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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Not on topic exactly .... but when I visited Koori camp I took a large box of assorted fishing tackle .... and some spare - hand spear for fishing - heads ( they keep breaking them on rocks from missed shots underwater) , some new Brazilian machetes .... instantly snaffled and put in a safe place . Next trip I plan to take a large stainless steel keg with a brass tap welded into it ( for putting over the fire - hot water ) . IN a fantasy time travel ? Axe heads, and other metallic blades.
  2. Tattoos

    WoW! I am always impressed with modern tatts, the line color and the blending. Then I look at my old faded ones I got a black flying raven on left arm a ' Jah ' on right. A septagram with red descending triangle on center of chest. To the left, a stylized southern cross entwined with a thorny rose , to the right a red eagle ( as in 32 deg, Scottish rite ) , a 'shu feather of Ma'at ' on each inner forearm . Then I ran out of money .... .... the canvass needs re-stretching
  3. Eight billion years later.

    ... oh God ! Now those two are getting into a TDBs style argument with each other
  4. Eight billion years later.

    No thanks
  5. Eight billion years later.

    Awwwwww ...... cant I put it off until tomorrow ? Ummmmm .... thats already happening . I have to add it ;
  6. Magical Madness

    You probably already know of this ... but just in case you dont ; Or more Crowley related ( if you made a decision on that yet ) ; Ahhh - good ... maybe you could have a word with some of the 'chaps' here ?
  7. Magical Madness

    ' collective subconscious' Cobi ? ? ? Here is a question for you Cobes ..... regarding your ideas above about green ; Do you think the 'power' of green is intrinsic to itself or is to do with the individuals associations and importance they give it ? and what if one's country does not have a green army ? < shields eyes from glare > Arrggghh ... the bling !
  8. .... and no, I am not a hypocrite ... I have done my bit ... no kids . The Nungali line ends here .
  9. I cant think of a problem that would not be less of a problem with a decrease and cant think of a problem it would cause ... well. except economic collapse. The hardest thing we will have to adapt out of is 'expansionism' ... everything is geared towards increase ; economic growth 'needs' the fuel of resource use expansion .... continual growth , no matter how much we are growing and expanding, the formulas are all based on continual growth, not any level of stability. We have been like that since we have been . On the micro, it happened here (at home) one of our communal originals wanted us to develop the maximum amount of house sites available and put the maximum allowable amount of people in them. I protested; my reasoning was, there is a limit , if we hit the limit it wont be as nice a place .... more buildings and infrastructure and less nature, wild places, orchids paddocks for future food production, etc . If we have to stop at some limit, why not make it a comfortable one ? If people want to live in suburbia they can go and do it there. My view won - no excessive development . Thing is ... the 'human race' as a whole is a lot stupider than a bunch of hippies .... that's pretty worrying
  10. and this .... drunvalo melchezidek : " I am a close friend of his personal assistant for many years. She was fired by Drunvalo when she confronted him for misusing non-profit funds. A few weeks after her removal, Drunvalo forged her signature on a check and put more non-profit money into his own accounts. This came under FBI investigation, and may still be under investigation. [Tenen adds: I can verify this. I spoke with Melchizedek's wife of the time this incident occurred, and she confirmed this information independently. Also, because of our ongoing lawsuit against Mr. Daniel Winter, Cynthia and I were in communication with this personal assistant of Melchizedek's both just before, and just after, she left or was fired. Until I read this email, I did not know that the author of this personal statement knew these facts.] Drunvalo is the type of man who claims that any legal actions against him are inspired by dark forces trying to keep the truth from being told. He is a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracist, believing that anyone who opposes him is an agent of dark forces. It is odd that the man who says that there are no dark forces anymore, that Lucifer is abroad and is a good guy now, and that invites anyone of any type or motivation to delve deeply into his stolen teachings without concern for how they might use it, to claim that he is under suspicion, not for illegal acts, but for "trying to tell the truth "
  11. Is the idea that an Atlantean named Thoth became immortal and 'lived on' until Egypt appeared ( " that lived onto egypt. " ? ? ? ) and then lived there, and then went to Greece and became Hermes ... and kept living through latter periods and became St Germain ? No, I have never heard that. Well, except for just now.
  12. Nasa, astroid 86666 warning, (666?)

    " It's just a model. "
  13. A BEST Kyokushin Manual/Book - advice?

    Thats my boy ! ..... I sooooo proud of him ! ... peace bro ! ... I mean ... peace .... damn it !
  14. A BEST Kyokushin Manual/Book - advice?

    U_A wrestled in the Jungles of Indonesia in the cult! Pencak Silat?!>?! How do i go those places these days!?Alchemy/!.T.b.S=/-U_A.thx Nungali for the wisdom!./!!. I did Silat in Perth West Oz ... no jungle though. Further north, prob more , as a lot more multi-cultural ... and they start teaching wrestling there at an early age
  15. Who asked you anyway ... <checks the side of the post ... female ! ? > OH ! Errrr ..... ummm Hi
  16. Why are so few women posting in the 'why are so many men posting in the women's section' thread ? Thats what I wanna know . Should I go there and ask them ?
  17. And its all based on the sex as reward crap ... I spent a lifetime dispelling that . Do this and <eyelid flutter > ... NO! You do it for me and I will let you have sex with me (I used to love seeing the response to that) - a good sexual relationship should be mutually enjoyed, why do it other wise ? ... except for base reasons . I mean .... dudes aren't out there still expecting women to 'do their duty and "think of Queen and County ! " ..... are they ?
  18. and he writes really silly stuff at times too ... and when taken to task .... results to , well, what he did here.
  19. I had to go back and have a second look ... 'blatant sexism ' ? ! .... Nope, cant see that .
  20. Flicks the sand ... looks around ... .... ahh .... ummmmmm Gendao ... about that sand 'joke' ...
  21. yeah ! I'll flick sand in their eyes while you circle around behind
  22. Oh sorry ..... my red dragon ( you can see how I easily made the mistake ... they are so similar )