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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Atlantis

    Oh yeah ... and there is this too If one reads Plato, Kircher's map does not in any way resemble the island-continent Plato describes (which was surrounded on 3 sides by mountains with only 1 side having plains extending to the sea. the triangular shape of the inner plain , etc etc .) Looks like Kircher and the map are debunked too ?
  2. Atlantis

    Sorry but the evidence is tipping the scales right away from what that link is purporting . This is typical of Danny's other vids ( Youtube education ) ... the one on pareidolia is ridiculous . And that forum is sus as well as the whole Donellyean Atlantis idea. As is ufo/tv and similar, and no I am not just pre-judging on the name , as I said before, its due to past experience , and it has been confirmed again. The only reason I looked into it again was due to 'suggestion' (let's call it ) that I was being biased . Michael , could you please supply the details of this early Egyptian map, the temple it came from and the significance of the latitude and or longitude of the sea mount that you earlier referenced and claimed as significant ? Thanks .
  3. Poison the rats or what can anyone suggest.

    She later found it at the bottom of the wall cavity, must have fell out the nest. This weeks count ; neighbour borrowed my live trap; 5 rats in 4 days caught inside the house (that were making noises, coming and going, nesting ) and released. Trap returned ... I got 2 over three days ... still heard one in wall this morning . I dont believe warm weather makes them move outside. On another note, mowing the grass yesterday, it got a bit long, I just missed a clutch of bluish spotted eggs in a little nest in the grass . I didnt mow the area around it and made a little surround and a bit of cover to protect it, I hope the parents come back. What a crazy place to keep eggs, a snake, goanna, other bird anything could get them ... just lying there on the ground. Must be a quail or ' land rail runner ' or something ?
  4. mopai

    note the 'fade in' and note carefully the way the paper was folded and held
  5. Do we live in the matrix?

    You dont even have to go back that far ... here we have pre-agricultural people with that lifestyle up to fairly recent times . War, weapons, domineering groups and individuals, cruelty, a fair bit of what Taomeow described. Going back further ??? Well ....... < shrug > there is this ;
  6. Do we live in the matrix?

    'The brothers' (writers) , they made it good , they stayed on it and flogged the others that tried to make it not as good (like the dickhead Director of Photography ) - they did a swift deal at the beginning with the producers , clever ! Not many people get big mega bucks movie producers over a barrel .... $ 63,000,000 .... that's a significant barrel ! ( I got 0.000571 % of that )
  7. Theosophy

    Yes, there are nuggets of gold amidst some old, out dated and a bit .... let's say 'Victorian consciousness' . There is some interesting history here , yes it did seem a religious manifestation, but it didnt have enough 'meat' even back then, they started loosing people to the more practical and magical groups * so Theosophy tried to have a branch of that to satisfy members ... it didnt really work, although a similar but more fraternal esoteric based group took off better in ' Co-Masonry'. All this represents the original division when HPB departed the western tradition ( like The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor ) and 'went to India' ... the tradition (and HB of L ) evolved into things like the O.T.O. The division remained and created rivalry and still exists somewhat today . 'Two currents' so to speak ... one 'union of the religious with the scientific mind', as you say, the other ... not so much as a religion but using its 'technology' to achieve similar aims ' Scientific Illuminism' ... " The Method of Science, the aim of Religion' ... or 'Magick', as it became known. .... yep , things certainly changed with Besant !
  8. Atlantis

    Kirsher added America (new world) to the map and it showed 6 major rivers that Plato never mentioned and Plato said it was in a rectangle If bhis map was supposed to be the one the Egyptians drew, they were very modern Egyptians ... I would say, after the time of Plato ( but I am waiting for the details and the temple cited on that one ) .
  9. Atlantis

    and actually ... the rest of the thread you posted explains this idea and gives this map and this " But wait it gets better! My artist's eye immediately noticed those aren't "circles" in the island to the north... They are Fibonacci Spirals: " and this which is ridiculous " Quick question. How much did the oceans rise after the last ice age? a) We know that before the last ice age ended britian was effectively connected to the european mainland. b ) We also know that in north america a vast amount of water rushed into the oceans after the glaciers melted. Just a theory but what if atlantis was above water during the last ice age. Once the ice dams broke a tsunami of water destroyed any and all civilizations that lived on these islands. This would explain the story of atlantis getting wiped out in one day. " Whaaaat ??? and the guy with the theory says this " Thank you for your reply. The two guys who made the videos did all the real work. Once I found one of the videos I put weeks into watching them on a big screen and reading up on the map. I only put a few days into getting this thread together. ATS deleted one of the links I put in because it went to another site. But you can still get the jest of what is being shown. Most of the Google Maps attention was drawn to a grid which lay just east of this arrowhead. It was removed from Google Maps because of the uproar. The reason they gave was something like it being only sonar lines and not actual features. ..... Search4atlantis and Danny Whilten. (here is another of Danny's ; ) " I sent Danny an e mail but never heard from him. I sent Hancock and Shock and half a dozen other "experts" e mails too but never heard back from them." bolded bit is a lie. That site or those vids are not a reliable source .
  10. Atlantis

    Oh boy are you gonna luv this Atlantis-Great Meteor Seamount Chain and the Atlantis-Plato-Cruiser-Great Meteor Seamount Group, as you first said about this link you put up " Not that I think it is any evidence ... but it is interesting ." The high point of the mount tested to have formed underwater at between 7Ma and 22Ma I have yet to find any mention anywhere of it ever surfacing although it is now deeper than when it was formed , and that type of sinking takes a long time ... the African plate has to pass beyond the hot spot that formed it Look at this,-28.5697378,85002m/data=!3m1!1e3 now this
  11. Atlantis

    Before I go further though here are some more points about that link and what was said in the post " Mountain [city] in the same place. [This can be seen in video] " IN the video the 'city' is not in or near the sea mount. That is acknowledged (and brushed over as 'some people say ' that this is a city ) in the video, so the poster was not quoting the video correctly , and besides , that city has been debunked now the guy on the video skirted around that and did say he was talking about the mount ... but for some reason he also showed the 'city' ? ? ? Regardless , the poster's point about a city , being one oif the stacking up 'coincidences is eliminated. The other big issue is the google earth image of the seamount does not show the features on the map ... there is some fast footwork there . The Atlantis physical features as described by Plato are compared with the Kircher map and then the Kircher map is xompoared to the google image of the sea mount . The reason the map is drawn like it is is because it is trying to represent Plato's Atlantis (unless proof can be shown of a map that predates Plato's writing ,like this Egyptian one, if it does predate Plato's writing ) . . So there is an obvious similarity. But google image map does not have the features on the map. At this stage however , it does seem to have a similar general outline. So " Coincidence you say? The Location is in the same place, just west of the Pillars of Hercules and in the ocean named after it (okay 1) 5 matching angles and lengths, all in the same place (vaguely yes , but also quiet different , it does look like a generally matching 5 sided shape ... so, okay, 2. ) Arrowhead "nick" in the same place ( he hasnt defined which place and I cant see an 'arrow head nick' , I can see a sort of double curved bay with a peninsular coming out of it and then it goes down to the 'bottom' point , so, still 2 ) Mountain [city] in the same place. [This can be seen in video] ( no way 2 ) 3 river channels in the same place ( I cant see any river chanells on the sea mount, only on the map so 2 ) 2 smaller islands ( okay, as far a stretch as the match seems 3 ) 13 coincidences? ( 3 coincidences ) 3 rivers cannot be seen, and 2 islands are in the wrong spot, though still on the correct side. 13 coincidences out of 18 do not make a coincidence. 13 coincidences equal a fairly accurate representation. " ( he's fudged it ) And this is still analysing the content and logic of the claim ... no 'science' as yet ... and still curious how the road went all the way from Bimini to this location ? . There is more to come
  12. Atlantis

    What 'subsidiary matters' ? No I was bitching that I didnt have to watch that vid as I suspected ! The relevant info, I think is in the posts on that 'top secret' forum where the points of reference similarities are listed ..... yes ? I haven't addressed those yet ( the similarity of undersea feature to the map ) , I said I will be back . This is what I am , not just considering , but finding out the details of that ( which is why I was taking time out before I go on ). Besides I find such a consideration, as you put it, pretty vague. Eg, how much lower ? When did it start sinking, when did it finish, etc . For a start, do you understand how such features, regardless of how they look now, were formed, and the time scale and dates of them ? I am partially informed of that, but I am cross checking to look for latest info . Why mention the ice age at all, unless that is going to be part of your dating to coincide with that piece of land being above the surface ... things like that .... .... sorry, I am an analist .... I mean analyst Okay , I missed something there . can I please have the reference for this ,as it sounds like you are referring to something I should have seen ? If not and this is a new one .... but I will wait, maybe I did miss it or its in another video or text ? Hang on .... let's do some background research first ? If it can be understood then the money is saved, if it cant then you have extra info for getting someone to finance your expedition . If I had not found what you presented interesting ( those comparison points from feature to map ) I would not be doing this . PS. I just found out that this feature is one of the most surveyed and explored of many of them " is one of the most completely investigated seamounts in the world " ... some companies offer dive tours there maybe Arnie is too full on ? ... I shall return
  13. Atlantis

    Oh dear the first few minutes was that guy on the vid reaing a Wiki article about Kicher . Then ha says "This is the guy you want to go to to know something about Egypt" . ( 1.40 ) . Ummmm .... no, There has been a wealth of information about Egypt since then , he is not the person to go to find out something about Egypt . unless you live in mid 1600s . I am assuming I dont have to elaborate on why ? Then he says if you want to know about something go to the jesuits and the catholic church "This guy knew what was going on" ??? He says that Kirches map was "A map of Atlantis according to the Ancient Egyptian maps ." What anceint Egyptian maps ? Without referencing them, this is just s statement . I would love to see these ancient Egyptian maps of Atlantis , if you can help me out here . All I could find was these or the "maps taken from Egypt by the Romasn at 30 bc" . Next follows some time explaining how the map is upside down .... errrm ... obvious ! Then there is the scale . Dude says he believes it isnt to scale . he says thats point 1 (I would call it fudge 3 ,,, but anyway, to continue .. @ 7.09 he shows fracture patterns on the sea floor and says it looks like a city that used to be there ??? Even though it isnt on the 'island' of Atlantis' . Then follows several minutes of rehashing what he already said . Actually, the whole vid can be summed up from 9.00 to 9.10 ! Michael ! You could have just referred me to the map, to the location on google earth and said, "How do I explain that feature " ".
  14. Atlantis

    ooops ... you mean the one under it . If I watch all that video ( I watched a bit and read the posts ) will you also read posts from a site that I can link to ?
  15. Atlantis

    Ah ... the old Donelly caper As far as Thoth being an Atlantean ... what can I say ... we have entered the realm of 'belief' . I tried ; blank screen with 'This video does not exist' pasted across it. However , can we just discuss that undersea formation anyway ? and the viability of building a road from Bimini to that location ( since that is where the road is supposed to go to - or has that changed now ? )
  16. Atlantis

    Thats right Marbles !
  17. Poison the rats or what can anyone suggest.

    you do realise that sound will attract other snakes
  18. Music modem

    I remember some conspiracy dude going on about Rhiannon too .
  19. Atlantis

    Surely you can answer my two questions without having to stall to find your books ? 1. What is your view on what Atlantis was ( or is ) ? ... I mean , just your own view , you shouldn't need books for that ... unless you are reforming your view ? 2. Are you claiming the map you posted is representative of some land that was in that location ? You might need a wide range of geological areas and oceanic research to cover all the locations ( I hope you are not wasting good money on bad books , I have read a few papers on geology and oceanography purporting to prove a lost continent ... they show some evidence of them .... millions of years ago . Then their proponents go on a tangent of trying to argue for long lost civilisations that were entirely obliterated so no trace was left ... and so on . )
  20. Music modem

    Ohhhh , I see <goes off satisfied now that everything is explained .
  21. Do we live in the matrix?

    I lived 'in the matrix' for 9 months . 10 hrs a day, 5 days a week ... mostly at Fox Studios Sydney and on locations. It makes me smile when people give that movie some reality value. Its become a new internut paradigm. Whether that is what is happening in this poll or not is hard to tell, as ' the Matrix' is undefined here . But yes, 'reality' can be confusing .... especially when you cant see the wires
  22. Moderation on TDBs

    Come on man .... you the messenger boy ! Self appointed is it ?
  23. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Ah its settled ... your vid wasnt a UFO at all It was a UFM
  24. Atlantis

    I won't go off on a tangent about Cayce ... I dont see him or his methods as a valid source for investigating any reality about Atlantis ... already there is a big issue about his prophecy about Atlantis. I would rather concentrate on real evidence for or against Atlantis and not someone's dream visions. Many people believe he was exposed as a fake. I dont see how such a psychic can be counted as a reasonable reference. I am sure we will disagree on this point, however, I will offer the following; The other side doesnt seem to offer much ; Yes, he may have done some healing and discovered some methods but his critics have some solid evidence against him . The way I look at this is similar to Steiner , I follow some of his agricultural stuff, and some of his educational theories are good .... but he is also an Atlantis believer , and because I have realised that is a crock of crap, I have no need to swallow the whole concoction of 'Steinerism' . These 'post Victorian' trance occultists 'saw' many similar things ... you know, we can track down the start of this phenomena and who started it ... the same way as we can track the 'Flying Saucer' phenomena . A good occultists IMO should not swallow hook line and sinker ... but investigate and update with the latests findings and research. Unless one is into retro occultism as a hobby or fashion ... I am into it as a curiosity ... but not as a part of my system. Not quite my opinions about Edgar Casey , A.R.E. , UFO/TV and other things were not formed before my experience of them, but after seeing what they put out .... also 'History' Chanel , Ancient Aliens ... etc . I did ' depreciate it a prior' because of my experience with those sources , but still, I went back, and looked and 'did my homework' as you said, didnt I ... and still I found the same old stuff, the fudging of the evidence, the wrong info, etc . This keeps happening ... after a while one gets tired of these badly researched but somehow popular for the masses sources. As I said, I prefer text, with notes and references to check up on. Funny ! But in this conversation, I represent the 'scientist' and the 'evidence based approach using the latest technology and learning' .... and the bishop donging the ' unbiased observer' on the head would be ..... ? Okay, best of luck next time you fly on a plane, drive a car, use your computer, turn on a power point .... Of course, that is the way science works ... as new research reveals new info the map is redrawn . What, we are supposed to stay frozen in some old scientific era ? That's a silly way to look at it and that is not at all how it works .... and I suspect you realise this . One thing, just one thing I will say here. I am not, nor is 'science' looking at some latests 'doctrine' or latest finding about the Bimini 'road' to decide whether Atlantis was out there in the Atlantic (and boy, would that have been some long road ! ) ... there are a whole range of other sciences to prove or disprove a continent or large island there ... like geology, the history laid down on the ocean floor, plate tectonics , etc etc . Another example is, I am interested in the PIE homelands as described in the Avesta ... I can come to no real conclusion on it as there is scant archaeological evidence for it . I have a romantic attachment to the idea, but 'scripture ' ( Avestas) isnt a real record. That evidence may arise in the future and then my romantic notions may have some validity. What is wrong with the development of ideas in this way ? Do you really think I am adopting the 'decal image of the latest doctrine' due to some prejudices I have ? Thats your perogative .... I think one would have to be clear on what is causing and motivating one's 'intuition' to give that, alone, precedence outside of 'empirical findings' . No, not generally, its just that early in my investigations into the occult and similar realms I hit upon the idea of 'scientific illuminism' using the principles of science to investigate occultism, instead of just believing what appeals to one, for whatever reason that may be ... its about getting a clear view, relatively removed from ones hopes and beliefs ... like that guy in your cartoon A new discovery like that, will of course lead to an expanded view on our history ... that is a very safe 'prophetic' bet .... I mean , that's already happened ! prophesy ... you're funny Great ! First up, can you answer my question above about the map of Atlantis you posted ; Are you claiming it represents some physical land in that location ? Just to be clear I will state my position on Atlantis ... its pretty much what the wiki article says, and what empirical findings show; " Atlantis is a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias, where it represents the antagonist naval power that besieges "Ancient Athens", the pseudo-historic embodiment of Plato's ideal state (see The Republic). In the story, Athens was able to repel the Atlantean attack, unlike any other nation of the (western) known world, supposedly giving testament to the superiority of Plato's concept of a state. " What is you view on what Atlantis was ( or is ) ?
  25. Atlantis

    You 'live in' Miss Switzerland ? .... ummmm .... well, good luck to you, I suppose . Dont you occasionally have to go to work or visit the relatives or something ? Oh , I live next door in 'Austria' .... One can get that from reading Plato .... oh, excuse me , for a moment there I thought people might actually go to the real source material ... silly me ! Our 'Russian Host' by the way was just trying to suck us into playing some on line find the treasure chest game and using Atlantis as a con .... a lot of people use Atlantis as a con General and vague comment. I want to know what the relevance of the map is to you and your theory about Atlantis. Are you suggesting that the map shows the size and location of Atlantis in reality that it was a real country and continent, or big island and it 'sunk beneath the waves' in that location. I just want to get this clear before I go on with this bit. ( I mean just putting a pic up and then a map, without detailing how it supports your argument, or what your argument is, seems a bit .... 'open' )