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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Magician Card

    and when they ask you what it means you can say ; it's a type of lite affect brought about by the brightning of lightening ... and here I was expecting a post from you correcting the etymology above to a more Egyptian source ( like linen ( * ^ #36 ) and Mummy wrappings) .
  2. The Magician Card

    A reasonable weaving * of the way you make ' light of ' But ..... And if a bird can speak, who once was a dinosaur And a dog can dream; should it be implausible That a man might supervise The construction of light ? Sure ! Flop it out then .
  3. The Magician Card

    I like this bit especially ; Reminds me of the invocation I had to learn for my part in the Rite of Luna. ... By the brood of the Bysses of Brightening,whose God was my sire;By the Lord of the Flame and the Lightning,the King of the Spirits of FireBy the Lord of the Waves and the Waters,the King of the Hosts of the Sea,The fairest of all of whose daughters was mother to me;By the Lord of the Winds and the Breezes,the King of the Spirits of Air,In whose bosom the infinite ease is that cradled me there;By the Lord of the Fields and the Mountains,the King of the Spirits of EarthThat nurtured my life at his fountainsfrom the hour of my birth; By the Wand and the Cup I conjure; By the Dagger and Disk I constrain; I am he that is sworn to endure; Make thy music again~! ... As the flame of the sun, as the roar of the sea, as the storm of the air, As the quake of the earth--let it soar for a boon, for a bane, for a snare, For a lure, for a light, for a kiss, for a rod, for a scourge, for a sword ... "
  4. The Magician Card

    De Arte Magica
  5. Last Farewell
  6. Mercury

    Thanks ... that gives me more time to achieve my own work.
  7. Mercury

    Speak you mind, after regulation ( thought > response ) from Mercury ... unless you like fireworks , then speak straight away (Mars) from your emotional or unconscious reactions - or just take all that reaction on as ' significant' and wear it, or rail against it ... Venus ( or better still, claim " I cant help it " Relationships with out Mercury can get very ...... ' 3 of a perfect pair '
  8. Mercury

    Since there are many different ways of looking at Mercury's function, I will put down a perspective for one of its functions - it may not be one of the norms . In my system of 'astro-psychology' I image the unconscious as the Moon with triangle of inner planets around it Mars Venus Mercury .... these represent the three basic psychological drives and, here, relate to Fire Water Air. Mars Venus is the fire water polarity base line and Mercury is the mediating Air apex . So, although Mercury has a regulating and communicating aspect within this model of the unconscious, the apex penetrates 'up and out' and links to the Sun ( ego consciousness). So, again, Mercury traverses the two worlds; the whole bases of the system (and many others) is linking or joining the Sun and Moon, and this is done by the communication between the unconscious and the conscious via Mercury. So its placement in the chart and its aspects to the other planets define how this link is worked and managed - and how the Mars Venus polarity works. In many cases, relationship, for example, it is easy to get sucked into the Mars Venus dynamic. IMO it is much better to operate from the Mercurial position , it has the ability to be more responsive than the other two, who seem more reactive. It also seems one of the better 'God forms' to be influenced by. And it is a great regulator for focusing other more 'far out' energies and bringing them centred and to earth ; eg, I have a very strong Neptune in my chart, it seems pretty much the chart ruler, yet it is balanced by a good solid aspect to Mercury ... just as well , otherwise I would be some kind of crazy mystic .... getting involved in all sorts of fantasies !
  9. Neurosis / Enlightenment... Is one exclusive to the other? A question that is often bought to mind when studying prominent Occultists, Yogis, etc. more commonly from the ‘outside view’ yet, certainly at times, from the ‘inner view’ as well. This question was recently bought to light again while I was reading Gerald Suster’s book; ‘Crowley’s Apprentice – The Life and Ideas of Israel Regardie.’. p.90 ; “If neurosis could co-exist with the highest illumination, then Magic alone wasn’t enough. Psychoanalysis was perhaps an essential preliminary, even a necessary accompaniment. And if, on the other hand, neurosis and illumination were mutually exclusive, what on earth was one to make of Aleister Crowley?” [Aside: Not that I want to start up the debate about Crowley again! – well, not here. I ask that we at least agree that Crowley had some degree of illumination and at least some degree of neurosis. {Eg. On the first hand, I cite Crowley’s writings, system and tarot and on the other hand I quote Regardie (although there are numerous incidences) as his example demonstrates my point; Suster says when people visited Regardie and put Crowley down Regardie would demonstrate Crowley’s genius. On the other hand, if the person seemed unrealistically praising Crowley, Regardie would respond with a comment like, “Yes, yes, a shame though that the old boy couldn’t resist getting his women to shit on him as he lay on the floor.”.] Let’s go back a bit to the beginnings of when magic and modern psychology first met. I feel Regardie is the pioneer here – not the pioneer of the idea but a pioneer of applying a holistic practical blend of the two and using the result to help and treat himself and others. Regardie did extensive preliminary study before he took up the practice of magic. He encountered Crowley’s works and studied them and began putting them into practice. He then went to study directly under Crowley, but, ended up being his secretary. (Regardie was too shy or embarrassed to ask Crowley for magical instruction and appeared to wait for the ‘Master’ to approach him. Crowley assumed Regardie was practicing magic and meditating and would ask him a question if he got into difficulty. It appears there was no direct magicalcoaching.) Eventually there was a falling out, bought about by an outburst of Crowley neurosis (the defamatory and slanderous letter Crowley distributed about Regardie’s low-class and Jewish background). Later Regardie joined The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied and practiced there but also encountered the neurotic egos of the magicians involved in his group. He left the G.D. and concentrated on his own practices. Regardie then began studying psychoanalysis under Dr. E. Clegg and Dr. J.L. Bendit and trained in the Jungian system. Somehow Regardie avoided the trap and realized he himself had a neurosis and knew THAT had to be addressed BEFORE he could seriously and realisticly consider himself advanced in magic and illumination. One reason Suster gives for Regardie doing this is the primary Hermetic maxim; ‘KNOW THYSELF’, and that is also the purpose of psychoanalysis. [it appears Regardie had introverted problems where Crowley’s seemed somewhat the opposite]. Regardie underwent Freudian analysis and became a lay analyst. Then, when that was accomplished and understood, the 2nd principle could come – BE THYSELF. Regardie had noticed that in the schools of magic and enlightenment he observed many of the members and leaders had not addressed basic issues within their own selves from a psychological perspective, and in fact it can be observed that magical studies can actually accentuate these problems if the student does not achieve a preliminary balance. Freud had come up with some (then) radical notions; our conscious mind is only a small part of our selves, our motivations and our make up, what REALLY drives us, of which we are unaware, is our unconscious. Freud argued that we are really driven by instincts, just like animals are, and the strongest of these is sex, this drive Freud called the Libido. Freud also used dream analysis – the expression of the unconscious. Our uncoordinated instinctual desires Freud called the Id. These desires of the Id are repressed during our upbringing to mould us to whatever society we are in. This, in turn, creates a moralizing faculty Freud termed the Super-ego. The conscious mentation Freud called the Ego, which is continually trying to find balance and harmony between the Id and Super-ego. The Oedipus Complex, Freud said, was the result of infantile sexuality projected on to the mother and in later life the guilt from this became a type of castration complex (the Super-ego groping at ways to stop the Id expressing itself). This results later in life in masochistic tendencies in an attempt to relieve guilt and suffering by self punishment. (Or punishment and/or degradation at the hand of another.) Many have suggested that Crowley suffered from a similar neurosis [Apparently Regardie loved telling this joke; One Jewish woman says to another,” I have terrible news! My son – he’s just been to the psychiatrist and now he says my son has an Oedipus complex!” “Ach! Oedipus schmoedipus!” says the other one, “As long as he is a good Jewish boy and loves his mother.”] Now here we get to a crossroads and , I feel, an essential part in understanding the essence of Thelema (Crowley’smagical philosophy about the self and self expression and the purpose of individual incarnation) and how it can best be interpreted. Freud came to terms with the issue of Id / Super-ego by advocating sublimation, that is, he believed that the (dangerous?) energies of the Id and its desire to express its urges needed to be consciously directed to benefit society and be productive. Regardie had his doubts about this and, I believe, Crowley had virtually the opposite opinion. At this stage Regardie was still considering Crowley’s interpretation of how psychoanalysis slotted in with Thelema. “Professor Sigmund Freud and his school have, in recent years, discovered a part of this body of Truth, which has been taught for many centuries in the Sanctuaries of initiation. But failure to grasp the fullness of Truth, especially that implied in my Sixth Theorem (‘Every man and every woman is a star’) - and its corollaries, has led him and his followers into the error of admitting that the avowedly suicidal ‘Censor’ is the proper arbiter of conduct. Official psychoanalysis is therefore committed to upholding a fraud, although the foundation of the science was the observation of the disastrous effects on the individual of being false to his Unconscious Self, whose ‘writing on the wall’ in dream language is the record of the sum of the essential tendencies of the true nature of the individual. The result has been that psycho-analysts have misinterpreted life, and announced the absurdity that every human being is essentially an anti-social, criminal insane animal. It is evident that the errors of the Unconscious of which psycho-analysists complain are neither more nor less than the ‘original sin’ of the theologians whom they despise so heartily.” (Liber Abba). In some cases, and at certain times it appeared that Crowley related the expression of the True Will to the expression of the unconscious. (Without getting too deep into it here, examine the ideas behind his Thoth Tarot ‘Devil’ card.) But the True will implies more than following the unconscious and instinctual drives and forces, I believe there is an important link there but the issue is not as simple as one being the other. Crowley’s definitions of the True Will implied a specific incarnatory purpose or career, an expression of a specific individual genius and a learning and molding experience. The essential, to Crowley’s initiation system, at the beginning, is a structuralisation and formation of energies into their specific roles and places. The Expression of the True Will is not just blindly following your impulses or desires … or unconscious desires (desire being a conscious product of unconscious will), it is much more. This seems to be at the root of many peoples misunderstanding of the Thelemic concept of the True Will. Firstly, Crowley postulates ‘Every man and every woman is a star.’ That is their essential nature. When restrictions are removed the True Will shines forth. That’s one school of thought and relates to similar concepts such as put forward by Rousseau and those that advocated the theory that if you left man by himself his natural good qualities would emerge. The other school of thought was pretty much the opposite, acknowledging the power of the Id (or more correctly, the suppressed Id) they thought if you left man to himself he would revert back to an animal state. Their ideas were somewhat supported by scientific studies of feral children (small children bought up in the wild by wild animals. – But these studies have left out the social element, and man is a social animal, being a primate). Crowley’s ideas at some stage seemed to have played with the idea that the True Will was expressed by the unconscious desires and by following these one would get to the essence of the True Will, but he must have realized this was not enough, as evidenced by his other writings. Enacting his unconscious desires, not always in private company, seemed, for him, a way of dealing with his troubles … a type of therapy. Eventually one must realize that as well as the unconscious containing the root and drive of the True Will it also contains a whole lot of other stuff, depending on what type of upbringing we have had. And separating one from the other, in the depths of the unconscious is not an easy task (especially when science has shown that even things like memory can not often distinguish between real events, dreams and imaginings, laid down in the memory in the past). For Regardie, Freud’s lack of occult approach led him to delve into the ideas of Jung. Suster quotes James Webb; “Jung can be seen as the culminating point of the late 19th centaury occult revival. He put into a terminology to which those bought up on the new and exciting language of Freud could respond, the insights into the psyche which the occultists and mystics of all ages had once expressed intelligibly – but which had been veiled and to all intents and purposes lost by the development of a vocabulary of modern science that excluded the areas of experience of which they spoke …” Jung rejected Freud’s idea that the sex drive was THE primary force, he postulated 3 major drives; the will to live, the will to create (the sex drive), and the social or herd instinct. Later he added a fourth, the religious instinct, unique to humans which “… urges one to seek transcendental meaning in the data presented by life.” (Suster) Also Jung developed the idea of the Collective Unconscious, “…it is as old as humanity and contains our collective needs, fears and desires, it inspires all true art, and it is the realm of dreams and the repository of all the symbols of mankind.” (Suster). Now we are getting even closer to a magical world, here we have a concept like the Astral Plane, and contacting this plane had been done in Regardie’s system with exercises like ‘Scrying in the Spirit Vision’ to comprehend understand and adjust oneself within the ‘interior worlds’. Some Jungian therapy uses a very similar technique but Suster warns that they omit precautions against self-deception (apparently so did the G.D.?) Suster then goes on to describe certain parallels between magical and Jungian psychology. The idea of psychoanalysis is individuation, journey into the knowledge of the self and the Unconscious or underworld. The stages are, encountering the shadow or Id – The Dweller on the Threshold of Initiation (see the two figures either side of the Thoth Moon Trump), painful processes of self-realization and acceptance – Portal Grade, death of the illusory self and the ‘resurrection’ of a deeper individuality – The Adeptus Minor G.D. initiation (or any similar initiation). For Regardie all of this fair enough but what about the question of the Will? Freud saw it as one – the Libido, Jung saw it as four. Regardie saw many situations where these four could be at conflict, there had to be some overall moderating force. Also, in psycho-analysis where is the drive for a man to become MORE than he thought he could, to go beyond his previously foreseen potential. Magic seems good for that, but does it really create an absolutely stable base on its own?
  10. The Magician Card

    No ... sorry Brian and Frater UFA ..... just no - that's it !
  11. The Magician Card

  12. The Magician Card

    The Magician reversed. Is there a whole deck of those ?
  13. The Magician Card

    So , duality can be expressed by black and white but some prefer black and red. so really, the dragon can be red , or black , or one red dragon and one black dragon . Down here , the black is heaven (night sky) and the red is earth ( cause we got a lot of red earth ) . So, whether it is 'paired forces' in biodynamics, or 'working the middle pillar' or even. maybe, the 'inner serpent '(dragon ?) the 'trick' (the blending of the forces) seems to be in interpenetration (hence first pic above ) , in biodynamics, its about bringing the roots energy ) 'earth' up into the plant and the leaves energy ( from 'heaven' - 'cosmic forces' ) down into the roots. A reversal of sorts, but not a 'misplacement' . So as well as the earth red dragon sitting 'up top' ..... is it too far a stretch to see a similarity in the 'snakey' 'border' barrier between black and white as a bit like ? ( the origin in Tarot, I think , in his hat ; Anyways, by itself he is a good 'symbol'
  14. The Magician Card

    1. How dare you use such an old fashioned homophoboslur on me ! Why, next time I drive down your street , I shall turn my exhaust perfume off ! 2. Nothing like a pompous psycho ..... thats why we come to daobums 3. Yes , decans and significant stars in the decan giving it is energy to the decan ... wait ... did we already do this ???
  15. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Do you want some 'sky' ? " Sky for the crone with the hollow bone, whose friends are dead and she's all alone ?" asked the gnome as he tended his poisonous pschadelic crop, deep in the underground recesses of the now abandoned and ruined concrete carpark.
  16. The Magician Card

    Or sometimes , one gets swept out to sea .... when the tide is strong ( a symbol of the unconscious ) " ..... Far out with the foam of the present that sweeps to the surf of the past: Where beyond the extreme sea-wall, and between the remote sea-gates, Waste water washes, and tall ships founder, and deep death waits: Where, mighty with deepening sides, clad about with the seas as with wings, And impelled of invisible tides, and fulfilled of unspeakable things, White-eyed and poisonous-finned, shark-toothed and serpentine-curled, Rolls, under the whitening wind of the future, the wave of the world. The depths stand naked in sunder behind it, the storms flee away; In the hollow before it the thunder is taken and snared as a prey; In its sides is the north-wind bound; and its salt is of all men's tears; With light of ruin, and sound of changes, and pulse of years: With travail of day after day, and with trouble of hour upon hour; And bitter as blood is the spray; and the crests are as fangs that devour: And its vapour and storm of its steam as the sighing of spirits to be; And its noise as the noise in a dream; and its depth as the roots of the sea: And the height of its heads as the height of the utmost stars of the air: And the ends of the earth at the might thereof tremble, and time is made bare. Will ye bridle the deep sea with reins, will ye chasten the high sea with rods? Will ye take her to chain her with chains, who is older than all ye Gods? All ye as a wind shall go by, as a fire shall ye pass and be past; ..... " - Swinburne
  17. The Magician Card

    If it wasnt Brian's thread about the Magician I would quizz you on those decans. The 'sign of the Magician' is interesting; heaven and earth , also shown by the two serpents in the 'crown', in a way, representing upper (source) and lower (manifestation and fertility) 'kingdoms' , a reflection of Mercury's dual nature as psychopomp and messenger, he can function in the world / heavens and transit and assist in the underworld - also reflected in the sign it rules; Gemini the twins; one immortal and one mortal .... that eventually became immortal (well, you hang around someone long enough, some is bound to rub off on you ) . This is also a reflection, perhaps of the 'spiritual' nature 'lifting up' the 'lower' nature. And bring all those little internal demons into order. 'The Magician ( ' Hymn of Honorius ' ) O Lord, deliver me from hell's great fear and gloom! Loose thou my spirit from the larvae of the tomb! I seek them in their dread abodes without affright: On them will I impose my will, the law of light. I bid the night conceive the glittering hemisphere. Arise, O sun, arise! O moon, shine white and clear! I seek them in their dread abodes without affright: On them will I impose my will, the law of light. Their faces and their shapes are terrible and strange. These devils by my might to angels I will change. These nameless horrors I address without affright: On them will I impose my will, the law of light. These are the phantoms pale of mine astonied view, Yet none but I their blasted beauty can renew; For to the abyss of hell I plunge without affright: On them will I impose my will, the law of light.
  18. The Magician Card

    The tide goes out ... the tide comes in ...
  19. The Magician Card

    I think I just may have in the other thread ? In the Thoth deck he is pictured with the Staff of Hermes (mentioned in the other thread too ) , based on the Egyptian winged disk and showing the intertwined serpents ( DNA - another form of 'consciousness' - / Ida Pingala ) @ 1. The Juggler
  20. Metatron

    It also has a connection to a locality - The 'Feet or foot of Mithra ' - the Pamir Mountains , supposedly the 'original homeland' , Aryana Vaeja ; Shangri La , Shamballa ., 'The Roof of the World '
  21. Metatron

    as well as relating to Kether (crown) we could relate it to 'crown chakra' ; ( in this context ) a 'centre of awareness' outside of the physical body ( or just touching it ) and further (maybe) the 8th circuit in Exo-psychology where 'consciousness' is said to be 'non-local'. Some see this as a medium for things such as telepathy , 'reading the record' , etc. ... a level of 'universal consciousness' that we all partake in ( maybe a 'collective super-conscious' ? ) , which one could see as the 'mind' of Metatron. As far as other names goes, maybe the etymology of the name might help. Also possibly the 'yazata' Mitras ( the Persian one ) and also possibly, via Manichaeism , Maitreya .
  22. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    ..... you want to fund another expedition, don't you !
  23. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    That's the idea ... UFOs come from here all along where did I find it ? Ummmmm ...... on the internet ; google > Hollow Earth > images >
  24. Stand up straight and shut your mouth

    Bart if eeew kkkep eet ghere ith e guud exkerhize hor yhhh hole marth
  25. Metatron

    I think it works in reverse . He was an 'incarnation' - man or prophet and became an angel. Note ; ang - el Micha - el, Gabri - el , Rapha - el , Auri - el .('elemental ' angels. ).. he doesnt carry the el (God) suffix in his name. The angel Sandalphon ( the on suffix is also another word for God ) may be related .... the only other one I can think of with an on suffix . Since he was a man , probably Enoch , that became an angel, he is often associated with 'development' , the spiritual development of an adult or the individuation of a child . That crosses over into the more ' learning and teaching' aspect (Thoth / Mercury / Hermes ) of the 'record keeper' . He may have morphed into St Peter in Christian tradition - in St. Peter's role as the 'Pearly Gates' keeper, and keeper of the book of one's life record and admittance . He is also a popular 'New Age Angel' .... for reasons I will let you explore yourself if you want to go down that path - did you get a message ? Or maybe it was subliminal advertising for a new movie coming out ?