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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What caused the Twin Towers to collapse?

    Oh sorry , yes ...... something did it ..... that better ? Wot ? A robot ?
  2. If 'God' was considerate enough to get me a good mattress and gave me regular bowl movements ..... I would have thought he would be considerate enough to stop high altitude fire bombing of children in 'other ' parts of the world .
  3. How to deal with people who won't stop arguing?

    But these aren't 'people' ! These are parents ! By the way ... what job were you doing and what type of shovel was it. You could then ask us advice on whether it was the right shovel or not , and then go back and show them the collated results and TELL THEM which one was right .... and then run
  4. How to deal with people who won't stop arguing?

    Ummmmmmmm ..... leave home ? Get your own place ?
  5. What caused the Twin Towers to collapse?

    someone must know as 'someone' and their assistants, with good knowledge in implosion demolition spent a lot of time inside the guts of the building getting it all rigged . Still dont get what all that poring out molten metal looking stuff was ? Seems too much for a thermite charge to cut through some beams ???? lso, the time delay between plane stick and collapse .... ?
  6. Ho ho ho !

    because ...... Santa brawl !
  7. Sunrise, Sunset, Night.

    electromagnetic sunset
  8. Sunrise, Sunset, Night.

    'Electromagnetic sunrise'
  9. Bottled Water Companies: How Does it Work?

    How they work depends on what level. Guy buys some cheap land in Tasmania. he puts up all these 'roofs' ; poles holding up slanted roofing 'tin' sheets and big water tanks. Collects the rain and bottles it. he doesnt go big scale but ams at 'botique water' market in Europe. He markets it as pristine , environmental , way down there, untouched, pure Tasmanian ........ water. High priced too ; ' quality, not quantity ' ....... and research and marketing , keep big biz and plant costs down and skyrocket sales price . Enough for him to get by nicely , no big biz hassles and still live in Tassie in a nice place (without wrecking it ) .
  10. Applying chi to martial arts.

    Definitely ! If someone goes to hit or grab me I attack the offending ... thingo . Soon that 'thingo' learns not to do that . MSSR is full of such techniques. The kick block with a simultaneous upside down fist strike with the other hand into and behind the shin bone , flick block, move to outside and smash the elbow. If I am attacking your arms, I am out of range for a body or head hit from you . When I was a youngun , I won a karate comp by fighting my way to the top and had to fight big tall giant reach of a guy that had creamed everyone previously ... also it was the open section and he was black and I was green . He did this giant side kick and I stepped back and slammed a backfist down on to his ankle bone . But you dont get a point for that, even though it stopped him. Then he stuck his fists almost in my face and he was still out of range from a kick from me ! So I kicked his hand .. and he stepped forward and went owwie owwie and shook it and held it ... as I was moving forward with a head punch ... two opposing forces - thats a point ! A whole one ... I win ! He was furious ! But had to wear it .... competition ... rules ... that stuff. Similar principle with sword; I can move off line or to side and 'take the wrist' while remaining outside of the range for a body cut ... against me . Thing is, a lot of these techniques are easily applied to 'basic karate' (when it got imported to Japan from Okinawa , it started , first as a PE system for primary school kids and later as a sport , they removed the nerve and joint smashes, eye gouges and pinned arms throws (so you cant breakfall or roll out ) ... not good for kiddies. A lot they turned into 'block punch' or just obscure kata movements with no accompanying bunkia ( explanation application and demonstration of a movement - well maybe after years and years of training and money and belt gradings and subservience ... you might get shown the 'secrets' ) One of Mr Nishihira's (and now mine ) fav technique. A comes in with some type of punching L R (or RL ) combo ; he throws R - You dodge (to your) right , defect punch with a R hand strike to his R LU 8 or 9 with R middle finger middle knuckle , as you cross hands * , he throws L - Dodge left, unfold hands (open wings ) , hit with R back fist middle knuckle up and into his L ulna nerve (at 'funny bone ' ) , you L hand now controls his R and you have entered inside both his arms ; slide step forward and swipe down cheekbone with R middle knuckles . That is if the other guy didnt immediately back off and is now hopping from leg to leg unable to decide whether to nurse and hold his r dead forearm or whole dead L arm ..... as I did, the first time it was 'demoed' on me * Form has a large 'white crane ' influence .
  11. .

    I was wondering why you dont just continue as you have been ? There must be something you perceive in or from the initiation process specifically that you are after , other than continuing on with eclectic studies, systems and experiments ? Overall most systems of initiation are for social and personally interactive purposes (meaning the socio-cultural aspects of initiation and having contact with an initiator and others ) , there are other dynamics as well, and I suppose those are what you seek (as a self initiation system would discount the other things I mentioned ), so I wondering what one seeks from a self initiation system ? I suppose the 'dedication' aspect could help one , one could gain some benefit from that in a self constructed 'initiation' rite . One example that comes to mind is Maggie Krosby's ( Andahadna) 'Maatian self initiation rite ' where one uses the chakras to focus and dedicate certain energies , attributed to each chakra .
  12. Applying chi to martial arts.

    I saw a 'spar' - one guy in his late 70s, the other in early 60s. Younger one got a lift throw in and slammed the older down back fist , on a wooden gym floor ! I didnt like that ... I thought , he shouldnt do that to an old man like that . Then they guy does one of those get up off you back in a one movement flip, up on to both feet, in a stance and guard up and moves in on the other ! They all have their own ideas about it. In Okinawa it was said , due to diet, they used to have some of the oldest healthiest people. Used to. Diet has changed and now polluted currents affect fishing on one side of the islands (head teacher used to fish and ate fish from on 'wrong side' ). He didnt have a traditional long old age , he died a few years back from brain cancer . Also, I heard (via him ) " No young one to to pass family traditions on to ..... eat at McDonalds and hang around US base all day . " When he died, that tradtition was finished
  13. Rad bushfire

    Been going since 4 am . Now three choppers trying to control it ( but its been soooo dry , river is too low in the usual spots for a chopper to get its bucket in ) If it gets over that ridge to the west, it will be down into the base of the escarpment cliffs, with a big dry plateau above it. Last time it got into the base of the cliffs, there are steep ravines choked with old dry logs and stuff, there were four going off along the cliffs at night like Roman candles. The usual easterly from the ocean running up the valley just started about an hour ago. Should be wild visuals tonight ! Hopefully, like last time, it wont spread beyond there . But I went up the steep mountain on friday (by road ) and I realise how dry it was and how much fuel there was ... ready to go at any moment ! Thunderclouds approaching ... but being driven back by easterly . Hmmmm ... mabe a night of Roman Candles and lightning ! I'm off up the hill to spy what I can .
  14. Rad bushfire

    Bummer ! How far away from it is your place Brian ? ... and what the hell is in that pink maroon stuff ! ?
  15. Gatlinburg On Fire

    Yikes ! makes my little one seem like a smoking ashtray !
  16. Rad bushfire

    Conclusion; It started spreading up the other side of the valley at the base of the escarpment - towards farms . Then this big 4 prop air force plane flew down the valley at low altitude, came back and dumped about a 1 km long run of chemicals on it . and then it rained and put the fire out anyway . So .... chemicals dumped on the rain forest and National Park, a few hundred metres back from the river, with the rain washing it into the ground and river - great ! What the hell was in that stuff ! ?
  17. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    While I was away I lost one of my bigger fish to a black snake . I seen him snooping around there. Also I lost 3 and one of them getting large , spotted bristle nose catfish, all dead on the bottom (fish guy said they can eat this algae in the water that only affects them ) I replaced them with two new natives in the inside tank ; crimson spotted rainbow fish . I'll go native from nw on , as I had not realised how many amazing little native colorful fish there are .... and cold water, so no need to go tropical .
  18. Rad bushfire

    Wow ! Last night ; 2 Roman Candles going off from dusk to dawn . The fire crossed the ridge and spread up the other side of the valley and up into the steep escarpment . At night it was a long twisting fire snake, now close enough to see it from my bed out the window. I saw an interesting phenomena last night , wind coming off the plateau ( see by watching the smoke) and going down the escarpment , the smoke was below the fire , this drove the fire downhill and got into the cliff base. CHoppers knock off at 6 pm , but the fire doesnt . They say it is 'under control' hmmmm . Spectacular night for a fire that was under control ! Choppers back at 9 am and pumping it again. I have to go to town later, I will get a closer look then when I drive out the valley .
  19. The Secrets of Coral Castle

    Not sure who this was directed at but ..... who thinks being entitled to an opinion means others must stop talking ? I think it denigrates anyone to claim that their skills and talents lie in the area of fantasy , other than the smarts, grunts and sweat they put into it . What does a comment like that even mean ? Just get it off your chest and say what you really want to . Why would I want 'the rest of us to stop talking ' ? If you disagree with me and have another view that can be backed up .... go for it (instead of making vague suggestive comments ) . I will be offering valid evidence and references to what I say though . .... And its not based on what I want to believe . Coral castle was one of my favorite places to 'demonstrate' the marvelous , miraculous and magical. Until I started looking at the evidence .
  20. Rad bushfire

  21. Rad bushfire

    They knocked off just before sunset, the wind dropped , but no rain. Man ! Those guys ! I was watching the chopper go down INTO swirling billowing clouds of fire illuminated smoke (in daylight ! ) and disappear for 10 - 30 seconds, then come back up and out of it . What a job ! They making me nervous ! It appears to have not got into the base of the cliffs but has worked its way up the escarpment and crossed the ridge above the cliffs. The choppers were back at 7 am . The big hill in front of the cliffs is burning in this side , I think they are letting that go, as it goes down to the river and no farms there . if it gets up that ridge into the steep escarpment , with the farm land on top .... ? Also I think they are easing off on this front as there appears now thicker smoke coming from the ridge to the east (where I can't see ) , must have got into that last night . ... today's easterly wind just arose . Aside , yeah, hip is doing good , got a massive scar , still gets sore at night after a hard day, I have stopped the paracetamol pain relief (I am reactive to norman pain meds so I been doing the recover in hospital and out on paracetamol ... and 'mind power' ) . Started going back to training to ..... but ummmmm ..... < hangs head > I donked someone a bit hard , right on their third eye with a jo defending against a sword attack .... ooops ! . ( I wish people would stop telling me my techniques won't work in a 'real situation' when I try to demonstrate them slowly and carefully . . . . and then 'rush me ' . he was ... Oh well .... but I was " Ohhhhh shiiit! " and he "What ? " .... ummmm , there's blood . " ) Still, doc says , up to another 3 months to go for full recovery .
  22. The Secrets of Coral Castle

    Indeed ! Good point ! Maybe that is something he shared with the pyramid builders. We should honor him and them for this and not denigrate these qualities by supposing unsupported made up magical 'excuses' .
  23. The Secrets of Coral Castle

    What a lame old joke : "Did a Latvian immigrant rediscover the secrets to the building of the pyramids... of levitation... of anti-gravity? His amazing "castle" may hold clues to long-lost powers. " Ummmmm no . Those anti -woo vids above are part of the answer to how he did it and there are many more . it is nothing like the Pyramid complex, its small in size, it was unfinished, coral is soft and easy to work with, vids are on line of men moving giant blocks with wood rocks and leverage and so on . No other way of doing it has been demonstrated {aside from 'stories' that seem fantastic and illogical and undemonstrated } . BUT , what he did was pretty cool , he just wanted people to butt out of his business . You know what happened to him to make him like that ?
  24. Energy of Intimidation

    Speak softly and carry big stick ( figuratively , and by 'projection' ) Maybe not 'intimidation' as such ... 'persuasion' ? Japanese friend told me I had 'smiling angriness ' Group intimidation :