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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What to do about Djinn...

    sorta like this one but with Hebrew and coloured and the centre hollow.
  2. Liber Al 1:61 – 65 ; “But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in spendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me! At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say -- and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple -- To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you! I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky. To me! To me! “ Comparative dates ?
  3. Yes. The ancient Egyptians were an early split off from the original P.I.E. people (in case its not realised they were NOT Africans). The other depictions relate to the concepts in Mesopotamia from the spread of the old PIE Empire that spread out from Airyana Vaeja and eventually became the Archaemenian Empire (the largest in the Ancient world). .
  4. What to do about Djinn...

    I found working with Solomon's ring effective ... when I figured out how to actually use it that is. Actually, while continuing to clean out, throw out and repack the other day I found my old Goetic diary I thought I had dumped ... record, drawings, diagrammatic copies of the equipment I made, talismans and seals, etc. the ring is still in there I think.
  5. " The legendary Dreaming account of how Coreeda first came into being was told in the Ngiyampaa Nation of Western NSW and is about a lizard man named Beereun, who was told by a giant snake to watch the Red Kangaroo bucks so he could learn how to fight without weapons. He then brought these fighting techniques back to his clan and initiated a wrestling tournament as an important peace-keeping ceremony, which instigated an era of great prosperity for the Ngiyampaa people. Based on the dating of rock art at sites like Mt Grenfell near Cobar in Western NSW, it is estimated this first Coreeda tournament began over 10,000 years ago, making Coreeda one of the oldest documented styles of Folk Wrestling in the world." Lately Cardeda has been bought into the public domain and a program has been set up to teach aboriginal youth. It is an unarmed martial art. I find this very interesting as their traditional weapons forms are still considered private and for initiated males only .
  6. THAT is a sad story (and fortunately I was not involved ... NOT one of the films I worked on here but some mates in the Aussie film industry did). The film was about the redex car rallies in Australia, an interesting part of Australian motoring history. The film was well made and 'in the can', many people devoted time and energy to it. One part is based on a true story where a dazed kangaroo was photographed in a jacket, he came too and hopped off with the rally check-point registration papers in the coat's pocket. The film was shown to a test audience in the USA (as it was made with US $ ) people were 'Mmmhuuurrr' ... but we liked the bit with the kangaroo .... so kangaroo jack was born ... and the film everyone worked on ended up in another type of can
  7. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    That goes totally against my positive experience of Multiculturalism. It was a full expression of culture and sharing with tolerance and appreciation for each others differences. not the negative with extra spin put on it as above. It totally blew me away and led to a 5 year period where I devoted myself to the cause that bought that experience about and led me to work in the refugee relocation programme in Australia (before it became fascist) . However, I feel its expression may be wasted on some.
  8. Errrmmmmm .... this probably should not be allowed smother face lock .... he (kangaroo that is) has a great right cross !
  9. In case you haven't witnessed the 'original form' ..... (interesting how it is an 'animal form' like types of kung-fu )
  10. Boys especially need to burn off some heat ... they continually get told; don't do this don't do that, dont be too rough ... this is great for them, fairly safe , a chance to match testosterone, and a focus away from some unhealthy practices that have invaded their culture.
  11. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Multiculturalism CAN work though and I have seen it work... and when it does it is absolutely wonderful. Actually it is just as wonderful as it is horrible when it doesn't work. So we have to examine ... IMO .... what is it that does make it work ?
  12. The Faravahar is an interesting symbol. It used to depict Ahura Mazda and had no figure in it. Then the figure was added. Some say it is a symbol of Fravashi (see the thread here on ‘Holy Guardian Angel’ ) or is it supposed to be Zoroaster … or even, as some claim, Darius the Great . ? As Fravashi we can see another influence Zoroastrianism has had on Western religion and the development of Hermetics.
  13. And saying "I know some researchers and they told me ..... " is more valid ??? And meaningless circular arguments and not answering relevant questions (because it might be difficult and NOT with your intentions) - like I asked you a question about the links you posted and you ignored the question. yet when I post something with references to papers and what is considered valid mainstream research from various sources, you just come back with 'wiki is meaningless'. Which means you haven't represented your idea very well at all. Whatever, its up for all to see now and they can decide. I mean, I even tried to be open to whatever you had to offer and debate it ... but not much has been offered up. So I will let the thread and posts speak for themselves. A pity as I thought you might be able to offer something substantial to the debate, but as I have read elsewhere the Out of India idea seems hollow and not backed up by academia ... a pity as I thought you might be able to change that ... but no. So unless more reasonable and intelligent posts appear ... I am finished here.
  14. I agree with the OP in as far as not doing this at the beginning. Not every (or any) system is perfect, some have 'holes' they can be filled in by other practices. The type of sword work I did in Shorin-Ryu was greatly improved by adding things I learnt in Aikido. A couple of times I scored on the sword instructor in a way that just totally floored him. Also the reverse ; some of the Aikido just seemed SOOOO WRONG! In light of what I learnt in other places, especially Shorin -Ryu. After months, a senior Aikido instructor turns up and freaks out about what his lesser instructor had been teaching us; it was full of 'holes' and co-incidentally he demonstrated that using the techniques I had been using (which I was told were not part of Aikido) This could be a flaw in Japanese systems alone though, as I have no knowledge of the Chinese systems. Some (if not all) of the Japanese systems are full of weird cultural bullshit (bullshit on an effective martial arts level) and that is for a variety of reasons. There is also 'cross-training' which can have benefits . Some have giant holes in their systems due to competition and sports applications in their cross-over to self defence, cross-training can reveal it. Gotta learn to stand up stable before you can run properly though
  15. Are you saying that I must be doing that because you think steam is doing it? What ... my posts and the views I presented and the work I quoted is all just my silly unlearned opinion? Come on RF .... you need to back up what you say,( if you want your idea to be serious considered). Just saying 'I know some researchers and they said it is true' doesn't really cut it. That is not really a point in favour of your side of the debate (if I can lift this up to the level of a debate ? )
  16. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Me three. Looks good . (I am a fan of Leary / Lilly / Wilson ... yes Prometheus Rising is a great book ) I will read it after I finish the current one ; And fit this in too somewhere rare editions worth $600 WTF! When did that happen!
  17. Well then ... if you must say that ... but I am not talking about Muslim's having any sort of genes as that is a religion and not a genetic classification. Semitic genes made them darker ... the Muslims were the political vehicle of the conquest that allowed the Semitic Arabs to swarm into Iran. There are no 'Muslim genes' . But if this a tread where we just say stuff without any reason or sense behind it .... well ....
  18. I heard a great one recently. There are some really nice people staying here (with kids) the guy is a pastor in his church and yes they are Christians (they baptise in the river in town). A group goes down the river here and they little guy (son of Christians) wont go in the water, Everyone tries to coax him but uh-uh , he aint going near it. Why not, someone insisted ???? His response ??? I don't want Jesus to get me.
  19. Is the NFL rigged?

    Maybe not I ching ... but this guy knows how to influence a game (actually not just one, but a series of them,421937 An indigenous tribal elder made front page headlines when he "pointed the bone" and placed a curse on the Magpies. People thought it was a bit of a joke, even though the elder was deadly serious and not the crackpot that many believed. And from that moment, things just fell apart for Collingwood. Their season unravelled. They lost their next six games in a row. It seemed like every week, 3 or 4 of their players succumbed to injury: soft tissue, knees, broken bones, you name it. In the blink of an eye, their season became a nightmare. The Magpies tumbled from the top 4 to the bottom 4 (4th to 12th) and the football world rejoiced in their misery. Belatedly their President made an apology and the curse was lifted. I remember watching it on the news … the embarrassed club officials meeting with the elder (they got desperate when they started loosing so much, willing to try anything), the elder in full paint and costume doing a ceremony on the 6 o’clock news to lift the curse. But the damage had been done. Despite storming home to win 9 of their next 10 games, Collingwood missed out on the finals by half a game. True story. A shame they didn’t apologise a week earlier .
  20. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Well ... HE was the one that said the Lord Jehovah - (the one and only monotheistic God) was Satan, or that he agreed with the statement - same thing. Even I have never said that .... but actually ..... its not a bad idea!
  21. A sovereign God question

    Where did I say the altar was in my house ???? See, you are wrong again - everytime! And no I do not use narcotic drugs ... why, are you trying to sell me some - no thank you.
  22. Why should 'gentlemen' listen to you? 'Just saying' means nothing - back it up with something. You say it is absurd, yet ... the stuff YOU believe in can be seen as the most absurd stuff written on this site ... besides, you are a previously banned member ... now , why did that happen?
  23. One must remember that with Iranians, they looked very different originally than they do now, after the Muslim conquest and Arabic semetic invasion , a darker skin hair and eye colour was mixed into the pool. Looking at some areas of Iran (like Yatz) where the original people moved to (as Zoroastrians) there are some interesting mixes ... I remember being captivated by one Iranian woman; jet black/blue raven coloured hair, almond shapes Asian type eyes that were brilliant green. There was a question about Caucasian? One distinguishing feature of the Caucasian types is the great variety of their hair skin and eye colour (also the shape in cross-section of the hair profile, circular ... in the 'negrito' types it is oval) . The same exists within the Australian Aboriginal population, an early Negrito type with fairly standardised features; spreading from New Guinea down to Tasmania. At a later stage there were further migrations into Australia of a lighter skinned type, come of these have 'Caucasian similarities' such as blond hair or green eyes. Of course this is all currently Politically incorrect ... note the word political. I assume that in India this 'Out of India' theory is very politically correct ??? - In India. { The Out-of-India view has virtually no academic credibility today,[ Mallory 1989 "the great majority of scholars insist that the Indo-Aryans were intrusive into northwest India". ] But it was "revived" as a political topic in Hindu nationalism in the late 1990s. Such proponents insist on an indigenist position, dubbed known under the term "Indigenous Aryans". There have been attempts to revive an academic debate on this view in the 2000s.[ Trautmann, The Aryan Debate p. xiii (2005) "The indigenous Aryan view is not a recent invention, and there have always been some scholars who supported it." Trautmann, The Aryan Debate pxii (2005) "There are others taking up the indigenous aryan position who are very well qualified, and whose scholarly credentials entitle them to a respectful hearing.] The theory's recent revival in Hindu nationalist writing has made it the subject of a contentious debate in Indian politics.[ Chetan Bhatt (2001), Hindu Nationalism: Origins, Ideologies and Modern Myths, Berg Publishers, p. 205. And Trautmann, The Aryan Debate p. xviii (2005) "unflattering labels such as 'Hindu nationalist' and 'Hindutva' are thrown about as if they were proofs that the arguments of the writers opponent were not true...identifying the social historical location of a piece of history writing does not tell us whether it is true or false."] These recent "OIT" scenarios posit that the Indus Valley Civilization was Indo-Aryan, contradicting the mainstream view that the Indus Valley Civilization spoke an as-yet uncatagorized language. The Voice of India publishing house has been established with the express purpose of boosting the popularity of these views, advanced by authors including Koenraad Elst and Shrikant Talageri. }
  24. But now you have posted and so have become active ... also you replied to RomgzomFan; "bullshit" , also making yourself active in this post (is there ONE thing ismzisibiri cannot say that I cannot refute ?) . Whether RF is evil or not is a subjective opinion, so again, I did no wrong there. You did not see this thread coincidentally ... you had to open it and read it ... and why was that ? because you saw your friends Nungali and RongzonFan were posting and you just HAD to read it, didn't you? You say I am unethical, but you post lies.