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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    So, how does a God of Sokar's realm, become a 'baby Sun God ' ? Is it just to be able to compare him with Baby Jesus ? The new Handcock ... I mean Hancock book 'The Magician of the Gods' , is the same, reviews say its a boring rehash. Well, I suppose they had to get something on the shelves for Christmas.
  2. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    Sokar is the 'baby Sun God ' ?
  3. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    I keep mine in the top draw
  4. energy healer artifact found in news

    Crystals, metals, and organic compounds in layers and separations , a bit like a battery. ( " Design inspired by crop circles " ) A spinoff and development of 'Wands of Horus' (I am not advocating this as bonafide at all, just offering the info . ) Do they work ? I dont know ... personally I would spend my money on something else. I have two sets of Wands of Horus ( gifted to me by the company in exchange for some work I did for them ) . Do they work ? Put it this way ; anyone want to buy them ... for half their retail price ? One quarter ? Postage costs ? (otherwise I might dump them in a cemetery ) - My personal opinion , also the personal opinion of an alternative healer / registered Doctor and Rosemary Clarke * (via personal correspondence. ) *
  5. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    Tell them after you get yor presents
  6. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    Thats not even half of it ... getting 'saddled up' can be tough enough!
  7. Do we live in the matrix?

    But Jason Colovito doesn't seem to recommend it
  8. Do we live in the matrix?

    Cool ! I will check it when I can .... thanks for listing some of the main features of it so I can get an idea of what it is about .
  9. Do we live in the matrix?

    No, you got me there and you are right, I did have to look it up. I got lighting refs on the pages , I assume it is the same ? "Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity. " The thing is , a lot of what I post is in response to what I think is information that is twisted and spun, details omitted , false information, downright lies (as in the case of some 'alternative viewpoints to the mainstream' web sites and videos - particularly in the case of photoshopping, sometimes done quiet obviously ( to 'illustrate a point ' or a fantasy; and all dressed up as being something valid. What abou the generations of 'victims' out there trying to learn things off the internet , many are being fed , in some cases, obvious crud. But looking deeply into what they are saying, following their references and in some cases exposing them as false is gaslighting ... and mental abuse of a victim ? And at times, when I have presented a wall of evidence against some crazy idea I am confronted with 'its a conspiracy' , even that I am part of some cover up as I looked into things using some investigative followup I am not referring to you and posts, but sometimes I have noticed it in some of the information and sites and vids people put up to demonstrate their POV, beliefs or maybe a quierie . And yes, I can be an arse , especially in the case of finding out something is a fraud . One of those 'Atlantis sites' had the most ridiculous crap on it, it claimed there were artifacts there and they just needed money to go and prove it ( paypal donation button included. If people get offended at my uncouth Aussiness and big mouth < shrug > I'll wear that .... some dont mind that some do . There wasnt any stubbornness or 'refusing to look' at the GT vid you posted , as I said, its too long to watch, I mean that literally , if I watch a vid , the signal drops out and the computer gets problems and I have to restart to clear them. I do plan on watching it though , when I can, when I am in town and I can go to the library , thats why I asked about any other media related to it. So it was a bit silly to say , you didnt watch mine so I didnt read yours. In any case , surely quotes , written text with citations and references and links included , and peoples names on the different [arts of the story being presented is easier to follow, source and link to ? When I agreed to watch that Atlantis vid, I had to watch it, take notes, and then get that all down in a written form anyway to follow the references and sources to check things out. Unless people dont bother to do that and just watch things for entertainment purposes?
  10. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    I think that about midnight of the year too. Also generally - night : winter : Moon : no Moon, day :Summer : Sun : Full Moon. It seems to work when applied to gardening, also Moon : underground, Sun : above ground ( roots : vegetation ) . Solstice 'still point' (and some time either side ) , for me, is like that still point when the tide turns . This time of year does seem strange to me, then again, maybe it is because it is Christmas ? .... thats enough to weird me out, and the opposite time of year is my birthday on the southern winter solstice ..... maybe I am some type of anti-Christ mass ?
  11. Do we live in the matrix?

    and you got that from my post #137 that mostly just listed some data ? Listing data against your viewpoint is intended disrespect and dismissive tone now? Wow .
  12. Do we live in the matrix?

    Oh ... dont take my word for it on Atlantis - in what I said here ..... which was nothing really This is where the info on it is Thanks for the Moon info .... years back I considered paying a fortune for a tiny piece of Moon ' rock ' ... just as well I didnt ! As far as resorting to chronic ongoing repetitive passive-aggressive assaults goes ........ are you sure its just not a case of debate as opinions dont match ... on this subject ? I seem to remember conversing with you on other subjects where there was no issue. Sorry if you got upset, I had not realised you would take debate and contention about a concept so personally .
  13. The Cool Picture Thread

    I love the comic .... insert ' X' or "a factor infinite and unknown' ... or a stack of turtles. Well, we cant know everything .
  14. Do we live in the matrix?

    Ha har! No, I am not going to go off to a different thread and read something else in relation to all the facts I posted above that never addressed them in the first place . I'm not that easily diverted I pretty much know your stance on things and which way you will tac , the info above is for anyone seriously interested in the claim that fringies and their unproven and often falling apart theories cannot be backed up by the old 'What about the discovery of Troy ?' ploy . PS of course I know that about carbon dating . Interesting how some 'researchers' are accepted (like in the GT vid you posted) but others are not .... I think it has to do with the direction their ideas take things ... not any qualified facts as such . You know, I used to believe in this stuff too until only a couple of years back ... its just that I did extensive examination of BOTH sides of the stories. I hope I am not too challenging for a forum such as this ... where I considered some level of enlightenment and detangling from our proclivities might be a partial theme ?
  15. Do we live in the matrix?

    I took your advise and some time looking into this ... as I dont like to take such comments at face value. And this one is a classic example used by a lot of people to justify modern woo woo ; See, that sounds good on the surface ... its something that gets repeated all over the place, but that doesnt make it accurate ... like the '100th Monkey' meme that people keep quoting ..... the research was fudged ... there was not even 1oo monkeys present in those populations to make a 100th monkey effect ! But to move on to Schliemann and Troy ... and the unsubstantiated claim : Schliemann was from different time and place, and with different attitudes and motivations. On the one hand he indeed discovered Mycenae and introduced the world to the "prehistory" (read, Mycenaean history) of Greece, and he is credited with that. On the other hand he had little understanding of what he was digging and the period to which it dated. His famous mask of Agamemnon, for example, was in a grave context dating to around 400 years before the historical setting of Troy. And on another hand , he did not discover the site of Troy but merely tore up the site where others believed it to have been. The modern name for the site is Hisarlik, and while it's been archaeologically demonstrated to be a very ancient site with numerous inhabitation levels, to this day no one can definitively point to it and say, "This is Troy." Just as no one can point to the Iliad and state that it was an actual historical event. The bottom line is, Schliemann did not prove anything substantial about Troy, and in fact did a world of damage to the site while falsifying archaeological evidence and sneaking artifacts out of Turkey. Schliemann was a story teller, not an archaeologist. He is primarily credited legitimately with the excavations at Mycenae and what was discovered there, although to be honest he had the good sense at that site to employ a well-trained Greek archaeologist to run operations there. We can agree though that Schliemann was not a fringie. There were in fact fringe-types in his time, such as "pyramid measurers" and proponents of the "Mother Culture," but Schliemann doesn't belong to this category. A better description for him would be antiquarian, as were many wealthy European men of his time. Don't get me wrong, plenty of non-professionals in certain fields have made wonderful contributions to our understanding of ancient history. Bob Brier's doctoral degree is in philosophy but he is one of the world-leading researchers in Egyptian paleopathology. He applied himself to historical and scientific studies to achieve this, and has been so recognized. When Schliemann got to NW Turkey he found an archaeologist Frank Calvert sitting on the site that would be later dug as Troy*. FC didn't have the money to purchase and dig the site Schliemann did. *until recently no one was completely sure if that site IS Troy, while the Romans thought it was Troy there is still some fuzziness about it being that city of Homer and whether in fact the Trojan war happened in the way Homer wrote about it At the time Schliemann began excavating in Turkey, the site commonly believed to be Troy was at Pınarbaşı, a hilltop at the south end of the Trojan Plain.[{3} Schliemann performed soundings at Pınarbaşı, but was disappointed by his findings.[3] Schliemann did not know where to look for Troy and was about to give up his exploration altogether. It was not until Calvert suggested excavating the mound of Hissarlik that Schliemann made any moves to dig at the site. Calvert had already searched in the mound, but he never made it down to the Bronze Age layers; still, he was determined Troy was buried somewhere within the mound. https://en.wikipedia...i/Frank_Calvert The Roman's also knew (or thought they knew) where Troy was and there was a colony there until the 5th century - they even use to run 'tourist' groups because in their mythology the Roman founders were Trojans - that information was available to FC and those who earlier made recommendations on where Troy might be (see Thomas Spratt known as 'Spratt's Map' Thomas Spratt known as 'Spratt's Map'). Here is a list of books that discuss what was known about Troy and what the Roman's knew about it. [1] Lucan, De bello civili 9.966-99. Lucan records the anecdote that as Caesar walked through a patch of grass, one of the locals called out to him: 'They buried Hector there. Take care not to offend his ghost!' [2] Thus Erskine (2001:248-50). [3] Austin (1964:216). [4] Virgil's literary patron was Augustus' close confidant Maecenas. [5] Elder Pliny, Naturalis historia 5.124. [6] Vermeule (1995:476, with note 100). [7] See Vermeule (1995:477), Sage (2000:217-18). References: Austin, R.G. (1964) P. Vergili Maronis: Aeneidos Liber Secundus, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Erskine, A. (2001) Troy Between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sage, M. (2000) 'Roman Visitors to Ilium in the Roman Imperial and Late Antique Period: the Symbolic Functions of a Landscape', in Studia Troica X:211-31. Vermeule III, C.C. (1995) 'Neon Ilion and Ilium Novum: Kings, Soldiers, Citizens and Tourists at Classical Troy', in J.B. Carter and S.P. Morris (eds) The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule, Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, pp. 467-80. For further information on Ilium during the Byzantine period, see Vermeule (1995:477, with references in notes 115, 116). ; He was also smart enough to read the Roman sources and also the Byzantines who had site habitation there until the 15th century, rebuilt after the earlier Roman site was destroyed. In the 19th century Academia did consider Homer's story to be a fairy tale - because it is. It has in it discussions between gods, gods 'teleporting' about and interacting with humans. He records conversations he couldn't possibly know. If thousands of years from how archaeologists found a copy of the book "Gone with the wind" - would they think it was a real story or a fairy tale? Atlanta existed, the USA and the Confederacy existed, there was a civil war but the story itself is false. The Iliad is probably based on numerous Greek attacks on other cities with a large fantasy element added in for popular consumption. To this day we still are not absolutely sure that Troy IS Troy nor have we found the Greek camp that should exist - if the story is true. The point being that Schliemann was NOT some author with a fringe idea. He was a legitimate scholar with a good foundation. It's not correct to drag him out when looking for ideas that may be considered fringe but were later proven true. Scholars and scientists have wild, on-the-fringe ideas all the time (lightbulbs, cathode ray tubes, electrical circuits, batteries, television, etc. ) But that's quite different from someone reading a few very out of date books and coming up with a concept : Schleimann was in no way a fringe author such as Hancock, then https://en.wikipedia...rich_Schliemann and others popular with people today. * Schleimann was fluent in 14 languages, including Greek. * Schleimann completed a PhD thesis and was awarded a PhD. * Schliemann joined archaeological digs and spent many years digging and analyzing material. * he could cite his source material (the Iliad) in the original language. * Dr. Schliemann had academic training in how to evaluate source material. * he continued working on digs and writing research papers after finding his 'Troy'. * Dr. Schliemann valued academic training and studies and relied on historians and other scholars. It's a false equivalency to think that Schliemann and fringe writers are similar. The city we think might be Troy may not be and no evidence of the Trojan war as outlined by Homer has been found. Further excavation of the Troy site by others indicated that the level he named the Troy of the Iliad was inaccurate, although they retain the names given by Schliemann. In an article for The Classical World, D. F. Easton writes that Schliemann "was not very good at separating fact from interpretation." [18] He goes on to claim that "Even in 1872 Frank Calvert could see from the pottery that Troy II had to be hundreds of years too early to be the Troy of the Trojan War, a point finally proved by the discovery of Mycenaean pottery in Troy VI in 1890." [18] "King Priam's Treasure" was found in the Troy II level, that of the Early Bronze Age, long before Priam's city of Troy VI or Troy VIIa in the prosperous and elaborate Mycenaean Age. Moreover, the finds were unique. The elaborate gold artifacts do not appear to belong to the Early Bronze Age. No ... there is a lot more behind my criticisms than appears on the surface , that is because I dont go to the extent I did here with every idea that pops up. And it is too tedious to do so. The evidence so far indicates a general ..... Atlantisn't . Although I dont expect any popularity here for stating such facts ... especially when the counter is some supposed conspiracy that involves numerous fields of science , record and evidence , empirical based research and the like, somehow being part of a conspiracy because it doesnt confirm to , or does not support people's own , near religious, beliefs about things. { Well ... what do you expect when ; " jeer and smirk smugly when orthodoxy's for-profit dispensations are being questioned is the ticket of admittance to the club I don't belong to. Not because I couldn't gain admission with the same ease as the smug ones if I cared to, but because I'm easily disgusted." ? }
  16. The Cool Picture Thread

    " But there's no bottom, none, In my voluptuousness: your wives, your daughters, Your matrons and your maids, could not fill up The cistern of my lust ." (Malcolm speaking to Macduff about Macbeth) "Of what worth is gold in the mine ?" ( Pan questioning the guardian of Luna's temple. )
  17. The Cool Picture Thread

    Glutton for punishment ? I actually understood what you wrote. very interesting especially the part where first the woman wrestles (or dances? ... if not, turn it into a dance ) with the Lion then later the snake. I am sure you caught the significance of that in relation to the cards in the picture ? (Thoth tarot Atus XI & XXI ) . I was thinking the fold division might be similar to the kabbalistic 'parts' of the soul, but you only mentioned 1 kabbalistic part. A passing Egyptian phase, that had little interest ? Same here, except it turned into a big interest and one in the 'pre-Egyptian' as well. Also your little tables of 4 - I have worked on a much longer one and it has so many things that have this 3 / 4 pattern ... you even mentioned the important 'transition point' where 3 goes into 4 ( and even mentioned how the 4 is resultant 'carrier' of the 'multitude of things' ; " Then the four took me through an experience where we all became tons of different creatures and light beings and more, " One of the things I have realised is that the first three form the fourth, the 4 is in a different 'realm' being a 'product of' (or as you say ' a man of earth' ,( a title of the first triad series { I - III } of initiations in the OTO - that you mentioned in passing re the cards) , of the many examples in nature, one is within the 4 forces of physics, the first 3 can be 'unified' but not the 4th ,Gravity, hence no 'Unified Field Theory'. ..... actually, there is so much in there ( that blog entry),has resonance and, in ways, collates with parts of my life experience, internally and externally ..... its actually quite fascinating ! I was nodding, getting surprised and agreeing every few sentences . I could read it as someone who was not really exploring and wondering about their experiences, but had studied and expereinced a whole range of things I have and was dropping hints to me . ...... Curious ! But, as you say, this is supposed to be a visual thread ..... so
  18. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Attitude ? What makes you say that ? Dont you like hipsters ? I have actually heard people do stuff like at 1.45 and 2.37 Chia pod anyone ? Only $3.85 at all good hipster shops (or maybe $4.50 .... if you are a real sucker ! )
  19. Elongated skulls of Paracas Peru

    Thankyou ! This is why I wanted to know of this 'increase' size. These skulls have been the focus of much new age bullshit. The most recent surge in their 'mystery' was promoted by someone that worked in the office of tourism . ~ Elongated crystal skull anyone ? (oh dear ... again ! I keep making up silly ideas to mock the 'believers' and as usual , I am way too late ;
  20. The Cool Picture Thread

    What are the 'four folds' of your soul ? ... seriously, I am interested in concepts of 'soul' .
  21. Is the earth round/spherical?

    well ... that was pretty nasty ! Take this you flat earth nutty alternative undercover reptilian matrix de-coders :
  22. Elongated skulls of Paracas Peru

    How much 'dramatically larger' ?
  23. The Cool Picture Thread

    nudi brancs It got me too as I am not used to seeing them out of water