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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Loved the beginning : this film uses computer graphics and re-enactments to ....
  2. cat power !

    No . But it looked like you were .... they way you put these sentences together "Yeah all right,some people today have funny pets! My Jimmy is waiting at home,Jimmy is a tiger! Something like that..... " I was just putting 2 and 2 together ..... But I suppose it could mean something else ;
  3. and helicopters with 3 types of cameras , and the whole taxpayer treasury , lawyers , solicitors and barristers, Supreme Court cases and appeals .... been there done that .... and won. What you say, (and I was saying ) eventually came out : Crown Solicitor (prosecutor) when she realised her case was going down the tube .... " But Your Honour ! These people are living on pristine prime land, amidst National Parks and Forests, with magnificent outlooks, they dont even have a debts or a mortgage to pay off ! And it only costs them $30 a week ! " Judge; " I know ..... they managed their company very well didnt they ? " ( I liked that judge ) My opinion is ; even if all shit breaks loose tomorrow and I loose everything - I have already had such a great and fortunate life .... I am already a winner ! .... I have though that for a loooong time now .... but I am still alive, for reasons I cant fathom. But who am I to judge .... apparently 'the universe' want me to be still here lapping it up .... okay then ... I am not one to go against the flow of ' the Dao ' Still here !
  4. cat power !

    When cat disease is really bad in humans .... they treat cat better than child ! And most people treat their cat better than they treat other humans . Suckers ! "Thats right .... keep on slaving away to supply me in food and comfort - stupid humans. "
  5. cat power !

    Must be crappy furniture . Or a giant dog !
  6. cat power !

    If that happens here , what does not go into the compost , goes out the window .... where someone is usually waiting ;
  7. cat power !

    crazily infested with cat virus !
  8. cat power !

    Arrrrgggghhhh ! Stop it !
  9. cat power !

    The cat anti-bodies are still fighting back ( I see this in your last sentence ) .... come on man ! You can do it !
  10. cat power !

    Ummmmm ....... you are infected .
  11. cat power !

    Congrats ....... you never got infected ! Some people are less susceptible than others .... me ? I am immune (obviously, as I would be writing this otherwise ) . .
  12. Sponge off . It is true ! Thats why I got the good life ! Mostly from the land ( resources 'theft' , exploitation' and mismanagement , on a national level ) and , on a personal level , global exploitation ( eg. I can clothe myself and do other stuff very cheaply due to exploitation of over seas workers .... and their people, land and environment ) .
  13. Many of 'them' have stayed here until they got back on their feet ..... or wandered off somewhere else; people living in the cracks between phases of their life, expectant mums ( a lot of babies been born here ) young people with kids, older people cruising around in campervans, 'lost' , tourists , abandoned youth (you are 16 now - get out ! ) .... etc Ummmmm .... yes, they are still alive and kicking ( thought I better add that )
  14. Pension .... and the black market. I was smart enough to secure some land over 20 years ago, and move onto a community ( commune) at the time, my place ( with cabin, outbuilding, 'patch' - about 1/2 acre) cost $8000 , the rest of the place is covered with a variety of food trees and sources, we have a small sprout, tofu and tempeh 'factory' , river, timber. my place has its own veggie garden. All non-personal expenses ( rates, repairs to machinery - tractor, water pump etc - electricity to common buildings, bath house / shower block / laundry , etc. are shared , my share is $30 a week. I used to work ... I would frolic on the commune for a few months, float down river, chase hippy chicks, go to the beach,, , garden, paint, do martial arts, then go off and work 2 - 9 months stints in the film industry ( for big $$$$s ) . Now I am retired. I am glad I made that decision back then to secure this place ... probably the smartest thing I have done . Rental and buy prices now ? Forget it ! No way I would be able to live the lifestyle I believe I should be able to be accustomed to .
  15. cat power !

    I think you are part of the cat conspiracy .
  16. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I'm enjoying this site " Experiment : You will need: 1 pound of salt, two bathtubs Have you ever swam in a pool? That's made by humans, right? That's not natural! In this demonstration, I will show you how the Obamunists made the "Ocean" 1) Fill your bathtub until just after water runs over the top. If you only fill it part way this will not work. Yes, your floor will get wet, but that's the price of our freedom 2) Dive into the bathtub. Swim around. It doesn't feel like an ocean, right? 3) Fill your second bathtub until your bathroom floor is covered in water. THIS IS CRITICAL. 4) Pour 1 pound of salt into the bathtub. MAKE SURE YOU POUR EXACTLY ONE POUND. ASK ANY MATHEMATICIAN - ANY MORE OR ANY LESS WILL MESS UP THE RATIO. 5) Dive into the bathtub. Feels like the ocean, right? The Obamunists just did this on a much, much larger scale. "
  17. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Sorry Marbles .... mountains dont really exist either " Firstly, let me give you a short geography lesson. Our flat earth is a disc rotating horizontally with its center at the north pole. Around the north pole, the continents are laid out on a flat, circular plane. This organization makes it possible to circumnavigate the globe and by traveling in what we believe to be an easterly or westerly direction. However, in order to circumnavigate the earth, a ship must travel in an arc around the north pole. We believe we are moving in a straight line and are convinced of this by the compass, a tool that we operate under the false suspicion that the earth is a sphere. Yet in reality this is not the case, as one moves say east, the angle between them and central north pole shifts and the needle will move. This movement of the needle it taken to mean that the traveler is straying from a straight path but this is not the case, to compensate for this movement of the needle, the traveler will adjust their course so they are once again moving in an easterly direction. Repeating this process as a ship travels around the earth results in the ship moving in an arc around the north pole, allowing it to circumnavigate the earth in what is believed to be a straight line. "Additionally, our disc shaped earth is surrounded by a wall of ice the you may know as Antarctica. The common misconception is that Antarctica is on the bottom of the “globe” and the home of the south pole while in reality Antarctica runs along the circumference of the earth, acting as a sort of wall. Now you might say that this is false and point to the fact that people have traveled across Antarctica and ended up on the other side of the “globe.” Again let us examine the role of the compass. As the traveler crossed Antarctica they would have had to continue adjusting their course to maintain a southerly direction due to a change in the angle between them and the north pole. As a result, the traveler out walk the along the circumference of the disc and could in fact end up on the other side of the map. " There is also the complexe theory of gravity to recon with. According to sphere earth theorists, the earth turns on its axis and orbits the sun and this creates gravity. However, if the earth were round, gravity would have to be acting in one direction on one side, and another direction on another side, in short ....... "
  18. They should cut out the middle man and let you print your own.
  19. immaterial ... I have no job, I am not broke or living on the street .
  20. cat power !

    Yes, this is part of the invasion . 2 isles full of it at supermarket ! Also, for different types of cat classes , from low class poor cats all the way up to the highest class and most expensive cats (and thats just an entree )
  21. cat power !

    No ... not at all . I do not have that disease . (It is a disease you know .... I call it 'the slow invasion'. Beware !
  22. Is the earth round/spherical?

    he doesnt answer questions in this thread .... just poses questions and then criticises the answers . When the answers get to the stage they are exposing the obvious . Things go quiet . Then a few days of weeks later .... the latests flat earth 'evidence' gets posted from internut youstooge .... ooops, typo .... .... ...... internet youtubes .
  23. Is the earth round/spherical?

    There is a big wind at the edge, it blows the water up and back over the earth .... where did you think rain came from ? Actually, one of my fav camping spots as a youth had a waterfall that did that, it plunged off a cliff into the ocean, a strong easterly would blow it in a big arc back into the pool at the top. spray back ;
  24. Quantum Mechanics

    it means ; if a large amount of energy can be released from a small amount of matter, like in a nuclear warhead (which does not even use all the energy in the matter involved ) .... then if you could imagine all the matter in the Universe, and release the energy from within that .... into a big sound light and heat explosion.... thats how much energy God used to create the Universe