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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Magic and psychology

    Some 'straighter' psychologists see the writings in these books as evidence of Jung's own psychosis . What would be the magical counterpart of the psychological 'drives' ?
  2. The origin of mankind

    Interesting. I now see a physicalist as someone who sees the dynamics in life coming from physical things and a materialist as someone who pursues material things ( like money , goods, possessions ) above immaterial good qualities ( like satisfaction, completeness , fulfillment , compassion, love, security, etc . ) I will adopt that distinction now, as I never had it before. Yeah .... but now I know about it .... I can imagine it I am one of those 'a man's home is his castle' guys . I take it further ; if I want to lie in a deck chair naked in my front paddock in the sun and smoke bongs ... and not effect anyone else .... why shouldn't I ? ! Materialist or physicalist ? Then you would realise that there are some causes and effects that can cause a pegacorn to exist here is one (if I understand the term pegacorn correctly ? ) ;
  3. The origin of mankind

    A Swedenborgian ? " Man stands at the crossroads."
  4. The origin of mankind

    I was wondering who you were !
  5. The origin of mankind

    Probably evilly
  6. The origin of mankind

    yep .... that Marblehead .... a real evil one there !
  7. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    Dont pick on Apech... he is a poor man , he cant afford wool , his socks are wooden . Would you take a man's wooden socks ? Shame on you . ( " If one man should take another's wooden sock , the first shall hop after him and offer the 2nd his remaining sock, For what good is one wooden sock by itself " - Gnostic Leviticus 13:23 ; Nungali - Head of Neognosticism.
  8. The origin of mankind

    Here comes a pangolin .... .... there he goes ....
  9. The origin of mankind

    Sometimes . He still doesnt breathe it though. It must be strange not breathing or ..... gilling . I suppose one gets used to anything eventually ( the motto of evolution ? ) .
  10. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    nice cross simultaneous post
  11. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    Thats all 'academic' rubbish ! But the Head of All Things Judaish may agree with it .
  12. I ran into Rhea in town yesterday ... and ... fer fucks sake ... she was wearing these .... I wish she would force me into sexual slavery !
  13. Check your Dentist !

    You are always finding faults aren't you ? I assume your profession is a geologist ?
  14. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    I cant wait to read that translation (if its anything like the accompanying image .... you do realise where they got that from Lois ? ? ?
  15. Hammer test

    I have a better idea ...... wait until you have an accident .... then appreciate material existence . If you need to deliberately cause pain to yourself to realise things , well, life must be a bed of roses ! (When one has pain every day , one does not doubt one exists ..... but also it leads one to a non-physical 'solution' - or at least partial alleviation .)
  16. Eliphas Levi

    Briefly ; I am a big IR fan ... the mix of magic and psychology, for me, is the best approach . And this isnt because I put any Freudian or Jungian hypothesis/philosophy over the top of magic, but because magic, without a different regulator of some sort , is prone to lead many 'out from the centre' ( towards; insanity, obsession, fanaticism, inability to deal with the physical plane and/or addiction to gossip and incurable idleness) . Also, I feel the study of a multi-disciplined approach of psychology is important too ... by 'psychology' I include anything like Jung, Swedenborg, etc (it does not have to be 'scientific' or 'materialist') as it is part of the 'prime directive' ; 'Know Thyself' ( that is also why I am into Anthropology ) . Hyatt ? I have never been much of a fan, dont know why I found what I did read of him rather boring. I put him in with the others - not just 'magical writers' but somewhat pop cult figures. ...... dont start me on DuQuette !
  17. Check your Dentist !

    Lucky you ! I used to have an MD / TCM doctor , east and west , he was great but moved interstate Once I had a motorcycle smash and got bad gravel rash, heaps of tar and gravel embedded into my raw skin around my ankle and down my foot, it was close to closing time so he shut early , hit me up with some narco stuff, a local anesthetic and spent 2 hours picking the bits out under a big magnifying glass ( previous times treatment for gravel rash . at the hospital. involved a quick local anesthetic, and before that took effect, a brisk 'scrubbing' with a wire brush ! ) . Then he did a house call ( 35 km out of town in the bush ! ) to change my dressing. When I asked how much it was going to cost me, he said if the dinner leftovers on the stove where from that night and if he have them for his dinner that would do Real bummer when he left town
  18. The origin of mankind

    I have a pet that doesnt breath at all ! ..... an amphibious lizard that lives under water . He gets oxygen by osmosis through 'external lungs' - no need to pump air or water in or out ... now that's weird !
  19. .

    Friend grew some .... I like it ! I might grow some next year. I like to smoke one's own home made, for a filter I use rolled up card and make a long cigarette holder type filter, I snitch lotto cards for that, they are ideal and offered for free in trays at the newsagents . If I try smoking a 'normal' cigarette ... any type ... I start to wheeze and cough and put it out after a few puffs ... yuk , dont know how people do that ! ( * warning ; product may contain radiation , poison , anti genetic materials and various bovine offal. )
  20. The Earth is getting greener

    " Destroying the planet " ? That would take a bit !
  21. Eliphas Levi

    I think it shows importance but divergence. As far as the 'frenzies reduction' goes ... yes, interesting and a source for further examination .... but that is going deep down the hole. Perhaps we could discuss that later ? (And the whole issue that Jung did arise and how does 'all that' actually fit into the tradition. ) For now I dont want to disrupt Donald's train of posts (but for all I know, they may include this point ) . And besides .... the Sun is up now and I got a hankering for some of those 'wild' eggs and home made wood smoked ham I got yesterday, for breakfast !
  22. The origin of mankind

    ... but that 'well functioning' may be how the mind develops. Its all about relationships between components . Consider a termite mound ... each termite ( or type of termite) is like a brain function , some mate and reproduce, some build repair, some hunt and gather, some are guards and soldiers, etc . Each lives in its own world only doing its one set of tasks, this is like a brain - each one knows what to do and how to do it, and not the other jobs. So the physical termite mound is like the brain, we can see it, dissect it, understand its components and how they work together. But what, in the hive, controls all that and regulates it ? We cant 'see' that .... as far as we know there is no Termite constitution and operational directives (well, there must be, but where it is it ? ) I would say then , that this operating principle that holds things all together on a somewhat unseen level, in the hive ... the thing that developed, that made it a hive, is like the human mind - it is developed from ( or things are developed from it ) an interrelationship and interaction of its functioning. Mind - ' hive behaviour' of the brain .
  23. The origin of mankind

    Ohhh .... I know the answers Junko .... its just that no one believes me ! Something is really wrong with humans quality today . There has always been 'something wrong' with us ... but we got by. But now the world is different , and in this different world, 'what is wrong with us' is amplified. So now the inherent problem is worse. What compounds this is an erosion from the other end of the scale ; our 'natural intelligence' ( the thing that did enable us to 'get by' , even with our problems ) is eroding . I read that this was starting to happen and would increase as we progressed through modern civilisation ( from Steiner .... so it was observed some time back - I tag it at the beginning of the Industrial revolution ) and since then I have observed this myself - the lack of it and the increasing rate of it disappearing . Combine those two things ... and we are deep in do-do ( while remaining proud of our 'specialities' ) here ya go folks ..... our future awaits us ;
  24. Eliphas Levi

    While that ^ could be considered true, as I read more (and perhaps in a more structured form ) , something important seems to be amiss. ~ Aside from the issue of things like his totally irrational and unscientific (IMO) 'proof' of the Book of the Law by the swapping of Hebrew letter attributions to the Tarot trumps Consider this 'course of background study ; - Course 1 . General Reading Includes things like : The Yi King. (S.B.E. Series, Oxford University Press.) The "Classic of Changes"; gives the initiated Chinese system of Magick. The Tao Teh King. (S.B.E. Series.) gives the initiated Chinese system of Mysticism. Tannhauser, by A. Crowley. An allegorical drama concerning the Progress of the soul; the Tannhauser story slightly remodelled. The Upanishads. (S.B.E. Series.) The Classical Basis of Vedantism, the best-known form of Hindu Mysticism. The Bhagavad-Gita. A dialogue in which Krishna, the Hindu "Christ", expounds a system of Attainment. The Voice of the Silence, by H. P. Blavatsky, with an elaborate commentary by Frater O. M. The Goetia. The most intelligible of the mediaeval rituals of Evocation. Contains also the favorite Invocation of the Master Therion. The Shiva Sanhita. A famous Hindu treatise on certain physical practices. The Hathayoga Pradipika. Similar to The Shiva Sanhita. * Erdmann's "History of Philosophy". A compendious account of philosophy from the earliest times. Most valuable as a general education of the mind. ... The Oracles of Zoroaster. An invaluable collection of precepts mystical and magical. The Dream of Scipio, by Cicero. Excellent for its Vision and its Philosophy. The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, by Fabre d'Olivet. An interesting study of the exoteric doctrines of this Master. The Divine Pymander, by Hermes Trismegistus. Invaluable as bearing on the Gnostic Philosophy. ... The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine. Excellent, though elementary, as a corrective to superstition. Rivers of Life, by General Forlong. An invaluable text-book of old systems of initiation. Three Dialogues, by Bishop Berkeley. The Classic of subjective idealism. Essays of David Hume. The Classic of Academic Scepticism. First Principles, by Herbert Spencer. The Classic of Agnosticism. Prolegomena, by Emanuel Kant. The best introduction to Metaphysics. The Canon. The best text-book of Applied Qabalah. The Fourth Dimension, by H. Hinton. The text-book on this subject. The Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley. Masterpieces of philosophy, as of prose. ( with the possible exception of * Erdman ) ..... notice a major aspect missing ? Throughout the whole curriculum it seems very light on obvious Platonic writings. Some of the issues related to that are in this text example crowley on platonism&f=false No doubt Donald will be forthcoming to detail the further 'damage' .