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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Transgender Q&A

    Oh right .... forgot about you . You went off ..... but then came back to announce how people need attention .
  2. Transgender Q&A

    Certainly not the second one. Cats could not care less about 'owner's cheese' . I could go to my friends place , take some cheese show it to the cat and 'Look, owner's cheese! " and throw it to the floor and stomp on it, right in cats face . And then rob their house . ... smash up the furniture , smear their walls with shit and ..... Ooops, I might have got a bit carried away there .... anyway , cat would not care . But if I dangled their pet beloved mouse in front of cat .... swoop . Not because mouse is evil ,,, but it be a furry little twitchy thing that I will pounce on and rip apart ( I am being a cat now ) not because I am even hungry , but because .... it fun ! Truth is ..... 'cats are just plain evil ' .
  3. Transgender Q&A

    Jeeze ! Luke , you be havin a sea lion with you forever now .
  4. Transgender Q&A

    Oh ? I didnt know that at all . I thought it was about using the others force and blending yours with it , so as not to let them impose their will on you .
  5. Transgender Q&A

    So that is a change of appearance ... is it not ? is not the 'change in relationship to self' more a change in relationship OF self regarding others perceptions ? Something like this ; I have always thought I was a woman (no change ) . After a while I accepted that and gave up trying to appear as a man ( which could be behavioral, fashionable (transvest ) or physical so I changed my appearance (but not my internal identity ) I suppose what Maddie and Luke are suggesting is ; I didnt realize I was actually woman , I lived with the 'inside impression' supported by the outside society that I was man . Then I came to realize I was a woman in a man's body .. so I had to change my internal perception of myself .... and then I changed my appearance . Am I any where close ?
  6. Transgender Q&A

    Only when they decide to follow up with physical transformation ... which seems to support ( the depth of ) your idea . I think you and Luke are looking at the same thing but from different angles ( as I get both opinions ) .
  7. ruminant chud chewing sharks

    ... but a shark can eat a Jew .
  8. Transgender Q&A

    Yeah, he is strange one .... look what he wrote here about kosher ... and his follow up
  9. Transgender Q&A

    I would spit it out if I where you . What if ; your previous identity was the delusion ? Of course, this comes back to your definition of what enlightenment means . It could mean more than finding your true identity ( but maybe it doesnt .
  10. Where are all the martial artists at?

    Well, I learnt from a whole heap of sources and a lot of 'putting two and two together' . Some of it was also from teacher via private film footage . There is the general history of the development of karate , but I cant think of a good book. 'Shotokan's Secret ' isnt too bad bad what it outlines in there is applicable to a lot of Japanese styles , but it is faulty in part, only knowing part of the story . Its interesting as it is a project from some Shotokan Black Belts that started to realize 'something was up' . However the book features more on the developments of Itosu and how he started making karate modern . The other stream ( the one I studied ,) came from Matsamura. When the Samurai and class system was stopped ( and the King made defunct by a virtual Japanese takeover ) , the bodyguards , personal militia , and others similar became unemployed and had to find ways to make an income . Thats why Itosu did what he did ... He was one of the first 'marketers of martial arts' , took this and that and twisted and re formed it it ( even to the extent it became a Physical Education program for Okinawan school children ) . Matsamura kept it as it was but only taught it via family linage tradition . Things where not good in Okinawa and Hohan Soken left after some time to go to Argentina . While there, karate devolved more at home and WWII happened , another hugely significant influence on martial arts in Okinawa . Soken came home some time after the war with a preserved tradition that had not suffered the influences it had back home . However I find some karate schools and teachers have picked up some of this stuff . It is usually taught as self defense or even self defense last resort tactics . So there is a bit of 'reverse engineering ' going on nowadays . There is a youtube that exposes a whole lot about modern karate from , of all people George Dillman , now I know Dilman is a dick head yet the story he tells totally discredits him , so if it isnt a true story , at least partially, why make up a story that shows how wrong and stupid you have been ? Especially for a ( as he became ) ' no touch knockout' egotistical money making American . Also it features my teacher's teacher Hohan Soken. . The cover is interesting , its a detail of King Sho meeting Commander Perry and his forces inside the Royal Place , Shuri Okinawa . The two 'assistants' either side of the King are also his personal body guards ; Matsamura and Itiso , both 'fathers' of multiple traditions that came out of their practice . The branch from Matsamura family tradition went 'Bushi' Matsamura > Nabe Matsamura > Hohan Soken > Kosei Nishihira (they all have wiki entries )
  11. Where are all the martial artists at?

    De-escalating was a big part of what I had to learn , I worked as an Orderly in a big public hospital for 10 years .... 'keeping order' amidst all types of situations .... force or violence not allowed . And the people often 'not reasonable' ; sick, confused , off face , drunk, psychotic , etc .
  12. ruminant chud chewing sharks

    " a shark, whose "scales" are microscopic dermal denticles, a sturgeon, whose scutes can not be easily removed without cutting them out of the body, and a swordfish, which loses all of its scales as an adult, are all not kosher. " › wiki › List_of_halal_and_kosher_fish So Jews cant eat shark anyway. Ruminant or not .
  13. Transgender Q&A

    I see you are unskilfully trying to avoid my observations about your inveteracies Especially 'cud chewing piggies ' , they be an abomination in anyone's book ! Your funny ! Christians may eat pork because God has declared it once more to be clean. “What God has declared clean you must not call common” (Acts 10:15). Pork is one of those “foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1Timothy 4:3). Christians may eat pork because God has declared it once more to be clean. “What God has declared clean you must not call common” (Acts 10:15). Paul states in Romans 14:20–21 that “all food is clean.” The biblical prohibition against eating pork is found only in the Law of Moses, and therefore it was only required for the Jewish people. You do realise that Jesus changed some Mosaic Laws ? meaning they applied to Jews but not to Christians anymore ? So ?] This doesnt change you being wrong about what you said and the way you said it . You made beef not kosher ! Oh well then ll, I take it all back then . if cats eat grass then pigs chew cud and beef is not allowed to Jews or Muslims . Have you had a 'sanity check' lately ? so that makes cats ruminant cud chewers ! Hey ! Jews and Muslims ! Dont eat cat !
  14. Transgender Q&A

    Eh? 'Describe your fav body of water ' is the question that reates to how one sees one's sex life . A waterfall is an option . Its a game we used to play ; "Whats your fav body of water ?' My soon to be new GF at the time .... a supposedly unemotional stalwart 'a-sexual' German (who knew nothing about the game ) answered a waterfall . The next question is why ? She said 'Because the pool at the bottom is calm and placid but with the waterfall pounding down its strength into the water it disrupts and churns it up, it froths and throws sparkles up into the air that makes rainbows in the sunshine and ..... " and we are all sitting around after we told her thats what you are supposed to feel about sex . One young guy said ' a swamp' ? why ... " Its yucky and sticky and smells bad . " Oh jeeze ! Mine was an estuary r ocean rock pools ... and I certainly ain't gonna say why - here !
  15. Transgender Q&A

    here is some maple syrup to go with it : What does the identifying is that aspect of us that is above and apart from those identifying principles . It is, by nature, obscure and by many unfathomable , yet it resides 'within' . One may be close to it , far from it or completely unaware of it . Perhaps some that study Hindu philosophy realise this ... as this realisation is above the realisation of Buddhism " Feeling, and thought, and ecstasy Are but the cerements of Me. Thrown off like planets from the Sun Ye are but satellites of the One. But should your revolution stop Ye would inevitably drop Headlong within the central Soul, And all the parts become the Whole. Sloth and activity and peace, When will ye learn that ye must cease? - Not until these are ended can ye come to the centre of the wheel. "
  16. Transgender Q&A

    I try to work it out and then break the pencil !
  17. Transgender Q&A

    So maybe I DID get you, back there . I sorta thought ; maybe he is giving them more cred that they realise themselves ! ?
  18. Transgender Q&A

    I get that too ! I have been told that many times . But in my case I think its becasue I am not an absolute male arsehole
  19. Transgender Q&A

    Arrrghhh ! Just when I thought I had t worked out ! What about this : Male to female transappearance is when a person whose deep down sense of themselves is male appears as a woman. (I'd call that ' guys at a bucks night ) Male to female transgenderism is when a person whose deep down sense of themselves is female -- despite being born with male anatomy -- appears as a woman. ( This appears to be Maddie's and your definition ) What I am suggesting (If I aint giving S. too much credit ) Male to female transappearence is when a person whose deep down sense of themselves is female -- despite being born with male anatomy -- trans / changes their (wrong, to them ) appearance on the outside , to go along with what they feel / identify with on the inside , but specifically regarding appearance ( and function ? ) of physical gender .
  20. Transgender Q&A

    Ummmm ... maybe he does not want to change his appearance ? this is getting pretty 'obscure' now .
  21. Transgender Q&A

    One involves a thrift shop and the other involves an operating theatre . If I might try to unravel this 'miscommunication ' : Are you assuming the change has been already made in consciousness and internally, as ; I identify as a woman , but I am in a man's body , so I will change my appearance on the outside to conform with my internal state ? - trans appearance And is Maddie assuming ( your meaning ) wrongly in that she thinks you mean ; you where a man and you only changed your outward appearance so therefore it is trans appearency ? is Salvijus giving Maddie more 'cred' than she realises ... or is he not just getting it ? or am I not getting it ? ( I thought I was until that lemon tree business )
  22. Transgender Q&A

    Yeah .... them guys be called 'furries'
  23. Transgender Q&A

    That one flummoxed me - am I reading it right ? 1. Stating that identity and being / existence are congruent - rhetorical question 2. or asking what we cling to more than identity aside from ( clinging to ) being / existence . - real question . For me , my 'current identity' and my being /existence are two very different things .
  24. Transgender Q&A

    OK. But why did you hold a handful of Chinese black sauce up and then let it drip on your uniform ?