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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The origin of mankind

    Ha ! < dont let him see this > Little girl to Mother ; " Mummy, I was outside yesterday and looked though your bedroom window. Daddy was lying on the bed and you were sitting on his tummy, jumping up and down, why were you doing that ? " " Oh ! I .... ummm .... errrr .... Well, you know how Daddy has that big tummy from drinking all that beer ? Well, I was jumping up and down on it squashing it back down so he wont look so fat anymore . " "Ohhhh ..... I see .... but Mummy, I dont think that is going to work ." "Why not dear ? " "Because you keep squashing it down, but every time you go off to tennis, Mrs Jones from next door comes over and blows it back up again . "
  2. The origin of mankind

    In my girl friend's wallet .
  3. For contrast .... years back , when I contacted the group I did my 'stuff' with . I inquired and told them a bit about myself. They said a member would be in my area in a few weeks and would look me up. He did ... he was not what I expected. But it was interesting. He said he would go back and talk to 'The Boss' about it and she would 'check me out'. About 2 weeks later I had this dream that I was in the city, The Hare Krishnas were giving out free food at this table in an ally way along side a cyclone wire fence with a building construction site behind it. YUM ! I got on the line, people were getting a plate of food and waking away. When it wa my turn I noticed that it wasnt just food on the table , a bit of food but all this other stuff, some like ritual objects. They offered me this plate and then I realized they were not Hare Krishnas at all, they had deep Maroon robes on with cowls covering there faces. I took the food, ate it, the person offering leaned over and touched my forehead with their finger and FLASH ! - white light - I was hurled backards, hit the wire fence, bounced back off that into their altar table and passed through and 'into ' it ...... thats all I remember . The next day I got a call on the phone message bank " You in, come on down and we will start the ball rolling ." - Now thats the stuff ! ( When I get there , to get to the place ( around to the back entrance ) , of course, I have to pass this alley, with a wire cyclone fence, a construction site .....
  4. I got ' screened ' recently . I answered an advert in my local town, stuck on a notice board about an 'eclectic pagan ' group. I rang the number, had a chat and got invited around to a house for a further chat. Mr and Mrs Pagan sat on the veranda with me and she chatted. Hmmm , no 'outer school' here , but what the heck, a few of them are trying to get somewhere, maybe I could help , and perhaps meet interesting people ? She asked my background and experience. I think she was taken aback and surprised. I also gave her a little rundown of the various groups, and activities in the area over the last 30 years . More surprise for her, she must have thought she was introducing this big new thing ? She seemed impressed with herself that she had 'a card deck and a book out ' . Then Mrs Pagan said a few 'weird things' and went inside t make tea. Good, give me a chance to talk to him as he said 3 words in 15 minutes. He seemed like a nice guy, I liked his calm and friendly energy. I asked him about his background. he said he spent the first half of his life as a Merchant Banker , but then , "I decided to give that all up and do something different " (ah, now we are getting somewhere, I thought ) " ... So I got into insurance and started selling insurance to Merchant Banks . " Later she got excited when I mentioned Tarot and Astrology ; "Could you 'do some ' for us ? I dont know anything about that stuff ." Some people in the group have only just met, they need to know more about each other. So I offered to do a 'Tarot Wheel / Astrology' thingo for their new group, so they could all get an idea of each other's energy. She was excited about that and wanted to arrange it for next meeting. I said Okay ... BUT ... give me plenty of notice, I live way out of town, I have a lot on, I dont mind doing it, and for free, to help your group along, but give me lots of notice as to when it is on okay ." She said thats fine and she would send me their newsletter . Two weeks later I get this letter in the mail; a hand written folded over sheet, with kid glitters tickers, stars and glitter sprinkled all over it. The front page had this bad bullshit 'poem' about how 'we' are witches back from the dead .... An 'article 'about crystals about 8 lines long " Arent crystals great ! When I hold them I .... " And a list of half a dozen herbs with a line written about each one, Then 'news' ; 'Welcome to our new member .< Both my names > of < my location > ." 'Member' ??? 'secret witches' or any group publish peoples names and locations in their newsletters now ? And down the bottom, next meeting at ..... that days date, it was late afternoon and they wanted to meet at 6 pm. 2 hours notice. So rang her, no answer, I texted ; 'Sorry but 2 hours just isnt a enough notice, I wont be able to make it. " Later I git a text back ; "Fine ! Do what you want . But dont every expect to get a newsletter off us again ! "
  5. The origin of mankind

    ' suffering ' , the pain of frustration ... especially when the damn hydraulics on the fold out lounge room jam up ..... God I hate that !
  6. The origin of mankind

    Even an innocent day out in your boat can bring tears to one's eyes
  7. Atlantis

    Well, some time has passed as I wait patiently for more info to surface re the Kicher ' Atlantis' map . ? meanwhile, this just came in to the newsroom : One may wonder whether Kircher acquired his design of the continent from an ancient source map. This would depend on how loosely you define ancient, as the design appears to have been borrowed from maps of the South American continent being produced just a few decades earlier. The overall shape of the continent is virtually identical to South America's depiction on the 1592 Typus Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius (Fig. 2). Both maps correctly depict a recessed southeastern coastline interrupted by the Rio de la Plata, but both also present erroneous depictions of a perfectly straight and slanting western coastline as well as a blunt west to east rising southern tip. Kircher's Atlantis even precisely mimics the directly southward pointing orientation found on Ortelius' version of South America as opposed to South America's actual southwesterly orientation. Figure 2 - 1592 Typus Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius (left), which shares an uncanny likeness with Kircher’s Atlantis (right, reoriented with north toward the top). They correctly depict a recessed southeastern coastline interrupted by the Rio de la Plata (E,F), but both also present erroneous depictions of a straight western coastline © as well as a blunt west to east rising southern tip (D). Both also depict an almost identical transition to a double scalloped coast in the northwest (A - B ) . "We might be tempted to entertain the possibility that Kircher's map was based on an ancient map of South America, while Ortelius and other cartographers of his time were also generating some maps of South America partially based on ancient maps of the continent. After all, we already confirmed that at least one 16th century cartographer used similar methods in generating maps of the Antarctic continent. There is, however, no clear evidence to substantiate that ancient maps of Atlantis were in existence. To even be a legitimate consideration, the South American design would have had to appear on maps charted near or before 1492, in order to negate contemporary exploration as the true source and inspiration of the design. And in fact it seems very possible that Kircher's rendering of the continent of Atlantis may have been the result of a prank. Kircher was renowned for being "highly susceptible to suggestion" and was subsequently subjected to several pranks. In one notable prank, Kircher, having convinced himself he could read Hieroglyphics, was sent a forged Egyptian manuscript which he 'successfully' translated while never suspecting it was nothing more than gibberish. (Athanasius Kircher by Paula Findlen, pp. 7) Kircher fancied himself an expert Egyptologist and it appears this may have made him an easy mark for a forged Egyptian map of Atlantis. American politician Ignatius L. Donnelly, another Atlantis theorists sharing the view of a submerged Atlantis in the Atlantic, also includes a map (Fig. 3) in his 1882 book, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. Interestingly, Donnelly's Atlantis continent like Kircher's also bears a similar resemblance to South America, but Donnelly relocates the continent nearer the Strait of Gibraltar to buoy his theory that the Azores Islands were the tops of mountain peaks; the only remaining portion of Atlantis rising above the surface of the Atlantic. "
  8. Should I convert to Taoism?

    Hmmmm .... I have never considered Taoism to require a 'conversion', I assumed it was ( and it was in my case) more of a 'realization' . But then again, I am no 'expert'.
  9. The origin of mankind

    COMMENTARY (ΙΔ) The title, "Onion Peelings", refers to the well-known incident in "Peer Gynt". The chapter resembles strongly Dupin's account of how he was able to win at the game of guessing odd or even. (See Poe's tale of "The Purloined Letter".) But this is a more serious piece of psychology. In one's advance towards a comprehension of the universe, one changes radically one's point of view; nearly always it amounts to a reversal. This is the cause of most religious controversies. Paragraph 1, however is Frater Perdurabo's formulation of his perception of the Universal Joke, also described in Chapter 34. All individual existence is tragic. Perception of this fact is the essence of comedy. "Household Gods" is an attempt to write pure comedy. "The Bacchae" of Euripides is another. At the end of the chapter it is, however, seen that to the Master of the Temple the opposite perception occurs simultaneously, and that he himself is beyond both of these. And in the last paragraph it is shown that he realises the truth as beyond any statement of it.
  10. The origin of mankind

    Onion Peelings “The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General at the expense of the Particular, quoth FRATER PERDURABO, and laughed. But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the Universal Sorrow. Those next to them laughed, seeing the Universal Joke. Below these certain disciples wept, Then certain laughed. Others next wept. Others next laughed. Next others wept. Next others laughed. Last came those that wept because they could not see the Joke, and those that laughed lest they should be thought not to see the Joke, and thought it safe to act like FRATER PERDURABO. But though FRATER PERDURABO laughed openly, He also at the same time wept secretly; and in Himself He neither laughed nor wept. Nor did He mean what He said.”
  11. The origin of mankind

    Sorry Jim ... yes 'pranks' are not specific to mankind ... I stand admonished
  12. I would like to delete my account

    Yeah ... there is the origins of mankind thread ... the Atlantis thread ( which reminds me ...... )
  13. I would like to delete my account

    <thinks> ... okay .... The only interesting thread on DaoBums ( for Apech ) is about someone who wants to delete their account.
  14. Shower

    Winter If it s about what I prefer it is a 'fire bath ' . Wonderful ! I have one out in the garden with some big bird's nest ferns and big turpentine trees around it . Lying back at night looking up through the steam up through the towering tree trunks and canopy to the stars - wonderful. ( I shower and scrub first , Japanese style ) . It does something a normal bath does not do, it sort of cooks you, in a normal bath it looses heat as soon as the hot water goes off, in a fire bath it is always putting heat in . LIke you are slowly cooking - sometimes I feel like adding onion carrot and a bay leaf . The other ingredient is the water - river water , and it is a pretty clean river, and also we have a Grander water filter system. Man, when we got that you could really tell the difference, felt amazing after a shower , and a bath in that water is ..... ziiing ! Summer Jump in the river and a but further upstream at the rope swing pool ...... it usually goes better than this ( love the 'ninja bit' at the end ) ... ...that voice sounds familiar ...... ex-wife's idiot son ??? I have seen him there being a dickhead on that swing before anyway , the shower , MTL ; try this ; I am a skeptical person, didnt beleve their hype. I said "Put your money where your mouth is." and they organised a 3 year money back if not satisfied 'trial' . I got labs to test the water .... toxic levels (e coli and stuff) went down , till eventually 0 . I have no idea how it can work , but ... < shrug > (I would also recommend a particle / chemical filter as well ), the idea is it brings water 'back to life' .... dunno ? .... but it sure felt amazing after showering in it !
  15. Satanic Martial Arts Club

    ..... Wait ! . . . That's my club ! We train Saturday mornings in a park in town by the river, up the end, but we can be seen and are in view from a bridge crosses the river from the north to the south part of the town. Been going on for years. We train in whatever, casual and loose, or black gi pants and the club's red t-shirt with logo; either 2 black dragons or the 'Okinawan Sho' . (Okinawan's seem to love red and black, the sho and double dragons are common Okinawan symbols. ) A few weeks back, someone asked me if I did a sport, I said no, but I am one of the weird red shirt stick twirlers by the river ( as most locals have seen us training over the years ) . He goes , "What's weird about that ? People do much weirder stuff than that around here ." yeah - point taken. Anyways, after training today and we are at a cafe in town , as usual ... for the usual gossip and Israeli mate goes " I met this woman , she is married, but recently separated. So we are talking and got to how i do training at the park and she burst out laughing. Her husband drives across the bridge every Saturday morning and once when she went with him he " You see those guys , dressed in red and black? They are the colors of the devil, I think they are satanists ." Her , "What ? " " They got them weird symbols and dragons. " "I think they are doing some type of martial arts ? " "Well, they would ... they would want to know how to fight and hurt people " Then Avi says " I said to her ; 'This is your husband ? ' and she says ' Was my husband .... he turned into a born again Christian, and I finally had enough .' So I tell her ... ' I am not Satanist ... but ..... I am Jewish . " I belong to a Satanic Martial Arts club ~ But then later I thought ..... 'God damn ' religious uneducated nuts ! No wonder shit starts happening when people go around perceiving 'reality' with such special ' spiritual insight' . I never realized this was out there !
  16. The origin of mankind

    Props eh ? I got a bone to pick with you guys ! Get to work one morning, there is a big lump under the tarp that I had covered my stuff with on a table .... WTF ! ? Rip it off and ARRRGGHH ! - it a dead body ! A woman with one arm, her whole lower torso and legs ripped off and horrific facial injuries ..... < recovers from initial shock > You bastards ! Then my workmate ( also my Irish prank-pulling sidekick) ... " Hmmmm , I got an idea ! " So I go to the props department (and they see me coming and hide) ; " No, its cool, come out ! You guys owe me a favor, I want some fake blood ." Later, ; to the boss " Did your car handle funny on the way to work this morning ?" "No why ? ... You bastards ... what have you done to it ? " "Us ? ! Nothing. I just noticed it looked like something was caught up under it when you drove in, looks like its still there. Probably just some scrunched up paper or something, if you didnt notice it ." < goes to check .... then gets down on knees and sticks his head under ( he bought this silly big Jeep thing ) ... " Arrrhggg ... O My God ! it ... it .... you bastards ! " ~ My first on job into to Props guys ; I am a Noob , this guy turns up on a brand new Ducatti everyone is ; Oooooo ! ... this and that ... and he eventually . " Right ! I am parking it right here . Everyone keep away ! If anything happens to my bike ... you fuckin had it ! " Hmmm ... testy ! Then later I hear this screaming and abuse. I go to see whats going on and some idiot has reversed into his bike, its on its side , a big scrpe on the tank, broken blinker glass and head light on the road ..... O M G ! Then he : " Right I am going to lunch , and by the time I get back you guys have better sorted things out ! Or Im gonna punch heads I I warned yas ! " and he storms off .... wtf ? ... then these guys come out of the bushes looking sheepish and start doing stuff around the bike, as I watch I see there are little tiny rubber mats under the bits where the bike is touching the road, the peel of a clear transfer of plastic off the tank with a big scrape mark on it. They clean up the clear and orange glass off the road and reattach the original unharmed blinker glass and headlight lens . Me, to a mate " Who are those guys ? " " Props department ." Deadly ! "
  17. I would like to delete my account

    ... actually Jim , we do have a 'sword ' and 'shield ' form . Our club does not practice it, but one day I hope to try some with them. Tinbe and Rocin Originally a machete ( or short spear on one end, club on the other ) and turtle shell.
  18. I would like to delete my account

    .... with hair in a 'ponytail' ... 'stat you ? Here is me showing classic form with the sword and shield demonstrating the importance of keeping the shield in a high rear guard while facing one opponent in front of you , who is out of range, with your own army at your back .
  19. I would like to delete my account

    .... Bugglebear Nungli !
  20. I would like to delete my account

    The Nungli pic didnt work (funny that ) lets ask him again nicely , please
  21. The origin of mankind

    It can be considered 'naughty' to jump up and do a 'hootcie - kootchie dance ' on the table .... but this chick has 'balls' !