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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I am an Ascended Pokemon Grandmaster .... you have a long way to go grasshopper.
  2. Comparative graphs

    ? Causality ? Causality has not been mentioned though ... not until you inserted it ... so you could refute it . also ..... correlation is not re-fried beans Nope , no correlation here either .
  3. The Spiritual Poison of Christianity

    Thread is about Christianity - not Christians, The core doctrine is whats at fault, not the wide range of individuals (some dont even accept the core doctrine ) .
  4. The origin of mankind

    You know what I will not tolerate ? When things escalate quickly . I just cant stand it ! It does my head in .... OKAY ! ? ! ? Do you get that now ???? OR DO YOU NEED SOME OF THIS ?
  5. The origin of mankind

    Are you sure that wasnt Jesus ?
  6. The origin of mankind

    Yes ..... nearly permanently .
  7. The origin of mankind

    We have them in the paddock near my place, got a hill with an amazing outlook to the east to the ocean and west up the valley, to the north an escarpment with a waterfall . We chuck a shitload of wood together and have a raging fire. had one 3 nights ago, it was nice and laid back (I prefer that) with only one drunk idiot . he was so drunk that from just being near him, I got a hangover ... and I dont drink ! But when it was 'time to go' he was compliant (he remembered what happened last last time he did this and I asked him nicely to leave and he didnt .... sometimes, when people drink a lot, they forget the lessons of the past . That is why it is really important to make sure those type of lessons really 'embed' into the memory .
  8. .

    Ooops ... wrong kind of stork ... I meant THIS guy :
  9. .

    I know just the guy that can help you find one :
  10. The origin of mankind

    Junko . I had a beautiful tangarine/scaret kimono with a dragon embroidered on it in silver colored thread that snaked around the whole garment. WE have these wasps here that make a gooey nest in things made out of a tar like substance that NOTHING dissolves. yes, the got the Kimono ... they got in through the lock keyhole on my wardrobe . Goodbye kimono .... it got cut up and a few undamaged bits were used for other things .
  11. The origin of mankind

    well, if you cant handle the heat .... (and I dont mean the toaster at MacDonalds)
  12. The origin of mankind

    Sex is the first course, a smoke is the second course and then some dessert later . Yeah ... but I am a cook. Not many women I have associated with (outside of work) can cook as good as I do ... so what do I do ?
  13. The origin of mankind

    You should see a friend of mine's spare room, he is a collector of all sorts of swords, trinkets, paraphernalia from Samurai dress... little knives, cord stops, some are amazing ... and very expensive ! he collects sword and blades too. got a nice antique yari last year and a set of amour ... its tiny ! Well, compared to us ... we even noticed the sash belt thing had what appears to be blood spatters on it. Of course , want to use them ... of course, he is horrified he doesnt practice , he was in our club found it too hard, I spent a bit of 1 on 1 time with him, he still couldnt manage .... although his wife was doing well at it ... she would admonish him her harsh Cambodian accent in our training sessions " Go it right ! ...Like this ! " .... and she was pregnant at the time !
  14. .

    A Nungali Fable : The Fox and the Stork. A fox was hunting a stork, but the stork, being more philosophical confronted him. "Why cant we be friends and work together ? With my long beak I could catch a fish, and we could share it. Or you could catch a rabbit and we could share that. " The fox agreed and caught a rabbit, he cut it up and sauteed it in butter and red wine, and served it on a flat plate. The stork found it very difficult to eat off the flat plate with his long beak and kept dropping the bits of food, eventually the fox ate nearly all of it and the stork only managed to eat a single bit. The next day the stork caught a fish, and still being pissed off at what the fox did, cooked the fish in a long necked pot. That night at dinner the stork was dipping his long beak in and getting all the food, the fox could not even get his snout down the opening. "What gives with this? " asked the fox? ' Well," said the stork, "yesterday you served me dinner on a plate I could not eat off, that you could, you got all the food and I went hungry. So tonight, I did this, so you could learn what it is like ti be treated like that , as now you are hungry. " "I see. : said the fox , "now I understand " . So he ate the stork .
  15. The origin of mankind

    (you know I cant resist the opportunity .. even though i have done it before ) yes , small food concessions are good - here we have the CWA - Country Women's Association. They have bake and taste days, you can go to them and they have all these fruitcakes and tarts ... that will let you sample their baking . tssshhh - badoom !
  16. The origin of mankind

    careful Karl .... they are very sharp !
  17. The origin of mankind

    Maccas at Sunday in your location may be 'hot' ... but not as hot as they are selling in Japan with a free Pokemon .... sales have gone through the roof and boosted MacDonalds stock world wide.
  18. The origin of mankind

    Many years ago I went to a week long celebration for the International Year of Peace. It was at the Baha'i temple north of Sydney. People celebrated their cultures, wore their national costumes , offered each other their national foods and dishes and arts and crafts, at night we had multicultural music and dance , etc performance. It was absolutely bloody fantastic ! .... shame it only lasted for 1 year
  19. The origin of mankind

    What on earth does one do with 15000 one dollar kimonos ?
  20. (-:

  21. When I first left the city and escaped to this area I turned on the local radio station : < music > ....... DJ ; " Mrs Wheelan of Myrtle St has rung in. She seems to have lost Benjie her cat, he has been gone all morning. If any one has seen Benjie wandering around town please call the radio station and ... " .... and a smaller nearby town has a newspaper that is still printed on " The paper continues to be produced by a hot-metal typesetting, printed on a Heidelberg Zylinder Automat press, and is the last known newspaper in Australia to be produced by these means. "
  22. Lets hope a negative tornado isnt heading your way .
  23. Yep .... I was doing all that .... then this news came out
  24. The origin of mankind

    Are you suggesting we have gone off topic ?