. Matriarchal Societies in History

    It did make history .... but that history got burned and censored ... by people like the Islamic Arabs
  12. Matriarchal Societies in History

    ? When and why did men not realise they were part of the birth process ? That seems like a strange assumption to me . All one has to do, even as a young virgin ignorant male anywhere is watch the animals . Here in Oz , where some of the traditional beliefs offer an insight into primeval human consciousness a man is said to be the instigator of birth, he goes to the waterhole (or other similar repository ) and will take a 'germ-child-spirit' , then he will give that to his wife and she will make a baby out of it inside her . They obviously knew that sperm made a woman pregnant as men practised birth control via manual manipulation of their basal penile subincision . Sorry, she is right .... its a fantasy ; Matrilineal descent societies can still hold patriarchal power in many other areas. Historically there is a marker that supposedly signifies an overall shift from the female to the male mysteries . My memory fails me here, but it was the official ending / enforced closure of some rite in Ancient Greece and another one instilled in its place . Other thoughts are that the more matriarchal times were Palaeolithic and before . During Neolithic era the advent of agriculture transitioned to patriarchal - the 'Dying God era representing the planting of seed, and harvest cycles - Osiris , etc . According to Crowley the first was Isis, the next Osiris and arriving now is Horus - the age of the child (of the two before it ) ... the male child ( and at this stage 'he' appears to have grown large enough to wield power, but no idea of responsibility ( like the little kid finding Dad's gun cupboard open ..... or 'us' playing with 'fire' Next is the age of Ma'at .... ( the 'girl child ' ? ) balance ... ' cosmic' law and order . THEN , supposedly the male and female energy finally balanced No, it just isn't in your mind . Many people have thought about it in that way . But ... ( aside from snu-snu ) .... I doubt we have any proof of it . ... Oh ! There is one just south of my place 'Woman's Land ' a bush community set up some years back . I am not sure how or if they still function, its pretty secretive . Male children of a certain age have to leave . No mean there . (I met a delivery driver that delivered lumber to them, had to unload it all at the gate, wasn't allowed in. Women came down with a tractor and trailer and loaded the wood up and took it in . )
  13. Noble Metals, Charging Water, Jewelry, and Longevity Alchemy

    ... of yeah ... 'you guys' eating it ... ' digestive tablets ' ;
  14. Noble Metals, Charging Water, Jewelry, and Longevity Alchemy

    I wanted to comment on this bit. I am not sue it is a synergistic effect ( if you mean 'the combination of the whole is greater than the simple sum of its parts' ) , its certainly a more complex effect . It is more to do with what substances work together, and the more complex effects that has ( so, yes, synergistic if ' (from the root ) synergos,"working together". Think of an astrological aspect in the natal chart and the combination of planetary energies. 'Combos' or alloys are interesting , electrum would be a blend of gold and silver , where 'magicum electrum' is a full blown smelting / alloying / smelting/ re-alloying process worked in conjunction with astrology . For example the Silver and gold could be mixed during an appropriate Sun Moon aspect. Then Copper with a favourable Venusian aspect ... and so on, until you have all 7 planetary metals . I don't know of anyone doing that anymore, maybe some antique ritual bowls or gongs lying around somewhere . Ever put water in a Tibetan bowl and played with it ? Cool patterns . Selenium . An essential trace element in soil, plants and our food . Without it, we in trouble ( 12 -20 mg a day ) , yet more than 400 mg a day and other trouble ( garlic odor on the breath, gastrointestinal disorders, hair loss, sloughing of nails, fatigue, irritability, and neurological damage. Extreme cases of selenosis can exhibit cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary edema or death ) Then there is the reverse side; a seemingly toxic heavy metal ; similar in many ways to lead (one atomic number ) , radioactive half life longer than the age of the Universe , low melting point . Yet you can eat it - 'millions of Americans do ' every day ( well, every year then ) I used to play with it - fun stuff . You 'grow' metallic crystals with it ;
  15. A girl smiled at me in town . I suspect that was caused by someone making 'the energy better' for all of us . Oh yes, it finally rained on our troublesome dry spell ... thanks for that guys
  16. Noble Metals, Charging Water, Jewelry, and Longevity Alchemy

    In that context I was making Preparation 501 for a commercial market Good quality quartz rods are pulverised, mortarted to a 'sand' then ground between glass plates to make a powder. This is packed inside a hollow cows horn (alembic ) and buried in earth ( the athanor) over summer. Then tipped intop a glass jar and stored in sunlight. Used , usually, at a rate of 1 gm in 12 lt of water (but being a kind of 'homeopathic solution' can be a lot less and more water. ' Stirred into the water in the proper manner ( and one might notice the water changes after this stirring, as you described water changes above ) . The solution is sprayed early morning as the mist rises to take it up into the atmosphere. It is basically mediating the other prep 500 which is based on the growth cycle (501 is the archetypal cycle ) , that is it encourages growth without it being 'rampant' - not too quick, hence weak and watery (so helps with fungus and mildew dispersion), the archetypal cycle is to do with changes that cause flowering and fruiting. If you like 501 is 'heaven' and 500 is 'earth' . Usually it is used at the beginning of the plant's development, and then again shortly before maturity or harvest. It has been found to improve the quality of the plant in regard to taste, nutritional value, and shelf life. It is best sprayed when the Moon and Saturn are in opposition which occurs once each month. Other uses are : many underground 'travel paths ' (ie, in 'dream body' ) follow quartz seams. Where they come close to the surface .... 'interesting ' things occur . Then there is piezoelectricity ... fascinating stuff quartz ; It basically works as an amplifier and organiser . Totally OT but .... ruby ! WOW !
  17. Noble Metals, Charging Water, Jewelry, and Longevity Alchemy

    hey ... I like those 'different boils' I used to use similar observations about the various processes when I made bulk commercial hand made tofu To assistant ; " Cut the curd now . " "Why, isn't it too soon ? " " Well, considering the look of these new beans, and how the water boiled and the consistency of the mash, and todays air temperature ..... " 'tis an 'intuitional' process .
  18. Noble Metals, Charging Water, Jewelry, and Longevity Alchemy

    'The Magic Ring ' an important part of the ritual magicians regalia . Maybe . I was a strong Lunar type . My first real progress on the path was to somehow instinctively, go against my Moon stuff and adopt Solar meditations . Some say to let the water stop boiling first, rest a bit then pour on the tea . I doubt that would happen .... maybe over long term infusion ? I was speaking about the practice of making the colloid with electrodes incorrectly , re the grey coloured solution . < thinks > I guess that would apply to one's urine as well Well, some used brass , even though it is a combo. I cant say what health effects that would make . When making a magical metal ( eg. magicum electrum ) one could use mercury, as in bells and tingshaw, etc. For consuming I recommend going to ' plant and mineral drugs ' correspondences for Mercurial energies .
  19. Wanting to be right.

    Well said ! May your crescent Moon conjoin your Sun
  20. Wanting to be right.

    yeah but .... sages always wanna teach stuff .... but being lazy following the path of the Dao, take a subtle approach . I'm not teachin nuffin just observing and learning .
  21. Ancient History Revised

    Here is my fav 'history revision' ; " .... News of this lost civilization began leaking out in the 1970s, when archaeologists came to dig in the southern reaches of the Soviet Union and in Afghanistan. Their findings, which were published only in obscure Russian-language journals ... " ... The initial trickle of information dried up in 1979 when the revolution in Iran and war in Afghanistan locked away the southern half of the Oxus. Later, with the 1990 fall of the Soviet Union, many Russian archaeologists withdrew from Central Asia. Undeterred, Sarianidi and a handful of other archaeologists soldiered on, unearthing additional elaborate structures and artifacts.
  22. Wanting to be right.

    ..... oh yeah .... but I wouldn't go near the political issues or forums ! < Urk ! >