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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Who or what is "satan"?

    And selectively exclduing and insluding snippets for response is rather telling ....
  2. Who or what is "satan"?

    And Jehovah condones it ! In more than one example .
  3. Aboriginal storytelling

  4. Who or what is "satan"?

    But why use the rape example ? There are many crimes one could use to show the difference between objective and subjective 'good and evil' . Many a person here ascribes to the view point that evil is a human subjective value and there is no 'objective good or evil ' . We might care if someone steals a small amount of money from us .... not many other people will nor will 'the Universe' or any thing else 'not human ' . Upscale the crime (say, to murder ) and that is harder to understand . To ' force your view' ( on some crime being objective ) by using a bad, oppressive and emotive crime , to garner sympathy for your cause ... whatever that is ! - is an old trick in the objective / subjective good and evil debate . Its a BAD crime, it should not be done but beyond human perceptions ( real objectivity ) it is not good or bad - those judgements exist in our minds and cultures ... and they vary from culture to culture and time and place within each culture . Its been debated many times here . There ! Now you can point the tainted 'what about rape' finger at me ! The weird thing is , you yourself claim this non subjectivity for all sorts of evil that their 'God' wanted the Jews to do ! - according to your 'God is everything and all, even Satan, no evil' philosophy .
  5. Stranger things

    Thanks . As a very young lad, reading about this event started me off on a lifetime of reading about .... " What the hell happened here ! "
  6. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    sometimes we should think twice before we put one thing next to another Need helping finding fecal transplant donor (USA) Topic was moved to forum Healthy Bums
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    Its a tactic to try and shut you down . It was a passing reference and brief comment NOT a political discussion . I often wonder 'what's up with Cobie ... DUDES didnt you see the rape stuff NaturaNaturans just got dumped with . The 'passive aggressive' 'masked avenger' strikes again !
  8. Who or what is "satan"?

    Thats how he works ..... HE brings rape into it ! The OT is full of rape accounts and men who turn a blind eye to it ... 'good men in the eyes of God' . But let's not forget God is also the Devil and not evil And then they put the foreskins on their fingers like wedding rings and danced down the streets singing . Evil? Devil Bad ? To many the OT is FULL of weird psychotic behavior ; Fathers about to sacrifice their sons to some patriarchal deity ( to be stopped by an angel ... 'we just wanted to see if you where going to do it .') fathers throwing 'their' women out the house into the street to be gang raped by a mob of men ( then chopping their dead body up into bits and posting it to their relatives - hey ... its 'symbolic' ! ) 200 foreskins for a dowry , 1000s killed , by their own people in religious / ethnic 'cleansing' ( way to get a 'monotheistic government ; do what you are told ... God says so ! ) .... just kill anyone not in your political/religious clan , then you can claim origins going back before Zoroastrianism . All just following 'the will of God' . Its just so weird .... I have Jewish friends and they are NOTHING like this , they acknowledge it for what it actually is ... and there is no problem between us (one has difficulty understanding some of our cultural concepts I am as brutally honest about my own culture as well ...... when it is based on brutality )
  9. Who or what is "satan"?

    Load of rubbish Daniel . Why create such divisions within your imagined Jewishness being separate from everything else . There are plenty of Jewish academics, highly acclaimed and intelligent ... or are you 'not counting' Jewish academia' in your little anti-semtic tirade here ? I have heard Rabbi's talk on and show evidence about what YOU deny here (without evidence at all ! ) ... I suppose some Jewish academics and Rabbis are valid and others are not .... Hmmmmmm ??????
  10. Who or what is "satan"?

    He isnt the only one . It was a bit popular with the post Victorian occultists , when they crossed over into Yoga ; eg. It even made it into some initiation rituals .
  11. Who or what is "satan"?

    I never knew why that book was included in NT ? I mean, we dont even know who wrote it .
  12. Who or what is "satan"?

    Satan ....... for when things go 'negative' ;
  13. Who or what is "satan"?

    It must be Daniel's personal Satan then .
  14. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    So THAT is why Buddha is laughing ! Who could blame him .
  15. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Yes .... but it has not stopped the bigger children playing with the bigger matches
  16. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    So some just give it a symbol and accept that 'it is ' . Eg.
  17. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    The main money making, rip off, pompous git of all time was a woman . The book has been translated into 50 languages and has sold over 30 million copies.[11] Due partly to an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the book and film had grossed $300 million in sales by 2009 Then they made a film of it ; a 2006 Australian-American spirituality documentary consisting of a series of interviews designed to demonstrate the New Thought "law of attraction", The estimated domestic DVD sales in the US in 2007 exceed $56 million, and eventually topped $65 million
  18. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Errrmmmm ... but then that takes away the fun of ' oath penalties ' ... " And if I tell anyone else , I give permission to the Lord of this Universe to tie my testicles around my neck like a bow tie .... while hanging tied beneath a bridge and suspended by one leg "
  19. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    It depends... mostly their culture and land has been devastated but some isolated people preserved large portions of it until recently ( we have photographs of 'first contact ' . Aunty P , I am guessing is, about 75 so her story about 60 years back . My teacher is a recent example he was teaching boys to be men and culture fairly recently - 20 -30 ya which involved them having to 'graduate by putting it all into practice - going off into wilderness naked, with nothing, and surviving for a few months and then coming back . Only a few years back another man ( sort of a 'sidekick' or 'right hand man' to my teacher ) was challenged on this by some other aboriginals ( who had lost such skills ) ; he got angry, told them to sit on the spot and wait , stripped off his clothes in front of them and went off . Some time later he came back and dumped some fish eels and turtles at their feet and scolded them : There is your dinner , now don't you tell me I am not a 'real Aboriginal ' . One of the others asked where the turtle came from . " The turtle hole in the river ! " The other said , bullshit as there are no more turtles there . " Not for you .... because you dont know how to catch them ." he was asked how then did he catch them . " Dont you even know how to catch a turtle ? You sing the turtle song, they come up and poke their heads out the water and you snatch them by the neck . " Sometimes the 'culture clash ' can be 'amusing' ; 'the boys' when living on 'the mish ' ( mission - a place used to incarcerate Aboriginals that has become 'Aboriginal housing estate' ) backed on to large wilderness areas . They would jump the fence . strip off and grab their stuff hidden in the bushes ( lap-lap, spears , etc ) and take off and 'go Aboriginal' for a while . This wilderness area has some roads and walking tracks through it and is popular tourist destination and has some picnic areas and facilities . They said they like to raid them ; jump out the bushes , yell out some lingo, brandish spears and then take the picnic lunch .... I called it 'Yogi Bearing' ... " You guys been Yogi bearing again ?" They said they like Japanese tourists the best, the get really scared and think we are real wild Aboriginals another commented " I like their sushi stuff ." - I can imagine them going back to town and reporting it to the local police ; " No, not joking ... real Aboriginal , they had spears .... they stole my lunch ." Modern survival skills I suppose . Of course there are many places and a lot of people that have lost all this, living it hard amongst the decay that 'civilization' can generate and trap them in . Its virtually impossible to live the old life anymore though ... here is a great example of that ;
  20. Your all time favorite books

    Man Friday The story of Robinson Crusoe But this time, from Friday's perspective ! Its a film as well ;
  21. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    If you acknowledge this is about the 4th time I have told you . Then you shwould not need to review them .
  22. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    They are all different due to the issue that there where hundreds of different cultures here before colonization ; everything from ; the traditional 'scary nasty fellow ' , old school , traditional 'bone pointers' . Ones with a better reputation and some kind and benevolent . They know 'magic' - in the traditional sense , they are also known as 'clever men' , meaning 'magic knowledge' but also 'clever' in the other sense - relating to application of that knowledge They are usually associated with 'Law' , doubling as the role of 'tribal police man' - renown for tracking and hunting down the guilty , yet remaining 'invisible' themselves ' feather foot ' ( and the associated 'skills' that go with that ) . They seem to have a special, deeper or stronger connection with their totem ; all people have a totem and that goes with certain environmental responsibilities associated with it ; they sometimes seem as one of those animals they have as totem , in some way . But I have never heard them say they can transform into that animal , that's Kadiacha talk ! Of course, the process of all this is highly secret ... how one would become one . Sometimes the lines go way back . My teacher, for example, holds his position ( he would be seen as a 'kadaicha' and also is a tribal policeman , cultural teacher, initiator, elder and sacred site guardian ) party due to being a 7th son of a 7th son , and other things . So its varied and complex and there is a lot more to it . Here is a story from two senior elders told to me in private a few years back . Auntie P. is very interesting as she never saw a white person until she was around 10 years old ; dad worked for a farmer on a huge spread and he had a workers hut way 'up back' out in the wilderness , where the family lived . They stayed there and mum would hid the little kids if a white man came ( because they used to take their kids off them and take them away) . Similar families lived around there , sort of half integrated . It was in this hut that the story came from , via Aunty P and Uncle L ( Bundjalung people ) 'This bad Kadaicha came to area ... Oooo bad fellah . Our one was away , down the coast , special business . So this one was mucking up , he was nasty , he stole a little girl and took her up to his camp at the base of the mountain in the hills . You could hear her crying, it was terrible. So one of our big fellahs went up there . He only just made it back , he was beat up bad . So then three men armed with spears and clubs went up there . They got a terrible hiding all three of them , beat up bad . So we sent a message to our Kadiacha who was away down the coast . 'Next day he turns up at our cabin, dont know how . He was angry ! All painted up for war , I was scared of him, He looked terrible . He said only this : " Where is he ? " I told him and he went off up the back hill . Then a big fight started, we could hear them ! Then thunder started and lightening ... they flew up into the air and where fighting in the sky , throwing thunder and lightening at each other ! Then ... all quiet . Long time, too quiet . By then we where all hiding under the bed , kids Mum and and Dad , we where so scared and then bam bam bam ! On the door . dad had to go to the door ... we didnt know if it was our guy or the bad one, come to get us for telling where he was . dad went over to the door and opened it . It was our kadaicha ... we where so relieved , he was covered in blood . He told us : 'That fellah, he bad kadaicha ... but he won't be giving anyone any trouble any more.' And he turned round and walked away .' Some are very nice helpful people, of course
  23. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Oh .... and 'these communities' is pretty vague and all encompassing , they are not all the same , the variety reflects the variety of purpose and knowledge . Unless you meant 'overall' - through location and time , as a human dynamic , then I can give you an overall purpose ; 'anthropologically' .
  24. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Certainly ! Anyone can ask .
  25. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Should that not be ; I can tell you but if you tell anyone else ..... then I would have to kill you . - as is the nature of 'secrets'