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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Carl jung and eastern thought

    What was the main , or some of the main , thing/s that led you to this conclusion ?
  2. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    Who set the expectation for perfection ? Not me ! I set that for no one ... no one exhibits perfection . I think you didnt read the posts or just made a big assumption ? His lack of perfection is not the issue at all. Better read the background info before you start defending him . The best he had to offer IMO was his affirmation about a statement a reporter made about him ... BSR was so impressed with his observation of what BSR was about that he stopped the interview and got him up on the podium and said 'This man understands what I teach " (and to the adoring Sanyassi ) " but none of you do ! " What was the man's observation ? That BSR is not against the great spiritual teachers and what they taught but he is against religion and what some have turned those spiritual teachings into. yes, thats fair enough ... but doubt many here needed a guru to discover that ?
  3. If not a Creator, then What?

    This thread is listed as having multiple replies .... but 0 views ? How does that work ?
  4. Future modeling!

    okay ... I was just wondering if you might have dreamed of with this head on it
  5. Future modeling!

    Any dreams last night Michael ?
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

    "Hooray ! I won a golf tournament trophy ! Oh , I love it < kiss kiss > ! " "Errrm , excuse me madam , ummm you probably cant tell from your angle of view ... but , ahhhh ... I wouldn't be doing that on film if I was you. " "What ? Dont be silly, its a wonderfull trophy , and I won it ! < mmmmm kiss kiss >
  7. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    I dont like that attitude ... when children were involved .
  8. Future modeling!

    ( I wonder how my posts are coming out his end ? .... good Lord ! I wonder how that sentence came out in his Russian - translator ! )
  9. Future modeling!

    hey man! < holds arms up, takes two steps backward > Its your picture ... I was just looking from a distance ... I never touched her , I swear it ! (PS. I like your tense usage ... It gives me a different perspective on time )
  10. I became a miracle worker

    ..................... . .
  11. I became a miracle worker

    .......... wait for it .............. .
  12. I became a miracle worker

    Well, I can say I am relieved that I heard it not once too ! That's far too evil for me ... to even imagine . In a much lighter vein ; My evil is fairly limited. Here is a clip of me ...... operating my organ .....
  13. I became a miracle worker

    Your expression matches your realisation.
  14. I became a miracle worker

    So ... now we can get to the bottom of who was who ... hmmmmm ? I did not take cocaine last night . Lois ... ? ? ?
  15. I became a miracle worker

    No way .... man, I used to work in the film industry ... big time, mega buck giant budget productions too .... Cocaine and movie making ? Oh yeah ! Cocaine and Nungali ? Nah ! They knew better than to let me near it !
  16. I became a miracle worker

    What ? Now Sternbach has turned into Lois ?
  17. I became a miracle worker

    What ! ? You thought the GD had nothing to do with Imperator Nungali coming to see you on the astral for a shapeshifter initiation. You gotta learn to take this stuff more seriously!
  18. I became a miracle worker

    Like this ? : start @ 7.55 ...... and then I became an electro-magnetic vajra of fractured and scintillating chromaticism
  19. I became a miracle worker

    But I am somebody else entirely
  20. I became a miracle worker

    So, did the Sai Baba give you jewels or 'sacred' ash. If you were already rich, you would have got jewels ... as he did that. If you were poor staving peasant, he gave you ash .... as he also did to them. Can you explain that miracle ?
  21. I became a miracle worker

    Good Lord! He is right ! I was thinking about you Michael !
  22. I became a miracle worker

    No ... that is my photo .
  23. Black dot symbol

    Wait ! .... Do you also mean that a motor scooter doesnt ..... (I mean, it sure had a smooth ride, but it was very hard to push with one foot )
  24. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    One of the 'orange people' I knew was a trouble maker He kept doing funny stuff to challenge the organisation ... like telling them he had someone that should 'take Sanyas' (as they used to say ). Great, said the Oz admin ... tell him just to do as you did to get yours.. "But its my dog ... I think my dog should take Sanyas." They told him dogs cant take Sanyas. But he didnt give up that easy, he went ahead with the application ... that was refused. So he said , fuck this and got a 'Bhagwan mala' and took the picture out and put a picture of himself in it and put it on the dog and tied an orange scarf around the dogs neck What a great comment ! I guess they didnt get it ? ... they got cranky about that ... eventually he did the same to his own mala ... walking around with his own picture in it. I guess he finally became his own guru.