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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Do we live in the matrix?

    A CIA-Freemasonic-theosophist New Age conspiracy now ?
  2. Do we live in the matrix?

    Oh well, thanks for looking anyway. This is the bit I am unfamiliar with ( the last three sentences ) and would like to see the research on . Unfortunately, without the details I cant check it out That was the surprise, the technical and social organisation possible. Personally, I think it must have been there as base to develop further, otherwise one has to postulate that the more complex and vast building explosion of the early Egyptian period was accompanied by an 'overnight' developed ability of social organisation. I think it was an earlier ability that was built upon. Well, I think it is giving, right from the start of GT discovery, archaeologists were declaring this discovery is going to change and is changing the way we understand the social organisations and technical abilities of pre agricultural societies .
  3. Do we live in the matrix?

    Cool! I would love to read the latest on that but I cant watch a vid that long. Do these people have stuff published somewhere ?
  4. Do we live in the matrix?

    I guess that all speaks for itself . next thing I will be told is that Graham Hancock is 'not for profit' ..... he just wants to disseminate the truth .
  5. Then do not believe it . Its just a silly post in some internet forum .
  6. Do we live in the matrix?

    Oh no .... ancient Sphinx and Atlantis and Edgar Cayce again ! That Sphinx article relyies on 'maybes' and 'whatifs' and rejects the whole rest of the supportive and interlocked evidence that led to the dating and ideas about the Sphinx. Lets throw out the backed up logical and interlocked evidence and accept hearsay and modern fairy tales because it goes along with our dreams and belief systems ..... which indicates the instability of the local rock , not any ancient water erosion from rainfall. These ideas have been debunked several times . But people just want to believe otherwise .
  7. Let's start with that specific quality or qualities that underpins. specifically, human behaviour - what is it that separates us distinctly from the rest of the animal kingdom ? That is, not every little difference, but that quality which allows or creates those differences .
  8. Reptilians?!

    Sky serpent here is black as there are sooo many stars (in the desert) that they mass together and the dark shapes are picked out. Wallenganda is a black snake but also a river running through the sky, the stars either side are her children's campfires camped along the river. Wallenganda spat 'water' down on to Ungud the earth serpent, he took it underground, under Uluru and gathered it together, curled up in it and had a dream from which creation sprung forth. Here is a more trad version
  9. Do we live in the matrix?

    Mhe .... people always leave out the Australians ..... I dont see how 'Bushmen' can be called the 'original human culture' ... thats a very narrow view. It is one of the oldest but not the original .
  10. Phurba and dorje any others?

    Who said they stopped developing their technology thousands of years ago ?
  11. Phurba and dorje any others?

    Gingi walla widtha cuz ! Magical 'weapons' ? Certainly !
  12. Phurba and dorje any others?

    here is your Christmas presents : ( more juice @ )
  13. Phurba and dorje any others?

    It has a triangular head like an armour piercing arrow , shaft or spear. In some aspects, they can all be 'weapons' ... in the western magical tradition, the vast array of 'magical tools' are also known as 'magical weapons', even if they are not 'weapons' as such eg. the ' Furnace' is the 'magical weapon of Cancer' also, the girdle is the magical weapon of Venus. I have seen a phurba being used as a type of acupuncture needle in the earth , sometimes they are huge (always mounted point down) also there are some huge dorges out there !
  14. Phurba and dorje any others?

    Not sure about religions, but the purba's equivalent in western magic would be the dagger and the dorje ( a bit trickier but sorta like ) the wand. There are a lot more as well, objects that have a similar function in magic and Tibetan .... well, magic . There are other things a bit like a phurba within its own tradition, like the 'phurba' in a 'demon queller set' , it has an extra long handle ( so you dont have to get too close to the demon.
  15. The Cool Picture Thread

    " Hello ... Mr Ombato ? We are just ringing to confirm if the demon has left you ?"
  16. Reptilians?!

    1. Big snakes in caves underground ? Oooo yeah ! 2. River of Sky serpent - ; Wallenganda 3. 4. 'Extra-terrestrial communication keyboard ' Note; each key can be 'pressed' 5 different ways 5. David Icke ? Needs 'recycling'
  17. Atlantis

    Anyway, to add to my side of the scales ... yet again . The map is obviously of Kirchers period and not a Roman or Egyptian map of the time claimed. There is a high probability that it was copied from another map that was drawn from this one, and the lower continent just moved over and up a bit , to locate it where it 'should' be. In fact it's most likely he used a map of South America as his template, whether he chose so consciously for a conceptual view of Atlantis or whether he was pranked into it. One of the most notable pranks played upon him included a forged Egyptian manuscript, which he accepted as genuine. Did someone provide him a forged Egyptian map of Atlantis? The image portrays the continent of South America from Abraham Ortelius' 1592 Typus Orbis Terrarum alongside Kircher's Atlantis map. They both correctly depict a recessed southeastern coastline interrupted by the Rio de la Plata (E), but both also present erroneous depictions of a straight western coastline © as well as a blunt west to east rising southern tip (D). In the northwest corner they both also include the same signature double scalloped coastline (A,. Perhaps even more telling of Kircher's fascination with this South American design is the fact that he resurrects this very same 73-year-old design of the continent within his 1665 world map (Image below). Kircher only makes very very minor adjustments to the design to conform with contemporary knowledge of the continent: the addition of a crease along the western coastline and the redirecting of the continent's point toward south-southwest instead of due south. " It seems highly improbable that the two proposed islands and a mid-Atlantic continent could simultaneously coexist. This is a rather simple and clear concept. Raise the mid-Atlantic to form a continent and the displacement of water forces the sea level to also rise...significantly. The continental shelf where you locate the two islands would be submerged much further beneath the Atlantic as would be much of North America, not to mention the rest of the world. Lower sea level to expose a mid-Atlantic continent and the continental shelf where you locate the two islands would be completely and prominently raised above sea level, so much so that the sea sitting far below could in no way divide the raised shelf into islands.",43.0.html
  18. Atlantis

    If he stood on Atlantis ... it would sink . Aha ! Thats what did it ! + =
  19. Do we live in the matrix?

    If I were to go out to the garden now, I could go straight to a spot and find some red bellied black snakes, some young little ones, all living together with some frogs and mice ... which will be their food when they get a bit bigger, but for now, under the barrier that stops the grass spreading into the veggie patch, thye are all huddled up comfy together. When Snappy isnt in feeding mode , the little fish in the tank swim right up to his nose and swim around his head, sometimes he actually seems bothered or scared by them and goes into his cave. If it is feeding time (usually when the Moon is at I.C. of M.H. ) .... snap ! down the hatch !
  20. I heard it was coming. Its the next new fantastic thing to save our problems ! But why ? I couldn't find out. Last night, it was all over the news, and us Aussies are going to be able to trial it ! Lucky us (its because we have so many solar panels ) and and ... blah blah . Why do I get the feeling when watching this ; it hype, flattery, a good deal, amazing new technology, .... but no real; specs or science or explanation why its so good. Then I watched the release video . Why does it seem like a cult gathering. Why all the emotive giant screen nasty 'this is how we generate pollution' hype , who cares about the specs and why it is better than the current panel battery set ups ... actually ... did they say or explain how it was ? But its a 'Tesla' ! That must mean something ? And it looks soooo coool and compact , if you had that on your wall , people would admire it ! Besides, they make great cars ! Even I thought I was being overly critical , so I checked some Tesla info and 'Powerwall' sites . They were making a big deal about how, the battery stores power from a panel in the day .... and you can use that at night when there is no sun . W T F ! ? It also stores power from the grid , in case the grid has a blackout . But still no reason why its better , overall, and that the specs and relative economics of it were ??? Until I found this ; Eg. " SolarCity is only offering the bigger Powerwall to customers buying new rooftop solar systems. Customers can prepay $5,000, everything included, to add a nine-year battery lease to their system or buy the Tesla battery outright outright for $7,140. The 10 kilowatt-hour backup battery is priced competitively, as far as batteries go, selling at half the price of some competing products. " But if its sole purpose is to provide backup power to a home, the juice it offers is but a sip. The model puts out just 2 kilowatts of continuous power, which could be pretty much maxed out by a single vacuum cleaner, hair drier, microwave oven or a clothes iron. The battery isn’t powerful enough to operate a pair of space heaters; an entire home facing a winter power outage would need much more. In sunnier climes, meanwhile, it provides just enough energy to run one or two small window A/C units. " But SolarCity doesn’t offer a discount for multiple batteries. To provide the same 16 kilowatts of continuous power as this $3,700 Generac generator from Home Depot, a homeowner would need eight stacked Tesla batteries at a cost of $45,000 for a nine-year lease. "It's a luxury good—really cool to have—but I don't see an economic argument," said Brian Warshay, an energy-smart-technologies analyst with Bloomberg New Energy Finance. " ..... Tesla is probably making very little profit on the home batteries at this point and might even be selling them at a loss, according to research by BNEF. Both Tesla and SolarCity are just getting started, trying to get some traction before Tesla's massive $5 billion battery factory begins production next year. That's when the battery market really gets interesting. " Also, they are doing the deal with 'Origin Energy' - people ... do not deal with them ! ( I am speaking from personal and observed experience here. ). I will wait a while and keep using my own system I put together thanks guys But thanks for thinking of Australia first !
  21. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    I bought a little fuel cell kit today ( like a kids science learning kit) to see how it works. It says it runs on salt water. Surprised if it works ... after reading the instructions I can see why this system would not be viable .... i dont even think it might be viable to build the model Thing is, it doesnt just run on salt water, it actually runs on sheets of magnesium that wears out and needs replacing, and the whole thing has to be disassembled and washed with pure water after use as the cell will corrode ... and ... and ...and ... then it pumps out a trickle of current . But then again the fuel cell is about as big as three half postage stamps stacked on one another . Then again, magnesium is expensive .... and maybe more polluting to get than petrol ? I am still running the cabin lights and day power here on the 2nd hand panel I bought that came off a boat about 20 years ago for $200 !
  22. Atlantis

    HEY !
  23. Atlantis

    note atlantis map in background