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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Crowley and Daoism

    Or perhaps one could just realise its 'wrongness' ' naturally ' ? ? ?
  2. Crowley and Daoism

    Ainslie Roberts – ‘Owl Dreaming’ – Palka Karrinya The Palka Karrinya is situated at the entrance to a large gorge which is a sacred site that has been a focal point for ancient Aboriginal ceremony, still practised to this day. Central Mount Wedge is situated in the arid Western Desert of the Northern Territory and is approximately plum centre in the middle of Australia. The white explorer Peter Warburton came here in 1873 and his camels refused to enter the gorge to drink water. " From a Taoist perspective, all the horizontal strata of the rocks in the gorge and the red colour would create a very potent masculine Yang chi. Conversely the sole vertical shard, due to its vertical Yin orientation and the yin water in the rock pool next to it, would concentrate, by virtue of polarity, a powerful Yin feminine force. "
  3. Crowley and Daoism

    Narwala Gabarnmang
  4. Crowley and Daoism

    Hmmm .... maybe adds 'imagined he has caused ..... * ' * What did they call it in the old days, for a woman ? ...... " a little crisis '" < sits in lotus in Maccas ...... concentrates on woman over there .... she spills her coffee on herself ; "Oh Damn! Damn that ! I just got that dry cleaned ... ! "
  5. Plastic

  6. ... and ...... you went blue, like Krishna ! Just remember to use long inexplicable sentences and weird syntax and make up a few terms yourself .
  7. aside from the crap that science can contain .... you do realise how many people die each day from not eating ... dont you ? Nutritional science ? Look, whatever, believe what you want .... but look after yourself, okay .
  8. Day 4 of my fast a group of us git off the ferry and had to carry camping equipment along a long stretch of beach, to the other end , into the bush at the camp site, I loaded up and carried one load of stuff and went back to get more, I met the others half way along the beach, who were struggling. The only person that kept up with me was this guy with an arm missing ! I did get to the disgust stage though ... and all that time 'wasted' preparing cooking and eating food .... they spent soooo much time doing that . And having to go to the toilet all the time ... the disgusting buggers ! And yeah .... they stank too ! Most of them left after 2 days. me and another guy stayed who was having trouble integrating back into society after a long trip through Africa , and some other person. I would job early morning and hop the ferry over to the town on the other side where I worked at the post office as a motorcycle courier , had a locker with uniform there and they had showers and stuff. Then ferry and jog home along the beach, to the camp site . Man! Those were good times . Then my knees started to get wobbly , and other effects set in. The first time I ate something ... a pear I think it was .... WOW ! it was like rocket fuel ! Energy rush ... amazing ! But then gone quickly and bottom out. A few days of similar, building back up to potato and stuff, and eventually 'normalised' after some grain and bean combo ( rice lentils and chapati ) ... back to 'normal' . And I re - entered the world of stinky gobbling crappy humans . I got to live 'the dream' for about a week though .
  9. This world is not real

    You will get there .... just take a little more care (image hidden , as per request )
  10. Mmm hmmmm .... Jasmudeen ate cakes with cream .... not because she needed to , she just liked the taste . last 'breatharian I talked to (in a book shop I worked in ) was raving to me about how fantastic it was .... all the while, I could see bits of orange pulp between his teeth . I know what this is about ...
  11. 7 days is a fast ... not 'breatharianism ' . Extra 'clear vital energy' is a result many have felt from such a fast . But keep going with it and see what happens . I know, cause I did it. It got me in the knees first ( wobble wobble ) . " Breatharianism is considered a lethal pseudoscience by scientists and medical professionals, and several adherents of these practices have died from starvation and dehydration. Though it is common knowledge that biological entities require sustenance to survive, breatharianism continues " Or for a 'breatharian' under close observation ; " Jasmuheen has stated that she has lived on approximately 300 calories per day for the past fourteen years, maintaining full health through supplementing a fluid intake with "cosmic particles" or "micro-food", which she describes as prana. " The Australian television programme 60 Minutes challenged Jasmuheen to demonstrate how she could live without food and water. The supervising medical professional Dr Beres Wenck found that, after 48 hours, Jasmuheen displayed symptoms of acute dehydration, stress, and high blood pressure.[2] Jasmuheen claimed that this was a result of "polluted air". On the third day, she was moved to a mountainside retreat about 15 miles from the city, where she was filmed enjoying the fresh air, claiming she could now successfully practice Inedia. But as filming progressed, Jasmuheen's speech slowed, her pupils dilated, and she lost over a stone (6 kg or 14 lb) in weight. After four days, she acknowledged that she had lost weight, but stated that she felt fine. Dr. Wenck stated: "You are now quite dehydrated, probably over 10%, getting up to 11%." The doctor continued: "Her pulse is about double what it was when she started. The risk if she goes any further is kidney failure."[2] Jasmuheen's condition continued to deteriorate rapidly due to acute dehydration, despite her contrary insistence. Dr Wenck concluded that continuing the experiment would ultimately prove fatal. The film crew agreed with this assessment and stopped filming. " " As of 2012, five deaths had been directly linked to breatharianism and Jasmuheen's publications "
  12. This world is not real

    No ...that is a disgusting American invention .... and in very bad taste (for the Australian film industry - yeah, there is a story behind that ) I will have Roger waiting with me though
  13. This world is not real

    Right Buddy ! I will have you ... and your mate allinnone on at the same time ! Just you two come on over here to Australia ... and I will show you what I got for you two !
  14. This world is not real

    Ahhhh ....there is nothing like a person who is going to attack you ...... yet also confesses they are a noob at attacking. Okay ..... attack away Noobie ( since that is clearly what you want, desire, love, hate, keep talking about, put posts up about and make topics about ) .
  15. What does everyone practice :)

    Booglebar practice and extensions ( 'Australian Aboriginal Shamanism' ) . Neo Egyptian 4 cycle Sun adorations. Sokken 3 sai and 3 kama forms . Various bo forms . Two eku forms. A self developed jo form. Sword . Shorin-Ryu Matsamura Seito ( family) form - empty hand . Gardening , art of bamboo , cultivating relationship to native animals and 'earth energy' .
  16. Is this a portrait ?

    First awarded in 1921, the Archibald, Australia’s most recognised art prize, is judged by the trustees of the Art Gallery of NSW and awarded annually to the best portrait, “preferentially of some man or woman distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted by any artist resident in Australasia”. Tjungkara Ken, from Amata from Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY) in South Australia’s far North West, decided to paint a self potrait and enter the competition ; Its her 'country' her 'dreaming' as she explained . I am not just what you see here , I am part of that country and that dreaming. Any portrait of myself should show all of me . not just what you see here . ( In the interview filmed at a place that isnt her 'homeland' . . Some have said it isnt a portrait but a landscape . Apparently the art judges didnt think so and accepted it . This year, nine APY Lands artists are among the 42 finalists for the Wynne, which is held concurrently with the Archibald Prize. Their art seems to be taking off . Tjungkara Ken
  17. Good days, Bad days...

    The Sun just came up , I am alive . Today is going to be a good day . Also its saturday .... lets see now .... Grab these ... ... and ... ... and a good day to all of you .
  18. apocalypse confirmed by science
