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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Sufi Dance - What is this?

    he learnt off Lama Dorje the music is always important ... start at 0.25
  2. That looks interesting .... I will give it a proper read later. peripheral vision and night vision.... two things I used in my training. Peripheral vision and 'spherical awareness' were developed by practising against multiple assailant attacks and years of motorcycling including a motorcycle telegram { remember those ? } boy weaving between buses and container trucks up and down King St and through the '5 ways' about 20 times a day Night walking ... well, I live on the country and have no mains electricity. Many times I have walked to a friends place - or just out walking - by starlight and vegetation silhouette against the starlit sky. Then there are the Okinawan 'night fighting' techniques .
  3. Sufi Dance - What is this?

    I knew that guy before his conversion to Islam It was a gradual process Moe Howard Bad Shah
  4. Where do jobs come from?

    yes, I think I saw your advert, on a wall with the phone number next to it ...
  5. Spontaneous Combustion

    Well ... I know I do tend to harp on Harpur ... but he does show some interesting comparisons between cultures that have had 'daemonic breakthrough' experience . A scenario was described, just by its basic theme , and presented to different groups of people. The scenario was something like' a group of people are in the forest ... they feel 'strange' there are some physical feelings to go along with it, then a light in the sky and a descending light, in it can be seen the shapes of a woman (or 'effeminate' or ethereal shape ). Afterwards other strange things are noticed, marks on body, distortions of time, etc. And then asked these different group about it - Definitely a close encounter of the 2nd kind , typical, Ah ,,, to be sure 'tis the little people < blesses himself> It' s the Holy Mother of God, Mary ! Sounds like the Queen of the Witches ! - Apparently the story came from people in an African tribe who were quiet happy about it and their visit they got from their ancestor.
  6. Spontaneous Combustion

    And if you aim an illuminati spontaneous human combustion death ray (on low setting) at a skier going down hill with no hat or gloves ..... he will be toasty warm,
  7. Spontaneous Combustion

    Yes, that is what happens (and the reverse) and what you are supposed to do if you are going to warm an 'over cold' person, or part thereof, with water. Do not put chilled, frostbitten or hypo people into warm water - dangerous !
  8. Spontaneous Combustion

    It might not 'take much' to 'extrapolate' but it will require a temperature of 1,400 deg F. to achieve 'ignition'.
  9. Spontaneous Combustion

    Which government ?
  10. Spontaneous Combustion

    No? What's this then ; " My lower dan tien turned very hot once when I was young and saved my life - it made my entire body steaming warm at 5 below and with wind chill factors around 40 below. My earlobes were toasty warm and my toes were too. " That is a comment on spontaneous combustion is it ? I could not find an entry on hypothermia bozo ... just hypothermia - it said " Symptoms depend on the temperature. In mild hypothermia there is shivering and mental confusion. In moderate hypothermia shivering stops and confusion increases. Then you feel really warm and take you clothes off. ... I see what happened there. But maybe I need to learn more about your 'special ability' ... I am off to find a scientific paper I can study on the difference between 'keeping warm' and 'keeping toasty warm '.
  11. Spontaneous Combustion

    You see no reason why what doesnt exist ... your ability to keep warm or your ability to spontaneously burst into flames, burn to ash and not set fire to your surroundings ?
  12. Spontaneous Combustion

    Well .... the stories I have heard ! .... yeah ... its usually some one smoking in bed .... a cinder starts glowing .... then there is the after effect of that dodgy giant Mexican meal you had earlier - kablooom !
  13. Spontaneous Combustion

    Ahhh , this thread is about spontaneous human combustion ? No such thing folks !
  14. ... and just where do you think you have been ?
  15. Air Drinking

    Sweet ! I just checked some of the place on google pics. Looks like they like bad food and canals Your pics might be a better selection. Is this a rental property or are you thinking of buying it ?
  16. Air Drinking

    Sounds great ! Keep us posted.
  17. Air Drinking

    Well ... it could be a thesis. But really briefly, a few points. (going from the briefest and most sarcastic No good deed goes unpunished. humans are stupid ... more so than we realise - People are loosing their 'natural intelligence' that they do have at an exponential rate due to modern lifestyles, influences and 'specialisations'. They 'overinvoked ' Aquarius ... all visionary without a clue how to practically apply it, learn from mistakes etc. Humans are socio political primates - no escaping that, unless that is not addressed , as well as any spiritual content, and a proper humanist system is set up to address and deal with that, the same problems just keep occurring in a cycle. All groups that dont know how to address the human group dynamic - regardless of their other work will fail or struggle. Lack of education, and awareness training (mostly to do with the self and relation to environment ) - some type of modern ego that just assumes and asserts that it knows a whole lot of stuff that it can enact, and does so , then turns a blind eye and refuses to learn from mistakes when it goes wrong. There is a wonderful story here that the indigenous have that relates to an older and baser dynamic - The Big Fig Tree. The big fig tree grew further down the coast, it was gigantic and ancient and was large enough to provide a feast each year for several tribes that gathered together and met there. They would camp there for a few days, feast out, party, etc.O One year, a group got there early and didnt wait for the others, they got all the best fruit. Then when the others turned up, they complained about it and a fight started. people started getting hurt, the fight went up into the tree, some branches broke off, the kids started crying ... then a big voice " Right then !' and a big hand came down from the sky grabbed the tree pulled it out of the ground and took it up into the sky. No more figs for you !
  18. Spontaneous Combustion

    human combustion usually occurs on a funeral pyre or in a crematorium .
  19. The Cool Picture Thread (bad language warning ... but )
  20. Spontaneous Combustion

    Fumes, heat building up, conditions right, ignition . Happens with bundles of rags with volatile chemicals .... also , in some cases, decomposition, like in a compost pile.
  21. Streak of bad things happening...just me?

    I am not sure if you are familiar with Tool? The lyrics of that track reflect what I was writing. The actual music ? Well, that is selected because of its quality and ingenuity 'Schism' is also an interesting piece and has some relevant lyrics regarding communication as well as an 'interesting' time signature : " 'Schism' is renowned for its use of uncommon time signatures and the frequency of its meter changes. In one analysis of the song, the song alters meter 47 times. The song begins with two bars of 5/4, followed by one bar of 4/4, followed by bars of alternating 5/8 and 7/8, until the first interlude, which consists of alternating bars of 6/8 and 7/8. The following verse exhibits a similar pattern to the first, alternating bars of 5/8 and 7/8. The next section is bars of 6/4 followed by one bar of 11/8. This takes the song back into alternating 5/8 and 7/8. Another 6/8 and 7/8 section follows, and after this the song goes into repeating 7/8 bars. The middle section is subsequently introduced, consisting of three bars of 6/8, one bar of 3/8, and one bar of 3/4 repeating several times. At one point it interrupts with two bars of 6/8 followed by a bar of 4/8, twice. A single bar of 4/8 is played before the meter switches back to a set of 6/8 for two bars and 2/4 for one bar. This repeats, setting up another section: two bars of 9/8 followed by a bar of 10/8, that pattern again, and then a single bar of 9/8 followed by a bar of 6/8 and then a bar of 7/8. Next is a set of two bars of 6/8 followed by a bar of 2/8 repeated four times then a single bar of 6/8. The outro has alternating bars of 5/8 and 7/8, ending with alternating 6/8, 2/8 that one could interpret as pulsing with a 4/4 feel. The band has referred to the time signature as 6.5/8. Although many composers would use 13/16 instead, 6.5/8 is still a valid fractional time signature. " - wiki.
  22. facebook friends

    Pffft ... Branston pickles !
  23. facebook friends

    Good for you ! I was told people think I am strange as I will, at times, engage with a stranger as if they were a close friend. I noticed older people dont seem to mind ... One old lady I 'joked' with in the supermarket threatened me with her walking stick ( a non-verbal joke about her not getting out of my way fast enough) . Then I saw her at the bakers and walked around her protecting my head and groin ... and she laughed. Dont know who she was. Then leaving town, I saw her waiting to crossing the road , so I stopped for her and she threatened my car with her stick Some people are a bit uptight. ... or tight up ... whatever one prefers. But facebook can be very handy apparently .... here is what I had for lunch; (The missing bit had to get sent to the tax office . )