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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Reading The Intentions Of Others

    You had not previously realised that ? ... or are you just stating that here? Also I imagine it depends, partially, on the 'through whom you travel' * ( try walking through the Supreme Court ... bleeerck ! - Rushes home for 'auric shower' ) Humans, like most animals, are creatures of opportunity. If anything 'rules' or indeed 'orders' 'evolution' - it is 'necessity'. I go to the nearby town and yes, the people there exude that , but it has a good feeling to me; out to get what they can get , it seems expressed in a fair sort of way ... it seems 'natural'. But if I go to the next larger town the main theme (within this aura of self-preservation) is this really false persona being extended. It had (still has ??) the rep of being a 'cool, alternative or even 'spiritual' place. So of course, being their and parading around and playing dress-ups is just going to make one spiritual isn't it ? For some reason this urks me more than 'honest self-preservation'. Some are out to get what they can get ( praise, followers, fellow followers to affirm their beliefs? ).... by extolling some 'spiritual' virtue and practice; some are 'seeking' ... genuine, or seeking some type of affirmation of their mindsets. And sprinkled through that are some real jems .... to them I am instantly attracted ... they have a certain vibe, body language and yes, smell, and then you see it in their eyes ... yet many are attracted to the external glamour ... more and more people are considering glamour (in the modern and ancient usage) important. So Adept, I am sympathetic ... but not as surprised or despondent < shrugs ... mmmhe > but perhaps more cynical. I think it IS increasing and I blame the rise in and focus upon that modern day very socially unhealthy and ever growing concept of 'economic rationalism'. * ' Through whom you travel' - the energy field of those around you ... sometimes I feel need to do it with intent ... thank goodness for all that type of jiyu-waza training I did - move from one corner of the mats to the opposite corner with a bunch of guys in the middle trying to stop you and project, grab, hold etc. ... the aim is, well executed technique, smooth and flowing, minimal effort, least possible 'distraction' to get to the other end, and minimal ' injury' and disruption to the others. [ 4th Dan examination ! ? ] They seem to be seeking some other dynamic here ??? Aside from some obvious 'examination dynamic' going on here (???) - like the guy becoming instantly cornered in the first few seconds ... there are a few moments where he 'glides through' quiet good. It is also good practice for sword work (if one can shift ma'ai ) ... but one cant really walk through town carrying bokkan and bonk people ....( although I wouldn't be surprised if some started dressing up as samurai or ninja ) I never was bothered by bad dreams They never made me afraid But then I never did dream I'd wake up And find me in the freak parade. I guess I had to find out the hard way I shouldn't have been so proud 'Cause here I'm the main attraction Of every giggle in the crowd. So I gotta Take my place in the freak parade See my face in the freak parade. In a world full of freaks You can creep, you can crawl But the world's biggest freak Is the one with no balls. You know you shouldn't poke fun at strangers Or pity their case at all 'Cause there are lots of friends and lovers That take it kind of personal. You might appreciate our position Don't laugh at our freaky ways You might find yourself tomorrow Marching in the freak parade. You better Take your place in the freak parade See your face in the freak parade Get off the sidewalk! " Freak Parade by Todd Rundgren. "
  2. I can time travel - watch this ...... ..... ..... ta daa !
  3. At first (after conquest) the Muslims treated them very well and the Zoroastrians were considered 'People of the Book' , it was later when some nasties took over and changed the good religion (of the time) of Mohammad and introduced intolerance and started persecuting the Zorosastrians - cant remember their name ... late ... going to bed.
  4. I am not saying Persians and Iranians are very different people from each other (if that is what you meant) - historically. I am saying "Persians or Iranians ( Persian/Iranian) are different now from that they used to be ... before the conquest of Muslim Arabs; they are of a different 'genetic stock' before the interbreeding post-conquest, after they became more mixed with the Arabs. Before that they were separate groups that mixed together to form the Persian/Iranians Ask many modern Iranians where they are from and they will say Persia (well over here any way). My friend who doesn't mind saying he is from Iran ... but will say he is Persian, and he tells people he speaks 'Persian' if asked (Farsi). Iran was the ancient name, Persia a 'modern' one, and more modern, back to Iran again. It is interchangeable , there are differences technically but its complex; Persians have generally been a pan-national group often comprising regional people who often refer to themselves as "Persians" and have also often used the term "Iranian" (in the ethnic-cultural sense). Some scholars, mechanically identifying the speakers of Persian as a distinct ethnic unit (the Persians), exclude those Iranians who speak dialects of Persian. However, this approach can be misleading, as historically all ethnic groups in Iran, were always referred to, collectively, as Iranians .
  5. Enochian Magick

    Okay, I'll be in ... but I will add some spice and play 'against' the 'traditionalists; above . I will start by giving my answer to one of your questions, "What is the purpose of this system? " What ever purpose the operator decides (generally within magick of course).
  6. A sovereign God question

    I prefer my women to have tail ...
  7. They are not my fantasies and it is reality (of one view point). What you call 'Persian or Iranian language' (modern) is Farsi ... it is a very beautiful language and is the language of poetry. It is from an Indo-Iranian language but I have been writing about Proto-Indo-European people language and culture. When P.I.E. people first came to Iran (ancient) they spoke Avestan, and some of their earliest scripture was written in Avestan script today Farsi is mostly spoken in Iran ... there are other languages. Arabic and Farsi are not the same language, Arabic does not come from Iran or central Asia where the P.I.E. people came from. Arabic is a Semetic language ... that is easy to see as Hebrew and Arabic are so alike. Persians or Iranian people are VERY different now, after Islamic Invasion and admixture of Semetic / Arabic people. Before Arab invasion Iranians were lighter and had a larger range of light hair colours and today, some still have bright piercing green eyes. These people had advanced culture and started and maintained the largest Empire the world had yet seen . When they populated Iran and made the first large Iranian ' state' , which developed into a massive, Empire, remarkably large , for ancient history, this was way before the Arab invasion. I have very good friend who are Persians ... no- they do not like to be mistaken for Arabs or their language for Arabic. That would be like going to New Zealand and calling a Maori a 'coconut' (Pacific Islander) - you can get in a lot of trubs doing that cuz! So I do know what I am talking about. But I don't know what you are talking about or what your comments have to do with me having a fantasy as no where did I say they were the same people or the same language. Read Post 28 - I defined them as different people right at the beginning ! As some people cant seem to avoid ... they project their own meaning into what they think others are saying and they attack that opinion, even though they were the only person that said it . If you read the post before rushing to criticize it you might have realised that.
  8. The letter A

    Nungali takes baton off stosh. I noticed all of Isimsiz Bitter (Oooh yeah - damn them typos!) comments about all things that happen to the heart mention no rust ??? and he gave them as examples about rust .... strange, there is; stains ... locks , seals .... no rust though ? Any way ... Christmas is over so forget about the happy Christmas thing ... at one stage someone asked what to do with happy Christmas if they didn't want it ... I was going to suggest something that was on topic with the thread title but ... as I say, Happy Christmas is passed ... even if we didn't celebrate it .... but 'strangely' 'disappeared' and wont say where to ? ? ? any way to move on; Happy Near Year! ... No ... a bit later ... Noor Ruz or something ? What about B .... we go on to B perhaps ... { This reminds me of a joke} ...
  9. The letter A

    I don't - I call myself Nungali. ... remember?
  10. UFO spotted ! Aliens !

    She has such a nice upper-middle class English accent for a Martian ... especially when she says " I am from Mars".
  11. where I live

    Well … come on down. I am moving back to our land by the river tomorrow. We have a family of these guys living there; These are cute , platypups ;
  12. Ooooo yeah! isimisiz DONT LOOK AT IT !.... warning .... naked ladies
  13. Everybody do not be mislead by isimsiz bitterness , he is confusing people, culture and language with religion ; which is what I am talking about. Again he defeats himself in his own argument as everyone knows Islam has people from all origins, cultures and language . RELIGION IS NOT DEPENDANT ON THAT And I am writing about religion Of course some people will not like this post as it is about religious studies. When I did religious studies at Uni (Comparative Religion at Sydney University ) everyone but 3 made it to the last lecture ... people got up and walked out after arguing with the lecturer (The Senior lecturer in Divinity at the University) It would go like this: "That's not true! (insert your God's or prophet's name here) Does not say that, what you are teaching is false. The (insert the name of your religious scripture here) says something else ... and THAT is the truth" <starts slamming books and folders together and packing up> Lecturer: "If you leave now I cant pass you. Your church sent you here to learn this so you can be a (pastor, minister, etc,), if you don't finish the course, they wont let you become one." <they storm off> being deadly serious here - 3 left at the end ! lecturer said that was fairly normal. “ Religious Studies is the academic field of multi-disciplinary, secular study of religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based, and cross-cultural perspectives. While theology attempts to understand the nature of transcendent or supernatural forces (such as deities), religious studies tries to study religious behavior and belief from outside any particular religious viewpoint. Religious studies draws upon multiple disciplines and their methodologies including anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and history of religion.” (my emphasis)
  14. all right then .... relative benevolence ... at the time, this culture was blowing people away with new concepts in government and theology ... even when its ideas and later developed 'hermetic' philosophies was one of the streams of Alexandrian synthesis , it was deemed novel and highly evolved in that environment.
  15. Looks like it from where this lizard is sitting.
  16. A sovereign God question

    Yep, and I dance naked around it with big-titted hippy chicks .... sometimes we have sex on the altar too .... are you jealous ?
  17. What I see

    No ... marble head does the actual typing but .... he is 'challening' from the fish. And frankly sometimes those fish make a LOT more sense than some people here
  18. A sovereign God question

    Sorry, I can only say that is your opinion and not one very well informed by the history and science you put such great faith in. Do you realise where science came from; what lifted up Islamic culture to its pinnacle, what bought Europe out of the Dark Ages, what bought about the collapse the rule of the church and ushered in the Enlightenment; and what led to the type of society that you live in that allows freedom of individuality and expression that you enjoy? Do you realise that hermetics fought against the church and the concepts of God you put forward as political and power based systems and many hermeticists were tortured and put to death by such a church? Before coming into the hermetic forum and calling hermetics rubbish maybe you should get a liiiitle back ground info on the subject to present your case a little less ...... embarrassingly ?
  19. A sovereign God question

    ERmmmm ... that word is describing the same thing - its an adjective to describe how some different things are using the same understanding and processes ; GD, 'movement' in science, stories and info all using the the same principles.
  20. How to Kill Robotic Energy (for Martial Artists) note 'appropriate outfit'.
  21. What I see

    Oh no! I know that you humans just think that ... whereas I see what is really going on .... you ARE in the pond Marblehead .... and its a pond where no one believes your wisdom - which you don't have any way .... Nah! doesn't work .... that really didn't make me feel better at all
  22. What I see

    yeah .... I tried to explain that to him in another thread ... but he zoomed here and posted this <shrug>
  23. Philosopher's Stone Unveiled

    yes, and is a continual process, one has to start somewhere ... in BD some get stuck as there is no organic cow to start with . Just start with what you have the influence will spread, as long as one continually decreases the pollutants as well and follows the process, after several cycles of years of BD farming the cow will be organic. Ummmm .... for others reading that didn't get it .... I am not just talking about the cow . There is no instantly working magic pill one can take that fixes everything. If there is I am sure it is expensive
  24. The letter A

    Isimsiz! Where have you been (Christmas Holiday)? I Missed you !