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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. strange photos

    aura photography ? Use an old instant developing camera and open the film early a bit, stick it back down and then reopen it Voila!
  2. The origin of mankind

    I didnt ... and here it was yesterday . I better contact her today ... but I cant bear the confused phone call . Maybe send her , via my sister , an email letter In superbig type so she can read it .... anyway ... to all Mum's ..... Happy Day !
  3. What if your heart is wrong?

    Pure iron ? Iron is quite soft you know
  4. What if your heart is wrong?

    Appeal to it. "O my heart of my mother , O my heart while I existed upon earth, do not stand against me as a witness, do not oppose me in in the tribunal, do not be hostile against me in the presence of the Great God, Lord of the West. Although I have united myself to the land to the great western side of Heaven, may I flourish upon earth!" Are you sure it was your heart ? Sounds more like a 'whim' . In my experience, when I follow my heart, I just get the main direction , not the end result ..... or any 'ands' ... and ands are added on after I do the first bit. Eg. I choose not to choose, but on this day to be led. (Man, that is really 'askin for it' ! ) It isnt go to town, and find a homeless person in trouble and offer them refuge until they get on their feet . It was just 'go to town' (great ! I was hoping ***** would tell me to go and sit under the waterfall up in the rainforest .... oh well. ) So I go to town .... then I get led here, led there, and it all unfolds, quite amazingly ! But then again, is that 'heart' leading me ... or 'spirit' ... or what ? What do you or I mean by 'heart' . I chose the Egyptian 'prayer' up there as the Egyptian concept of 'heart' is very different. Are you following 'heart' , 'spirit' , 'whim' ..... ? Ummmm .... dont you think its more likely that you could have been wrong about it ..... I mean, I have to admire a man that blames Tao for being wrong rather than himself ... ... but ..... For me ... its the result that later affirms, in retrospect, what one was actually doing, and if one had a motivation or not ? In my case I did meet someone - a run away living in a van ; totally freaked out , PTS victim from recent bad events, in a bad state ... that I just 'happened' to run into by the river. Not my type at all ... many physical things about her turned me right off ( so I knew it was not 'masked lust' - gotta watch that one ! ) but this was where I was being led. Anyway, to shorten things, she made a great recovery under my influence. 'Just happened' to meet a similar type of guy here that had been alone and useless for years (this woman was slight and furtive as a mouse ... but she was a worker ! I came home during a flood and she was out in my garden in raincoat weeding ! That's marrying material! ) . They even ended up getting married, and Mr and Mrs furtive / diminutive mouse went back to her old house (that she had been chased out of by mad ex bikie, ex boyfriend ) and stood up to him! Got rid of him , sold the house and bought a new place by the beach I suppose I better add this ; .... and lived happily ever after . .... Hey ! ..... what about me ? What did I get out of it ? ... Oh, thats right ..... it was a ' heart thing ' . But there ya go .... just one day , one morning, I gave up direction and followed .... whatever you wanna call it .... and all that came from that decision not to decide. Every moment we stand at an intersection .... the next step and direction we take can have a lot of consequences .... or non .... you might just end up sitting there thinking .... ' Hey! I already seen this ! " ......
  5. Buddha in Persia

    I doubt it is the same family ... but its not impossible; long before Zoroastrianism came to 'Persia' there were strong trade links and routes between India , Central Asia, Western China / Tibet and into Persia . The hub of this 'complex' of 'Aryan Nations' was just off the western edge of the Himalayas . This was the first 'empirical' expansion of Zoroastrianism, and later it was adopted by the Persians. It was a common practice 'at home' ( Bactria ) to entertain and consider different religious philosophers at court. If G. B. did go there and give discourse, in that environment, he would have been appreciated. King Vishtaspa hears out Zoroaster. " Introduction of Buddhism into Bactria. Exactly when Buddhism became established in Bactria is still much disputed. Some scholars argue in favor of the first century b.c., or even earlier, while others maintain that its spread was due to the Kushans (Staviskij, pp. 201ff.). Kushan influence certainly extended well into China in the first centuries a.d. This is clearly shown by, among other things, the use of the northwest Prākrit written in the Kharoṣṭhī script as the language of administration in the kingdom of Shan-shan, a short distance east of Khotan. These documents have been dated to between a.d. 200 and a.d. 320 (see Brough, esp. pp. 594-604). A Kharoṣṭhī well inscription dating probably from the second half of the second century a.d. was found at Lo­yang in China (Brough). Even in the early years of the third century there were at least two monasteries in Lo­yang, and many foreign translators were active in Lo­yang in the second half of the second century (Zürcher, 1959, pp. 30ff.). By about a.d. 400 Fahsien estimated that there were more than 4,000 monks in Shan-shan (Beal, I, p. xxiv). "
  6. The origin of mankind

    Humans .... a a Billion years of evolution .... and we end up here ;
  7. strange photos

  8. The origin of mankind

    I had perfect love ...... and everyone thought I had gone nuts and didnt understand me and it all crashed down around me ( with me still standing there feeling good ... but still .......
  9. The origin of mankind

    Like I said .... perfect ........ within your own lunchtime
  10. The origin of mankind

    Damn you ... no ! I am not going to spend the rest of my morning looking for the one stitch thats out ! I watched old persian ladies make them once .... amazing ! So quick and nimble. I asked how she knew what colour and knot to put where while she was making it (as she had no pattern, map or notes , and it was a very complex geometrical design ) and she said the instructions were in her head - in the form of a song she learnt as a child. I said it must be a long song, she agreed, I asked how many of these songs she knew ( how many designs she could make ) and she said around 30 of them
  11. The origin of mankind

    I think you mean , for yourself .... this is as good as it gets However, for some of us, with a much higher potential, perfection is harder to achieve
  12. The origin of mankind

    I didnt say it was bad ... I was more surprised than anything. I can answer your question with another; dont you think humans have caused a lot of problems for the plants, other animals, environment (on which they themselves depend) and each other ? I am sure you know what I mean, without posting the horrible pictures ? Why be proud of that ... actually, what is it .... what part of the human effects we have had ... are you proud of ?
  13. strange photos

    No ... you must first prove that those guys didnt make a model .
  14. strange photos

    Yes, but as you can see , its only in black and white . Colour computers and colour photoshop came later ( just after the computers and streetlights converted from gas power to electricity).
  15. strange photos

    Thats the whole Wright family with Mk I - it didnt really take off . The next model used a seat for the pilot, instead of a encasing him in a bamboo frame work and papiermache .
  16. The origin of mankind

    Yes .... he raises the babies at home while mumma kiwi is out partying and drinking all night
  17. The origin of mankind

    Okay, thanks ... now its clear How dare you Sir ! I know the difference ( looks around ) the wife is on the left side of the bed and the girl friend on the right . Oh no .... the canoe might sink !
  18. The origin of mankind

    Proud ? After everything we have done ?
  19. The origin of mankind

    yes! and nosey ..... they fly around my place snoopin ...... and making a LOT of noise !
  20. The origin of mankind

    How would you prefer we acted ? Not comment on your thread ? Not answer ?
  21. The origin of mankind

    Bah ! Look where humility got him ! IMO he shoulda stood up to them and kicked arse ! (I luv them 'angels ' ! )
  22. The origin of mankind

    So , Junko is a dog ? And she doesnt actually write posts ...... you do . You channell posts from your dog and write them here and say she is your girl friend ? Now Michael , aside from the abuse of Mod power by running two accounts ..... dont you think its time you got a little help ? Mod Power :
  23. The origin of mankind

    The world is my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum .
  24. The origin of mankind

    Excellent Now we have come back to my subject again ; what is the essential human difference ... what makes us a different kind of animal ? Again, it has to come back to, for me, the concept of 'the imaginative soul' that demonstrates its ability via 'projected purpose and multi-use' toolmaking .
  25. The origin of mankind

    yes ... but a human is an animal. Most of our problems are due to many not acknowledging that. Nowadays its called 'post-modern de-humanisation' - a system where all these things are set up as if we were not animals and did not have millions of years of animal evolution forming our psyche and unconscious. A system where e believe we can just drop the civil controls and people will act as they should, or accept unnatural things and ways of life. It is 'de-humanisation' to put a cake on each kids school desk and tell them not to eat it all day. Its 'de-humanisation' to expect people to live like this ; Ohhhh .... we think we can .... but look at the state we are in ....