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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. 10000 kicks.

    sounds like torture . We have this one kick ( That Mr Nishihira taught ) , only one guy in our club can do it ( I am not sure I can even describe it ! ) Sitting on floor with legs under you , the other punches at your head and the one sitting does a circular type of shuto block , rolls the wrist around and grabs the others wrist while rising on one leg and the other leg kicks up, as you are standing , then as the other leg straightens, the first is retracted and back on the ground and the other leg kicks . Its like that horrible exercise - 'bunny hops' with front kick added. I'm too old for all that now . . . . We been concentrating on knife work lately . When I was young and had better hips, I did some Sikaran .... man! those guys can kick ! .... kicked him in the head while his own other leg was trapped .
  2. That above link was to the other story that referenced this one , here is the DL story ( and search function still works )
  3. What Initiation is NOT.

    "Group Initiations" ?
  4. Ha! I must have embarrassed the software , the search functon finally works for me !
  5. A 'lesson' . I have two (main ) 'tantric' stories from 'either side of the coin'The Demon Lover' and 'The Egyptian' . I am sure I posted it here somewhere , the search function here has never given me a single result on anything though have a try . ( I can dig out my files if you need it )
  6. Alone

    Is this some sort of 'spell' ? ...... what ever happened to that bum that used to lament the same way , lived with his Gramps and was a bout to take off on a bike ride cross-country ?
  7. I CAN'T sign out!

    We have ways of making you 'participate '
  8. The Dalai Lama's impression of the Trumpster

    If he is anything like the Lamas I have had contact with yes ! One cracked me up ! and he was pretty ..... 'sharp' .... at some people .... they are looking at getting you to see your reactions and attitudes at times . Another time, at the Buddhist center . One goes ; 'We are out of milk , I am going to the shop. Do you want to come for a drive?" "Sure, why not . " We get in their car, its a bit hotted up, he does this big burn out fish tail and drives like a hoon . Something seemed really funny to me about that ..... he had robes on and stuff (street robes ) , he was a Tibetan and looked like one , so obviously a monk - how undignified !
  9. The Dalai Lama's impression of the Trumpster

    or giving a lesson on English I am a similar 'Sufi prankster ' * at times ; In doctors surgery, I have not been happy with the doctors disinterest and unlistening to my described symptoms , he sciibbles on a script pad tears it off and says "Here, apply this to your rash twice a day. " I apply the script to my chest " It doesnt appear to be working ." he gives me a strange look and " No .... take that to the chemist and he will give you ..... " * also known 'down here' as a 'smart arse' .
  10. what is the point of existence?

    According to Zoroaster there is a reason for living - it is to have a good life . 'His' teachings are geared towards that. Well, I suppose it is actually about making the best of your situation , not every one 'ends up' 'landing' in a good spot .
  11. what is the point of existence?

    Some one could make a point of eliminating the existence of this damn quoting glitch plaguing us .
  12. Stop asking me that .... look, we were going to run away and live on an island together, but we didnt , and I have no idea about her now missing whereabouts, I swear ! I mean, I never even left this country ! I supposed she maxed out on practice. Remember her new rule ? So many posts = so many circles. She made a lot of posts after that , probably still trying to catch up . That, and her 'spooky business ' would keep her busy. Besides, I doubt this 'comes back atchya x 3 business ' isnt up her alley ...... unless I am wrong and there is some trad reason somewhere for it ? I mean, aside from my 'law of three in one ' stuff ...... ohhhhhh ha ha .
  13. what is the point of existence?

    What you are supposed to do is this : Dont listen to such 'advice' , especially if it is going to be taken the way you did , which, by the way, I find quiet valid. It can have some significance, depending on interpretation, but often it is supplied as the answer by those who have no answer , and prefer to be 'spiritually cryptic'
  14. what is the point of existence?

    I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away. Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing. Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so We cannot seem to reach an end crippling our communication. I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them tumble down No fault, none to blame, it doesn't mean I don't desire to Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over. To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication The poetry that comes from the squaring off between, And the circling is worth it. Finding beauty in the dissonance.
  15. what is the point of existence?

    Cautious and relaxed ..... yes, great combination !
  16. what is the point of existence?

    Wait ! ....... over analytical knowledge can spoil enjoyment ? Karl ! Have you read this ^ ?
  17. Yes, that sounds like some modern wiccan sort of ' explanation ' .
  18. I did ? I think it is entirely possible that Kabbalah, via way of Heremticism came into Europe and may have effected some traditions in some locations . That vid looks interesting, but I am on prepaid and that would use up a lot of credit to watch it - probably all my credit . (Its just this thing I do, I won't sign a contract, or anything with the provider, their conditions are unacceptable to me * , so I am stuck with expensive pay as you go . However if you know of a link to similar via text I would read it . ) * some would be outraged about this as I was, if they knew what goes on here, especially compared to other places. We are assured we get 'up to ' so much data per dollar - no speed on that data is assured ... and not many people here understand what 'up to ' actually means . Up to 1000 cherries for $10 ! Wow ! ..... pays $10 , gets 20 cherries .... 20 is within the range of 'up to' 1000 . Then there is this ..... I go to complain at their shop ; " I have your prepaid mobile device, I put $50 credit in it, it shows 5.0 on the screen. I go on line and do some stuff. I am finished, the screen shows 4.87 . I turn everything off. I check the modem later that day (as some charges, I know, can take some time to register ) - 4.87. I go to sleep for the night, no uses the computer, I live alone, no one has broken in and used my computer . In the morning ; no credit, need to recharge, cant go online . Where did my credit go ! Later that day, I turn it on again and .... 4.87 and I can connect What the hell is going on ? " Shop girl ( 'telstra expert ' ) " Did you watch a lot of movies? Movies use up credit ." What ? ! " Okay .... listen carefully : I have your prepaid mobile device, I put $50 credit in it, it shows 5.0 on the screen. I go on line and do some stuff. I am finished, the screen shows 4.87 . I turn everything off. I check the modem later that day (as some charges, I know, can take some time to register ) - 4.87. I go to sleep for the night, no uses the computer, I live alone, no one has broken in and used my computer . In the morning ; no credit, need to recharge, cant go online . Where did my credit go ! Later that day, I turn it on again and .... 4.87 and I can connect What the hell is going on ? " Shop expert : " But .... movies do use up a lot of credit . "
  19. Then again I suppose some cost is to be extracted if one calls up the wrong forces ;
  20. what is the point of football?

    Ohhhh ... the lazy Buddhist countries . Gotchya .