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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Is man's nature violent or peaceful?

    and damn those tribal people that wear western clothes sometimes ! Stealin my cultural heritage But seriously ..... in some case, yes, i feel its bad ; But in other cases ( like here ) the indigenous like the fact that we like some of their stuff enough to adopt it ...... along as you dont go down the street wearing a red headband or other 'special symbols' that have specific meaning for them. But generally they love it, especially 'new culture' stuff. If a white fellah is wearing a koori flag on his shirt, he will get the nod of approval On a similar note, I was delighted to see our new Miss World entrant ! Maminydjama (Magnolia) Maymuru Some of the shots of her are abso gorgeous ! Dude above (model hunter and her promoter) says what first attracted him to her (watching her at an ATM machine) was her height and her gracefulness and movement (even in taking out her credit card ) , her walk, everything ( she has a background in hunting and gathering ) . BUT ... then they get her ready for a photo shoot .... and my God ! .... what the fuck did they do that to her for ! (This only came out yesterday so there is no other pic I can find as yet . But they paraded her out with this lipstick on ...... URK! Bright hot red lipstick ... on those beautiful dark features .... I mean , it doesnt even work artistically ... and from a distance looked even more ridiculous ! just this glowing red mouth ..... no no no no . and also a horrible bright green unmatching startling dress to go with it . So they will present a local indigenous beauty as our entrant, in a horrible western dress, bright red lips, white diamond earrings, excessive eye makeup ...... ..... I hope they dont try a tanned light face powder !
  2. Is man's nature violent or peaceful?

    One time when I was camping out with Aboriginal friends and Uncle Lewi goes "Tell 'em about that fight you had with the loggers." So I did . And this one guys goes "What ! You did what ! Man, thats awesome .... but what's going on there .... we thought you were a hippy and all that peace and love stuff ? " Me "Oh , I am , I am into peace and love .... like here at this place , everyone loves each other and takes care of and looks after each other, and its peaceful, nice and calm, out in nature by the river ...... but if someone comes along and tries to fuck that up ..... " Uncle Lewi finished it " ..... you'll fuck them up ."
  3. The origin of mankind

    Hmmmm .... thats a large overall statement. In some cases I would agree with that. Like the XGF I had years back that fancied herself as a bit of an astrologer, during a meeting she pulled out a book and read about all the good things in her 'sign' and clucked about how she was just like that, and then focused on some bad aspects and said she wasnt like that ... the book was wrong about that part. The others present , who knew her quite well, were incredulous - she exactly had those faults she denied. This is a pretty clear case of what is going on isnt it ? There are people like that and they will all systems like that to shore themselves up. But is this the fault of astrology or the person ? Then again, I feel modern astrology is pretty crap and false , especially the ' magazine style daily horoscope crap. But there is another 'more real' and deeper astrology , and to look in to one's nature using that tool can be very confronting and revealing .... a bit like watching a film of yourself when you didnt know you were being filmed , or hearing a recording of your own voice. In this case it certainly isnt an ego boost . But I admit that this type of astrology is rare nowadays, like most things esoteric , it has degenerated to a pop new agey thing
  4. The origin of mankind

    Ha! A lucky charm is nothing like a natal horoscope Karl. You might think it is .... but it really isn't . Nothing like that at all.
  5. Is man's nature violent or peaceful?

    You start off nice and peaceful until you are told you are fallen, Then its a case of whether you can transcend that or not.
  6. The origin of mankind

    I know basically about horoscopes, I know mine and my version of it fairly in depth. I dont seem my behavior as 'owning this thread' . I see things on the forum more like a big party, with different conversations going on here and there, I will drift around and drop in and out. I do tend to make 'provocative' statements and pose challenging questions for some. I prefer deeper subjects than football or what is on tv. I liked the subject you bought up - that's deep . If you have detected a psychological problem in me, tell me about , then we will see if I can admit or not. Just a minute, I will go and get you a nice drink first
  7. The origin of mankind

    Yes, I have seen some good coping mechanisms that allowed some of them to shine . Others were irreparably damaged .
  8. What are you listening to?

    ? try again
  9. What are you listening to?

    Yeah ! This is on my cars play list ; And I love this song ( reminds me of some relationship 'couples' I know )
  10. strange photos

  11. The origin of mankind

    It seems our understandings are further apart than I realised ! My comments related to what I quoted from you , mostly this ; " we have to choose what we ingest into our consciousness " My point is - thats fine sprouting stuff like that, but it isnt a reality, many of us are not in a position at all to be able to choose at all what we ingest into our consciousness or unconsciousness, we are victim of circumstances combined with what we make out of or turn those circumstances into. Also, what I meant was, these people were in that situation before anything happened to them, they were not 'damaged' , they might have been innocently walking home from work and got caught caught up in a protest and mass arrested and sent to 're-education camp'.... or a dozen other situations i heard about . Perhaps after their experience they were damaged and had extra disadvantage in freedom to be able to choose and filter experience that comes to them, like you suggest.
  12. The origin of mankind

    Junko could interrupt it and jazz it up a bit .....
  13. The origin of mankind

    Oh, thats just your conditioning and reaction to the descriptive word choice combined with a lack of familiarity with the subject matter . One can easily make a misperception under those conditions. If you have an aversion to something, even one that is embedded unconsciously, and you want to change that, you can reprogram yourself. Any system can be misappropriated by society / individuals to turn out biological robots OR used to help liberate the individual from its own unwanted conditionings and reactions. I mean ... we have religion ( the first in the above paragraph) then we have 'magic' - using 'religious technology' to effect change in and around the self. Or, we could say religion uses magical technology (or even call this 'technology' ; highly emotive psychological stimulation ) . You can use a gun to hunt your food, or someone or the state could turn one against you
  14. The origin of mankind

    'we have to chose' .... yet ... 'we cannot get ' ? I dont get this at all .... then again, maybe I misunderstand it .... from my experience many of us do not chose what is ingested into their consciousness , eg, I have worked with ex-torture victims / refugees , many of them didnt have much choice about what happened to them . ... Unless you are going to go all cosmic on me and invoke 'karma' or 'the doctrine of impossible choices' .
  15. The origin of mankind

    and got him!
  16. The origin of mankind

    We might need to start a new thread for that one ! - What turned Karl into Karl ?
  17. The origin of mankind

    He's just a sort of self-advertising guy ..... actually, thats not a bad idea .... See my threads here > When I read this ; ' one of our eye belong to Moon or Sun'. I thought an astrological critic would think it is rubbish. But if one looks a bit deeper into it ..... ... well, if I look a bit deeper into it .... I see our 'eyes' as a reflection of our 'dual nature' ; the Sun represents our consciousness and the Moon our unconscious and autonomous systems. Most of us think our consciousness is running our lives and decisions .... nah ! A big part of what drives us is unconscious, running on conditionings ..... totally unaware of it 98% of the time . Also we can bring this into consciousness a bit ; we could say the eyes (symbolically) are two ways of looking at things; yin and yang. I may not take astrology literally, but for me it provides a great psychic map, and has helped me to understand myself better psychologically - the same as other 'maps' have ( like the Qabbalistic one, Tarot, Exopsychology and a couple of others). But as most of us know, they are an aid , a map, not the territory itself. I bet Karl has an interesting natal astrology !
  18. The origin of mankind

    According to Exopsychology theory (and some success empirically) the 'mind' (or any of its 'programs') can be reprogrammed (away from averse programming of the state, society, family, self , circumstance, etc. .... to make a healthy functioning 'social unit' (in cases of treating 'criminals' , the 'maladjusted' or people with a disruptive problem) or for the 'psychonaut' (in this case it is a connection with a 'chosen reality' - chosen by them . '
  19. The origin of mankind

    This is closer to my ideas , I pretty much adopt the Exopsychology model here. yes, you do come with a series of 'shelves' , or 'programs' or circuits .... the first 4, each a bit like the MS word doc on my computer, but in a sense 'empty' until I write something in it and store it. Exopsychology maps 4 like this; basic HSS survival skills, I suppose we could call the 'drives' or 'syndromes, bio-survival, anal-territorial, artistic-creative, socio-sexual. The other 4 relate to neuro-somatic states, genetic information, 'energetic' systems . ( 'bio electric' or nerve system, etc. ) with the last, being a non-local type of HSS 'Anima Mundi' . .. .. . or, if one prefers 'non-local consciousness'. I think somewhere, the human bio-computer picked up an 'operational virus'.
  20. The origin of mankind

    Talking to a friend yesterday in the park in town and all of a sudden she screams "Daisy ! Don't you dare ! " and Daisy , her Staffie dog, who had started wiggling ( what they do when they want to wag a tail they dont have ) over to this kid in a stroller, comes back looking like she is in trouble. "Whats that about?" I asked her . Her : ( sheepish and a bit embarrassed) "She has taken to stealing food off children ."
  21. The origin of mankind

    " Everything is made of something else " .... ? More T-shirt material that one ! Ridiculous ........... nowadays we all know the Sun uses a segway .
  22. The origin of mankind

    I'll grab that tongue of yours with a pair of chopsticks ! Wait ... why are they called chop sticks ? Its impossible to chop with them - grabsticks , that's what they should have called them.
  23. The origin of mankind

    Ohhhh right ! Now I get you ..... those were not my dishes I'm not gonna break my own dishes !
  24. The origin of mankind

    Nungali has empathy - that's how . Condolences Junko .