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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Sorry, Daniel- the self appointed forum police officer has arrived . Anything I I could tell you would begin to be mocked, twisted and lied about by him . So I guess now, you will never know .
  2. How dare you ! I am God OF THE WHOLE FORUM ! Tremble in fear before the face of your Lord O Daniel, for I come with mighty fire and lightening that shall punish the unjust ...... and any daobum poster with a beard .
  3. I remember chatting with him, he seemed OK .... I cant remember why he got banned back then ? Would he not get off Apech's lawn ?
  4. Very unpopular opinions

    I can 'psychically heal' machinery 1. Two women looking confused at a car engine , bonnet up parked . I stop to help, " Cant get it started ? " " No, we cant figure out what is wrong ." I look at the motor, I have no idea what I am doing , I place both hands on what I assume is the alternator ...... " Try it now ." One gets in and it tries it and it starts first go . The other ; " What did you just do then !? " I get in my car and drive off. 2. Working with a group of Aboriginal men, helping to build a bush pole construction over toilets for a festival they are having . The chainsaw will not start , they are swearing and cursing at it , several try , curse at it treat it rough . Me " Whoa, hold on fellahs, let me have a go . " .... sarcastic exclamations and comments ( as they know my 'character ' ) . I kneel down and gently stroke the chainsaw ; " Awwww , poor little fellah, they been rough and mean to you , well I won't treat you like, you are a good boy aren't you ." Starts on 2nd gentle pull . More exclamations but now of exasperation and " Bullshit ! WTF ? " ( My teacher is there, he has gone into a laughing fit .) 3. This afternoon ; I get on the new tractor , notice an hydrophilic lead on the 3 way front bucket is disconnected ; damn , it cant 'grab' and I want to move some big fallen logs and branches . I drive up to the guy's place that just bought the tractor . He says he cant get the lead on . He tries several times and no go . I look into the plug and then press the plug on the end of the lead on to the framework, the valve goes in and out , I put it on the feed plug ..... 'click' and he is standing there I have no idea what's going on . Well... this could have something to do with it ;
  5. Oh sure .... very similar . Almost a twin I would say
  6. Very unpopular opinions

    Hey , thats an easy way to post an unpopular opinion here (in general sub-forum ) ! My take on the current political situation in Gaza is ......
  7. I'll ask again . Have you posted here before on Dao Bums under another name ?
  8. change name request

    Oh yeah, another one just popped up , and its about that concept above I described with other 'clan names ' ; 'Karasses " . A karass , also known as a 'device' ; Nice, nice , very nice, Nice, nice , very nice, Nice, nice , very nice, so many people in the same device.
  9. change name request

    and Sirens of Titan .... that is a MUST ! those little 'calypso ' poems have a certain name , which escapes me That one you posted above I used years back here on DBs on a 'deep' thread about ..... 'why, why , why ' . Good stuff !
  10. Very unpopular opinions

    " We are sick, hungry, and you stole our land ! " " Shhhhh ...... forgiveness ! " or this classic one ; " Dont worry, after you die and go to heaven you will get justice ..... in the meantime , learn to love your oppressors ." This was one of my fav subjects in Comparative Religion ; " Here you go 'peasants', Jesus wants you to have these ."
  11. Axioms Against Cognitive Distortion

    Of course folks .... it never entered his mind that it could have been aimed at him .
  12. change name request

    Actually, that quote and terms where so familiar to me that they passed by as not unusual ! Now I have lost track of your previous ID ... we may have talked about this before . KV is a hero of mine , he was also a cultural anthropologist, like me. So I can see the source and value of what he wrote , in MANY instances . have you read 'Lonesome no More ' ( 'Slapstick' ) ? I love the themes in it regarding 'name changes ' (or in the case of the book ) : " The siblings created, among other things, a plan to end loneliness in America through vast extended families. Under the plan, all citizens would be provided with new middle names, made of the name of a random natural object paired with a random number between 1 and 20. Everyone with the same name would be cousins, and everyone with the same name and number would be siblings. " It links and heals people in a certain way . This is something that seems to have been lost from modern civilization . I have noticed it here in indigenous studies with moiety and clans etc . people from far away with nothing in common , strangers, can meet and " What's your totem ?" " Sea- eagle " " Really ! I am a sea-eagle too ! " " Brother ! " " Brother ! ... or it could be 'Cousin ! " or Cuz .... Maori's have a good term " Cuzzy-bro " Like in Vonnegut's example , it can create bonds across barriers .
  13. Very unpopular opinions

    Dont I know that one ! I have a very good friend ( used to GF years back ) I remember one occasion, all these people where supposed to help me , they didnt , they just made oit worse, hung out made a mess and ate my food . She was the only one that pitched in and slogged through the work with me .... single mum with 3 boys under 4 ! The others ? Oh, they had a collection of headaches , uncomfortable s and 'in a minutes / do it later ' . I have seen that a few times . After that it got somewhat reversed and I had the 'opportunity to pay her back' ; people would stay to' help her ' , then when they left I would have to go and pick the pieces up , settle the boys, re supply the fire food they burnt up to keep themselves warm ...... Regarding that ; 'its going to be alright' . Do you think this is a modern thing ? It appears to be in astrology , the old 'born under a bad sign' seems unpop . In the old days, bad natal configuration ; Sorry , you're fucked . Better go straight to damage control Now ? Well, that is a terrible thing to say ..... I should be ashamed of myself ! here you go guys .... have a ' came first at the other end ' award .
  14. Who or what is "satan"?

    ... and dont forget
  15. Who or what is "satan"?

    Thankyou Cobie ....... ( now you are going to be the next target ) have fun .
  16. Cadcam ... have you been here posting on the forum before , under another name ?
  17. change name request

    Was he related to Maynard G. Krebbs ?
  18. Help Needed to Translate Alchemy Book

    I dont think I have ever met any one that said ; " I dont like chakras ! " .
  19. Who or what is "satan"?

    No, that doesnt matter , what does matter is you have been dishonest . red herring ..... nice try though No, its clear from the post on the last page exactly what you did . and its very telling you can not address that . Now we see its clear you where never going to give an answer on the thread subject , all you did was 'Daniel around ' so much everyone else left , now its time for me to go as well . Toodle-ooo . .
  20. Ancestor Worship (Pitru Paksha)

    Is it 'worship ' ? I suppose that depends on one's definition ? It is usually defined as a practice towards deity ie. the 'God/s' . My practice has not been , its more to show acknowledgement, appreciation and thanks to ancestors, not 'Gods' . The sharing of 'offerings' is a healthy psychological practice for the individual . We have a special night for it ; 'feast of the dead ' , ' All souls day', 'Halloween ' . It is said that this time of year the veil between this world and the other ( and ancestors ) is thinnest - I can affirm that some years , this is particularly noticeable . The ritual can be as simple as as putting a plate of food out for them along with the feast you have .