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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Is the earth round/spherical?

    No, even he cant help you now .
  2. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Ha ! both of those links show a spherical solid earth !
  3. Is the earth round/spherical?

    True ... we do all we can to stop them from this end ; A while back a group of women here where going to a south pole expedition .... no, they were not experienced , but they had trained pulling a harness with old car tyres attached up and down a football field . And a lot of hootin about how women can do anything . It finally got 'cancelled'. Besides .... you silly duffers ! :
  4. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Errr what ??? You did say north or south pole ... I chose south ... I didnt realise north or south pole excluded the south pole . Silly me ! I guess that is a one up for the flat earthers
  5. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Could be ... .. could be flapjacks too ... you gotta watch out for them . Here is an idea ... why dont you look up what the reason actually is ... instead of relying on all your 'could be s ' ?
  6. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Hey Taomeow , Are you going to address my criticism of your idea about the earth morphing into a top shape .... ,,, or just ignore that one and hope it will go away ?
  7. Is the earth round/spherical?

    You build it ? ? ? Why .... so when it gets to the south pole, after negotiating the 320 kph winds , and the 2 meter visability you will be able to ........ ? ? ? I agree, it is kinda strange that you heard that ... even stranger that , for some reason, you decided to believe that instead of doing a quick google search . This one explains the different orbits and why they follow the paths they do ;
  8. Is the earth round/spherical?

    NO ! really ? Well, then, that settles it. Now I suspicious of all the oil , gas and mining companies that have just changed their mind here too . And here I was thinking it had to do with the Chinese economy slowing down ! When actually it suggests .... .... hang on ... what does that suggest ? 'The government doesnt want them there ' .... the north pole is hollow ..... the earth might be flat after all ...
  9. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Seems this thread is about just saying crazy stuff then explaining it with red herrings and wild postulations and statements that seem to need acceptance on face value. You ! You stop messing up things with facts ! I think Moonninight means they dont want him there ... or others like him. There is already enough trash to remove without having to pick up all their bodies and ship them home .
  10. How do you most often feel?

    Oh... love ambush isnt that bad .
  11. How do you most often feel?

    Oh no ... it feels wretched ! . After many long years and all sorts of ups and downs ... I can honestly say that I have finally settled and what I said above is true . .... its true ! ; Psycho active drugs, meditations, techniques, rituals are all steps , indications and transitory. I am just 'in' that state most of time now. I still complain for a hobby though .... but underneath any superficial quafuffle , those things have bedded in. Persistent practices can accumulate and gain mass and momentum over years ... I am glad I persevered. Living in a great place helps, with a high level of freedom. But that isnt they key ... as 'we people ' are strange critters ; eg,. this is a fantastic place, really we are all affluent, and live an amazing lifestyle here, also its a holiday destination; beaches rivers mountains, pristine world heritage areas, nature, mod cons, clean environment ... yet the local pharmacy has the highest distribution per population of anti-depressants in the state ! So maybe it is my level of contended happiness that helps me to appreciate what I have ... more than those things bringing happiness themselves ... when people here carry on about their 'suffering' I want to send them on a 'holiday' to Calcutta ! Then , when I would go and visit aboriginal friends, we would be sitting in the dirt in a gunya made from old tin, branches and tarps ... and they have the same inner attitude and happiness; < one of them gestures over the scrubby bush , to the horziron, the sky and over the river > " We got all this ! Who wouldn't be happy ! " Yes, I think I found the 'secret' . (ps , maybe it also comes from being immanently close to death a few times and then , later .... 'My God! I am still alive ! " ... and also seeing some bad death blood and destruction personally ... sometimes daily ... that is , after the bad 'after taste' finally left my psyche. ) Take car people !
  12. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Because they dont want you to see them morphing into this shape :
  13. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Whaaat ! ? Hipparchus was around late enough to compare old manuscripts and observations with current ones ... he didnt go 'off planet' or speed or slow up his vision. And if that isnt what you mean .... I dont see why you introduced the two concepts together . And any such 'time vision' or precession doesnt turn the earth into a spinning top shape ? Thats absurd - unless you postulate that the 'top' in question is already 'round / spherical' shaped. ... I mean ... I do like the casual adamancy of your above assertion .... bu it doesnt make the post sensible or correct . (ETA ; unless you meant to say .... you would see the earth wobbling like a spinning top does as it slows down ? ) That is is really stretching an analogy ! How does what you say explain why the mast of a ship is the last thing one sees as it passes below (as they say - for a reason ) the horizon .... (actually, why would we even have such an horizon if the earth was flat ! ) ? Sorta. I define that a bit more accurately ... the question is what defines 'human reality' Now that changes over time . The recent definitions are pretty different from the old ones, which collectively, have been around much much longer . One problem is , much of the collective human experience , doesnt fit into modern definitions of 'reality' . 'Confusing the planes' , that's where a lot of the problems lie.
  14. How do you most often feel?

    Oh ... thats looking down on people a bit isnt it ? I replaced compassion for ' amusement '
  15. How do you most often feel?

    these ones you listed many more negs than pos ?
  16. Is the earth round/spherical?

    like a big snowflake
  17. Is the earth round/spherical?

    The earth may be flat and history may not have happened . next week ... how to play the flute ; blow in one end and move your fingers up and down the outside.
  18. Poison the rats or what can anyone suggest.

    I love those moments of rat free ed ness . Now that its quiet you can enjoy some light reading ;
  19. Poison the rats or what can anyone suggest.

    That doesnt actually work .... what works better is attaching a house brick to its collar
  20. Poison the rats or what can anyone suggest.

    Welcome to ratsville . We had a long rat thread running here somewhere , it became amusing. I have lived with the little buggers for over 20 years , on and off. I will share my rat gnosis with you. Bush rats - get rid of em! Antichinus are not as bad. I have a 'deal 'with them ; any food inside is rat proofed, so dont bother, I throw stuff outside for you guys and create habitats ... if you come in here, eat cockroaches then leave. If you start rustling around inside I will set a live trap for you and you will be removed to the other side of the river. If you persist then the snap trap comes out. If you still resist then I will out poison. In 20 years I have never found another dead animal that looks as if it ate a poisoned rat. Some might think that is cruel, but I have also let nature 'take care of it ' - put a large python under the lounge or in the cupboard ..... that must be a horrible way to go ! I have watched the process - ugh! When the rats go quiet from your ratgong , that means they know you are aware of them ... try it ; focus your awareness and hearing and zone in on where the rat is and they instantly go silent .... de-focus and put your awareness somewhere else and they will start up again. At first they are not much bother ... then they breed ... and breed .... you dont get them under control, before you know it they will be running across your face at night and eventually biting your earlobes and other tasty bits. I dont know about you, but for me that is not on ! Smart little buggers too ( thats why they use them in science experiments ) - rule 1 of removing a rat ; you have to be smarter than a rat is . And in my experience, not many people are, the rat outsmarts them. They can safely set off a trap then eat the bait. One has to constantly change trap types, baits location . I have noticed that, at first sign of one, if I attack smash and loudly wack and scream the walls they might instantly bolt and not return ... but I have a solid wood cabin, exposed rafters, poles and wooden board interiors, plasterboard wont handle that .... but I often wonder what the neighbors think ... sometimes it sets the dogs off across the river . I won't have a cat either - for the same reason . I used to wake up here to the sound of lyrebirds ... not anymore . Its good when the snakes come in, I much prefer them , but they eat one rat and sleep for a week . Pet house ferret ? IN many cases an antichinus will eat other rats ... I used to hear them chasing them in the roof, catch . squeal .... crunch crunch ( bones being eaten ) ... once I had a dead mouse in a trap and it looked really weird , on closer inspection I saw that ( probably from an antichinus) its skull crown had been removed and the brains eaten out viscous little buggers
  21. What is the answer to the universe?

    Remote viewing ? Fine . Remote view the objects on another posters deck and post the results here .
  22. What is the answer to the universe?

    Come on now .... baby grows up on 'other side ' ? How much ... what is the best age to stop growing ? What if we are very old, do we get younger ? Or is there some range that is best for the other side 20 - 40 ... or is everyone 22 years old ... hang on, too young .... 27 ? Nah ... how about this ; nine out of 10 mediums recommend a settling age of 33 for the 'other side' ? Now, with astral projection ... especially one that claims to see some reality 'here' like their own body, is easy to test, just pre arrange to travel to a poster's location and list what is on their desk and post it here for us to see and regardless , then we will have evidence (instead of just claims ) - regardless of whether in the 7th dimension, the 3rd dimension or even ....
  23. Nikola Tesla Interview

    and I am glad I jumped straight to post no 2 no offense Moonitnight ... but after a long string of you quoting rubbish articles and making posts ... I just gloss over anything a few lines long that you write ..... in this case I am glad I did . Why keep putting up fake stuff ? " John Smith " .... really ?
  24. What is the answer to the universe?

    Just for being 'unpleasant company' ? ? ? (and this from a guy that signs off 'with unlimited love ' ...