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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Sharing kung fu real combat videos.

    the 2nd one the referee outfit ... pompom cheering girls ??? ........... looked like it was produced by 'If you are the one - kung fu' or ' iron shirt chef' .....
  2. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I saw a hippy mum outside supermarket giving one to kid as a treat . baby needs fresh air and sunlight to be healthy ... not chia pod .
  3. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    at the centre of the world ?
  4. Disappearing threads ?

    Just once I would like to see someone do the newspaper set alight trick without crumpling it into a ball first and waiting for the same time period before 'they' make it burst into flames . Now, if these 'scientific testing guys' ... with 'testing equipment ' laid the sheet of paper out themselves , flat , and then got someone ( who never laid hands on first ) to set it on fire ..... things might 'test' a little different . because they always fold the paper up a certain way and make a little packet while they fold it up . 'Chi power' should not have to do this to set a piece of paper alight.
  5. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Switzerland is not in the 'western world ' ? When I was in space station and looked down and saw it .... I thought it was ?
  6. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Yes, you may ask. But I may not be able to tell you. Some of our activity is top secret .
  7. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Let's call it 'Dogs in Space' - ( with peer reviewed stamp of approval, of course Iran launches turtle into space
  8. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    I filmed it myself ... when I was up at space station here is one of me up there .... having good time - Cosmonaut ... oh yeah !
  9. No topic

    Kung-pao chicken . more idiocy ;
  10. No topic

    Here ... stand back .... let me have a go
  11. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Have you ever read the story of Salvador Dali's childhood ? Talk about people continuously catering to a kids annoyingly selfish, demanding, and narcissistic personality !
  12. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Sorry, horses off topic, just stick to UFOs and dogs thanks
  13. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    They may have their own dog ?
  14. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Hang on ... the UFO would be afraid of dogs ? Or the crew directing the UFO ? Invisible UFOs now ? But ....... that means they could be everywhere ! = especially if they are small !
  15. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    and very much realising my ploy and delaying it . The Moon story is a soporific .... and my voice gets s l o w e r and more d r e a m y .... But he wasnt going down without his mum there (first time he had experienced an all night minding ) . That boat eventually arrived and we got a train, a bus, stayed at a motel, got debriefed and trained by NASA , blasted off, went to the Moon, looked around, came back, splashed down, got picked up, debriefed, bus and train, caught the boat back, train home from the port , unpacked , decided we were tired out and went to bed .. then he went to sleep ... I swear , that kid kept me going for near 2 1/2 hours .... dont know how I managed to stay awake !
  16. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Great ! Thanks. One way of nutting it is to equate each way of viewing ( or meditating on ) with a planetary energy. Yes, except here it is a bit different , a 'god 'can be quite different from what we are used to. 'God' as such , like we might relate to, is a sort of 'tribal' ancestor hero . One meeting of unknown people I observed went like this ; What's you name ? - ......... Who is your God ? - Biame . What is your totem ? - Guran , possom. Where is your place ? - Tjabulum Ohh, you got bingie there ! ( turtle to eat ) But the 'Gods' 'that everything is full of' are referred to as 'spiritual beings' and can be quite strange , like 'hopping man' ; he throws his bad leg over his shoulder and hops after you, you cant run away, he will catch you. Or the highly aggressive and deadly KIng Brown snake . . . or any animal ... or .... ..... The 'chief spirit' (but not really a God) would be Ungud, a giant snake asleep underground in the centre of Australia, in the Great Artesian Basin , his energy (in the form of smaller snakes and water) goes out underground and makes the 'spiritual archetypes', manifesting the 'energetic realm' ( projected onto rocks as paintings, or in the land form itself) and then out of those paintings or landforms (increase sites) into the forms of the material world. It doesnt need a direct link to 'heaven' as such ... but that water the snake is dreaming in came from heaven; spat down onto the earth by the sky snake ( dark 'river' / part in Milky Way ) . But many things link to the heavens in a different way too , often to do with seasonal hunting and animal species fertility Sometimes they are directly linked other times it is a story that starts on earth, then ends up in the sky and the story 'freeze frames' and we are told 'and there they are up there ' and a star pattern is pointed out . This seems very similar to some myths, where for example, Apollo, in anger at Raven (Corvus) being delayed in returning with a drink to the banquet of the gods with the cup ( Crater ) and some BS story about being delayed by a 'water monster' (Hydra) are flung, in anger, up into the heavens, where they remain together Here, the sage or group would be imbued with an energy radiating from their country ( 'natal landscape') . [ I have often wondered if the Egyptian Nomes had an origin in 'totemic sites' and symbols ? ] again, thanks for that link
  17. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Imagine having him as a neighbour !
  18. Dim Mak

    Cricket player gets hit , at back of neck , just below ear, stands there a bit wincing ... then goes down , dies two days later . That happened about a week after a thing at training; one of the guys rushed me, I deflected and moved forward to the outside , turned and punched him in that same spot as he we passed ... but controlled- just a tap ... and he was 'Whoa ! That didnt feel good, even a tap ! " Then this cricket incident happened, we discussed it next training session and decided not to do that technique anymore. Michael , those spots becoming overly sensitive ? Yes ! But now with my hip problem I am not demonstration dummy like I used to be. Also ... ineffective on some people ? Yes. Then again .... some people ! I saw a big Maori guy in a brawl once, get clouted with a running swing with glass flagon, ka-boosh ! right upside his head - giant explosion of glass and a a horrible noise ... he shook his head like a wet dog and then shaped up to his attacker
  19. Theosophy

    As much as I have been critical, I dont feel any fakery or busted 'magic tricks' detracts from the good stuff she did write. I dont know one of 'that mob' * that didnt somehow get busted or exposed or had some silly belief going . * meaning, the ones that seemed to be out there , travelling, 'advertising' (themselves) , at the 'forefront' ... the lesser armchair explorers, the 'secondary writers', acolytes, etc. - less so. A part of the magician is the trickster and illusionist , they often have ways of drawing attention to themselves Rosaleen Norton - the 'Witch of Kings X ' ( Sydney) and artist
  20. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Is that Sallustius of Emesa (son of Basilides) - " He seems at least to have been unsparing in his attacks upon the theology of the Neoplatonists." - Wiki Flavius Sallustius (Spanish ) - "who synthesized Platonismwith Pythagoreanism and theurgy," - wiki and/ or Saturnius Secendus Salutius ( a gaul) ??? I looked him up and got confused ... I guess its the 2nd one ? Do you have a ref for what you refered to re the 5 different ways to read a myth ? I want to read it. ( I try to find 7 ... that comes from a Sufi exercise to 'see' (read it) things in 7 different ways ) One recent thing I discovered, that may relate to your 'mixed' ( a mix of material - practical, spiritual theological and psychical * ) reading or view point , that I find very interesting is scientists are now working with the indigenous ( in NW Sth America, in the doco I saw) to target sacred sites and their mythology, as they have seen that certain localities are essential to be left undisturbed for the long term survival of the related site species. The myths tell how they are to be treated, and at what times and how they interact with all the other sites and animals. * The 'mixed' view and the 'range of views' ( 5 , 7, or 10 ) is also interesting . I have talked about this in depth with a friend who is an Australian Aboriginal, a 'strong culture man', elder and site guardian . He seems impressed with me, that I can understand it in this way, on many levels, but he says you cant separate them like this, they are all one, all the meanings, the animals the land the psychical energies and anything that is ' true good' has to be able to do the same . (Its a type of non-dualist consciousness .... they dont see much distinction between 'heaven' and earth nor life and afterlife ). The closest I can seem to get to it is each myth (here ) with all its relevance to seasonal hunting, tribal lore, psychical development, individuation, etc all tied in together is like one piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Then if I could know and put all the 'dreamings' for each place in Australia together, as bits of a jigsaw, I would be able to see the whole picture, and how everything connects .... ( and know what I have to do about it ) ... but he says, no, just see the picture - but I have western mind. That's why , for me (and a lot of others with a ' modern western mindset' the Greek and Roman pagan myths are so relevant ) . The ones here are ancient and connect between people / place ( 'country') .... that part of it cant be left out. But still, there are some identifiable crossovers .... like the failed journey of individuation in the Hercules myth, shows the inversion of what a shaman would do during his successful initiation into the 'other world' , 'dreamtime' / etc .
  21. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    a double thank you .... one of the best posts I have read in some time (but then again, I am a bit of a mythophile ) ... or I should have gone ;
  22. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Youtube entertainment 1920s style
  23. Dim Mak

    Maybe I never did any dim mak ? It was based on nerves ... ??? they may not be acupuncture points .... but boy, do they disable you ! Man , I can relate to the guy on the right here ... assisting with a demo a few times ... owww ! orrrr ! arrrrgh! ( like @ 5.00 in clip below ... and @14.00 ) ... I also had uncontrollable hand spasms after some 'taps' . Like I said, I like to stay back out of range and attack any offending arm hand or leg that enters my sphere (like @ 14.57 .... but a bit further away ... then move in closer while they are in shock ) ;
  24. Dim Mak

    Yep ! Mr Nishihira would 'demo' them on students, 'so you know how it feels' , then take the effects away with his ' hot healing hands' thingo he did. But not on CV1 .
  25. Any new year's resolutions?

    I resolve to spend more time under the desk