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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Cannabis and Qi

    .... you deviate ! Also , outside the mental health clinic is another good place
  2. Cannabis and Qi

    We had one of those in Caringbah Shopping centre arcade ..... I wasnt supposed to go there ..... bodgies * hung out there, and supposedly, it was where you could buy drugs and pick up girls . *
  3. Cannabis and Qi

    As soon as you see one of those hidden comment boxes ... ya know you are in for it !
  4. Like weapons?

    I abbreviated it . ( If only the crazy Jap had gone through with his plans for a traveling, comedy, quiz show, dinner ... to 'save the world ' . . . . " We hava to save the world ! " he would plead with me . ) 80 % of my dealings with people are crazy ..... friend reckons its me and I attract it .... I said it happens to him too, as I have seen it. he says I seen it with him as it only happens to him when I am there .... < thinks > ... Nah! He got some wackdoodle history I had nothing to do with ! had a GF once go OFF at me " You ! You and your stupid girlfriends .... every woman you have been with is crazy ! " < looks at her and smiles > ... " Except for me ! " Is the human race crazy ? There is a topic !
  5. Cannabis and Qi

    One may as well ask ; are chemicals good for you ? Many times I think most people are not aware of the huge number of psycho active compounds in marijuana - and depending on how much of what and in what combinations, and the persons make up, the effects vary . From virtual 'knock out drops' that give you a solid undisturbed sleep through pain - to 'trippy' stuff that makes the light golden and inspires creativity and wonder, stuff that can stimulate the sex drive - or not , some types even help accomplish work , especially a long and potentially boring job , etc . Getting some from a random source and using it for whatever random effects it may give you ..... ...... Mhe .
  6. Nice arrangement . But why no primary yellow ? And with the 7 chakras ..... hey ! .... Rainbow and chakras both have 7 letters ! ( missed that - coffee much not have kicked in yet ) . Apparently the Rainbow Bridge from Earth's positive terminal to cosmos had a lot of traffic the other night ... but I too far north to see it
  7. Like weapons?

    We had a Japanese 'Machete' here , one time .... one crazy time ! CRAZY . Japanese guy here was having crazy episodes ... I mean CRAZY ! ( but mad funny crazy , like the Japs are so good at ). I think I wrote about some of our episodes with him around here somewhere . So he is here and going off (and not understanding language and culture here at the best of times ! ) And we had 3 aboriginal visitors, which were pretty wild and feral ... and had been drinking ... a LOT ! Well, K ( the Japanese guy ) had never seen anyone like that before, he was spooked but trying to understand and comprehend them .... and ditto for them ! ! K was scared the aboriginals would get him or spear him or eat him or something .... and they thought K was mad .. started referring to him as 'machete' and imagined some story about him raiding their camp with one at night ! Oooooh the conversations and confusions I heard between them that night ! I had to explain to them that he looked that way because of being Japanese ... they were not convinced " He got funny eyes ! Dont trust guys like that ! I bet he owns a machete ! " And K , " I think they want to kill me ! " Me ; "Nah, they just trying to figure you out . " I decided to go home and go to bed . I suppose both parties went through the rest of the night hiding out from each other.
  8. Like weapons?

    Marblehead's cousin from down south .
  9. Chameleon's color

    They are generally in this range of colours , so they would maintain that range , depending on how strong and what source of light it was . The mirrors with the reflecting light in all different ways may effect the leave placement structure . You might get leaves facing down to get the light from underneath . But that would depend on which particular species of Houttuynia cordata (also known as 'fishy smell' in Chinese ι±Όθ…₯草;(or 魚θ…₯草; ) In Japan it is known as 蕺草, literally "poison blocking plant" . Let us know how your experiment turns out !
  10. Like weapons?

    That works , until you are on the checkout line, at the super and go to flip out a $50 and out comes a condom packet .... plop... on the counter . And the lady picks it up and looks at it and says out loud , 'This expired 4 years ago ! "
  11. Like weapons?

    Now yer talkin ' ! Like I sez before .... they excellent fer scarin orf them 'crop circles 'people'
  12. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Familiar , I remember examining and feeling flowers just like that , no name , sorry. Anyway, yesterday's adventures out by the fish ponds beside the front path in to the cabin ..... that the hell is that on the ground (in the early predawn light ) ..... a kookaburra ! he didnt fly away but fluttered and rolled along the ground ..... oh O ! Appears to have a broken wing and bad leg. Right in front of the ponds. I have them set up so there isnt a direct dive line into, but I guess he tried to make it and hit something ? So I put him in a box with a blanket and warm water bottle, he spent the rest of the day in cabin, got the fire going to keep him warm, cold last night out there, I doubt he would have made it. This morning he was out the box and at the window ..... thats a good sign ... but, "Dude ! you cant fly ! " yesterday was Sunday, so most things closed. Another two hours vet in town should be open so I take him in there. They will treat native animals for free . Hang in there kooka ... won't be long now . Oh yeah ... the fish seem intact , they have a huge wooden plank overhang ledge to get under and some hollow concrete block 'caves' down on the bottom.
  13. Like weapons?

    Unusual form ! This thread was blast from the past ! My first post here I think !
  14. Gojushiho

    Gojushiho - 54 steps . Any practitioners here ? I have been doing it for a while, but only just getting to the stage where I know the general moves and pattern ( practising the 'form' ) but today teacher started correcting every move and breaking every move down and showing applications. Wow ! Is it ever 'packed' with stuff . Rather difficult !
  15. Gardening Advice????

    Spoilsport ! I would grow and trim one on the other side of the fence in the 'active position ' ... that would show him !
  16. Chaos Magic Soviet school

    ..... now Lois looks like a vintage mortuary photo locket ..... ... and my ' higher self ' winges be all clipped
  17. Chaos Magic Soviet school

    Yep .... Now I a nice round disc < But I used to be a real square;
  18. Ringing a temple bell with kiai

    " You %X#@X*! idiots what the hell is going on ! "
  19. Ringing a temple bell with kiai

    Sympathetic resonance
  20. Ringing a temple bell with kiai

    Like the time I demonstrated how to blow a large conch in friends lounge room ... his flat mate was on night duty and asleep ... I mean ... his flat mate came bolting out the bedroom door ; " You %X#@X*! idiots what the hell is going on ! "
  21. Gardening Advice????

    Surely you just have at least one tree that you do a little topiary on ... even if just for benefit of neighbors ?
  22. Gardening Advice????

    Indeed ..... I used to worry abut pruning and never did it. My native trees all grew into a weird 'unnatural' shapes . Turns out the wallabies 'prune' them when they are young for the tasty new small shoots .... if that doesnt happen, they grow tall thin and gangly . Peeps are funny . neighbor used to be amazed at my place ... thought it was magic or something as 'everything looks healthy and glowing ' .... amazing ..... just in this little patch .... couldnt figure it out ... must be some type of special relationship I have with the plants ? Magic formula ? Whats my secret ? This time, I told the truth ; I throw handfuls of native slow release fertiliser around every couple of years
  23. Gardening Advice????

    Well, thats usually my trick ... leaving it too late . Its better , of course, to do it before they get to be big arms . But it can always be a 'wild tree' . Might not produce fruit ... but its recycling air and doing and providing other stuff . - Jesus got it wrong IMO ... going around cursing trees that didnt feed him . I suppose it depends on how much land you got. I never realised persimmons were so tricky fussy. Ours just sits there and does its stuff each year .... prob some special variety, it was here before I was, so over 30 years old .
  24. Chaos Magic Soviet school

    Last fall here was a year ago ... and we dont call it fall as things dont fall ... well the leaves dont . Autumn here is the wet season , unless it doesnt rain , if it doesnt , its sorta like reverse spring.