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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The origin of mankind

    I suppose the meaning came from long ago, when the first thing one do to see if another was still alive would be to check to see if they were breathing, so breath and 'air' was associated with life . Then Pnuema - πνεῦμα - became connected to the 'spirit of life' - that which brings life , spirit 'travels' on breath, also spirit was seen to have similar qualities to air. Also people saw 'qualities' or forces operating in the world - they began to think life was made up of things that consisted of an interplay of two 'opposite' but related forces, one main one was fire and water, they considered air a 'mediator ' between them, and also a connection to 'spirit' which gives each element identity and separation from the others. spirit | air ^ fire water | earth So, we ended up with things like Genesis 2:7 : " And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. " Swinburne : " From the winds of the north and the south, They gathered as unto strife; They breathed upon his mouth, They filled his body with life; ... " Pnuema ; pneumatic njuːˈmatɪk/ adjective containing or operated by air or gas under pressure. "the machines with pneumatic loading are more efficient" but , apparently also : :
  2. Massey's Ancient Egypt

    Despite being a reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian . Clarke seems to have a bit a of a cult following , international school and all that. Thing is she fills the gaps with pretty modern stuff, oh well, gotta fill them with something. However , if going 'neo-Egyptian' I prefer Normandy Ellis ( ignored her for years after checking out her 'ancient Egyptian' cards then re found her via her 'Awakening Osiris' book - very interesting transliterations ; " In seafoam, in swirlings and imaginings I am fish, tadpole, crocodile. I am an urge, an idea, a portent of impossible dreams. I lie between heaven and earth, between goodness and evil, patience and explosion. I am innocent and rosy as dawn. I sleep with my finger in my mouth, the cord of life curled beside my ear. Like a child in its mother's belly, I am with you but not among you. I know no ending for I have no beginning. I have always been here, a child in the silence of things, ready to wake at any moment. I am possibility. What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes. All things are possible. When we speak in love and live by love, truth in love will be our comfort. Who you are is limited only by who you think you are. I am the word before its utterance. I am thought and desire. I am a child in the throat of god. Things are possible--joy and sorrow, men and women, children. Someday I'll imagine myself a different man, build bone and make flesh around him. I am with you but a moment for an eternity. I am the name of everything. I've dreamed the nightmare a hundred times, that old revulsion of bone and flesh, waking in sweat, in a headlong rush toward the world, into the cool certainty of fires that burn in sudden stars, the heat in the body. That I am precludes my never having been. What I know was given to me to say. There is more. There are words that exist only in the mind of heaven, a bright knowing, a clear moment of being. When you know it, you know yourself well enough. You will not speak. I am a child resting in love, the pleasure of clouds. I read the book of the river. I hold the magic of stones and trees. I find god in my fingers and in the wings of birds. I am my delight, creator of my destiny. It is not vanity. There are those who live in the boundaries of guilt and fear, the limits of imagination. They believe limitation is the world. You can not change them. There is work of your own to do. You will never reach the end of your own becoming, the madness of creation, the joy of existence. Dance in the moment. Reach down and pull up song. Spin and chant and forget the sorrow that we are flesh on bone. I return to the rhythm of water, to the dark song I was in my mother's belly. We were gods then and we knew it. We are gods now dancing in whirling darkness, spitting flame like stars in the night. In the womb before the world began, I was a child among other gods and children who were, or may be, or might have been. There in the dark when we could not see each other's faces, we agreed with one mind to be born, to separate, to forget the pact we made that we might learn the secrets of our fraternity. We agreed to know sorrow in exchange for joy, to know death in exchange for life. We were dark seeds of possibility whispering. Then one by one we entered alone. We walked on our legs, and as we had said, we passed in well-lit streets without recognizing each other; yet we were gods sheathed in flesh, the multitude of a single spirit. Gods live even in darkness, in the world above your heads, in the crevices of rocks, in the open palms of strangers. I am a child, the seed in everything, the rhythm of flowers, the old story that lingers. Among cattle and fruit sellers, I am air. I am love hidden in a shy maiden's gown. I am the name of things. I am the dream changing before your eyes. I am my body, a house for blood and breath. I am a man on earth and a god in heaven. While I travel the deserts in frail form, while I grow old and weep and die, I live always as a child inside the body of truth, a blue egg that rocks in the storm but never breaks. I sleep in peace in my mother's lap, a child mesmerized by sunlight on the river. My soul is swallowed up by god. Out of chaos came the light. Out of the will came life.
  3. Massey's Ancient Egypt

    If you want a more up to date version of interpreting Egyptian spirituality try these ... I quite like them ; ~ Clarke was a 'disciple' of 'Om Seti' - Much more up to date ..... up to date for Om Seti's time , again, it is the same case , research since then has shown she aint quiet right but imagined, inserted, interpreted stuff that research since then, has not supported . But we can 'crib' some stuff together with what we have learnt since then . If put into practice ... I have found it VERY potent ! Certain principles of 'heka' ; seem timeless and well embedded into our psyche ..... where they can still be used today ( the most successful as demonstrated in its hieroglyph ) .
  4. Massey's Ancient Egypt

    No, wait ! It works out .... try it yourself by saying it 3 times quickly ....... after drinking a 1/2 bottle of scotch .
  5. Massey's Ancient Egypt

    yes, that is why I am fond of it, but if one wants to really research things and get to a closer understanding one must realise how their mindset interferes in their research in 2 major ways 1. Seeing developments in cultures and societies in variant location and times as an expression of some type of superior race's expansionism ( just like Eropean Empires did - funny that ! ) 2. Interpreting others religions, either as in opposition to or similar to their own. How to avoid this pitfall and move more towards an empirical mode of 'evidence based' research, is the subject of the intro by John Romer on his book on Pre-historic Egypt ... well worth reading (just that intro ) . I find it best to first get a SOLID and accurate base as one can and then begin one's speculations (if one is going to speculate ) ... we already got enough uneducated speculations going ; ...
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    kinda catchy eh ?
  7. Massey's Ancient Egypt

    I do have a liking of old school, post-Victorian, semi-Masonic, under-researched 'Egyptology' , but I find the constant attempts to relate it to Christianity a little boring and indicative of the bias behind any 'research'. If you want to know more about ' Egyptian Spirituality ' ... or even just too look at their 'word' that we translate as 'God /s ' , we have come a l o o o o n g way in our findings, research and understandings since this 19th century stuff. Anyway, here is an ancient Egyptian joke I just made up : Considering how long Isis was separated from Osiris , I think it was rather good of her ....... ..... to remember him .
  8. The origin of mankind

  9. The origin of mankind

    Many different kinds if CULTURE .... most religions have some type of common core and are surrounded by a relevant cultural teaching , for a specific time. Some theorize that this is part of 'God's plan' , as in the concept of 'Progressive Revelation' ( which seems a type of religious 'perennial philosophy ' concept .
  10. The origin of mankind

    It originated in Central Asia, in the old Aryan 'Empire' - now Uzbekistan Afghanistan, Tajikistan . Pamir Mountains , western entrance / exit to the main 'silk route' . I recommend this source , start here - just brief one page and for more go to
  11. The origin of mankind

    I concur . Thats why I like Zoroastrianism. Many religions have the reason for life to ; worship God, fear God, obey his laws, etc. In Zoroastrianism the purpose f life is to lead a good life, to enjoy it and grow to your fullest potential.
  12. I would like to delete my account

    .... yeah , that wasnt too hard .
  13. I would like to delete my account

    Yoiks ! ... one would have to be having an ' episode' or a 'syndrome' to do all of that ! It may just be easier to delete them just after they are written .
  14. The origin of mankind

    What does 'the origin of mankind got splitted' ( was split ? ) , how did the origin split ?
  15. The origin of mankind

    As I passed more through my individuation towards more mature thinking, I could not believe that my peers and parents were actually serious about their religion and religious views (Catholics). At one stage, I was; "Come on, you cant be serious, when I get a little older you will tell me the truth about this won't you , like you did about Santa Claus . " " No," they said, "it is true and we do believe all of that ." Little Nungali was .... serious ? Nah ... you cant be serious about that ... WTF is going on ? ? ?
  16. The origin of mankind

    When the hall has been purged of hecklers ..... Still looks like some more kinks to iron out yet ( I am trying a RAW / AC 'reversal' * instead of dealing with it at the end , I wonder if I can eliminate it before I start ? (On an internet forum ? Perhaps not ! ) * at the end of a talk ; " Since no one listened to what I said anyway, I will now open the floor to questions about the things you were thinking about while I was speaking ." (First question was ; "What about Jesus ? You dont say nothing about Jesus in that ! " A; " j Jesus ? I hold the poor fellow totally innocent of the religion that was foisted upon him posthumously . Next question ? .... " )
  17. The origin of mankind

    Well, lets hope you really do ! Thats part of my point about 'mankind' ; is one person's origin the same as the origin of mankind ? I believe the answer needs to be a collective one . (still got some more bumps to iron out )
  18. The origin of mankind

    Its a fun thread .... maybe if all side issues are exhausted, I could try with my origin of mankind theory again ?
  19. The origin of mankind

    Just thought I would pop my head up to see if there is anymore action here .... nope !
  20. India's Top Guru is Fake Perv

    ... and I believe the word is 'crushified'
  21. Why is a tomato ? The intent and or motivation is the prime Hermetic directive - know thyself. It does matter as ... well, you are the only you you have . Doesn't Theosophy teach such things ?
  22. I would like to delete my account

    Okay guys .... time for some 'guitar karaoke ' ! JIM ! - here you go, you want to see me in action ?