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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Why is this happening to me?

    I like pseudo science articles that contain their own debunking
  2. Why is this happening to me?

    Well ... it helped me get to the top ...... being white and part of a culture that has all the guns and power has nothing to do with it though ... it was all those 'other peoples' sins that make them suffer now .... I must have been such a great guy .... before ! Chin chin (and I shall hide the horrid descriptive picture for the unawares )
  3. .

  4. How does your garden grow?

    grow your own ... Buddha fruit ; or a love apple
  5. How does your garden grow?

    I meant these ' Golden Shallots' of 'French Shallots ' but golden or 'normal' onion color . Is this what you thought ? It is confusing here , shallots can also mean ' scallions ' .... urrrgh ! (no, that isnt a 'glitch in the Matrix ' ) But what you seem to be describing is the way 'chives' grow ? I grew them once, they kept growing for years , spread, had to dig them out and ...... massive root clump ! left a big hole in the ground ( first attempt I just turned them upside down, roots up on the clump and covered it, they regrew ! ) Hmmm .... I gotta get this straight .... the Chinese know their vegies well - chive n. 香葱,细香葱;韭黄shallot n. 葱scallion n. 青葱,冬葱;韭葱spring onion 葱;(英)大葱;生吃的小洋葱 : Chives are a herb - we only eat the part that grows above ground ie we eat the shoots not the bulbs. The part we eat looks like dark green grass with thin tubular shoots. You'd typically cut chives into small pieces and sprinkle on top of a dish just before serving to give a fresh, onion taste. Sour cream and chives is a popular topping for baked potatoes.Spring onions and scallions are alternative names for the same thing. We tend to say spring onions in Britain and scallions in the US. They have a small white bulb and long shoots which are white at the base and dark green at the tips. You can eat them raw in salads, or cooked in Asian-style stir-fries.Shallots are small onions, maybe 5 cm long by 3 cm wide, often reddish in colour. As with ordinary onions, we only eat the bulbs of shallots.
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

  7. How does your garden grow?

    Has anyone here grown ' Golden Shallots' of 'French Shallots ' or something similar ? My winter garlic has poked through the munch with green tips ..... but the shallot bulbs .... nt a trace, not even a new root coming out the bottom ?
  8. London Bridge

    Its a different situation down here , we just had another small scale incident BUT like the last one , the guy has a known long term record of criminal violence, abuse, ice addiction and links with terrorist organisations , got caught several times, did time in jail a few times (ever since he got here as a kid apparently ) , then was let out on parole ! The last one was even issued a gun license ! WTF ? ! So the confidence in authorities is very lacking.
  9. How does your garden grow?

    Anyone need an easy to make cheap, dry composting toilet design ? Or a great method and recipe for bio-dynamic compost ? Last time I made it , it was amazing , unlike any other compost I have made - I stuck my hand in, grabbed some and pulled it out and a clump nearly as big as soccer ball came out .... very light and fluffy and cohesive , light and moist but not wet , similar to 'coir peat ' . It usually looks like this, with 'clumps' this size or smaller
  10. How does your garden grow?

    Nooooo .... number twos ... from my home made dry composting toilet system . Number ones just end up on the grass outside or poured onto the compost pile . and the 2nd olive barrel is already full . .... and I dont drink beers . But you got my name right
  11. How does your garden grow?

    And the rest ...... I have 2 large olive barrels full and 1 3/4 full of 'number twos' , paper and cane mulch . Soon I will have to open barrel 1 and empty it and start using that again. Gawd , I hope its well composted ! (It weighs a ton ! ) The plan is to spread it over an old disused bed, dig it in, plant comfrey, yarrow nettle chamomile, etc and other good plants for compost. Harvest the plants, make compost out of that and use that on the food garden.
  12. The Cool Picture Thread

    Tourism , thats why, people love going and looking at these sort of formations . Hopefully then went around the better ones and preserved them. In Namibia there are similar places , and climate, the road base ( and surface) there is made by layering sand and salt and watering it and rolling it , successively .... seems to last years , when worn, more salt and sand and water and rolling . Ends up sorta vitrified looking .
  13. The Cool Picture Thread

    ....... smash them up and use as road base ???
  14. The Cool Picture Thread

    Crystal mountain - white desert ' It should once be put right, that the crystals from the known Crystal Mountain (28° 26' E and 27° 39' N) between the oasis Bahariya and Farafra, northern of the White Desert, are no Quartz crystals. They are probably Barite (Schwerspat, BaSO4) and/or Calcite crystals (Kalkspat, CaCO3), which to ascertain at the hardness of the crystals easily. Quartz (SiO2) has the hardness 7, Barite and Calcite the hardness 3.5-3.0 (Mohs-scale). Quartz crystal can scratch glass, Barite or Calcite can it not. The origin of this Crystal Mountain is interesting. The hill was opened during works at the road from Farafra to Bahariya by chance and destroyed in part. The material was installed into the road. Today is the Crystal Mountain a popular stop for the tourists. Still more interesting is the geological context. The hill is not a paleokarst cave with columnar-shaped stalagmites. It is a subvolcanic vault, which was emerged probably during the Oligocene age. The visible layers are e.g. White Desert limestone of the Khoman Fm.* (Late Cretaceous age), as well as a younger coal seam and hydrothermal impregnated reddish to brownish ferruginous layers. The strata are broken or brecciated and intensely with each other folded. It is to be ascertained intense heat. The coal seam e.g. was transformed to anthracite (?). The crystals have increased out of climbed hydrovolcanic solutions. The hot solutions were high concentrated with BaSO4 and/or CaCO3, which had been solved from the sediments. The solutions have penetrated into all cavities. After cooling of the solutions the crystals could increase. It were formed columns or round domes with crystals within.
  15. The Cool Picture Thread

    Egypt - out in the middle of Western Desert , near Bahariya Oasis In the nearby 'The White Desert ' .... just next to 'The Black Desert '
  16. Is Tai chi fake?

    Indeed ... that hand position ! I have seen it work to get past a boxer and he didnt worry about it as no power available ... until it poked him in the eye - that stopped him - he was not ready for that ! and 'boxer' was known to be one punch knock out street fighter, bit of a bully ... later he goes; ' Dont spar with that guy, he mad , he poked me in the eye ! ' Thing was , boxer asked the guy to 'spar' him twice and he said no ( he was not sure what 'spar' meant ? ) but he just went ahead and started doing it anyway !
  17. Is Tai chi fake?

    Yes. Okinawan kings body guards not allowed to carry weapons , they had both the Japanese and Chinese coming there with weapons and still had to defend the KIng , even when Commodore Perry came and they had guns . This was a big influence on 'temple ' style . Including each person's position, role and type of action, usually envisioned to be enacted in the King's reception chamber, and also incorporating the buildings design . From this perspective, many 'karate forms' can be seen in a different light . See; [ Although this is from the Japanese, modern karate, perspective , and is sort of 'engineered backwards ' ( through all the honne and tatemae ) still they got a fair bit right about it ] .
  18. Is Tai chi fake?

    hence , why 'real karate' was never taught to the occupying forces or when it was turned into a kids P.E. system ... or a sport ! The tradition I practice came from a 'temple style' that was primarily designed to 'protect the king' , so it was potentially partially suicidal , if needed to be. Then system and king got disbanded . Style was converted to 'family style' ( family and descendants of King's bodyguard ). So changed. Old teacher ( now passed ) explained it this way ; reason for learning ; 1. Protect parents. 2. Protect rest of family . 3. Protect self ( so you can continue to do 1 and 2 ) . Some moves in forms are supposed to be hidden when others are watching .... or not in the form at all ( but in the bunkai and more archaic forms of the kata ) eg , in ' 54 steps ' ( developed by that same ' royal bodyguard ) , even in archaic form first technique starts from ready position and seems obscure , but in demonstration , old teacher would do the move starting off in seiza . Which is a common position to find one's self in in their culture . ( Aikido people may be familiar with starting a techniques or doing one from or in this position . Taught friend how to ' Open the door ' then one night guy outside club attacks him ... whoosh ... off he goes and collides his temple with another, this time, real door, a car door that was opening, top corner. R r r r i i i i p ! Friend ended up taking him to hospital to get the side of his face stitched back on . Unintentional ... and attacker thought he had an 'accident' or slipped over or something . Another reason I like training in the park and outdoors . Being driven backwards, ended up treading on some dropped large tree branches, and didnt loose footing ! Yes ! ( Often new people will start clearing any obstacles from the grass ... no ! leave that stuff there ... I had a large pet spiky thistle I was very ' fond of ' in my private training ground ... the end of many a 'foe' in karate or aikido dust ups there .... until new teacher ... he always trains in shoes ! Damn !
  19. Is Tai chi fake?

    Quick ! Where is the Dan Inosanto Gun Vs knife police training film !
  20. Is Tai chi fake?

    I think they pat you down for one of those matches If not ... heck ... I just take my new spear ! ( Now with wider reinforced head for the back slash ) .
  21. Is Tai chi fake?

    And each time they come in low for a take down you are not allowed to punch them in the back of the head ! And in soccer you are not allowed to pick up the ball and run with it .
  22. Is Tai chi fake?

    Ahhhh ! Aikido mythology ! Even aikiweb forum laughs at those type of stories ... I suggest the scholarly works on the subject by a specialist Peter Goldsworthy at Akiweb ; transmission, emulation and all sorts f other Japanese cultural dynamics involved in such ' honne and tatemae' ; stories
  23. Is Tai chi fake?

    Nothing is unbeatable , depending on individual application and circumstances. Some arts have gone through changes due to circumstances ( ' original capoeira ' > 'dance' > 'performance' > back to fighting system ... some have compared tai chi to similar dynamic , postulating that its martial aspect was covered up and turned into an exercise system ) Also, the setting and environment .... no way would I take a ring challenge ... no WAY ! I dont even know the rules , I would probably be booed due to my 'technique' , if I could apply any of them in the first place with gloves on ! I may as well try to play cricket with tennis skills. Look at '52 blocks' style ... that was primarily a defense counter against boxing / street fight . Why ? According to a main proponent , those people 'prefered' to do 'boxing' . I wouldnt want to fight my teacher ... yet he seems totally flummoxed by a rapid fire wing chun type attack with a simple follow when he tries to move off line from it .... got him right on the nose ! (pulled punch ) Also, one of his 'fellow' instructors was visiting, he asked me to help demonstrate something , he moved, I moved then he . " No , no good, see how he moved in too close and now ... " before he finished I launched and array of 52 block / Archie Moore * type moves and he was totally flummoxed, dropped his 'style' and went into a type of slappy flapping retreat and then goes " ... he has to 'resort' to elbows ." - nice 'save' . Indeed ! The smartest , quickest learner, best 'student' to practice with in my club is a tai chi teacher. He is hard to beat with sword . he is also very evasive .... not much point delivering a great technique where he isn't Yeah, as you know I did a lot of aikido ... some of it would be suicide as self defense , some great ( depending on ... ) but it certainly improved my skill set ! And it wasnt only philosophy and tradition that changed Aikido , its philosophy and tradition was VERY different before WWII ... after that it got turned into a 'preserve peace ... dont harm the opponent .... ' we love you guys ' , changed kanji in Ueshiba's writing to mean things like peace and harmony ... they didnt use to mean that . I have even been chastised by top Aikido teacher ; 'Aikido is non violent . " Yeah ? Later I showed him picture in his old aikido book ( the first one published I think, I also have a copy ) of 'Master attacking someone's eyes with metal ribbed fan and screaming kiai ... and there is this as well ; *
  24. Like weapons?

    Who likes, trains with or makes weapons? What do you like about them? What advantages do you see of some over others? What benefit do you see them bringing to your practice?
  25. Like weapons?