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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. .

    A Samurai was not considered a true and complete man if he could not arrange a nice bunch of flowers , write a poem about his feelings and nature ( and write it out with beautiful calligraphy ) and make a good cup of tea with correct ceremony ! (as well as unarmed jutsu, sword, spear and bow art, etc . ) Hรดjรด Ujimasa 1538-1590 Autumn wind of eve, blow away the clouds that mass over the moon's pure light and the mists that cloud our mind, do thou sweep away as well. Now we disappear, well, what must we think of it? From the sky we came. Now we may go back again. That's at least one point of view.
  2. alien invasion

    Ma'ai - ้–“ๅˆใ„ A 'friend' decided to hide in some bushes near the local hotel and 'hug ' me ( 'jump me' ) as I passed to 'see what I would do ' . It was him that ended up ' both scared and frightened. ' ... as I saw him duck in there and wait for me Maai is all important .... teacher taught ; " First block . " ... and to demonstrate he would just take a step back or to the side . ( 2nd block was another step back, hands in defensive position and " No, no , no fight ! " .... 3rd, block ... was a little 'less friendly' ) But 'jumping someone' may restrict one's ability for 'politeness' .
  3. .

    Well, so are we .... according to 'Tic-tok' the psychopathic human murdering robot ; " Yo ! Meatface ..... shitbelly ... how about I carve you up ? " Which can never happen they assure us ... robots will have special programs so they can not hurt us ... ... and we all know how programs and computers never malfunction
  4. .

    Nah ... joker is ..... just that . Fool is on a journey and is 'carefree' a bit like ;
  5. What are you watching on Youtube?

    But , are you cringing just as sensei is about to hit, or after it ?
  6. .

  7. About morons

    He looks French ? 2 days ago I was asked to fill in , on a form , what my ethnicity was , I wrote 'mixed' Because all ethnicity is mixed . Thats half of 'the formula ' !
  8. About morons

    Whoa there boy ! You used that word BOY did I cause a kerfufffle here some time back by using that word here ! (In a thread a bout a white supremacist that was exposed to have some negro ancestry .... what was the fuse again ??? .. get your ***** white arse out of *******ville you racist ! ... or something like that ! Honestly, I never knew 'twas a bad word ! ( PS and dont say fuck out loud in public ..... even though we phosphorous bomb, torture, invade corrupt etc etc ...... nice people just dont say fuck ok ? )
  9. About morons

    And dont ask how I used to pronounce this countries name as a kid, until someone ; " Errrmmm ... that is NOT the way you are supposed to say that . " Seriously ... as a kid I thought that was the ' homeland ' . I just wasnt exposed to this stuff. I learnt about apartheid back then from watching a news story on Sth Africa and asking my father questions ... no, I didnt get it all , entirely flummoxed ! ..... once, also as a kid, I thought the NZ 'all blacks' rugby team meant that NZ had adopted 'apartheid' . But when they came to Sydney to play .... they were not all Maoris ... but they did a Maori dance .... whaaat ? Father explained that to me too . So of course, being the person I am, I wanted to know why the Australian team didnt do an Aboriginal dance before they played .... and I got told not to be silly . There were some aboriginal kids at school, but they seemed just like us , we couldnt tell the difference , they did the same things we did , sometimes the teachers made strange remarks to them. Then one time I as walking home from school with a mate and this drunk rushes out the pub, starts assaulting him, others pulled him off and took him back inside. I asked him why and he explained it was because he was 'an Abbo' ( which seemed more of an abbreviation back then than an insult ), I said that I knew that, but why did he bash you? he said the same thing again .... nope , still dont get it . But I did see 'the ugliness' then, in that drunk guy, for the first time . We walked home in a 'gang' after that . - sometimes its hard to work out the the world as a kid ..... then I got older ..... .... and gave that up .
  10. .

    Errrmmm no , you made out the stories were fake , so you would be a 'heretic' . Which is worse than a non-believer .... as it means you believe what I do but not exactly in the same way as I want you to believe it ..... why won't you conform ! Goddammit ! ( I actually think you prefer to be , not a fool , but a ' Fool ' }
  11. .

    Do you really think Jewish mysticism is that 'cut and dried' ... that 'black and white ' ? regarding the BST ( and for example ) ; The rebbe Shiomo of Rodomsk pithily declared, "Whoever believes all the miracle stories about the Baal Shem Tov in Shivhei HaBaal Shem Tov is a fool, but whoever denies that he could have done them is an apikoros . " [A heretic . ]
  12. About morons

    I think little boys should be allowed to play with trolls .... however, when one grows up ..... Ohhhh ... trolls .... ( oooops , sorry . )
  13. Theosophy

    ... and he had the balls to stand up in front of a mass of adoring 'world teacher ' ( that was, supposedly, Krishnamurti himself) acolytes and tell them .... basically, its not him - be your own 'guru' .
  14. .

    ... or 'kabbalistc magicians ' ( just being consistent with 'c' and 'k' transposition )
  15. .

    Oh yeah ? Begone ye doubter ! " Abracadabra ! " Poof ! You gone ! Of course it has meaning .... ask all the Jews that wear that 'spell' . Hint ; it is, in a way, the converse of ; ื ื” ื” ื‘
  16. About morons

    Ok < ring ring > "Hello , Ministry of Health ? I just wanted to confirm if you breed morons to get their babies and sell them to adoptees to make money ? ..... hello ...... hello ? .... "
  17. About morons

    The source was a friend's friend who told him it got translated as 'fact ' This is so rampant in our societies ... I have even given up addressing it .... I used to : " Did you know A had a fight with B ? " " No . How do you know that ?" " C told me . " " Then you do not know it , all you know is that C told you A had a fight with B ." " Huh ? " " Doesnt matter .... lovely day isnt it ? " (actually, as time goes on, I talk less and less to people )
  18. About morons

    I agree BUT < look folks I am about to defend Lois ! > Language translation problem ... and he uses a translator - My God I hope that;'s it ! and he isnt a Russian Borat
  19. About morons

    Unless the content of their 'free speech' is trying to shut your own 'free speech' down I'm not tying to shut down woo woo 'free speech' ... but I will challenge the ideas and references behind it in debate . Thats when some try to shut me down and accuse me of ridiculous things ... and put up posts here about it naming me .
  20. About morons

    I hear ya ! I clearly remember you saying " tolerant" of ..... which does not indicate denial at all . I dont deny ..... ( x y z horrible crimes ) exist .... but that doesnt mean I have to tolerate it !
  21. About morons

    Nice try ..... but I have been here long enough to remember your previous admissions to have been Hitler's personal pussycat ( I seen you dancing with him ... dont deny it ! )
  22. About morons

  23. Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

    It sounds wonderful. What is your general location ? I love pines ! here the natives ' up top ' are bunya ( with a huge cone with edible nuts and hoop ) Bunya Hoop and 'down below' lining the river banks and overhanging the water are the delightful 'river casuarina ' here the rivers are well lined by these trees but further north , in the 'Northern Rivers' area, most have been replaced by the invasive and non native camphor laurel .... originally introduced as a fast growing large shade tree and planted in the state school's playgrounds throughout the countryside .
  24. Why Universe is a Bow Tie?

    Information energy matter Information is 'organised' ( ' with order' ) matter / energy .