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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Chinese Bones

    Kampyr Tepe 'Pyramids ' ! Now 'desert'
  2. Chinese Bones

    Oh yeah ... Pamirs is supposedly un passable . Pamirs 'The Roof of the World ' google map fly over ... pick the right valleys and enlarge ... eventually ; and then read descriptions of 'Airyana Vaeja ' .
  3. Chinese Bones

    " It is also found at lower frequencies among the Uyghur of Xinjiang. This is not entirely surprising either. This region of the Tarim basin was connected to Kashmir across the Pamirs. The 4th century Buddhist monk from the Tarim basin city of Kucha, who was instrumental in the translation of texts into Chinese, may have had a Kumārajīva, Kashmiri father. " Of course ! The Pamirs , (at one time ) Airyana vaeja ( Vendidas 'nation' number 1 . .... the good place to live ) " Shamballa " , was on the short cut route . One only has to spend some time on google earth (and have common sense ) to see it and how the associated valleys and tributaries into the upper Oxus made strongholds and backdoor routes into 'China' .... avoiding those nasty northern 'Turians ' they held the southern crossroads ns India upt to the main silk route and the Steppe and ew from CHina all the way to (ultimately ) NW Africa ( furthest find of Afghani Lapis lazuli ) And the Language mear Palmirs is akin to ancient Anantolian ... but I posted deets of that earlier . styalised mandala style 'Shang ri la ' Pamir Mountains THis guy even found the circular river ! ( see the mandala picture above ) that was said to surround the 'magic land' centre ( difficult due to war, terrain, landslides and montains still moving , but .... blah blah ... its worth watching ; episode 5 T'he Land of the Golden Fleece ' is interesting .
  4. Chinese Bones

    Aryan "invasion" of India is bunkum ! Where is the archaeology ? Here is some showing Harrapan evidence , in The ancient Oxus area ( supposedly a classic 'Aryan' area until they 'Invaded' the ' Dravidians ' (probably shipped lapis lazuli all the way to Egypt .) look deeper . No slavery . the opposite . One reason their 'societa model ' grew ... people liked it rulers didnt . So ... Close ... but no cigar . I keep pointing out many 'types' , in this case a P I I type , that took two directions ; one more libertarian and progressive , the other by rule of force . The division was between those that wanted to rule by force and power and those that desired progressive societal change . Eg. The Vedic 'Soma' was known as Vedic drug , consumed for power in war ( a concoction based on Ephedra ... 'speed' ) . The Avestan 'Haoma' was a concoction used medicinally . regarding society and the 'God's ' desires ( to further their ends ) the difference is obvious in this contrast ; In the Rig Veda, the devas preside over natural phenomena and the exercise of power and might while the asuras preside over the establishment of a moral and social order. For instance, the deva Indra is guardian of the weather and victory in battle earning the title sahasra-mushka, 'the one with a thousand testicles' (Rig Veda 6.45.3), while the asuras Varuna and Mitra are the guardians of the cosmic and moral laws of rita . In the Rig Veda (4.42.1-6), Varuna declares, "I, Varuna, am the king; first for me were appointed the dignities of asura, the Lord. I let the dripping waters rise up, and through rta I uphold the sky." as some sort of reply Indra ( 'the one with a thousand testicles' - great .... speed and testosterone now ! ) replies Indra , " "Men who ride swiftly, having good horses, call on me when surrounded in battle. I, the bountiful Indra, provoke strife. I whirl up the dust, my strength is overwhelming... . No godlike power can check me - I who am unassailable. When draughts of Soma, when songs have made me frenzied, then both the unbounded regions are filled with fear." After the division ( and in the newer Vedas ) the 'Elder Gods' , 'Asuras ' are demonised ... Just as they Deva 'Gods' are demonised i the later Avestas . They propbab;y even called each other Natzis ! But they were all ' Aryans ' .... if we see it as a 'cultural designation, of people that were previously joined together by aspects of culture .
  5. Chinese Bones

    Aurobindo's Aryan person For Aurobindo, an "Aryan" was not a person who belonged to a particular race, but a person who "accepted a particular type of self-culture, of inward and outward practice, of ideality, of aspiration." woop woop woop ! I guess he wasnt some type of nationalist colonial racist Speaking of nationalist colonial racist .. I also recommend looking into something you dissed earlier ; the 'cast system ' The original concept was of specialized professions. ( note, not originally ;caste ' ) The four main professional guilds of priests and learned (athravan), nobles and warriors (rathestaran), farmers (vasteryosan), and artisans (hutokhshan), with members of each profession working in freedom and dignity. Farmers had their own land free from dispute. Also instituted was the tradition of the wearing the sacred thread or belt as an mark that the wearer had been initiated into the guilds (see (Sad-dar - 'Hundred Doors' chapter 10, and chapter 39.18-19, Dadestan-i Denig - 'Religious Decisions'). The Hindu Vedas list four similar professions called varnas (from var, to enclose, cf. Av. vara meaning enclosure): the priests and learned (brahman), nobles and warriors (khshtriya), merchants and farmers (vaishyas), labourers and artisans (sudra). Each varna has its own dharma or system and rules (also called laws) which included an initiation ceremony called the upanayana (meaning bringing within). The Hindu initiation ceremony like the Zoroastrian initiation ceremony is also called a thread ceremony. Hinduism calls the initiate a dvijas meaning twice born signifying that the initiate is "born again" into spiritual life. Zoroastrianism uses the term navjote meaning new life. The Hindu initiation is conducted during a person's teen or early adult years. The Zoroastrian age for initiation was the age or reason, deemed by tradition to be fifteen years of age. Significant in the separation of 'Indian' and 'Iranian' ( from a previous joining ) traditions , variations in this guild system( and other things ) suggest different approaches to society and governance . One was sexaul equality . The initiation ceremony in Hinduism is now limited to men of the first three castes, while the initiation ceremony in Zoroastrianism is available to all women and men. In Zoroastrianism, the initiation ceremony developed into an initiation into the faith and a coming-of-age ceremony for all Zoroastrians - rather than an initiation into a 'caste ' . Priest graduation ceremony . The Mobed (member of a family of hereditary priests) Soroushpur, current chairman of the Council of Zoroastrian Priests, has done research on ancient Zoroastrian documents and claimed to have found clear evidence of women clergy in ancient times before Muslim invasions.
  6. Chinese Bones

    Here we go ! Some more Indian 'truth ' ;
  7. Chinese Bones

    You need some meta morph osis ;
  8. Chinese Bones

    and you know that without ever listening to it ... interesting !
  9. Chinese Bones

    classical piano concert at the end of high school ! WOW ! Rock on man ! Hope you didnt play evil white world dominating music ... Ode to the Bushman on grand piano was it ?
  10. Chinese Bones

    Unless it is music you refuse to listen to due to some wacky idea you had about whatever it was .... up there ^
  11. Chinese Bones

    just stopped your ears up ...
  12. Chinese Bones

    no, its a ref to you stopping your ears up and and blocking out input from the parts of life you can not handle .... yet .
  13. Chinese Bones

    Are you really a Daoist ?
  14. Chinese Bones

    ... ad there is your 'original sin ' guilt again you should really get that 'seen to ' !
  15. Chinese Bones

    Except for Tool I even previously posted the 'schism' track for you to listen to ... and it was not JUST the words ... you must have missed the import of the 'signature coding ' ? 'Schism' is renowned for its use of uncommon time signatures and the frequency of its meter changes. the song alters meter 47 times. Did you miss that ? Listen again and follow along ; The song begins with two bars of 5 4, followed by one bar of 4 4, followed by bars of alternating 5 8 and 7 8, until the first interlude, which consists of alternating bars of 6 8 and 7 8. The following verse exhibits a similar pattern to the first, alternating bars of 5 8 and 7 8. The next section is bars of 6 4 followed by one bar of 11 8. This takes the song back into alternating 5 8 and 7 8. Another 6 8 and 7 8 section follows, and after this the song goes into repeating 78 bars. The section ends with a measure of 3 8 then the music hangs suspended over a bar of 9 8. The middle section is subsequently introduced at 3:29, maintaining a group of three bars of 6 8 then one of 9 8 until 5:02. Then a series of 8 4, 10 4, 8 4, 8 4, then 9 8 heading into ..... "Between supposed lovers..." ( which is a four bar group of 6 8, 7 8, 6 8 and 9 8 twice. It breaks down with a measure of 13 8 then 9 8. 5 8 then 9 8 repeats 3 times then 5 8 and 6 8 once. The signature riff takes over again, 5 8 then 7 8. The final riff is 8 8. However, Tool themselves have referred to the time signature as  6 1⁄2 8. Look ... I even demonstrate it for you ; ......
  16. Chinese Bones

    His mother in law was a neanderthal dragon .... I betchya !
  17. Chinese Bones

    voidisyinyang ; 'All money collected goes to children ... please contribute now ." Nungali ; "Oh ... really ? What charity do you represent ? " voidisyinyang; " Ummmmm .... errrmmm .... well , we are all somebody's children ! "
  18. Chinese Bones

    Eeeeeeee-yup ! ... I told you that on page 2 or 3 P.I.I. is the modern prefered term . keep reading and searching .... you catch up with me soon ! YOU were the one that kept harping on off topic about white Europeans ! " Indo-Iranian peoples, also known as Indo-Iranic peoples by scholars,[1] and sometimes as Arya from their self-designation, were an ethno-linguistic groupwho brought the Indo-Iranian languages, a major branch of the Indo-European language family, to major parts of Eurasia. " read the words carefully and try to understand what they mean instaed of reacting to percieved key words . certain words and usage are chosen deliberately , for this reason . " The Proto–Indo-Iranians were the descendants of the Indo-European Sintashta culture and the subsequent Andronovo culture, located at the Eurasian steppe that borders the Ural River on the west, the Tian Shan on the east. " ie ... the northern 'horse people' . note this section ; " It is assumed that this expansion spread from the Proto-Indo-European homeland north of the Caspian sea south to the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Iranian plateau, and Northern India. " " The Mitanni of Anatolia[edit] Main article: Mitanni The Mitanni, a people known in eastern Anatolia from about 1500 BC, were of mixed origins: a Hurrian-speaking majority was dominated by a non-Anatolian, Indo-Aryanelite.[12]:257 There is linguistic evidence for such a superstrate, in the form of: a horse training manual written by a Mitanni man named Kikkuli, which was used by the Hittites, an Indo-European Anatolian people; the names of Mitanni rulers and; the names of gods invoked by these rulers in treaties. Second wave – Iranians[edit] The second wave is interpreted as the Iranian wave.[9]:42–43 and Also ; Proto-Indo-Iranian or Proto-Indo-Iranic is the reconstructed proto-language of the Indo-Iranian/Indo-Iranic branch of Indo-European. ... It is the ancestor of the Indo-Aryan languages, the Iranian languages, and the Nuristani languages. - as I said 4 pages back What I have been referring to is PII and clearly stated it was one influence of PIE and to use PIE was mistaken in the context I was talking about as peeps think it means 'Europe ' (as if there never advances happening there previously ! ) The same thing happened in Central Asia ... supposedly 'PIE' culture 'civilised' the area . There is much (now but not pre 1970s) archaeology to show settlement in South Central Asia before PII incursions as I said . track animal domestication and combining of proto or base cultures ..... .. and forget about people's skin colour and recent 'national boundaries ' !
  19. Chinese Bones

    ... and I have not read your posts ! I said the old style of anthro classification defined caucasian as mixed skin hair and eye color . Actually of all the groups classified ( note : I did not use the term 'races' ) 'caucasian' was known to be the most diverse and mixed in appearance A
  20. Chinese Bones

    I thought you complained that it was a made up term ... up there ^ You need to keep track of what you write .
  21. Chinese Bones

    No , you said Aryan meant noble ( from Arya - sanskrit ) but later ...that it was not PIE word but African . So , are Africans Aryans now ? Or where Aryans an African incursion into India that drove the Australoids out ?
  22. Chinese Bones

    First there was Neanderthals . Originally they fought , but later they mated, with white Aryan dragons , and they gave birth to a race of Marbleheads . There ya go ! .... ( note 'European landscape ' )
  23. Chinese Bones

    Ohhhh .... you Natzi ! Natzi ! Natzi !... everyone come look at the Natzi ! 1. Makes up term 'Aryanoid' all by himself . because the stuff you are making up as you go along is inconsistent ... hats the trouble with lies , one has to constantly keep track of the ones made up previously ... you have exposed yourself in this area now for the third time here . try to lie consistently ! I imagine you will find it as senseless as everything else you read here and start laughing at it and mocking it as it doesnt fit in with your brain warped reality about Aryan annunaki alien crocodile people . Isnt about time you accused me of belonging to some vast international coverup cabal ? trying to hide to hide the truth about crocodile alien dragon ... whatevers .... ( sorry , I lost the thread of how your theories fit together ) .