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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Karate Kid

    yep, that, and the bit just after it in the clip , has to be one of the most stupid parts of the movie and an absolutely ridiculous demo of a supposed bunkai from hakutsuru ...... a classic Americanised showy 'wrong interpretation' .... but sooo wrong many may not have got that 'joke' (some may have even tried to emulate it .... now that really makes the joke come off ! )
  2. I am sure you must be familiar with 'bounce back' ? ... check this genius
  3. Right, but the question is about fighting experience, not how to talk your way out of a fight .
  4. Yeah .... when using nunchuks, if you do actually manage to hit something, it may bounce back , usually towards your face, strikes have to be ready to dodge, or be delivered with a body alignment out of the way of any surprise return. (But not many people know how to actually use them practically ) To an extent, any striker will do that, depending on what they hit, more so if it jointed or has a movable grip (like a tonfa ) ... some of these weapons require a pretty strong grip to be used effectivly - remember, in many cases, these people worked with these tools all day, so were adapted to and strong in their adaption to their use ( it is said Itosu could crush a green bamboo culm with his grip ). The same with surigin , but when you miss the target ( but only with rope - and the thinner the rope or cord, more so - not the chain version.) ... usually straight back to the point of delivery , ie. you. Rattan is very 'bouncy'
  5. Calling on the power of Mars

    But remember - there is a hidden 'weakness' ... in Mars. It is best dealt with as an impetus , very soon one has to hop trains and ride the energy invoked in a more stable form. In the Planetary Rites , this is symbolised by Sol's oration at the end of the Rite of Mars , when Mars voluntarily 'hands over' to the development of the energy to Br. 'Sol in Aries' ; [He turns and falls clasping SOL's feet. All prostrate themselves in adoration. SOR. SCORPIO plays her solar chant.] Papillon: Bohm. [sOL in ARIES recites] The world's great age begins anew,The golden years return,The earth doth like a snake renewHer winter weeds outworn;Heaven smiles, and faiths and empires gleam,Like wrecks of a dissolving dream.A brighter Hellas rears its mountainsFrom waves serener far;A new Peneus rolls his fountainsAgainst the morning star.Where fairer Tempes bloom, there sleepYoung Cyclads on a sunnier deep.A loftier Argo cleaves the main,Fraught with a later prize;Another Orpheus sings again,And loves, and weeps, and dies.A new Ulysses leaves once moreCalypso for his native shore.Oh, write no more the tale of Troy,If earth Death's scroll must be!Nor mix with Laian rage the joyWhich dawns upon the free;Although a subtler Sphinx renewRiddles of death Thebes never knew.Another Athens shall arise,And to remoter timeBequeath, like sunset to the skies,The splendour of its prime;And leave, if nought so bright may live,All earth can take or Heaven can give.Saturn and Love their long reposeShall burst, more bright and goodThan all who fell, than One who rose,Than many unsubdued.Not gold, not blood, their altar dowers,But votive tears and symbol flowers.O cease! must hate and death return?Cease! must men kill and die?Cease! drain not to its dregs the urnOf bitter prophecy.The world is weary of the past.Oh, might it die or rest at last!
  6. Calling on the power of Mars

    More from the Rite of Mars BRO. MARS. 1. Hail, sister of the Scorpion! SOR. SCORPIO. Hail, Lord of the Eagle and the Serpent! BRO. MARS. Amen. I appoint you to lead the army. SOR. SCORPIO. Let us carry the holy symbols with sacred song and dance round the altar of Mars. [All march round five times deosil before MARS in procession headed by SCORPIO, ARIES, CAPRICORNUS.] Strike, strike the louder chord!Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!Crowned child and conquering Lord!Horus, avenger! [All resume stations.]Brother Aries, let us invoke the Master of the Battle. BRO. ARIES. [advances and kneels to MARS] Mighty and Terrible One, we beseech thee to lead us the Battle. Here, by thy Symbols, thy Spear, the Sword, and the Drum, we pray thee to strengthen our arms and to defend our hearts. (Thats a great bit to perform ! )
  7. Calling on the power of Mars

    I like this 'Martial invocation' ; This is the day which down the void abysmAt the Earth-born's spell yawns for Heaven's despotism,And Conquest is dragged captive through the deep;Love, from its awful throne of patient powerIn the wise heart, from the last giddy hourOf dead endurance, from the slippery steep,And narrow verge of crag-like agony, springsAnd folds over the world its healing wings.Gentleness, Virtue, Wisdom, and Endurance--These are the seals of that most firm assuranceWhich bars the pit over Destruction's strength;And if, with infirm hand, Eternity,Mother of many acts and hours, should freeThe serpent that would clasp her with his length,These are the spells by which to reassumeAn empire o'er the disentangled doom.To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite;To forgive wrongs darker than death or night;To defy Power, which seems omnipotent;To love, and bear; to hope till Hope createsFrom its own sreck the thing it contemplates;Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent;This, like thy glory, Titan, is to beGood, great and joyous, beautiful and free;This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory!
  8. when you get old enough...goofy

    I think one of my lumbar discs has slipped today ... can hardly walk ... and it takes about 3 days usually to get 'better' and I just missed a 1 day $300 driving job
  9. Impressions can be misleading. What do you mean " Capricorn comes after Aquarius and Leo after Capricorn." ? ? ? In a paragraph about 'astrological ages' ?
  10. I agree with Fr UFA about its import. The 'general pattern' it outlines is everywhere applicable ( well, in nature, maybe not in all the strange twists and byways of the human mind - like " Doreal " * ) * Who may have plagiarized his ides from H. P. Lovecraft - see - for textual comparisons Mr Doreal was the one that had a secret tunnel under Mt Sashta In Cal. - He was one of those post-Blavatsky wanna-be 'masters' communicators ... very early New Age stuff; "In a 1946 interview with a reporter from the ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, Doreal said, 'I had predicted atomic war years before it came. I saw atomic energy at work several years ago when the Dalai Lama of Tibet ushered me into the Great White Lodge 75 miles under the Himalayas.' (If by any chance this is true, he is probably referring to a tunnel 75 miles LONG - Branton) "In his writings, Doreal claimed to have visited many of the retreats of the Masters. In 'Mysteries of Mt. Shasta,' Doreal revealed that he was privileged to pay a visit 'in the flesh' to the Atlantean--not Lemurian, he wrote, as is commonly believed-- colony inside Mount Shasta. As he told it, while he was in Los Angeles delivering a series of occult lectures, two of the Shasta Masters walked up to him after one lecture and introduced themselves. .... and so on ; { I love this bit : " The Atlanteans knew how to turn sand into gold, and how to make clothing by simply drawing a picture of the garment they desired; the drawing was placed in a 'projecto-scope' which displayed the actual garment on the screen. When it fell to the floor, ... good ol' 'space laundry ' - nothing like 'em !
  11. when you get old enough...goofy

    No .... although I was going to comment on the Freudian spelling slip
  12. when you get old enough...goofy

    When you get old enough you realize the constant pain in your arse is coming from your hip joint
  13. A BEST Kyokushin Manual/Book - advice?

    Have you ever thought of unsticking your shift key ?
  14. A BEST Kyokushin Manual/Book - advice?

    I do it too , teacher taught that is what is to be done too, he was quiet small and slight, my current instructor is very tall and often tries to rely on force. I call my own ' style' Dodgy-ryu .
  15. Black holes are Gods

    I take it (or have taken it, during a several month session some years back) literally in the form of 'Stella Yoga' - the uniting of the self with a specific star. One's star is found via an astrological process , then is magically invoked ( either with a self written or adopted ' hymn ' - in this case a passage from L 963 * ) , also an astronomical understanding of the star ( type / class etc ) , then that is pasted onto a L Nv type meditation ** - except in this case, it is not a 'dissolution' into 'space' (the stars ) but a unity with one star. * ( L . 963 was written by a general in British army - Gen JFC Fuller ( 1878 - 1966 ) , who also developed the battle theory that became 'blitzkrieg ' ( because the British didnt want to use it ) .... he was also an artist : " A NOTE UPON LIBER DCCCCLXIII 1 Let the student recite this book, particularly the 169 adorations, unto his Star as it ariseth. Let him seek out diligently in the sky his Star; let him travel thereunto in his Shell; let him adore it unceasingly from its rising even unto its setting by the right adorations, with chants that shall be harmonious therewith. Let him rock himself to and fro in adoration; let him spin around his own axis in adoration; let him leap up and down in adoration. Let him inflame himself in the adoration, speeding from slow to fast, until he can no more. This also shall be sung in open places, as heaths, mountains, woods, and by streams and upon islands. Moreover, ye shall build you fortified places in great cities; caverns and tombs shall be made glad with your praise. Amen. The Chapter known as The Unconsciousness of God that is hidden from man for a sign Is rather good too ; **
  16. You mean one of these ; Grumman EA-6B Prowler - Banshee
  17. when you get old enough...goofy

    Lucked out on that one .... one I didnt see , was some guys from one of my clubs ( way back) the same trick .... they explained the next week that the cut didnt quiet go all the way through the underside of the watermelon skin so the guy with the sword added a little slice ... while at the same time, the guy with the split open melon on his stomach thought "If I just jerk my stomach up a bit the wobble will make the melon split and fall into two pieces. one teenie little extra slice + one teenie little stomach lift = Me; " And ? ..... what happened ? " Guy lifts his shirt and there is a line of stitches right across his belly .... I never volunteer for 'demos' !
  18. when you get old enough...goofy

    Dodgy shop swords .... people who wack them on tables ... I saw a 'demo' once, the guy was going to cut a watermelon balanced on someone's stomach .. he vigorously drew the sword up and the blade separated from the handle and went spinning up over his head and back into the audience .
  19. NO, I would not say that. But, my real self may be controlling Nungali .
  20. when you get old enough...goofy

    I forgot about that re Musashi .... now I remember that he, in later life, abandoned them for 2 'sticks' - two short wooden poles. My copy has a drawing of him on the cover using the two wooden 'swords' .
  21. Its also the 'Thelemic' counter play between ' Hadit . and Nuit ' . In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found. ( Ch 2 Line 3. )