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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Jewish Plurality

    You have not my friend Gary have you But its partly true - no official 'proselytizing ' ( but Daniel didnt use that term did he ) ... otherwise where are you going to get someone to turn on your coffee machine at Shabbat ? Anyway, at least they won;t doorknock on Saturdays .
  2. Jewish Plurality

    Its probably a good idea when you are accused about having misconceptions about life from someone like Daniel !
  3. Jewish Plurality

    Goodbye without the I
  4. Jewish Plurality

    Dont believe him Luke . The FACT that Judasim did 'assert itself' in other cultures made it a major ingredient of the pudding of western culture we now have ! And we just know what Daniel will try next ..... so ; So expect a 'Jewish door knock' soon "Open up Luke ! I know you are in there . "
  5. Jewish Plurality

    Yup . Its clear in what you wrote , anyone can see that . ' Chosen people' means the other lot are not chosen by God .... But according to Danial ; " Um, no. " - I think you better run that one by your Rabbi .
  6. Jewish Plurality

    No one needs to assume anything , the definition is easy to look up if they dont know what it means . If you want proof of henotheism I am pretty sure YOU KNOW it is found in more than one verse from one one prophet . You cant seem to write one short sentence without it being absolutely 'loaded '.
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    " before I've finished the explanation." Hey Matt , come back in about another 19 pages .
  8. wild motor swap!

    I been watching 'Car SOS' - tv , steal that car you have been meaning to restore for years, totally restore it from scratch and then surprise you with it . Did a great old Volvo last night !
  9. all tea is not so good for us

    Just like me
  10. Who or what is "satan"?

    That should be enough . Work on that one before immediately asking for another .
  11. Who or what is "satan"?

    Sure, and I do and have ... but we dont need you to get involved . He is rather capable of asking me himself ya know .
  12. Jewish Plurality

    You see , there is the problem ! So divisive . My religion taught me that 'God' has the same plan for everyone regardless of the cultural clothing of their religion - which usually comes from some irrelevant time and cultural issues and laws from the past anyway . Your spiritual computer might need updating ? regarding words on a page 'winning ' ... these words are on a page ... And as far as NN being fed false info ... thats 'cute' .
  13. Jewish Plurality

    It was nice of Daniel to give you proof of Jewish henotheism and show that Judaism isnt monotheism
  14. all tea is not so good for us

    I often refuse a tea bag cuppa ... it tastes crap . Some people get offended . But I could be offended that they offered me crap, but they dont see it that way . tea shop in local city had sign out front ' If you friends offer you tea bags - get new friends . ' A pot of tea ..... $6 for a pot of hot water with a tea bag in it ? I dont think so . A while back I was up at Ebor .... a near deserted half abandond old school country town (sorry Eborites ) . An old Mom and POP general store and cafe .. I asked Mum : "is it tea bag tea ?" Indignant ; " certainly not ! " " Those scones there , where did they come from ?" " I made them myself ." " Right then, I will have a pot of tea and two scones thanks ."
  15. Who or what is "satan"?

    But Daniel ... I have been trying to enlighten you for some time now . But you got argumentative, irrational , denying, then put me on ignore, then broadcast to everyone how you are ignoring me, then you left, now you are back and now you ask for enlightenment . Oh, grasshopper ..... I think you need to sit outside the monastery door in the snow for while first . besides, many times here I have posted on exactly what you are asking . I guess you missed it due to ...... you know , being so busy with all the 'stuff' you do .
  16. Who or what is "satan"?

    Ohhh , dont go ..... I was so enjoying your empty deleted post boxes .
  17. Who or what is "satan"?

    yeah . WE got 'snake dreaming' , creation serpent ... snakes are cool bro ... wuz up wit you ???? Yet I assure you if you go 'outback' and camp out 'in nature' with some Aboriginals , one of the first things they might do is torch the camp site before set up ... then you be camping in ash and charcoal ... can you guess why ? or you could talk to a farmer or rancher that lives in brown snake territory . I am sure Daniel has I used to be the local community snake catcher , many people have an unwanted fear of the many PYTHONS that can invade their houses , I would grin at them and catch them ... but only pythons
  18. Who or what is "satan"?

    Sure . It will be posted shortly. Then immediately deleted .
  19. Who or what is "satan"?

    It finds it impossible to 'kneel' .
  20. Who or what is "satan"?

    I just reported you for posting political comment in the wrong thread . CO - BEEEE ! Someone needs reporting for an infraction !