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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Cool Picture Thread

    and annoying ! Like here @ 1:22
  2. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Too right ! I am sooo less free about campers and squatters here because people trash the place. Its a bummer the bad stuff of the few does that for the rest, but as time goes on, I dont see people getting better, just talking a lot more about how better they are now. The other side of the that coin is ... who has the guns ? As you know, this is one of my particular raves , so it isnt directed to you. People in this country looked after and respected and lived in harmony with the land for over 40,000 years. There is certainly a free lunch when you oppress people. But yes somebody has to pay for it. Who, here, is gonna tell whitey to hit the road ? Why do you guys think I got it so good here, in the first place ? ... Yep ! It was one of those wild unclaimed wilderness places, just waiting for us. Where no one lived. No one ? Well, a few. They all got colds and .... stuff like that, and ummmm .... 'went away' 'somewhere else' . Oh yeah ... there was the 'accident' with the rat poison and the flour ... and the poison beer ... and ..... Some hid , or went where they were told, or got taken there. Now, their descendants are coming back out the wood work. This is their place IMO, as I , and any receptive person, can feel the connection between them and the environment that they have 'come out of'. They are a part of and a product of that environment, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I can not deny that, because I have felt it and understood it . Same thing goes though, if you respect it (environment and where you live, and understand the different parts and energies of where you live) they will share, and share that above connection, so you start to feel it yourself. You really get to 'tap in'. But if you dont respect what others have and develop and consider all the time and effort they put in, and want to take, and demand and not ask ... then you can fuck off!
  3. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Maybe, but then others might not respect your 'right to covert' your own. Actually, I live one the border, the old fence line is mostly down and overgrown. The neighbours property, where it abuts ours, is a part of it he doesn't use. So I started using it. Then told him. he had a look ( and no one messes with "Big M" ) and thought it was okay. Each time I did something there ( cleared a fire brake, slashed with the tractor, camped, collected firewood ) I let him know, Eventually he said "I dont really care what you do there, you're allright." ... There is a good little house site there too, with a bit of a view. A little crack hidden between officialdoms. Just have to get access through this place, without a nosey dork reporting you.
  4. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Mmmm-hmmm . Even though I dont have land ownership officially, I still have held my patch, for over 20 years, against people that declared they would just come and take it, asked how I would stand up to a 'home invasion' ( that guy has been friendly and respectful to me ever since I answered him ... or let's say 'demonstrated' my answer to him ) , the local council, the fire inspector that insisted the grove of turpentine and bloodwood trees the cabin is nestled within had to be cut down ... , a couple of lone crazies, an attempted squatter, the 2 year Supreme Court case ..... .... then, on a hunchy whimpanic thingo last year (or was it the year before ? ) I thought, what if I do ending up losing my home. Then I recovered, got my centre back and went 'So ? Stop being stupid!" Did my 'thing' and got the best most amazing place dropped in my lap. And didnt 'lose the farm'. Then I had a place up the mountain and one in the valley. The owner of the mountain one wanted it back, so I am back 'down' here. And its winter, cold, overcast with rain today, and frosty this morning. I am inside with a fire going. I am very grateful for that .
  5. I hugged the biggest tree in New Zealand and out my cheek against it, Then I realised, with my ear against the smooth bark, you could hear it - the fluids flowing up, or down, through it, amazing sound Tupuna nui ;
  6. Thats it, but that site is inaccurate and well out of date with a photo from the 70s or something. We had a great site up but it dot raided and destroyed during our Supreme court battle. I might reccomend some of those books for beginners or dreamers , but you know I am a stickler for going beyond that and finding ways to actually manifest visions in hard < knock knock> reality. At least Roads, when he was here, did some back up real work, like soil testing and analysis and got a little practical. better than hippy idiots communing with nature spirits and using love to grow the veggies, while their uneducated practices continue to damage the soil, so they just walk off and leave their mess behind for me to actually fix, meanwhile they have gone off to make money from what they 'learnt' here . Not Roads ... more like people like the one that sold 'diamond light' . His work I have read, I would not recommend as it was very early. His latter stuff might be better, But a lot of these guys made a BIG mistake, trying to transplant a Findhorn concept that developed there, in their way and experience, with the 'spirits' 'up there' to here 'down under' and ignored all the relevant info down here available to them about THIS places nature and 'spirits' here ! I have gone waaaay beyond what they were trying to do, I continually have access to the nature spirits here and contact with the land energies and the indigenous spirits, I have learnt how to garden in this new strange non European land without fucking over the environment ... but hey <shrug> no one listens to me much .... I am not prestigious or flashy enough What would I know ? PS. I also lived on the first community ever made in Australia and helped to look after its founder there when he was 97 - he had been through 3 wars and back - Boar war WWI and WWII - he knew a bit too ... not many listened to him though (although I did and WOW ! ) he wasnt flashy or wrote books either ... but he had experienced more of life and knew what to do about it than just about anybody else I have ever met .
  7. Dont listen to them DB! Just go to California ... even if you have to hitch hike. You might get picked up by a combi van full of adventurers
  8. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Do you now? Some people thought that here too and had all the paperwork and legality to prove it ... God bless you Marbles and may, even the shadow of, what happened to some of them never darken your outer far perimeter.
  9. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    No, its a beautiful riverside multiple occupancy property in a lush subtropical coastal valley surrounded by rainforest, escarpment, waterfalls, and pristine world heritage area national park . There is ownership (company title Ltd. ) , but no private ownership, its restricted from land speculation, so you cant 'build and invest' just by speculating on land value, just build live and enjoy cheaply. It cant be passed on to anyhting that isnt similar, and can only be run as a non prophet enterprise.
  10. Far out! This stimulated me to go a search with some names and Michael and Treenie Roads, and I got a hit, with them mentioned in it, a womans story about her journey of communing with nature and a photo of our place before I was here .... Commune ? Psssh !, its just a ramshackle hippy caravan settlement . HA! The community got built a bit after that ... and not by people that went on to be new age book sellers and channellers , a few that did come from here back then. But some people DID GET THE REALITY of that dream ( commune and live with and in nature ) actually manifested ( after the Aquarian visionaries ran off to be 'successful' in various types of 'new age marketing' and left their untogether mess behind ) ( Ohhhh, the things I know about all of that ! )
  11. DreamBliss .... that guy, the author, used to live on, and started his ' commune with nature trip' on the community I have lived on for near 30 years , and still do. We used to have a website up - that was great, but its gone now, it had stuff about him and the aarly days here and tracked the development of what went on to happen here from that, and many people that also started here and went on to do other things and pursue their will and work in all sorts of places (mine stayed here). Back then we had an association with Findhorn Community in Scotland (fairly famous for similar stuff). Many people have been through here. Some already established and in their own rights some as virtual lost waifs and travellers. Another guy contemporary to Rhodes, and leading inspirational founder became a great Aussie sculptor and made this at the centre of Sydney by the harbour .... he's brill! and He has also made one of the higgs-bosun , I was at his studio last year. I would not be surprised if Roads mentioned this place. Interesting !
  12. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    When I used to do Tarot workshops, I would get people to have a session on the difference between the two (and some other Thoth cards that are different from the mainstream ) and do comparisons. Many seemingly disparate elements are due to too narrow a vision of what card 'Lust' relates to - mostly due to it being retitled. One of the things I like about Strength (although I can also see it in 'Lust' card ) is ... normal brute strength will not be able to hold a lions mouth open ... here we talk of different strength ... have a look at it, that aint Hercules there ! ( think - lion 'whisperer' and the type of 'feminine' strength one uses as 'ki' ) .
  13. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    People stick him all over the place. I agree with some that he should be 0 The centre of the circle of trumps much like the Sun is the centre of the zodiac, they are all experiences waiting for the Sun / Fool. So I put the Fool at the centre of the circle of trumps. After he becomes a bit adept at this, like, experience and its cycles become a joy of expression and a dance of bliss of the forces of creation. Like in this card which could nearly be its polarity (PS , Tarotpop sucks ... you want an image of this card and if you type in ' Universe tarot Card' you get 99% pics of Waite's World card and similar <goes into esoteric shop > "One Thoth tarot Deck please." "You mean one Waite deck?" No. one Thoth deck. I think you want this deck <pulls out Waite deck> No, I want a Thoth tarot deck ! This is better. Thoth .... T ... H ... O ... W ...A ... I .. .
  14. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Mhe ... that happens all over the place, especially in the Book of Thoth. I think many of the tables and charts were from earlier sources ( 'The Equinox' s ) and patched into the Book of Thoth after the text was written, between the two hic ideas changed or were developed. Bad editing in a few cases, and also a few bad cases of 'smearing' ( check the astrological correspondences for the courts in the tables - not texts. Cards like Prince of Cups .... if you dont already know what I mean ... get ready for a surprise and a follow up realisation that the whole system is not as most see it ( even the Thoth experts ) The 'New Jerusalem' is shown as the advent of science - the new 'Parthenon' constructed by the 'periodic table'.
  15. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Well, the obvious answer is of course not !
  16. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    I would not wish that upon anyone ! I seen a bunch of half arsed stoned hippies get together a better communal 'magical abbey' situation than that . Re the ; " Crowley in fact uses the GD's revised numerical order in column XIV of theLiber 777. As its publication preceded the Thoth deck, Crowley may simply have changed his mind at some stage. " That occurs quiet a bit, especially in some tables and lists that were drawn up earlier, they were sourced for the book on tarot but were written or complied earlier than the writing of the text, by then he developed extended or changed a few ideas. Amongst some of those snippetts of tables are some key factors of the system exposed ..... (like the attribution of some court cards to 'normal astrology' - considered signs nowadays - but also some include constellations off the ecliptic and hence outside of the 'zodiac' which IMO is a strong argument for a sidereal system based on constellational astrology .... with a twist. As you probably know, people will argue against me on this .... but they just have not read the originating GD papers about the type of astrology originally used ... nowadays its all considered some type of modern tropical sun based stuff with a geocentric basis and ' planet and sign annotated decanic minors are considered to have the same energy as modern astrological (e.g.) ' Venus in Cancer ' .
  17. Again. no books, but I agree with the above advice about listening. try to tune out the rest and focus on the plant in question This is a great start ... think of the 'spirit' or 'form' that 'inhabits' the plant and try to communicate with them, more so than the 'material' plant .... and have a read of this too and follow up material and listen to this double album ( and read the lyrics )
  18. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    We dont really own anything ... we just use things for a while ... or leave them lying around and dont want others to use them. But people cant get that. Where I live has a 'no ownership of land' policy. Probably, in the near 30 years I have been here , and the many people that have been through the place or still live here, about 4 of them have got it ... even though they consciously thought that they wanted 'no ownership'. A big jump in our evolution could be had, if we could get over the concept that we can own another person ( that one has always got me ).
  19. Fontal Awareness

    Ahem .... SCs font in post 2 won't do it, thats one of the fonts that works the opposite way, like Times New Roman , Book Antiqua, etc. Stimpy's first font looks like it should be printed across the side of a UFO - that won't do it. His second one is too overboard and that won't work - unless you like Cyrillic ( I dont particularly .... too scratchy I had a shirt made of acrylic once ..... poor little fellah ) As far as the wing dings go .... I should have expected that ... coming from a As far as the criticism against my selection of comic-sans goes, I chose that before I found this article so there ... A baby crylic at 2 months old.
  20. Well ... look what is going on in Ojai .... 'Dream Bliss' !!!
  21. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Why which ? I can see him as a monk in the Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe.
  22. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    What ? No cake ! - Man ... I still have flashbacks to my 21st birthday party