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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Who would kiss the Queen's hand?

    We could lend you Clive Palmer He has a dinosaur park ... is building a full scale size replica of the Titanic .... somhow got vast territories of iron filled dirt, that he cant afford to dig up .... and owes China a lot of money ( or the other way around depending on how the court case turns out ) You can have him for free !
  2. slide show;
  3. The Cool Picture Thread

    Elton John the fish.
  4. when you get old enough...goofy

    Have you ever done a dual weapon form before , ie. one in each hand ? Most of mine have been 2 of equal length and an occasional usage of short and long sword at once. I saw a master of it once .... a young woman of about 25 , she used a sort of long and short cutlass (in one of those medieval battle re-enactment groups). She chose to have no armor, just a guard on her lead arm, so she was light and evasive and tricky against the heavily armed others , man , she was good! She must have killed about 8 heavily armed guys during their bouts. At the end they had groups of 4 against each other, hers ended with only her left fighting off 3 opponents , and they were not giving her any quarter ! The crowd was cheering her on ... I have to admit I did get excited and yell out; " Go little feral pirate girl! " She 'killed' one of them but in the process the other two moved in and finished her off ... and the crowd, including me, booed them loudly. Whats that classic Japanese film ... cant remember the title ... someone's household is being invaded and people are fighting everywhere. One of the household members, a big fat guy , has the long and short sword in hands and has taken a position on a small bridge in the garden over a pond and fighting off both sides at once as they come at him - he does pretty well until numbers overcome him. What style / type of swords are yours ?
  5. A BEST Kyokushin Manual/Book - advice?

    Well .... Shotokan cant ban head punches in sparing because , ,,,, they dont use that many techniques and banning that, 30% of their techniques would be missing
  6. when you get old enough...goofy

    Until it catches up with you
  7. when you get old enough...goofy

    Nah .... all them cemeteries are a con
  8. when you get old enough...goofy

    Oh ! .... you have seen my 'sloppy stance' .... I do it with sword too ... standing there like a moron ( pre- empt Marblehead .... no, it isnt that hard to do for me ) sword in one hand held back, tip on the ground, slow dumb look .... wait for the inevitable head attack and ....
  9. when you get old enough...goofy

    to put the no-mustard on the no ham and no bread sandwich you didnt leave under your pillow ? ... no hang on, that was a dream ... or did I see it on TV ? One old guy to another : "The wife said ; 'What are you going to do today?' I said 'Nothing !' She said 'You did that yesterday!' I said , 'Well ... I haven't finished yet.' "
  10. The worst head in the world

    You do realize the title of this thread is posted next to your head pic at the top of the page ?
  11. A BEST Kyokushin Manual/Book - advice?

    If you start training . do cross training as well to get used to defending against head punches. real fights do not go like this ! How many head punches did you see there ? I prefer a variety of techniques (even if they are demonstrated in a form like a formal tea ceremony )
  12. Who would kiss the Queen's hand?

    Man ... you should try working in the film industry for that one ! Thats where USA 'royalty' resides ! It is very humorous ( to us) when they try it over here with Aussies ; Self important movie Yank; "You there ! Get my bags ! " Aussie movie grunt; "You there! .... Go fuck yourself ! " One time, when they got real sick of it ... "You lot ! Pack up my bags, I have to zip back to the 'States for a week ." " Yeah, all right then, " ( sprinkles cocaine and explosive powder inside and smears it all over the outside ) So, no kissing the hand here - unless you are Catholic and the Bishop needs his ring kissed.
  13. Who would kiss the Queen's hand?

    Once a German , always a German .... even before you are a German
  14. Who would kiss the Queen's hand?

    Whatever .... just dont cross into her lane !
  15. Who would kiss the Queen's hand?

    Then she should wack him with this
  16. Are you sure ? Sometimes our biggest 'choices' and decisions (including 'so called' spontaneous actions ) come from the 'real us' .... not the 'us' that we think of 'running the show' with 'everyday consciousness' and awareness. Issue seems to be , this 'real self' mostly unseen and directing from the shadows off stage may indeed be impulses from that real self ... or impulses from the 'other real self' ( to make it simple think of the polarity of Superego / Id . Now, here is the big issue ... when you are in the middle of it ( or an 'episode') .... how ya gonna tell who is who (all by yourself, that is ) ?
  17. Buy but .... that aint going to work with an extension from any 'end points ... and besides, it sounds a bit linear , what about the spherical model ? 'end points' in relation to center point suggest a line or a defined parameter . If the radius of the sphere extends to infinity, and the circumference encompasses 'all' then 'the center' is everywhere. Which may make it easier to look for, but trickier to find.
  18. Who would prostrate before...?

    i had a guy do to it to me once .... made me feel half kinda sick and the half wanted to kick him in the head while he was down there. Let's hope the 'gods' dont feel the same way about it. Now, what was it the one we cant mention here said about that .... something like 'assuming the position that the enemies of man's freedom find most pleasing.'
  19. Is september 2015 the end ?

    I better top the body up with drugs sex and booze ... just in case .
  20. The Cool Picture Thread

    Doesn't like show Still watches because of cute investigator.
  21. Terra Preta

    I made terra preta ! ... and its growing ! About 2 years ago I dug two long pits about knee depth on the east side of the veggie garden, I broke uo the clods and back filled with the soil, charcoal , organic material, and some half decayed cow horn interiors . ( these have to be removed from the outer horn casing to be able to use the horn as a hollow container. When I worked for BD Aust. they used lots of horns and had these spongy looking bone horn interiors as an ever increasing unwanted by product .... so I scored them - I have them buried in a trench on the uphill garden border ... as a counter measure against the increasing soil acidity and lack of calcium here.) Then I poured on fish and seaweed emulsion and filled in the rest of the hole on top with 'normal' soil. I have spent the last 2 days digging in that spot and making some new spring veggie beds. I had actually forgot the exact location, anyway, I am digging in with the garden fork, suddenly the fork goes in this patch, all the way up to the handle, I nearly face plated in the dirt. Its lite, fluffy, granular, very black, looks dry and glistening but when you squeeze it moisture comes out. At the bottom of the pit its starting to transform the clay subsoil which looks like half clay, half charcoal/black earth. I seeded one bed with carrots, the other is still waiting for .... ? Be interesting to see what happens. I will also do some potting experiments and grow a variety of things. And leave some in a container with normal soil and see if the whole lot converts.
  22. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    Campbellian journey ? I think that tern can only be used in the context that Campbell describes , like the above wheel, which is his take on things. The process has been around long before Campbell looked into it, or labelled it the 'Hero's Journey' .... who came up with the 'Campbellien Journey ' ?? ? IN any case it seems Campell's take on it and I would not say the way he outlines it is a model to understand Masonry, However, the briefer version of contacting the unconscious and rebirth might be more general and closer, but there is much more in Masonry than that. The 'contrived fashion' in which it happens is not meant to replace it happening 'spontaneously in real life' but to compliment the process ( both ways) , to give it a relevant context, to understand and examine it by, if the real; life event is experienced first. If the ceremony occurs before the 'real-life' event, one has a map ( teaching) to look at it via and in context. In other words the ceremony can be a way of comprehending what is happening to you or setting you up with 'preparation' for it. One may not be able to replicate an experience but one can stimulate the same reactions and effects psychologically to that experience. It is a big mistake . to think that the ceremony, grade, degree, regalia, or medals alone replace or show development of the real experience ... like sidihs, they can be a deadly ego diversion against progress.
  23. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    hang on .... < tilts camera up a bit >
  24. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    yes, the Guide at the Sydney Lodge (the one that looks like a huge concrete UFO ! ) was more than happy ... overjoyed actually .... at the end ( a one person tour ... he said he had done two last week! ) he gave me a large pic of all the members posed in regalia and pointed himself out "That's me " he told me ... then he got a red pen and drew a large red circle around his head in the picture and said "That one ... there, so you will remember which one I am ." Ummmmmmmm thanks By the way .... that goat joke is soooooo lame ... even we dont make it We know what you get up to ....