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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Moderation on TDBs

    This just happened to me on another site.: The mods there are pretty cool ( actually, I am surprised what many get away with, me included ) . I also joke quiet radically with them . And they can serve it back . But I noticed today that a post of mine had mysteriously vanished, no notification, announcement, moving or anything . Gone ! I am sure this happened a few times there. I asked the forum mod about it and he said he noticed another moderator had removed it. I asked why and he said "he probably didnt like it . " The other forum I go to, you can get banned for even discussing a moderator decision ... let alone having a forum where that is done ! I like the way it works here .
  2. Atlantis

    Anyway, it didnt sink into the ocean .... it made a 'shoal of mud' . Of course, if the original Plato writings on Atlantis are in conflict with some ideas being put out here .... I suppose Plato was wrong ?
  3. Atlantis

    A round island ! Now there is a rare beast !
  4. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    When I went and bought my broken down freezer to use as an ice chest ( $10) ... the crazy dude at the white goods recyclers showed me how a fisher and pykel washing machine is set up electronically and how one can extend the central shaft to a wind turbine, make a couple of simple changes, turn the thing sideways and you have a wind generated AC power source.
  5. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    But you, like me, are using mains power ( even though off-peak) to freeze the ice. The fridges mentioned in your link are in areas where there is no electricity, the freezer runs off direct solar, with no electricity ? (my link keeps dropping out to the article ) or are they saying they produce solar power and use that for freezing ? I am very interested in direct solar to fridge .... it must work by focusing the sun's rays onto the heating element of the refrigeration plant ?
  6. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    " As with most technologies, the efficiency of such absorptive refrigeration depends on the degree of engineering (and expense) brought to bear. " ?
  7. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Yes, refrigeration has been one of my issues. A gas one is v.expensive for a good size. I use mains electricity (at the barn) to freeze ice in 4 lt containers and then take it to the cabin ( solar powered) where I have a chest freezer that I converted to an ice chest ... I had used a fridge, but the door on the front allows all the cold to flow out each time it is opened. The freezer has a top lid, so that doesnt happen, also it is inside now and the whole thing gets cold on the outside and helps to keep the cabin cool. In winter when I have the fire on inside, it will go back outside into the cold air.
  8. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Osama bin Laden works in a UFO factory ? ! ?
  9. The Cool Picture Thread

    Dog sled
  10. The opposite of Love is not Hate...

    Probably ... I think your statement of feelings would be more actions than words ..... like grabbing the girl and climbing to the top of Empire State Building and start swatting biplanes
  11. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Why are they saying all these people with heaps of solar panels on their roof are not storing the energy in batteries, but using the grid energy at night ? Are there vast amounts of people in the USA doing that ? Check out from 1.20 W T F ? .... 'This is game changing' The whole point of having panels IMO is so I can have lighting and power at night ! If they are aiming for the large rural market where a lot of solar is generated in Australia .... ummm , yeah, we know how it works and we have batteries now. There is hype about storing power off peak and using it at peak , but that means you are drawing from the grid and have no panels ... or do both . The only other info, a price for one, everything else was vague, no real specs. Hype;
  12. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    sorry I used 'generic you' ... I meant ; But if you are one is not sensible or thrifty and want 'green street cred' admiration ;
  13. Atlantis

    No ... same probs here in my searching ... that 'map' (plate XV) apparently has a a couple of pages of text that goes with it .
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Now this is ROFL
  15. Atlantis

    Michael, that book you are waiting for ... it doesn't happen to be a copy of Kircher's 'Mundus Subterraneus' does it ?
  16. Atlantis

    Because it was your question Lois. You wanted to know why I would not look in the Gulf of Aden for Atlantis. I said why would I ? You said 'because the creator showed me ' I said ' why would I believe that, this is poor evidence.' You said, because I can do miracle. I say , go on then, do one. Now you say ... why should I The answer is ' to convince me to look in the Gulf of Aden can you follow the conversation Lois ? Or are you just talking in circle again ?
  17. Poison the rats or what can anyone suggest.

    Opinions vary, rat poison is designed for mammals , snakes are not mammals ... but ;
  18. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Well ???? Clear it up then ! Dont just sit there in some kind of high-falutin disdain . Show me where Tesla Powerwall gives clear and precise, easy to access info for someone interested in getting one. I checked their sites and got near zilch real info and a bunch of emotive marketing hype. It wasnt until I found that site in my OP that actually showed some spec viability.
  19. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Yes, this battery is great for cars, where compact and lightness are essential .... but a house doesnt need to move around like a car . a sensible thrifty person won't mind their batteries out of sight in a shed or under the house, etc. But if you are not sensible or thrifty and want 'green street cred' admiration ;
  20. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Agreed ! It seems to be a marketing strategy ... this comment was significant ; " Both Tesla and SolarCity are just getting started, trying to get some traction before Tesla's massive $5 billion battery factory begins production next year. That's when the battery market really gets interesting. "
  21. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Wonderful ! A friend visited yesterday, I decided to test it; Me; "have you heard about the new Tesla batteries coming out ?" Her; "Oh yes! They sound great ! " "Okay, what do you actually know about them , how they work, etc . " "Well .... I dont actually know how they work, but apparently it produces its own electricity ... or its extra efficient ... or ... actually, come to think about it ... what do they do again ? " " No, that;s okay, just tell me what you think, I am wondering what their marketing has done to popular opinion. " "Well, .... didnt Tesla design it ? " " Ahhh, no, its a brand name. Their site says that a solar panel powers the battery and you can then use that power at night when the sun isnt out. " Her; From the Powerwall site : " Solar electricity at night - Powerwall stores electricity generated by solar panels during the day and makes it available to your home in the evening. This bridges the gap between peak solar and peak demand, allowing you to use your photons when you need them. " From Origin Energy; " “Origin is providing customers with a simple, no-fuss solution by allowing them to buy their solar system, inverter and battery product from us, have it installed and monitored by us and enjoy the benefits of our post sales service support,” says Origin’s CEO of energy markets, Frank Calabria. " Allowing them to buy Frank Calabria ! ( Isn't that the home of the Mafia ???
  22. Removing Chakras

    But Michael ! Its the Matrix remember ( its so pop nowadays ) - rip out those organs out I say ! Only one way to deal with them I reckon ; Chapter 10 - The 'Evil' Hydra . “Well that IS rather strange. I am wondering what all those heads represent? I know not what in Man has many heads.” Asked Raven “The serpent that is inside man came from the Empyrean and passed through the seven spheres, these are the 7 gifts that Man can have, if he grows and develops properly, they will , in turn awaken in him” “Did you not listen to the Magpies chorus? ‘The forehead of the snake is bright with one immortal star’ and ‘That star upon the serpent's head is called the soul of man.’ “ “Ah yes!” responded Raven, “That eye on the brow that sees in spirit is its head and its tail lies in man’s reproductive organs … its all curled up together but when the snake awakens … and comes up from the depths of the water it must make sure the person is worthy to receive its blessing … “ he thinks a bit more … “ and that connects Man’s sacred creative ability with his inner vision … that’s rather clever … whoever thought of that . I see why it is not shown on the diagram as it is hidden within the body, but the soul, on a higher and more subtle plane sees through that secret eye. But man fears these as well, and some think them evil?” “Some give them more trouble than others, Venus for example and the sexual energy.” Answered the Centaur. “ But consider other parts of the Magpie’s chorus; ‘And kindle at a livelier coal the subtler soul of light. From these soft splendours of a dream I turn, and seek the Self supreme.” And “Lighting her coils with living light, to where the nenuphar sleeps ... All darkness dreams - The thing that is not, only seems. “ “But I am getting a little confused did not Hercules cut the heads off the Hydra in another story, thus defeating her ?” asked Raven. “Hercules!” cried Centaur in disdain. “Hercules’ journey is about Man’s literalist approach, and how his ego opposes lost soul. Of course soul can NEVER be defeated by ego … it may seem to be supressed for a time but like all suppression it resurfaces in different ways and in multiples of itself. Hercules! Bah ! That is one of those myths that shows Man’s wrong approach … so , of course, everyone admires him. “If you remember the story, the thing that happened when Hercules cut off any of the Hydras heads was, firstly, water gushed out … he released the waters of the depths contained within the depths of Man’s psyche. And secondly each neck then grew three heads. This is because when man cannot understand singularity - the Empyrean, firstly manifests in Triplicity; the thing itself and how it manifests in the world of duality, thus the mortals always have lessons in Triplicity; Life – birth & death, Tao – Yin & Yang, Humanity – man & woman and recently electrical charge – positive and negative … and so on …” “And” Raven interrupted, ”on this diagram, on both sides we see that unity, and below are the nine heads, making the ten, and also the first three above, with the 7 below … and I assume those 7 relate to the 7 stars that wander about the sky, unfixed as we seem to be?” “Now you are getting the hang of it.” Centaur told him. “But Man sees these things as bad things as well?” “Ah yes! But Man perceives in duality.” The centaur told him, “ He sees one thing as two things that are separate and then separate men decide which side of duality is reality. So then is Man in conflict; man against man. The man of Wisdom however sees One and all men as one. To some men, and in Man at some times, there is a view that these eyes, or senses, or processes of the One are hindrances. Some have called them ‘sore spots’ and are offended by their various functions. In duality they can be seen as ‘either’ levels through which Men have fallen, and hence are barriers to the One, or stages through which Man can ascend and comprehend the One. But like your parchment and diagrams, they are, of course two sides of the one parchment. If one holds it up to the Light and allows Light to pass through it and illuminate it and that same light strikes one’s eye than the One and one image can be seen.” “But I know many men do not see it like that’ protested raven ‘they live in fear of the forces deep within … many don’t want to look within.” “ I have seen men and women even listening to a story such as this , just the first part, and then declare they want to hear no more – just when they are at the crucial point of having great mysteries revealed to them ! “ “That is true,’ said Centaur, “if the soul is not honored or accepted in the right way , which is according to its nature, it can demand attention, it can morph and twist the images, seeking a form that WILL get attention and it wont give up until it does get some type of attention. This can make some men more afraid and more reluctant to see the soul and forces and unconscious needs within, which in turn morphs the soul into more torturous forms , which of course creates more fear for the man and more torture for the soul …. Until it all ends up in a right mess and Hydra has become the monster instead of the teacher and men are fearful to look below the surface and into the deep water of their psyche. ~ from 'The Raven's tale.' by Nungali.
  23. Fear of the Feminine

    The OP reminds me of a piece I read, post- Victorian British writer, warning of the dangers of English women listening to 'tom-tom drums' when accompanying their husbands to remote areas ( he meant Africa, not Wales and Scotland ) , apparently, their thin veneer of English respectability was likely to be thrown out the window as the insidious and passionate rhythms worked their way into the psyche with he potential of unleashing all sports of uncontrollable 'womanly power' There is a wonderful short novel about this process , the Englishman resisting the influence that is so tempting, then giving in, then having guilt and rejecting , ... accepting, rejecting, accepting ... and getting very confused about the whole thing its called 'Man Friday' - the story of Robinson Crusoe, but this time, instead of being told from the view of British Imperialism, it is told from the view of Friday , this time it is his story , and what a different take on events it is; examining their differences of perception, like, meanin, sexuality, religion, consciousness ... in the most simple of forms. It is a well worth reading and I recommend it it to everybody. - Yes, I can detect a distinct 'feminine ' in Friday's approach , and the way his tribe lives, and a very male perspective from Crusoe and his England. Actually, when Friday show his greatest concern and consideration for 'the sickness of the mind' Crusoe seems to have , it is that very thing that causes the most fear in Crusoe .... finally deciding that Friday is actual the Devil, sent to tempt and lead him into damnation. Also, there is film ;