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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Plastic

    This perhaps ; "Lord Chancellor's Nightmare Song" Love unrequited, robs me of me rest, Love, hopeless love, my ardent soul encumbers, Love, nightmare like, lies heavy of me chest, And weaves itself into my midnight slumbers. When you're lying awake with a dismal headache and Repose is taboo'd by anxiety, I conceive you may use any language you choose to Indulge in, without impropriety; For your brain is on fire, the bed-clothes conspire of Usual slumber to plunder you: First your counter-pane goes, and uncovers your toes, And your sheet slips demurely from under you; Then the blanketing tickles, you feel like mixed Pickles, so terribly sharp is the pricking, And you're hot and you're cross, and you tumble and Toss 'til there's nothing 'twixt you and the ticking. Then the bed-clothes all creep to the ground in a heap And you pick 'em all up in a tangle; Next your pillow resigns and politely declines to Remain at it's usual angle! Well, you get some repose in the form of a dose, with Hot eye-balls and head ever aching, But your slumbering teems with such horrible dreams That you'd very much better be waking; For you dream you are crossing the channel, and Tossing about in a steamer from harwich, Which is something between a large bathing machine and A very small second class carriage, And you're giving a treat (penny ice and cold meat) to A party of friends and relations, They're a ravenous horde, and they all come on board At sloane square and south kensington stations. And bound on that journey you find your attorney (who started this morning from devon); He's a bit undersiz'd and you don't feel surpris'd When he tells you he's only eleven. Well you're driving like mad with this singular lad (by the bye the ship's now a four wheeler), And you're playing round games, and he calls you bad Names when you tell him that "ties pay the dealer"; But this you can't stand so you throw up your hand, And you find you're as cold as an icicle; In your shirt and your socks (the black silk with gold clocks) Crossing sal'sbury plain on a bicycle: And he and the crew are on bicycles too, which they've Somehow or other invested in, And he's telling the tars all the particulars of a Company he's interested in; It's a scheme of devices, to get at low prices, all Good from cough mixtures to cables (which tickled the sailors), by treating retailers as Though they were all vegetables; You get a good spadesman to plant a small tradesman (first take off his boots with a boot tree), And his legs will take root, and his fingers will Shoot, and they'll blossom and bud like a fruit tree; From the green grocer tree you get grapes and green Pea, cauliflower, pine apple and cranberries, While the pastry cook plant cherry brandy will grant, Apple puffs, and three corners, and banburys; The shares are a penny and ever so many are taken by Rothschild and baring, And just as a few are allotted to you, you awake And with a shudder despairing You're a regular wreck, with a crick in your neck, and No wonder you snore, for your head's on the floor And you've needles and pins from your soles to your Shins, and your flesh is acreep, for your left leg's asleep, And you've cramp in your toes, and a fly on your nose, And some fluff in your lung, and a feverish tongue, And a thirst that's intense, And a general sense that you haven't been sleeping in clover; But the darkness has pass'd, and it's daylight at Last, and the night has been long, ditto, ditto my song, And thank goodness they're both of them over! ?
  2. I don't think leaving the rat race implies being lonely at all . It didn't use to, one could drop out and join a commune, or go to an area not so 'rat racy' . For me 'rat race' means certain things; Primarily it is based on expansion and increase - not stability . It also implies devoting a lot of your time to it at the expense of other parts of your life and joining in the high powered (supposed ) competition to scramble to the top or upper levels . One could work part time for living minimal expenses and devote oneself to fishing , surfing .... It also implies being in competition wit each other, updating everything and not being satisfied with old and outmoded stuff that still works anyway . But they are working to fix that, by making stuff designed to fail. All this can be dropped, well, I was able to , many years back. But you gotta find a good spot. No point in planning to live cheaply in an area with an intense climate and not much chance of growing or finding food, shelter, etc . Still, part of what I call the rat race is after me ! The small local town has changed a lot, and just over the last few months ' beautification' is in place (ie. make it seem more like the other hyped up tourist places . They spent over $3000 on each new street waste bin ! Now they snazzy designer colours - wow ! (They could have got the guys working at the local 'men's' shed to construct them out of wood, and got their unemployed trainee woodworkers to make them ..... maybe those ones would not have been 'set fire' (or maybe if they were not made of plastic and fiberglass, the paper in one would not have set the bin alight when someone threw a fag end in ? ..... I guess the new planners didn't think of that . They ripped up the concrete on the footpaths outside the shops and relaid it as nice pale brown concrete with ... and little bays and gardens ..... loosing about 30 car parking spaces . Its the modern way, to discourage car use in urban centres . Except we out in the country with no public transport , idiots ! So, as I say, I move further up the hill into the rainforest ( I already have, that means I just go more feral and hermit ... and hermit means ... alone . Soooooooo ...... there ya go ... I argued myself out of my own starting position But then again, if people are really devoted to an ideal, a whole lot of them can escape together, and have a great healthy and happy life But you migh have to work hard , not step on top of other people and not have an easy arse, fuck the environment consumer attitude . Yikes !
  3. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Regarding fishes My experiment seems over. Tomorrow is the first day of spring and all fishies are alive and well . - The aquarium guy said I would need a heated a tank to keep them ...... nope ! Fish tank heater Schego 560 $94.00 ( and probably needed more battery power and another solar panel to run it )
  4. Atlantis

    If that is the one I think it is, and supposedly supports Atlantis demise theory a la Cayce , /its already been debunked . ... although the source of your link is rather good I shall return with the study on it - just gotta refind it .
  5. .

    Mmmmmmmm aybe . Neighbour was out in yard , chickens pecking around, turned her back, turned back and there is a chicken running around without a head spurting blood, nearby was the head . She scouted around and up in a nearby tree she saw an eagle perched on a branch. Must have been a 'fly - by' .
  6. Fighting multiple opponents

    Well, that is vey advanced form . But, if you are in a gang and you are going to attack a lone person ( with swords ) ... just make sure you are following the right person .... and not the local Master.... who has understanding of Thousand-Armed Kannon in practice .
  7. Chinese Bones

    Chinese Bones - and other strange topics that have arisen . I have made a few posts about : the old Aryan 'Empire' that stretched from (now ) western China to (now ) Turkey , 'Caucasian Chinese mummies ' , how the Aryans were not to be defined by race or ethnicity and put up a picture of a painting of an old Aryan King from Pishdadian dynasties ( before history ) in very much Chinese looking robes features and hairstyle. (I have also seen much ancient 'Persian' art that looks very 'oriental' ) These 'divining bones' were found in China with a cuneiform script carved into them and the translations done on them so far seem to indicate they are copies of, or similar to, the first declarations made in the Cyrus the Great's Cylinder Seals . " In 1928, Xue Shenwei, a Chinese traditional doctor was shown two inscribed fossilized horse bones that bore a script that was unknown to him [and presumably to the then owner(s) of the artifacts as well]. Nearly all known Chinese oracle bones are from Xiaotun (also Yinxu or Yin Xu) located 3 km north-west of Anyang the ancient capital of the Late Shang Dynasty. Anyang itself is located in the northern province of Henan not far from the eastern terminus of the Silk Roads (the Aryan trade roads), namely, the cities of Zhengzhou and Luoyang. This region would have been very familiar to Iranian traders especially Sogdians who had colonies along the Silk Roads in China. "
  8. Fighting multiple opponents

    Trouble is, when everyone 'walks away' that allows crud to continue. I stopped a fight in the middle of a large busy intersection, they were fighting on the road, cars stopped all around, a truck came around corner, nearly ran over guys head ! and they continued ! about 50 people were sitting there dumb, doing nothing ! Someone could have got killed ! Yes, that stopped the aggressor; as I approached and yelled at him to "settle down: he looked in my direction, that allowed the beatee to get up and half escape. But the older bigger guy grabbed him at his car door and started beating on him again, still no one does anything, except his GF who is hysterically screaming. So I " Right then ! " and walked over, the guy turned to face me, allowing the other to get in car and escape. I didn't say anything but 'looked' at him and thought (in my best Bene Gesserit ' internal voice' ; I would not try anything , if I was you . He faulted took a step backwards, a few more then ran to his car and took of . He must have been 'off chops' on sake that day ! Of course it isn't the same . It might be the same for Ueshiba ... who goit used to just looking at his students or wagging a finger and watching them 'take a roll' , Seriously ! Just watch some vids of him doing randori . In a way. but dancers can do it, military drills, marching girls..... a good football player senses the play as if he was watching it from above . Bruce Lee claimed to be able to watch his own fights, while they happened, from above, and know what to do next in the fight. yet some can only see whats under their nose and in front of their face . and randori
  9. Fighting multiple opponents

    Only so many people can surround you and be within striking range . Friend described 'Pommie soccer rioter' as a 'bunched up cannonball ' . Errrrm ... always assume someone might have a knife !
  10. Fighting multiple opponents

    Interesting topic. I studied and practiced it a bit . Also interestingly, it was a topic of conversation yesterday, a friend visited who was recently in Germany, he saw a 5 on 1 fight , as he said, between a 'little Pommy soccer rioter' and 'German bikers' . Don't know what started it, but the Pommie got surrounded, so he king hit the first one and started dancing around singing ; " Two word wars and one world cup - do-dar, do dar ... " (I guess there the plan was to enrage them into wildly attacking - often easier to deal with ) , then two grabbed his arms and tried to pull them out so another could wack him; he jerked left and right delivering two head buts, one bloody nose, one split temple, and kicked the other attacking in the nuts ... then he only had one more to deal with . Like anything, the most proficient are the most experienced. So, unless you gonna take up soccer rioting ... In my training ( which has not been in a real situation but practicing simulations ) here are the basic important things ; Keep you 'spherical awareness' switched on, and always keep scanning the others and the environment ( for things to use to your advantage or against your advantage - also there could be further assailants hiding or watching. Always move towards the outside of the group, via getting around or behind the first attacker. If it stalls, take the initiative and you go for the weak link and break through. Don't assume they don't have concealed weapons. Do not go to ground ! Keep moving and turning. Always aim to move towards the outside of the group. If you can get a lock on, or a throw, throw them into the others. If you are able to control someone, turn and use them as a shield from the others. Use everything at your disposal . Be prepared ( a guy I know has 'going out' shoes ; innocent looking moccasins , but with a steel capped toe ) . I would post a vid of some Aikido randori .... but frankly I have never seen any but the badly done .... some really badly done ! However by watching some of them, you can get some of these principles. ( Eg, one time in class, I was dealing with two guys at once; I had one in a stranding one handed wrist lock and was controlling him, a second had been thrown to the floor, towards a third, to block his entry, and before I could turn and push the wristlock guy into the fourth guy, the fourth jumped on my back, so I just, went down and he slipped over and landed on the guy on the ground, causing a little injury to both . teacher freaked and was " No no no stop ! " and admonished the guy that jumped me ; " Don't monster people ! Give them a chance to react and do a technique." WTF ? and that's why Aikido randori looks so 'orchestrated ! I offered, instead, to the guy that tried to jump me ; " Rather , you, don't do something so reckless ! or you are libel to get injured, do not attack someone without being aware of what could happen to you or where you might end up ! " anyway ... for whatever it is worth ..... some practice of some type is better than none, I suppose .
  11. Atlantis

    Aside from the 2000 year difference in dates , why does this need to be postulated ? Just look what happened recently in New Zealand ..... part of the ocean floor rose up and is now above sea level * and part sank 'below the waves ' . With no other significant effect elsewhere in the world .
  12. Astrology 13 zodiac sign

    If that was from NASA - how embarrassing for them ,,, to display such a lack of basic astrological knowledge, relevant history and the re-hash of something from the 1970s And not knowing the difference between astrology and astronomy .
  13. It wasn't a PM. it was on the boards . and she wasn't even nude , ... and it wasn't even a woman . However, I will reveal that all female members of DBs send me nude pics to my PM box ... they just cant help themselves
  14. Ha Haaar ! Of course you are ... are reading all our posts that you have on ignore ... you cant help it , you compulsively do it, like you keep returning here after you are gone forever . You are led by a compulsive irresistible force ..... you might even be .... possessed by the Daobumdemon ! . No , you cant afford to let that happen eh ?
  15. Oh yes, on another forum some other idiot claimed to have me on ignore. First he said he was ignoring me kept answering, he said it was because his ignore function kept failing . Then he finally got it fixed and did it ... about 5 times. The he kept telling everyone how he had me on ignore. But knew what I was saying . he said he would come back and check and read my ignored posts to make sure I aid nothing about him .... but aside from that, I was on ignore ... unnless I voiced an opinion he didn't like ... then he would come back and criticise it . I don't use the ignore function ... I just ignore certain things .... all by myself .... I 'avert my eyes' and look downwards But then again, I am just some ordinary guy without a super duper 3rd eye activation
  16. actually , a big national vote is underway here at the moment about that
  17. Pffft Jonesboy is sock puppet of Brian ... we know that !
  18. N ..... Nungali ? Would you like to see sexy film of Nungali being Brian's wife ? here you go ... before he gets home from work, I like to make him nice Japanese dinner ... kids help too !
  19. I wish I had a 'forum wife ' .... sounds fun
  20. Oh ... you back again . Brian , are you logging these decreasing times of 'self bans' .... maybe we can work out the half life and predict the ultimate demise . .....
  21. He is 'gonna run away from home' ! Then you all be sorry !
  22. Yes. .... she has breasts ! You lucky fellow ! You don't have to 'avert your eyes and look down' ! .... since you married and all that
  23. Beautiful Man, beautiful ! Says he will leave so he can ignore everyone ...... comes back and says he will be here but ignore everyone .... then realises if he had stayed gone he would be ignoring everyone anyway . And claims to have extra powers of 3rd eye perception ....... Oh man ! ...
  24. I had a GF like this once . "Right That's it ! I am leaving and never coming back ! " " Ohhh ? Okay then . " Next day she be back Its like some hopeless addiction .
  25. told ya you would be back You did this before .... deleted all your passwords ... because you have no will ... no will to do a simple 'no show up' . But then, you found ONE backup password . But then, you said you deleted all your passwords again which were supposedly previously deleted If ya gonna ;lie, at least keep track of them and try to be consistent . Good luck with making your lists ... I hope it doesn't keep you away from your all important meditation ... that you claim we keep you from