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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. "you say you love rain..."

    That wont do it . Not in a 'green storm'. As the above green storm hit, a visitor decided to bolt home, concerned for her kids that were playing in the yard. I tried to stop here, physically, at the door, she had the wild look of concerned motherhood in her eyes. Instead of fighting her, I grabbed the wok hanging near the kitchen door and told her to use that to protect her head, as by then ginat ragged edged hail was starting to pelt down. Later that day, when it cleared she came back to return the wok . he fingers and knuckles were smashed and bloodied, from just holding the wok handles ... imagine her head without it ! I doubt she would have made it home. She said when she got there, the kids were inside, as soon as it started to hail, they went inside ... of course .
  2. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Dont worry . You will soon be issued with a new number ................. .......................................... THX 1138 Take 4 red capsules and in 10 minutes take 2 more. Help has been dispatched and will arrive soon .
  3. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Neither ! Why should 'the Universe' , or 'Mum' or whatever you want to call it , supply Nungali with a flying car ? Why should the 'forces of nature' bend to my western proclivity for more and more technological toys ? This is not Rumi, shamanism, Sufism, hermeticism or nothing ... IMO it is dressed up western materialism trying to use 'magic' to get even more stuff. I need a car, especially with my ever more painful hip . I was supplied with one. An old one, a scraped and worn one. But it is reliable and fills it purpose. If I didnt have the sore hip, maybe even a motorcycle would do ? I thought you would know how I have said many times, even in conversation with you, I have never been one to think what you quoted in your last sentence up there . IMO, most definitely that is not the way to go ... if I did that, I wouldnt have my house, the beautiful land I live on and all the stuff I have ... I would probabay be miserable, slaving away somewhere, paying off a mortgage I could never get on top of, and living where I didnt like as I couldnt afford anywhere better. Not that I mean to be nasty or anything dreambliss ... but I am the answer to your statement above " Just because I haven't been able to figure it out doesn't mean nobody else can " The simple observation is .... I figured it out for me , it worked! It isnt working for you, because you are using a corrupted system and idea based on getting western excesses and pretty trinkets ... thats what the LoA is about . Dude ! I have been swamping you with it ! Your issue is, you want it in the form of this LoA stuff that you have become attached to. If it isnt in that from , you want to reject it . Carry on then <shrug>
  4. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    and especially odd justifying it with that passage from Rumi.
  5. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    You are making a big miss here . You are trying to force Rumi's wisdom to support your modern LoA 'theory' . It isnt holding up too well at all. Look deeper.
  6. On the evilness of the dastardly tofu

    I used to make tofu, worked one day a week making it, about half a day delivering it and had the other 5 1/2 days off. Those were the days ! LIved in a caravan, had a motorbike, always had a 6 pack in the fridge and a jar of home grown, enough money to get by, a couple of GFs, a river , rainforest and beach ...... la la laaar . Good old Tofu! its defunct now ... council and marketing restrictions, forced out of the market by new packaging, 'long term' shelf life , solid rubbery tofu ( our one was the natural hand made variety, have to float it in water and change the water every day ... to much trouble for people apparently. It was never hard or rubbery though, sort of half way between silken and firm tofu, but you could still fry a slab for a burger ). Still got the plant and equipment though ... just sitting there waiting for someone inspired to restart it (it could be done, by just private marketing with locals ) .
  7. "you say you love rain..."

    Yep, I seen that green sky thing coming once ... now I know, if I ever see it coming again .... take cover !
  8. "you say you love rain..."

    get up in the clouds and stir things up with your boomerang
  9. "you say you love rain..."

    Sounds fine to me ... love me .... dont smother me in it, dont drown me in it , dont sweep me off my feet . One that is 'afraid' in love is heading for a crash Love does have an initial big surge though ...... treat it like a surfer ... ride love ... dont get 'dumped'
  10. "you say you love rain..."

    I think the UK has your rain .
  11. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Then you misrecalled . I am a big fan of 'manifesting stuff' ... I got really good stuff that I manifested , how do you think I ended up so happy ? Well then, either Rumi or Coleman is barkin' up the wrong tree - if you love bread, you will turn into a loaf of bread ? Sounds more like the philosophy of the Hare Krishnas . Besides, I would not use Rumi's wisdom to get a car ! Dude! That is LoA stuff ! Yes, well, according to this ^ . Have you read a variant translation ? I am curious about this 'becoming a loaf of bread' idea, especially transferring to literal terms, as you seem to be doing by suggesting it applies to actually getting a car ? Oh ... I can never get what I desire - thank goodness ! - I get what I need and what is good for 'us' though. Of course they are ! Now it seems even Rumi is being transformed as some type of validation of new age teachings Of course I can ! Even you know that is a silly thing to declare to Nungali ! Someone that practices indigenous Australian shamanism (in relation to 'manifesting needs' ) .... have a guess how old those traditions are . (Thats aside from the point that ..... do you really think what you are inferring is a valid expression of Sufism ? Or how do you deal with the seeming contention with Rumi saying (1/) " If you want money more than anything, you will be bought and sold." - could we extend the desire for money to the things we want money for to accrue more and more possessions , especially things like a flying car ? - with (2.) desire bread you become bread . By that reasoning we can say, if I desire a motorbike, I will become a beast of burden ( 1. ) - not get a motorbike . Rumi doesnt say ; "If you want money more than anything, you will get money. I think this is a LOT clearer .... " For wert thou to summon the Gnomes to pander to thine avarice, thou wouldst no longer command them, but they would command thee. Wouldst thou abuse the pure beings of the woods and mountains to fill thy coffers and satisfy thy hunger of Gold?... Know that with such desires thou canst but attract the Weak, not the Strong, and in that case the Weak will have power over thee. " This is how I see it - if you desire money, bread or motorbikes too much, they will have power over you .... not that you will turn into them or obtain them.
  12. Music leads to enlightenment

    Not really. Some of it ... a little bit of it. wasnt too bad . But I dont think it is a good idea to suddenly insert alarm clocks, spacemen's ray guns and jarring noises against a sort of semi-chilled background. But, if it turns you on .... I prefer this ;
  13. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Nah .... its about fucking up your family .
  14. A message of hope from our Queenie

    I was waiting for that , would not you say, from my comments, I am more like his father ? Prince Phillip on visiting a Pakistani Youth centre : "Which ones are on drugs ? What about that one, he looks like he is on drugs." To a woman solicitor being introduced to him; "I thought it was illegal for women to solicit?" To the leader of Nigeria who was wearing traditional clothing ; "You look like you are ready for bed."
  15. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    No way - thats your problem ... you and your sniffing , I dont know how many times I have told you pilots to lay off the coke when flying I suggest you go back to training school
  16. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    I am of the reformed branch , peace to you brother
  17. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Maybe. but you were not referring to other teachers , you said " I would suggest that one actually read the words of Jesus. See what he actually says in the gospels, rather than what you have been "told" " Not, " I suggest that one read the great teachers," I think they got that from reading Jesus , see post 34 & 35 .... words written down by others , So how are they going to 'actually' do what you suggested , regardless of your 'but all the others did it too.' ?
  18. A message of hope from our Queenie

    She looks like my Mum .
  19. A message of hope from our Queenie

    an idiot for not trusting God ?
  20. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    and listening to Jesus ? It was only the last 'world religion' , manifested in the 1800s ( Bahai's) that have scripture actually written down by the hand of their prophet.
  21. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    What he actually says ? That aint in the the gospels ... there are a few scant second hand quotes ... the rest is 'what we have been told ' by M M L & J
  22. Now that the lie of Christ Mass is over

    Well, whaddya expect, when their most holy symbol is a tortured guy dying on a cross ? - I never got why they didnt use this , its seems a lot better , a bit more hopeful and scares the kiddies less or this I guess they not appropriate for a death cult ?
  23. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Well, if ya gonna go biblical on me, I would prefer John 18 :63 Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many airplane hangers; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare an AeroMobil 3.0 for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you and your new carplane unto my hanger; that where I am, there ye may be also. —
  24. Philosopher's Stone?

    What about the Philosopher's 'Secret Fire' ?