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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I just went to a tread that said if anyone posts a critical side of the subject their post will be " destroyed " ! yeah .... right . I knew it would devolve into this . So I immediately left without contribution or reading. I guess they thought they were smart when they put it in general ..... and dictating like that .... but the rule changed and the post got shoved up their PP ...... good ! I have had a life of knowing what people devolve to. And being told otherwise . And watched new and more enlightened systems set up . And then watch people take advantage and wreck it . Im tired of that now. The joy of when it does work has been in those little gaps in between, where it works for a moment, apart, isolated and with a few special people .... before others abuse it . I did go to a little village in new Zealand once, where they seemed to have it happening .... but I was only there for a day, and that was 30 years ago. My travelling companion got excited about it, he realised he could rip them off ! Thats why I left after a day, to take the poison I bought with me away from those people. When we got to the next city, I left him and continued my trip alone.
  2. Theosophy

    Theory ? The above is a quote, not mine, The bit that is mine is mostly a bunch of questions you didnt answer.
  3. No ? Connections with indigenous people with 1000s of years knowledge about their land and environment and plants and states of consciousness ? Or is it the non'book form ? These people didnt have books. They learnt from oral traditions and stories . If that is too far out ... just see this thread as one of the books you need. Its a great book .... you can even ask questions (aside from what books you need ) I did say I too loved and totally agreed with statements you made ( that were non-book related ) ; " "I guess care taken in the process of choosing something, harvesting it and preparing it for use is my version of a ceremony." If you want to continue this line of inquiry , I would suggest the first action (choosing something ) is dependant upon your aim ... or 'intention' . Get that clear before researching ( care taken) which plant you are going to choose. I can assure you that potency of 'psychic / psychological ' effects are not dependent on the substance alone but the whole process. Eg I had a ' piss-fart' 'casual ' gold top trip .... a silly funny blue meenie trip at a big outdoor night party .... but the vervain experience knocked my magical socks off ! - there are also other benefits ; I used to get stomach probs, a visiting Koori friend suggested a plant to chew. Turns out it grows everywhere here. My first response was "That ? It grows all around here ... keeps coming up around the path to my front door and I pull it out . " Well, after saying it, and seeing the look on his face, I realised how stupid I had been . He said :You gotta start paying attention to these things more. " And ..... 'deadly true Bro' , I had a woman friend visiting and she started having bad cramps in the abdomen ( 'period pain' ) , really bad, she said " Cant you do something ?" Who me ! ??? ... Then I remembered the plant and being told it was specifically for cramping pain. So I went and picked some and told her to eat some. She looked at me impatiently but took it in her hand and looked at it ... and kept doing that ... and then she goes "Oh ! Thats weird, its gone now ." And she didnt even eat any ! Just held it. Also I was in hospital once with kidney stones ... that tickles ! I refused the painkillers, horrible sickly narco drugs. After much fuss they changed my meds. Worked great, didnt make me off my face ... only effects were a cold inner rush through my body (it was I V ) , later they gave me a script for a pill form. The bottle showed it was made from a native plant ... the same plant - a type of pitury (not the common 'tobacco ' one , or the mixed ash and leaves chewing one - the 'native coke' ) . Damn those drugs barons ! I really had to fight in hospital not to be given morphine !
  4. Yeah ! Kudos bro ! Smash the reptilian dynasty !
  5. if they do and you win ... I will expect more than that ! Any doughnut will have to contain a doughnut within it, at least .... maybe even doughnut2
  6. I am lucky ... my experience started with a personal friend for over 20 years that then became a an elder, teacher and custodian ... so good (and relatively private ) relationship . Then I got more cred by being open and straight with them . It makes them appreciative and laugh their head off . others seem horrified about what comes out of my mouth . Eg . to some visiting white people while I was at camp Auntie; "Dont worry, we told the kids not to steal from your cars ... we said ' These are different white people ... they are poor, dont setal from them . " Me; "Eh ? What's that? Dont include me in that ! I am not poor . I got my car machine there < points to the faded oily bomb I drove then > I filled the tank up with polluting petrol and blasted my way here up a highway plastered over your land ... with the music on full bore and fuck the environment ! " - white people shocked ..... Uncle Lewi sprays his coffee again ( I Like to time them just as he takes a sip )
  7. Theosophy

    " Wrong headed notion " ... ? ! W"ell then < sigh > .... I guess I will go back to what I originally was going to detail , the movement started to implement this at the beginning of the establishment of the TS when this problem arose . It was supposedly shut down but still exists. I guess I will have to ask you why you 'Theosophically deny' such a movement in Theosophy, yet the Theosophical movement itself seems to support it . In other words I am asking you about the ES of the TS . Is not this exactly what I was describing ? Is the ES flapdoodle ? " In the early 1880s, two disgruntled employees at the international headquarters of the TS in India accused HPB of faking the phenomena and forging the com­munications coming from the Masters. Richard Hodg­son, a young and inexperienced member of the newly formed Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in Britain, went to India to investigate the charges. In a report published in 1885, he pronounced her a fraud. This, of course, became worldwide news, making Hodgson and the SPR famous. As was shown in later studies, Hodgson systemati­cally disregarded the evidence in favor of HPB. In 1986, over a hundred years later, Vernon Harrison, a long­standing member of the SPR and an expert on forgery, published a study of the Hodgson report in the SPR Journal. Harrison concluded that HPB was unjustly condemned. (For an online version of Harrison's study, visit Nevertheless, when it first appeared, the Hodgson report was almost a deathblow to the TS, and even HPB feared that this would destroy it. In an attempt to save the Society, Olcott proposed to redi­rect its activity and publications, dropping all mention of phenomena, the occult, and the Masters, to work on the less controversial field of comparative religion, phi­losophy, and science. One of the Masters, Koot Hoomi, said that although this move was well-calculated to save the physical integrity of the Society, it would kill its soul. The Society has liberated itself from our grasp and influ­ence and we have let it go—we make no unwilling slaves. He [Olcott] says he has saved it? He saved its body, but he allowed through sheer fear, to its soul to escape, and it is now a soulless corpse, a machine run so far well enough, but which will fall to pieces when he is gone. Out of the three objects the second alone is attended to, but it is no longer either a brotherhood, nor a body over the face of which broods the Spirit from beyond the Great Range. (Jinarajadasa, 125-26) " By denying its "occult" dimension the TS had become an exoteric organization with lofty aims, but empty of its occult life, and the influence of the Masters was seriously restricted. But even if the TS could suc­cessfully limit itself to the exoteric field, it would still be doomed to fail. Why? Probably because the foundation stones of the TS were not laid with the exoteric work in view. No organization that deals with subjects such as the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations, psychic phenomena, unseen Masters and their disciples, and occult initiations is fit to be a "respectable" member of the academic world. Mme. Blavatsky, aware of this situation, was seeking a way of retaining the link between the TS and its occult source of inspiration. The formation of the ES afforded this opportunity, as the existence of the Masters was naturally and openly accepted by those members eager to lead a spiritual life based on Theosophical teachings. " more at ;
  8. No way ! I am not voting for some non black non faggot ! Trump can suck a cactus .
  9. I'll take both thanks = 668 now I need to find a -2 and 1+2= 3, 3+4=7 , 5+6= 11, 7+8=15, 9+10=19 & 11 + 12 = 23. So ; 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 .... are next weeks lotto numbers
  10. 626 + 2 = 646 Now .... just need another 2 .... anybody ?
  11. Oh ... that clears my confusion instantly !
  12. ,,, and Doh! I didnt read the dates I didnt recognize it as I suppose previously when it appeared , I had the sense not to open it .
  13. Sorry . I am abit confused as it is in 'Off Topic' forum and not 'Welcome' forum . Maybe it got moved here .
  14. if you last that long ...... maybe before then ... the black gay antichrists will censor you ?
  15. Think it through man ! It was the day after the election ( 1 day ) ! Now .... the number of the beast is really 616 .... add 1 day = 626 now .... ummmm < looking desperately around for a 4 of something > Oh! Someone's knocking on the door .... I have to go .
  16. Sorry 616 You sound like a ranter and are using typical internut ranter tactics ... they are really obvious. You should study up on them, so you can mask them better . This isnt some internut, kiddy, believe-whatever-is-written, conspiracy site ya know ?
  17. If you did so much apocalyptic study you would realise the main fault here . You're the one insisting on facts and not brushing them aside so ..... See 'Son of the God's ' post above ^
  18. Thats why I said 'adopted' . 'Tribes' here 'adopt people' as well. Its very nice of them It was mentioned to me and I said " That's nice .... poor white people with no connection to their own selves, traditions, culture .... they need someone to look after them ," - teacher sputtered his coffee out at that one . Its a bit of an issue with me . I avoid events where white people are invited ... I get too upset at their ignorance , rudeness and selfishness .... well, I guess I am selfish ... I used to time visits so I get teacher and associates all to myself . But those rude white people really piss me off ! My mixed ancestry, I prefer to keep as unknown .... they tell me I have some ... I may, who knows ? I would never claim it. We have this stupid standard where 1/8 th of anything ( Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders ) are legally defined as 'Aboriginal' Pffft ! A new trend has emerged where people of mixed indigenous descent are referred to as ' of Bundjalung ancestry' or ' of Dhungutti ancestry ', depending on 'tribe' ... also, that way their claims can be tracked and checked with family groups. We have a LOT of fake acknowledgments and 'respect' going on here . I find this hilarious ( for many reasons ) ;
  19. So do I ... it needs to be part of the whole ceremony and will potentise the substance and effects ! We did the whole trip once .... 2 maidens and a silver sickle , right asto time .... ritual preparation and ablutions before even going to find the right one .... etc . The resultant ceremony that night .... WOW ! First time I have ever seen a manifestation of a 'plant deva' and talked to it ! - actually , the only time, it was so vivid and 'real' . And the plant was 'merely' vervain .
  20. Theosophy

    so then they are not " all sorts of flapdoodle were devised to entertain us and give the illusion of 'spirituality'. " ? Or do you mean the one's established before Theosophy were OK but not after it ? I would contend that theosophical men and women wanted access to a system of initiation and liturgy .... and that the G C C and the Co-masons were exactly what you recommend ; ... using them ( ritual and meditations ) in a theosophical manner . That is the only valid definition of 'in a theosophical manner' that I can come up with . otherwise I have no idea what 'in a theosophical manner ' means ? You do realise the other systems also have a code of ethics, responsibility and consideration for others .... including 'practical altruism' ? But you consider it is ' flapdoodle that is entertainment and 'illusory spirituality' . " ?
  21. nah .... sokay I guess, it wouldnt be up if he didnt like it . But Nungali is not ( adopted ) Amer (Indian) ican 'Blue Star' middle aged woman 'Shaman' . .... last time I checked .
  22. Theosophy

    No ... what I mean is she did mention stuff ( like ; be altruistic) ... but Theosophists themselves wanted to know the practical applications of much of their teachings ... that were missing . This has nothing to do with trying to pass off 'methods of practical application' and exercises and practice as some type of selfish flapdoodle that is entertainment and 'illusory spirituality' . That comment sounds like a defensive position for a system that had a lot lacking . The western traditions, Buddhism and Vedanta (all sources for the 'Theosophical blend' ) offer such practicalities, ritual and meditations .... to dismiss them with a wave of the Theosophical hand doesnt really cut it .
  23. Nah Thats Uncle Lewi ( teacher ) with a visiting Yank 'shaman' ; an 'adopted' Susquehannock . You were very quick to find that ! It was only up for a minute . You wont find me anywhere on the internet ... abso no way ! teacher doesnt seem to mind though <shrug > Oh boy ! he is gonna get me for that ! I better get more serious ... might end up getting 'smacked' with a bundi ! ;
  24. Theosophy

    Actual practice ? Seems something Blavatski was short of issuing advice about . And that led to many members leaving and seeking it elsewhere. They tried to remedy it later ... but it didnt take off and collapsed. I think they tried to fill the void there later by introducing the Liberal Catholic Church and 'Co-masonry' as a means of offering some type of practical work, ceremony and ritual . I have a friend who is a 3rd generation Theosophist, she was taken to Liberal Catholic Church every week . They were pretty big here at one time . They had a 'commune manor ' ; " ... over thirty rooms, most of which were lined with beaten copper. It became known locally as Bakewell's Folly.[2] In 1922, the Theosophical Society rented The Manor for a community of some fifty people, headed by Charles Leadbeater, a claimed clairvoyant, and a major figure in the Society. The Manor became an important centre for the Society and was regarded as a great "occult forcing-house".[3] The English writer Mary Lutyens stayed at The Manor in the 1920s and described it as "a huge and hideous villa".[4] The young Indian Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was presented as the new "World Teacher", stayed in nearby David Street with his brother Nitya while Lutyens—his eventual biographer—stayed at The Manor.[5] The Theosophical Society bought the house in 1925, holding it under a trust deed. In 1926 they started the radio station 2GB; the initials stood for Giordano Bruno, a saint. The station operated from The Manor for a few years.[6] In 1951, they set up The Manor Foundation Ltd to own and run the house. The Society still uses The Manor as of 2013.",_Mosman Star Amphitheatre , built for the reception of the 'New World Teacher' - he would sail through Sydney heads ( in background) and take his place on the podium. Unfortunately some newspaper put it out that he would walk over the water to the podium. Many turned out to watch ' the miracle' ... but were disappointed . Built by 'The Order of the Star ' ... now Theosophists were not only looking for practical magic to practice, a system of initiation, a religious expression (all previously lacking ... and the drop in numbers reflecting the need) .. now they claiming a specific religious and overall revelation ! The coming of the 'new world teacher' ! Fortunately , the 'new world teacher' himself donged that one with hammer ! ; " Krishnamurti dissolved the Order during the annual Star Camp at Ommen, the Netherlands, on 3 August 1929.[63] He stated that he had made his decision after "careful consideration" during the previous two years, and that: I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or coerce people along a particular path. ... This is no magnificent deed, because I do not want followers, and I mean this. The moment you follow someone you cease to follow Truth. I am not concerned whether you pay attention to what I say or not. I want to do a certain thing in the world and I am going to do it with unwavering concentration. I am concerning myself with only one essential thing: to set man free. I desire to free him from all cages, from all fears, and not to found religions, new sects, nor to establish new theories and new philosophies. "