
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Here is a a typical internet discussion tactic ... you chopped the end of the sentence off to make it seem like I was saying something else . " I will post the evidence of it, as I have many times . "
  2. Try reading it as past tense , with a future tense as a possibility , and with what I just posted above , also a present tense . Clutching at straws again Daniel . or do you really want me to collate all the past evidence and re post it here ? Nah, besides its on record already and very clear to see . And when I have before you merely chose to ignore it or argue against what it wasnt saying and using all the usual 'internet forum discussion tricks ' ... you want to drag all that up again and do it over again ? if so I have to ask what is wrong with you ? I guess, as you admitted earlier that you find this 'fun' ?
  3. Of course Which is why when I SAID what I did about the pentagram ring seal, I posted the original source reference material I got the info from . YOU DID NOT
  4. Any sensible converse with you is useless . You quote me saying I have posted it many times , then you say " Go on then "
  5. Enlightenment - what is it?

    To understand something in a process that also seems to give some type of internalized 'light' and changes the previous 'mind-set' .
  6. Baby bandicoot ... here, have a handfull of 'em 'Snuffalugs' :
  7. But but ... its cold, and the sun is just up so I am still sitting up in bed . Soon it will be shining in the yard and I will go out and find a warm sunny spot . Then ... on to 'productive shit ' . Friend is coming around with his chainsaw and I am cutting further into the mess up the back ( a mass of downed trees and tangle , over the years I have worked well into it, re established native forest and grasses , got a secret little forest glen up there . next I will go and mow more of our festival site - 'Lovefest' is on again this year in spring . Then gonna cut a heap of bamboo and make a Japanese style fence around a new veggie garden strip I have in the paddock ; got Russian black tomatoes and mixed heirloom capsicum to plant , when it gets warmer I am going to put in a crop of .... you probably know these ....tomartillos Y U M
  8. I am not doing it to help[him . I think he needs exposing . He cruises certain forums like the esoteric and Buddhist ones , which he seems to have a beef against , his post record and subject matter speak for itself there . One assumes he devalues them due to his personal 'organized religion' beliefs .. and he appears to want others to think the same way . He supports people that got banned and even caused enragement to the site owner . He cuddles up to them and says psychosis is a common reaction to those that get involved in the occult . yet how is that common if its just the same crazy guy under different names saying the same thing ; its not 4 people with the same adverse reaction ... its one crazy guy pretending to be multiple people . I know you , by now, have come to certain realizations about him , so this isnt about that , its to clear up the idea I want to help him ... he is beyond that .... way beyond it !
  9. I will not only say it, I will post the evidence of it, as I have many times .
  10. My dog is called Sir Darius Sourdough III . It is tricky to call him .
  11. Nah, the reason I call you out as a liar is that you lie . As usual you cant quote the post where you claim I said things .
  12. If I come and live there I shall DEMAND to be your God ! Everyone will have to bow down and worship me and tremble before me . Thou shalt fear me ! For breakfast I want fried kidney fat and the forequarter of an ox . Do you have a 'first born' ? I got plans for them ! You will have to get rid of those other Gods and false beliefs too .... burn those books and scrolls . Actually, I like the look of that park over there . Go and kill everyone ..... errm , I mean , go and smite those that live there and I shall give it to your family . And if you dont do what I demand , boy am I gonna punish you .... bad luck, afflictions, law suits .... you name it and after all that I wanna hear you say what a great guy I am . You can affirm that by making everything I need out of gem encrusted gold ... I dont care how you get that .
  13. Here is the weird thing . He got banned for that and it was not very bad . But if you are a psychotic Nazi type of sentiment that has misinterpreted text and puts that up here as some valid interpretation, and also gives out 'advice' and also admits they are psychotic, need help, have done drastic stuff to themselves , then get screamed at to get out by the site owner ( complete with an angry screaming face posted alongside his comment) due to such Nazi like 'sentiments' . They can come back as long as they change ID and name . And do it all over again , and again. WTF ? I pointed this out ages ago and got near modded myself . And when asking for answers on that here THE mod at the time stated , which I was dumbstruck by ( for a while ) , that posters that sneak back in like that will be watched with a closer eye . I posted my take on that ; a minor infraction gets a perma-ban but if you get banned and sneak back in ''' we will have our eye on you !" - but you will be able to get away with that ? Then I got warned for joining in in criticizing this Mod ... then ranks closed quicker than the Catholic Church . That started somewhat of a trend , at least with that poster . And where is that mod now ? I see this at home on the commune ; people made bad and ill informed changes , years back and they still cause problems and those people left years ago . For some weird reason SOME people (or person ) support these ( this ) poster .. who knows what their motive is .... to try and show the esoteric causes craziness ? Errrm, so does organized religion ! - it depends on whether or not the person has a mentally unstable proclivity ! For a while now , in my perception, moderation seems to be more 'Daoist' , letting things 'sort themselves out ' with a gentle 'guidance' when necessary ' and that seems to be working well. So congrats on that , but such 'action by inaction' doesnt address the casualties of the past . So I would say , let Gendao back ... and if he isnt allowed or invited back , just tell him to sneak back in, as that still seems to be condoned action .
  14. Very unpopular opinions

    What ? It is ? Jeeze I am glad I dont know about that . Latest unpopular joke ; For sale on eBay ; bits of Donald Trump's ear . Coby !
  15. Right ... it never happened . Another 'Danielism' . What WAS stated (before Daniel 'reinterpreted' it ; Like I keep saying Daniel , you make a claim ... well then, show it by quoting the direct words ... instead of your version of what supposedly occurred, in your changed words
  16. So I am continually told . I am already VERY happy . I already have a beautiful rustic cabin in the woods . I have plenty of fun here on the commune . Got all that . Mountains, valleys, our property is bordered by a pristine river to the north , and 15 drive away is UNESCO world heritage area . I choose not to be in the presence of your smell . I take care of myself . I am already retired. I dont want to spend any time with you. I get as much private time as I want . People already respect my space and privacy ... due to my 'skills' and reputation in self defence empty handed and multiple weapons . I already have a selection of people to be friends with ; young and my age , male and female and lots of friendly wildlife . You will not prolong anyone's suffering .... if you move along now . I think you better find your love 'needs' elsewhere ' . Its not a good look to hit on what you think is a dog ! As usual, that makes no sense , unless you make your wife sleep in a kennel ? Or maybe you meant in the day time ? Regardless ... DUDE ! I am not going to sleep with your wife ! Thats sick , if you are talking about pets , treating them like children is detrimental to them , they are not children ! Perhaps talk to a reputable animal trainer . I already have whatever sort of food I want ; access to good clean seafood; lots of organic veggie gardens , over 250 varieties of exotic and native fruits, nearby trout hatchery and smoke house , local butcher has local organic produce from the local area : which is also a good potato growing area, nearby , sheep and pigs are raised . being an ex -chef , working in the film industry , where the highest level of munchiness was required , I am more than capable of cooking for myself , and dinner guests . I have pristine beaches to visit . A girl friend who is a masseur and specialises in native herbal medicines , another one that provides honey and health products to me for free . I dont need transport anywhere, I got my own ; a retro classic car and retro classic motorcycle . Also I dont have bills, I generate my own electricity and have $00.00 debt . I also have a healthy and satisfied psychology and unconfused emotions . So, why on earth do you think YOU could give me anything I wanted ? I want something .... I go and get it myself . The above might also supply a part answer to your ridiculous tantrum you threw a few days back , demanding to know where my practice of Magick ever got me . Also I I'm not a masochist .
  17. ... and has self generated some idea that gebdao might be a threat to Jews ( and seems to think people dont like him because he is a Jew or 'not human' or some other stuff he made up himself, that is no where in what was stated . ) Its like this ; there was a Mexican guy at work, that was hopeless, incompetent, an idiot , inconsiderate and caused trou8ble for the whole crew . he would say to me ' Dont come down on me because I am Mexican .' I would reply ; " Its not because you are Mexican , its all the other stuff "
  18. COBY ! Daniel is talking about the current political crisis in the wrong forum again !
  19. Then use this handy reference chart ;
  20. Yeah .... cool bonkers are ..... cool . But I prefer inspired bonkers !
  21. So, you would have a conversation here with a person that isnt here on the forum through a person that is so you can 'put them right ' ... wherever they are ? Hey Kakapo , you can start like this : " Hi Gendao , I know you have nothing to do with Daobums anymore but there is a Jewish guy there that wants to know what you think of ( even though he has nothing to do with you ) ' Jews not being human either ' ( even though you or I never suggested that in the first place ) . And he requests you speak to yourself ( even though you have never spoken to him ) . So, if you do come back, that is what you can expect , this guy putting words in your mouth you or I never said , then he will go on a continual stalking harassment of you with a denial ( 'Daniel Denial ' ) that he never said that in the first place . Whats that ? You dont want to come back now ? "
  22. Yes O Daniel , what do you want ? Praying to me again ? It seems to go like this : flattery, flattery, flattery ... then ask for something . We realized that some time back .... "Hey everyone , look! There is a really handsome guy under the water over here ! "