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Yes ... I have started to feel like I am drying out as I get older . A bit like an empty 'dilly bag' .
That makes us 35% oxygen
Hmmmm .... ? Scientists have discovered 19 special microbes all over the globe, as far as 3.1 miles underground. The microbes were acquired from rock fissures in such diverse locations as North America, Japan, Europe, South America, and even deep hydrothermal vents in the Caribbean (Cantor, 2013). What makes them special is that they are “more than 97% identical, or practically the same species,” according to researcher Matt Schrenk of Michigan State University in East Lansing (Cantor), even though they have been found on opposite sides of the Earth. Rick Colwell of Oregon State University in Corvallis said, “There seems to be a core group of microbes that appears again and again in all of these environments” (as quoted in Brahic, 2013). Researchers believe that such similarities point “to a possible common ancestor about 3.5 billion years ago” http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=9&article=4805 Conditions for life underground would have been more suitable than on the surface , way back. Life may have started way before, underground ... while the surface was full of toxic materials, radiation (before the formation of the ozone layer ), etc . Some astroscience postulates that the search for extra terrestrial life needs to be widened from 'earth like' planets where water / ocean / sea evolution to a broader possible spectrum . If this is valid ... the potential of 'life planets' numbers just jumped up a LOT !
yes ... but the oxygen was already there. As you say it breathed CO2 ... there is oxygen in carbon di OXIDE .... all oxides are a combination of oxygen and other elements . Guys - elements dont get created or destroyed on planets ... they just get reconfigured and shuffled around .. solve et coagula You dont need to explain red 'rust' to an Aussie
Yeah, how it was formed to become our O2 . It was there all ready, locked up in compounds in the first place . Oceans dont create elements ..... do they ? ? ?
Oxygen was created on Earth ???? Surely you mean " How oxygen (O2 ) was isolated or levels increased on earth ?
Wonderful ! That sounds like the spirituality I have been learning from the indigenous ' I came out of the earth, I am a man from country * . When I die, I go back to earth. ' ( * The land area one's 'tribe' )
Isnt that just 'passing the buck' ? Who made us ? .... God . Who made God ? ..... some other God. How did life get on the comet ? It came from another planet . How did that planet get life? It came from another comet. Its turtles all the way down . However it is an an interesting idea and seems to fit in with some Australian creation myths ( Wallenganda - black snake - Milky Way spits 'water' down on to Ungud - carpet snake/rainbow serpent - earth serpent who takes it underground . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2520656/Did-life-begin-underground-Microbes-MILES-surface-similar-lived-3-5-billion-years-ago.html
No, because no one has created life in a peti dish .... or even a petri dish .... NO ONE . ... and actually 'life' isnt even created 'in the womb' .
Before the beginning of years There came to the making of man Time, with a gift of tears; Grief, with a glass that ran; Pleasure, with pain for leaven; Summer, with flowers that fell; Remembrance, fallen from heaven, And madness risen from hell; Strength without hands to smite; Love that endures for a breath; Night, the shadow of light, And life, the shadow of death. And the high gods took in hand Fire, and the falling of tears, And a measure of sliding sand From under the feet of the years; And froth and the drift of the sea; And dust of the laboring earth; And bodies of things to be In the houses of death and of birth; And wrought with weeping and laughter, And fashioned with loathing and love, With life before and after And death beneath and above, For a day and a night and a morrow, That his strength might endure for a span With travail and heavy sorrow, The holy spirit of man. From the winds of the north and the south, They gathered as unto strife; They breathed upon his mouth, They filled his body with life; Eyesight and speech they wrought For the veils of the soul therein, A time for labor and thought, A time to serve and to sin; They gave him light in his ways, And love, and space for delight, And beauty, and length of days, And night, and sleep in the night. His speech is a burning fire; With his lips he travaileth; In his heart is a blind desire, In his eyes foreknowledge of death; He weaves, and is clothed with derision; Sows, and he shall not reap; His life is a watch or a vision Between a sleep and a sleep. - Swinburne.
Actually, a fascinating subject - ethnobotany. Not only have we , by developing and interfering with many plants (and animals ) to make them what they are today ... the plants have also contributed to make us what we became and are. http://botanicaldimensions.org/what-is-ethnobotany/#/0/11
Aphrodite .... or in Nungalise ; ' Venus on the half shell.' The myth of her birth reveals the symbolism in the painting . http://www.paleothea.com/Myths/BirthAphrodite.html
Junko food .
We all know how important graphs are ... here are some comparative ones to help yu understand what is going on :
On the nightly TV news here there is an economist who shows graphs ... "Tonight's graph shows ..... " They started normal but over a long period of time appeared to be getting wackier and wackier ... this guys is pulling our leg, I eventually realized . He also does comparative graphs , or compares one to another upside down or mirror images . He will often make fun of economic trends and theory and admit no one really knows what is going on. he makes out our economy is a beast out of control with its own mind .
The Spiritual Poison of Christianity
Nungali replied to Golden Dragon Shining's topic in The Rabbit Hole
Regardless of how things played out with everyone ; there is an underlying concept in Genesis ( 1:26 ) that seems the OPPOSITE of many if not all indigenous teachings. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” ​Domination - yet indigenous teachings offer the view that mankind is part of creation and how to live in harmony with nature. However, before this concept arose , the source material of much of the Bible ( Zoroastrianism ) seems to have a respect and consideration for the environment * .... so I wonder how this domination thing got in there ? * Some examples: Waste was disposed in impervious stone-lined pits where it degraded naturally through exposure to the sun (sometimes aided by lime) without polluting the surrounding land and water. Household waste was disposed in stone or stone-lined pits adjacent to a home (Vendidad 17.2.1). Community waste was placed in stone or stone-lined pits in designated areas. Settlements were constructed away from the banks of streams. - According to Herodotus (c. 430 BCE): "They (the Persians) never defile a river with the secretions of their bodies, nor even wash their hands in one; nor will they allow others to do so, as they have a great reverence for rivers." Strabo, Book XV, Chapter 3.16, (written 17-23 ACE) states: "For the Persians neither urinate, nor wash themselves, in a river; nor yet bathe therein nor cast therein anything dead or any other thing that is considered unclean. Fires, athra/atash, were made from selected dried woods and other materials that produced the least amount of smoke. In order to prevent rotting flesh from contacting the soil, dead bodies were either placed in stone tombs above ground level, or exposed to birds (in towers placed on hill tops or surrounded by lush gardens) who ate the flesh, after which the bones disintegrated to a harmless powder. -
The Origin of Womankind Who is this maiden robed for a bride, White shoulders and bright brows adorable, The flaming locks that clothe her, and abide, As God were bathing in the fire of Hell? They change, they grow, they shake As sunlight on the lake: They hiss, they glisten on her bosom bare. O maiden, maiden queen! The lightning flows between Thy mounting breasts, too magically fair. Draw me, O draw me to a dreaming death! Send out thine opiate breath, And lull me to the everlasting sleep, That, closing from the kisses of disdain To ecstasy of pain, I may sob out my life into their dangerous deep. Who cometh from the mountain as a tower Stalward and set against the fiery foes? Who, breathing as a jasmine-laden bower? Who, crowned and lissome as a living rose? Sharp thorns in thee are set; ...
Fantasized eh ? As a young lad, I thought this guy was the biggest idiot on TV I mean .... he had a bottle, with this on call ; ... and he didnt seem to know what to do with her ????????????? ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!! ... never got it , every time the show was on , I would watch, but .................. no. back then , a Lady's tummy was NOT normally seen on TV ! ( has she been doing sit-ups ? )
How else am I going to show off my tucked in cardigan and pink tie ?
Just dont amp up on me, okay
PS. Not to e confused with 'The Antient and Ascended Order of Pokemon Grand Masters.' Those guys a scamming fakers !
I am an Ascended Pokemon Grandmaster .... you have a long way to go grasshopper.
? Causality ? Causality has not been mentioned though ... not until you inserted it ... so you could refute it . also ..... correlation is not re-fried beans Nope , no correlation here either .
The Spiritual Poison of Christianity
Nungali replied to Golden Dragon Shining's topic in The Rabbit Hole
Thread is about Christianity - not Christians, The core doctrine is whats at fault, not the wide range of individuals (some dont even accept the core doctrine ) .