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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The origin of mankind

    One time 'in camp' this woman turned up ; "I saw the strangest thing on the way here . This possum jumped out on the road side, in the middle of the day and stood up and started waving his hands in the air ... and then .... " Uncle Lewi interrupted , " ... some little ones cam out and ran across the road ? " " How on earth could you know that ! " "She was telling you to slow down - babies were about to cross the road ." "In the middle of the day ! " <shrugs> " Maybe a big goanna chased them out of their tree hole ? "
  2. The origin of mankind

    To help protect them. Did they cross safely ?
  3. I would like to delete my account

    Here is a picture of my cat welcome to the internet.
  4. I would like to delete my account

    I already have that name ; Nungali ..... Nungungali is a goana in Bungalung language (my teachers people) But Ngali (or also Nungungali) is a mythical warrior / protector 'cast' into the local geology, I can see him from my front yard ... and a local tourist attraction (scroll down and read )
  5. I would like to delete my account

    Ohhh .... ummmm .... okay
  6. The origin of mankind

    yes ... gotta watch that ' H instead of the e key ' switcheroo
  7. The origin of mankind

    I suppose with all the water around, it makes sense. Cant make gas out of water , the way the plant needs it, but water 'separated' = 2 gasses. I wonder if they could be adapted to produce hydrogen for us ? Now, that is working 'in harmony' with nature. So is , in my estimation, getting microbes to eat certain 'inorganic' wastes. Just need one that can convert plastic into something good.
  8. The origin of mankind

    Indoor pond ? Sounds interesting . I have a tank with spotted sucker cat fish and native fish from the river ..... I have yet to nab one of these, still looking I found two together once, but let them be as they might have been a mating pair. I also have a large tank with one of these guys
  9. I would like to delete my account

    I myself used to be lizard , ye know * , then I messed with some cute enochian goetic magician here on DBs and I got turned into a camel for a while. Lately I have been a vortex or a whirlwind of some kind. * that gives me an idea .....
  10. I would like to delete my account

    and here I was just about to ask how I could delete your account .
  11. I would like to delete my account

    Public service workers slack off and spend a lot of time on the internet
  12. I would like to delete my account

    actually the Brian in the picture , perhaps like some of the patients he reminds you off ..... are mostly victims of circumstances and other peoples crazy projections
  13. I would like to delete my account

    Okay Jim , stick this in your psychological pipe an smoke it ; I have always thought of and imagined Brian to actually look like his 'Brian' pic. ~ even though I know who that is ! Even when I saw a pic of him, I still liked the look of 'that' guy , but was a little disappointed .... it wasnt the Brian I imagined him to be . - I do realize I have my own 'nuttiness '
  14. The origin of mankind

    Seventeen . nah ..... I will tell you . But take a guess first . I thought you may be curious how I dealt with such people in my hospital work , as i think you might understand this. As you said in your story, certain dynamics are needed, ya gotta play it smart, voice is important - but moreso; 'presence' , 'attitude' 'demeanor' 'confidence' 'consistency', honesty and a certain amount of respect , for them and yourself , etc . I was taught by great teachers. I would be told to sit in zazen and hold concentration on my hara. Yeah ... I got good at that ! Then ; " Okay good, now Nungai, go to the weapons rack and take a bokkan and bring it over to me ." Runs there and back and hands teacher the sword (the right way ) and bows . ' Thank you ... but did you maintain concentration on your one point ? " .... Damn ! goes back to position to mediate more . And so on, until . Move this way, do that do this push you , scream in your face ..... did you maintain hara ? Back to Zazen , start again ! Then ; comes zooming at me with bokkan 'blood curdling 'voice' (ki-ai ) super fast ,,, stops the bokken a hair off my crown . " Did you maintain concentration on your .... " Then ; add a technique , move and take the sword, not be there , or throw the opponent , or 'melt away ' . After a while (well, a few years ) one realizes one is doing it AND maintaining the inner hara . One is enjoying doing it, there is no fear, one is smiling as the person comes in to attack, relaxed, confident . One learns to 'exude that' . of course , the super agro drunk islander would probably cream me in 'real' .... but he doesnt know that , all of a sudden there s this strange guy in his presence acting differently , they either sense it ir are so out of it they somehow fuck themselves up then you move in , to 'help' them . Once a guy was totally immune, totally crazy, totally agro, trying to escape intensive care, I was called to take him to the pyche ward . One look I knew my tactics would not work, he was too out of to know who I was so I just helped him escape .... and get his pants on first , he would never had fund his way out if not for me ... but dammit , I lead him on a wrong turn ... straight into the psyche ward . here is another funny thing . I show the guys at training that stuff , including our 'instructor' . I also have shown them how to simply reverse and step back mid step forward when attacking and 'slice' my arms or hands off. But they dont do it . Some other dynamic is going on . I even showed them if you time the move right and the attacker is moving forward predictably , in a way they are trained to do , one can just add a slap across the face as the hand moves around to take the sword. Its a series if complex movements and body placement / movement ... but it looks like this ferocious sword wielding maniac is coming at defenseless decrepit old me , smiling and relaxed and I just slap his face and take the sword off him ... such is the art of the 'demo'. Then I ask them "Why didnt you just step back mid attack and cut me ." and they .... " Doh ! " No, is not some type of ki / chi magic , I believe they are picking up a LOT of info and signals unconsciously. - anyways, mostly nowadays , I am a hermit.
  15. The origin of mankind

    Well handled JIm ! The smartest men live by their 'smarts'. I used to work as a hospital orderly , pager : "Calling Nungali ... please go immediately to AE Emergency ! " < I do > "Some 30 stone drunk and drugged out Pacific Islander is trying to smash the place up and bleddin out everywhere .... stop him ... oh, and dont use violence or hurt him . " ( Which was okay, as if I was being asked by one of the new imported Irish nurses , they would shout me pints after a hard shift ... not that I could ever finish mine first ! ) I have had a lot of different jobs, not just film industry . I even used to get paid $20 an hour to to take the kids from the school next door down the river every afternoon , probably one of the best jobs I had ! Here is the school The architect designed it to be in harmony with nature Here is Nunger's ' apartment ' , you and Karl are welcome to stay anytime (nah, this 2nd one is a joke )
  16. The origin of mankind

    .... I promise not to make a film out of it
  17. The origin of mankind

    The ones I have stayed with have lost so much of what they had. But even at this level, some of their skills and understanding and memory and 'brain space' is amazing. Sometimes a 'real man' will come in from the desert and they are in awe of him ! " See that fellah there ? He is real blackfellah, compared to him, we are white ." Somethem will still walk hundreds of kilometers over mountains though bush, across scrub, carrying a 'few sticks' , pick up these large balls of ochre (after trading ) and walk back home with the ball sitting on their head on a twisted bark ring . Now, One might ask what the motivation is ... what makes that ball of ochre so 'valuable ' ? JIm .... dont you owe me a story ? ? ?
  18. The origin of mankind

    OH I see, I set the bar did I . I was the one that demanded to know my system that would make every single person in the whole world ...... LOL
  19. The origin of mankind

    and you posted that after I freely admitted what I think after you asked me . Then you stated that I lack the honesty to admit that 'this' is what I think ? or are you saying I lack the honesty to admit 'this' (as you define it ) is what I think . and what a response I get from all my efforts of trying to explain it to you , yet again. I was actually expecting a response something like this maybe : " Nungali , in a way you just said in your own words al Lot of what I was trying to get across to you ." I may have made some mistakes in communicating with such loose terms with you like 'harmony with the planet' and such, but I have been trying to clarify what I meant (not what they mean to you ) for some time now.
  20. The origin of mankind

    Here is a song for you and Marbles ETA; Dang ! That keeps linking to the wrong song Its by Syd Straw ; ... called 'Crazy Americans' .
  21. The origin of mankind

    Sorry Jim what answer, what question? I dont get the post really " If you walk the talk let me know and everybody know that you stand for " you will have to explain what this means and what you want. I hope you have been basing this on what I have written and not what Karl is claiming about me ? I have been saying a LOT of what I ' stand for ' ... if I understand you terminology ? I am not sure because of the wording of that sentence. Do you want me to show some proof of the ideas I have been putting out ? I did this following on from your 'make oxygen ' comment , people seemed upset that I quoted some science and formulas on it ? I am not really sure what you want ? But if you ask a clear question then I will answer it as best I can. just a reminder. I am not coming from this subject as Karl made out. I actually started off being fascinated by Anthropology at a young age and started it ever since. I did study it non-grad at Uni . I just happen to live here and have one of the last remaining remnant cultures at 'my fingertips' . Actually it isnt really a surprise, even in professional circles world wide, I see people up against issues and problems , and I constantly have to remind them that in many cases we still have a living example of the very thing they are trying to postulate about from our ancient past. I find that pretty amazing , I cam walk around a bend in the river (at the right place, whose location I am not going to reveal, most people are nit allowed there ) and I may as well be back 20,000 ya. It hasnt really changed. It a strange experience to come across a space like that, and see the traditonal built gunya, the campsite, the kangaroo meat hanging over the fire and wild eyed Tooly still making stone axes early neolithic style ! with grass tree gum glue and binding ... and then realize that he is a mate that last week you were sitting around the fire having pizza with downriver . But I am not in a fantasy ... they got flooded out from there too ! Tooleys 'place' (whwre I am NOT allowed to go or even know about, is even rough on him sometimes, he got stuck there in 2012 floods he says "Even my OWN place is hard to be at at times . " But that is thing, they were never restricted to one place. 2012 here was a massive flood, heaps of property damage ... I was evacuating from a film set on mount tambourine in Queensland (I told em not to go up there , there was bad weather coming , but as you can see , no one listens to me as I talk such BS . I was first out and left the rest of the idiots t(that were truing to 'force nature' and not be in harmony with her - heck they could have changed the schedule, they do ait all the time, I suggested we do that week in the studio and do location the week after that, It turned out that week was beautiful weather . Their forcing and obstinate stupidity cost a bunch of people about $ 600,000 ... but, as the bosses said, "Meh ... a pittance when ya got $92 Million to play with ! " (and all of that to spend on a movie about a cartoon dog ! )
  22. The origin of mankind

    Well, I find it familiar FROM some .. It may be familiar TO you, FROM some ... yet I have not seen it FROM you.
  23. The origin of mankind

    There ya go again ! I do not have " a super natural connection with the planet that tells him what exactly he must do, " you made that are up and are projecting it on to me - again . It isnt super natural , but extra natural, it isnt 'the planet' as if it some entity but it is an holistic reaction to a set of learned signs from nature that I can choose to observe or not, to act on or not. It is nearly never 'exact' most of it is interpretation , and there is no MUST about it .... I can ignore the whole thing and stumble around in some type of chaotic forcing if I want to . Indigenous trad lifestyle is NOT about 'figuring out yourself what to do ' , I cam see you know little about such things. If anything it is about figuring out what to do considering a set of circumstances you are in and signs you observe. Again you are bringing it all back to the individual, we can piss in the wind and have it blow in your face , or grandfather can say "Dont piss in the wind, it will blow in your face " (then you can run off alone and try it , just to see ... yep, Grandpa was right ). You want my thesis here ! Wow ..... whatta post that would be Aside from the fact that you have already set the goal posts into outer space, which is not the target of my thesis at all . : " how you would achieve it for everyone in the entire world " get real Karl ! However my 'thesis' does outline steps into cultural decline, postulates a type of 'law' in operation , cross culturally, and shows some remedies that can be applied . It was not accepted at Uni , like my other two . But , funnily enough, that and another one of mine that were rejected back then, seem to be coming ' fashionable' in the field over the last 10 years . 1. is the remedy for cultures in crisis - the Kaidilt Aboriginals are an excellent example (of my thesis in action AND the recovery ). I am serious here ... the last indicators of cultural decline, the final stages are destruction of the 'individual cultural units' , as they are termed - the people - and this is done by self mutilation until eventually , death. . They have been bought back from the brink by applying the remedy. 2. relates to early hominid fossils and their reconstructions by artists and concepts related to them being more advanced than thought and having bread with variant human types ... it was considered rubbish back when I was studying ( before the discovery of the Denisovan gene - fail ! ) Now it is at the fore front . The other thing here is ... and on this one, I may be more in line with your thoughts ? - .... ... actually I will prefix it with this ; briefly the remedy (which I already outlined ) is to reintegrate the old culture or develop a new culture that 'does the job' considering the new influences or developments that caused the disruption in the first place. That is why cultures have shamans, prophets , seers, etc . The kaidilt began recovering when they 'got their culture back' (it was suppressed and not allowed ) . Many tribes in North America dudnt survive the Euro contact and settlement. Now one (and I wish I could remember the details - nearly all of this is off my head ... I could make longer referenced posts , but when I did that before I was asked if I could write anything myself without copying and pasting everything - cant please everyone ! ) tribe had a very good shaman ... he nutted out the whole thing and gave them the new instructions about what to do and how to live blending their old way with this new influence. They became successful and survived relatively well , compared to some others . Cultural adaptation. A modern example of this on a global scale could be the Baha'i religion - an interesting phenomena; a, now accepted 'world global religion' based on the new 'global society' and 'multiculturalism' . - back to that other thing .... it that now, this is a whole new ball game . 'My' remedies are for cultures , now, as point out, it seems the whole world is becoming one culture , there are multi cultural sub sets ... but we never encountered anything like this before, its a giant jump ! I dont even know how to term it ... maybe the 'culture' of A.I. , Communication Technology , I.T. ? ? The AICTIT Era ? Still .... taking THAT into account I cant see any system that will be the best " for everyone in the entire world." That is a pretty high bar to make dude !
  24. The origin of mankind

    Isnt Daobums the irony board ? Hey Marbes ... I think Jim is worried that I am giving you a hard time or something I hope I havent been too rough on you ... I know you had a delicate upbringing