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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Philosopher's Stone Unveiled

    There is more than one type. But it can be considered that the better the stone within is developed the better any external manifestation of working with that might be. Also a very refined 'intuitive' process and sensitivity is required, like in many things (ask one of those old farmers who know what they are doing ).
  2. where I live

    hang on YOU ARE White ? Oh well then ..... What colour are they ... here whites HAVE been evil (I forgot ... I run windows 7 Internet explorer and it used to work here fine)
  3. next; where was Arayana Vaeja - the beautiful heart of the lost homeland of the proto indo European, of lost Vedic Soma, benevolent government and bountiful nature - the Garden of Eden, Shamballa , Shangri-la ?
  5. INCORPORATION OF PRE-ZOROASTRIAN ASURAS INTO MAZDA WORSHIP & ZOROASTRIANISM Some of the Asuras such as Mitra, are included in the Zoroastrian scriptures, the Avesta, as angels (fereshtes or yazatas) and guardians of core Zoroastrian values and ideals. In the Avesta, the names of the yazatas are also names for core values and ideals. For instance, as an angel in the Avesta, Mithra is the guardian of the values and qualities associated with friendship. In day-to-day language, Mithra means a friend, the ideals of loyal, trustworthy, caring and kind friendship and the qualities of kindness, helpfulness and benevolence. As a core value Mithra is the value of keeping of promises. We do not know if the incorporation of Asura worship into Mazda worship took place before or after Zarathustra’s time. In the hymns of Zarathustra, the Gathas, Zarathustra does not accommodate or incorporate the Asuras in the manner that we see elsewhere in the Avesta. Indeed, depending on the interpretation of the Gathas being read, Zarathustra can be seen as preaching an uncompromising monotheism devoid of angels. EVOLUTION OF ARYAN WORSHIP In reading the different Zoroastrian and Hindu texts, we are left with the impression that the three different Aryan religions as well as the relationship between them, evolved significantly over time. They could have looked very different at different points in history and also in different locations. The relationship between them also changed from one of coexistence to irrevocable separation. The communities in which the religions were practiced could have been exclusivist or pluralistic communities. Rulers of exclusivist communities could be expected to acknowledge a single religion or even a single deity within the Deva or Asura pantheon. At times the three religious groups coexisted while at other times they competed violently. COEXISTENCE An example of a pluralistic, ecumenical accommodation of the Asuras and Devas by specific communities is a c. 1400 BCE peace treaty with the Hittites, the rulers of the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni invoked the Asuras Varuna and Mitra, as well as the Devas Indra and the Nasatyas. Mitanni was located southwest of Lake Van, in an area that is part of Southern Turkey and Northern Syria today. In the Rig Veda, we read that the initial relationship between the Asuras and Devas was one of coexistence. This relationship would gradually change to one of competition. Nevertheless, some Asuras such as Agni (fire) are invited by the Deva chief Indra to becomes Devas (Rig Veda 10.124) and Agni is sometimes referred to as a Deva. In verse 5, Varuna, a principle Asura, is also invited by Indra to become a Deva. Cooperation between the Asuras and Devas is not relegated to the earlier Hindu scriptures, the Rig Veda. Stories of their cooperation can be found in the later Puranas, such as the story of Mount Mandara. However, their cooperation is short-lived. In the story, a catastrophic flood befalls the earth submerging the treasured possessions of the Devas and Asuras including the elixir of immortality, Amrita (cf. Avestan Amertat, immortality). The peak of the lofty Mount Meru rose above the flood and this is where the gods gathered and caucused on how to retrieve the Amrita. They agreed to a plan proposed by the Deva Vishnu. Together, they uprooted the mountain Mandara and placed it on the back of Kurma, the tortoise. The gods then coiled the world serpent Vasuki around the mountain like a rope with the Asuras holding one end of the snake and the Devas the other end. By coordinating their actions, they used the snake coiled around the mountain to rotate the mountain and thereby churn the cosmic ocean formed by the flood. As the waters churned, the ocean turned to milk and then to butter, revealing the lost elixir of immortality and other treasures. The cooperation soon ended. According to the Bhagavata-Purana, as soon as the Amrita was produced, the Devas took possession of it, and broke their promise to the Asuras to give them half. As a consequence, the Asuras then tried to steal it from the Devas. A struggle ensued which the Asuras lost and the Devas consumed the nectar of immortality all by themselves. The story marks the end of cooperation between the Devas and Asuras and the start of a deep and irreconcilable schism between them. SCHISM BETWEEN MAZDA-ASURA AND DEVA WORSHIPPERS Some scholars postulate that the story of the differences between the Asuras and Devas were a reflection of the differences and the violent conflict between the Deva and Asura worshippers. While the Hindu scriptures do not directly refer to Mazda worshippers, the Zoroastrian and Persian texts talk about the conflict as one between the Deva and Mazda worshippers. According to the poet Ferdowsi's epic, the Shahnameh, at the dawn of history the Mazda worshippers and the Deva worshippers fought two primordial battles. The battles took place during the reign of the first Aryan king, Gaya Maretan, the first battle started when the Deva worshippers led by Ahriman, (a force of ‘evil’) attacked Gaya Maretan's Mazda worshippers. During the battle, Ahriman's son killed Gaya Maretan's son Siyamak, and the first battle resulted in the defeat of Gaya Maretan's army by Ahriman's hordes. However, retribution was to follow. After a bitter period of mourning, Gaya Maretan assembled a large army led by his grandson Hushang. The Mazda worshippers then attacked and defeated the Deva worshippers in a second battle, a defeat that resulted in a subjugation of the Deva worshippers by the Mazda worshippers. Periodically, one group would win dominance over the other. Nevertheless, until, their separation into the nations of Iran and India, they did coexist, possibly within a community or in adjacent communities. So here our paths diverge, one stream goes into Iran and Zoroaster, from whence the mainstream western religious traditions spring, the Levantine religions, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Baha’i. The other stream goes into India and develops as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, etc. The Shahnameh's chapter on King Vishtasp and Zarathushtra opens with the following lines; I've said preceding sovereigns worshipped God (Mazda) By whom their crowns were given To protect the people from oppressors. God they served, acknowledging God's goodness - For to God, the pure, unchangeable, the Holy One! They owed their greatness and their earthly power. But after times, Worship of God gave way to idolatry and pagan faith, And then Mazda's name was lost In adoration of created things. At the time of Zarathustra’s birth, Mazda worship had lost ground to Deva worship, as had the virtues of honesty and not causing harm to others. A young Zarathustra, disgusted with the dishonesty, violence, greed and lawlessness that surrounded him, resolved to dedicate his life to changing this state of affairs. He preached establishing an ethical order based on the old Mazdayasni faith - one that would come to be known as the Mazdayasni Ahura-Tkaesha. The first royal When King Vishtasp adopted the Zoroastrian Mazdayasni faith, he also decided to stop paying tribute to King Arjasp of Turan, whereupon Arjasp gave Vishtasp an ultimatum to resume paying tribute and forsake his adopted faith of Zarathustra’s, or face a devastating invasion. Arjasp sent Vishtasp a message; "Abandon your ill course, Be awed before the God of Paradise, Put far from you that aging miscreant, And hold a feast according to our customs.... If not, in a month or two, I will enter your kingdom with fire and sword, And destroy your authority and you. I give you good advice: Do not be influenced by a wicked counsellor, But return to your former religious practices. Weigh well, therefore, what I say." Vishtasp rejected the ultimatum and what followed was the War of Religion (cf. Greater Bundahishn 9.36 and Lesser Bundahishn 12.36) in which Vishtasp was apparently victorious . The perpetual conflict between the Devas and Asuras described in the Hindu texts found its way into Buddhist literature. In Pali Theravada Buddhist literature, the most frequent references to Asuras are in connection with the continual war between Asuras and Devas. Similarly, in Mahayana Buddhist literature the Asuras, motivated by envy of the Devas, are constantly at war with them.
  6. oops posted the last bit again.
  7. That's cool for a mid afternoon thought ( 3-16) I liked Crowley's comment on the same process ... with a 'Zen' twist. God created man in his own image AND Man created God in his own image. .... at the same time ... there is a nice little 'bio-feedback loop' for ya .
  8. Philosopher's Stone Unveiled

    yep that is the wiki succinct version, this post is not looking at it like that, it is looking at it from the perspective of alchemy from the experience eof someone who worked in the field making it, assessing the product, working on why sometimes it failed and making improvements all they way through to working with degraded soils through to food production and actually distributing and eating the food. I wasn't going to post that stuff above as any one can look it up. But now that you have , a few comments; your step three is blank, I will get to that if anyone IS STILL INTERESTED ????? step 4 profit ... ? The idea is that process spreads, farms are able to make it on site without importing supplies from outside. Also did you read what I wrote about supporting the people in Africa? Like many things, some people don't want to do that and would rather pay someone else to do it; that requires workers, people with knowledge and some type of organisation . Some other points; yes there are many preparations but the compost preps are a different class, actually there are 3 main preps (with the compost ones as subsidiary) just as there are 3 main things in everything (simplest example here is Tao Yin Yang ) there is the 500 manure prep, the 501 quartz prep and the mediating (tao) clay prep ( miniscule clay particles in the soil hold ion charge differentiation which allows 'fertinlity' to pass into plants.) In regards to lower yields, yes, but did you read that part of my post about the farmers differential costs ... HIS prophet went up and his farm is recovering from the bad high yield methods of artificial fertiliser which is sterilizing soils and water world wide. With the compost preps it can get a little strange if one isn't used to such things especially 505 where you have to go and get some fresh cow heads, trim them up, and scoop the brains out. But on many farms people still butvher their own meat and some also hunt and make their own game sausage etc. It might shock Urban dwellers. Also other similar substances can be found in local areas, the same tested results can be achieved re what wiki says about 505 (but more with 508) using local (here) casurina river pine needles. Actually a lot of this . maybe 80-90% is not new, its old folk pre-artificial fertilizer folk agriculture ... or hermetic agriculture if one likes. The clay prep comes from clas-solinger ( I think - sic? sorry all this is off the top of my head) - clay singer - where a barrel of special water has powdered clay sprinkled into it and stirred one way while notes going up scale are sung into the barrel, then the other way with the song sung down scale. It can just be la la la la or can be a folk song usually some type of thanks or petition to the elementals . Anyway, I wasn't going to get too into that as this is about the Philosophers stone.
  9. where I live

    Is that a cycle way ... could I blast a Triumph along it? ... Looks too nice to disturb it. Nice place, thanks for sharing .... more. Cute little houses ... lets hope the neighbours don't realise that there is a doorway to hell in one of them ?
  10. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    See how you cant stop this projection ? You are, you will, you, you, you ... all of you, through to a big you that seems to include the human species as some other you and this is actually that split that you are speaking out against above. This is a type of social alienation that is entwined with psychological projection and has become all mixed up together. This seems to occur so much as our modern western culture seems further divorced from human necessities - in some other culture you might be a shaman or something different. I know it is frustrating . Nowadays its more up to the individual to find their place in society , the society used to supply that with a culturally relevant initiation system, but sadly we have lost that as well. Yes, well done a good analysis and you never projected and used the you word , I understand your issue and hear what you say. Doh ! There it is again ... but still, a good run. next time it will be longer one , and so on. 'You' will return but less and less , one way or the other.
  11. you left out the in a blender shot !
  12. where I live

    One good share deserves another. No Euro history like yours though … only been here 150 years (but non-Euro history over 40,000 years) ! Dorrigo is ‘famous’ for ; highest daily rainfall of 809.2 millimetres (31.86 in) highest in state ; On 31 October 2005, sixty-eight dairy cows, all in full milk, died on a farm near Dorrigo after being struck by lightning ; home to the Dorrigo Steam Railway and Museum which houses the largest collection of railway vehicles and memorabilia from the various Government and private railways of New South Wales (but its defunct and shut down ) and the local newspaper, the Don Dorrigo Gazette, first published in 1910. It is believed to be the last newspaper in Australia printed using hot metal typesetting. Headlines : Lions club meats this weekend, Cow crosses road in main street!!! Mrs Jenkins cat finally found .
  13. Shit! Another realisation (hey dudes this thread is enlightened ! ) I have done it myself! In a way. Had the kid on the ground as no one there could deal with it even his dad. he ended up having some sort of convulsive fit / exorcism ... crud coming out his nose and mouth and everything. I had my hands firmly and gently holding him there, and holding him down (as he had gone rampant) and just let him go through it. I guess from the outside view I was doing something to him through my hands (it was just a bit of 'Ki extension' to hold him there ... like a 'shuto' ... the knife edge of my hands. Then he shuddered and slumped and instantly I hands off and up ... and I did a bit of a shake while hands were up there to release a bit of energy ... but now I think about it, If I had seen the same thing , all of what happened unfold, it would have looked pretty strange. Anyway, he laid there a bit, staggered up looked dazzed and stoned and wandered off, later I realised he was playing with the other kids nice and then he helped a little girl up that couldn't reach the table A few years latter he was mowing my lawn for me and asking if I needed my fire wood chopped ! Last I heard I think he is going into the army. It might surprise some but I DO think there is a lot more that goes on in life than I can logically, rationally or 'scientifically' explain.
  14. Yep ... if there is one thing we are all in agreement with it is our ability to discern 'truth' It is midday here, Christmas Eve (just past summer solstice) and I am surrounded by thick cool fog). So what, you may ask? .... dunno <shrug> Hey CT! You lucky one you! That old guy you spoke of ... awesome. When we are growing up we all need someone like that who isn't our parents and does certain things for us to make for a good psychological upbringing (like the traditional 'special Uncle') , a thing which, in our western culture, sadly , is disappearing (so we replace them with iconic / comic super-hero feature films ) . I have this old Dan Inasanto Philipino weapons book ( from market stall $2 - when I got it home I realised it was signed by Dan ) the front has a section on the old 'masters; and a story of how, when the neighbourhood testosterone would get out of hand they would go for a walk at night with their arnis/walking stick and 'Give those naughty boys a smack and send them back to their mothers." These were not teens on skateboards by the way, they were young men in street gangs with knives - I seen some of them ... <crosses to other side of street> I have also seen some of these old masters do drills with live knives with the 'reformed' street kid students; Old master and knife-scarred face v.nasty looking gangster type - master smiling, relaxed flowing, student super-concentrating. dril starts slow, picks up speed until its a blur ... then they stop . Me: huh? But then I notice it is because old guy has the knife point on the others throat, against his femoral artery or eyeball ... student sighs rolls his eyes, start afain - same result ... about 6 times in about a minute - awe-some-and-some-more. Where are the Uncles ! I want one too ! and I am old enough to be one edit; HA! just realised I am totally on the thread topic; A request for more discipline. Hmmm ... another thought: MPG ! I knew a guy bought up in New Guinea ( can be a v.hard arse place! ! ) ... he ran amok a bit and his family made him go and see this traditional Uncle back home in the village. He wasn't a martial artists but this guy put the wind so up the 'young un ' that he told me that was what reformed him - he had been good for years as he didn't want to face him again. I wanted to know what he did but he said it was 'magic shit' and he didn't like that stuff and didn't want to talk about it ... I coaxed him a bit and he said that when he turned up Uncle was on the verandah, he came up the path and uncle stood up and wagged his finger at him, naughty, then he saw like a rainbow between his hands and threw something at him and it made him fall over, but he couldn't tell what it was . That's all he told me but he said he had to stay there with him for 3 days. So ........
  15. image = see!
  16. I need that ! For ..... reasons.
  17. Urgent serious complaint

    Oh, same here .... but like the MP posts ... 15 minutes after reading them I feel strangely unsatisfied.
  18. Urgent serious complaint

    Not to mention the 30 seconds taken to comment on it Or the 30 seconds taken to comment on the comment on it
  19. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    There you go again , telling me what I must be .... I didn't even say I was right ... I pointed out that if you are going to quote evolution ... you should quote it properly ... I don't even accept the scientific version of evolution . repeat ... I am a Hermeticist, I like the ideas of Robert Broome more than Darwin's, which seem to have a Vedantic and Platonic outlook. That is just a silly thing to say. Why are you doing all this anger at text books ... no, don't tell me. It will help to communicate clearer what it is you are actually on about. I still do not know what 'fare my eyes' means ??? the 'Old masters of the past' often had very good usage of language, grammar and composition ( Shakespear, Plato ... ) although I will admit masters of the present don't seem to bother much, especially when they are 'Ascended masters'. I assume they did it by .... studying text books on the subject and being educated by their teachers and practicing and correcting mistakes when they were pointed out to them .
  20. yes interesting it started off okay but got a little .... for me. Mainly I saw a 'post modernist; approach here and not a 'most modern' approach to the subject, he seems to be not really focusing on the objective elements and both of his classification types seem subjective (projected out from the conscious or unconscious. They do have a life of their own though and can exist apart from human projection. This is the daimonic view I keep going on about, the' third possibility ' and the realm of man's lost 'soul' ... as opposed to spirit. He does address an important point that, like soul, elementals will, 'clamour' for acceptance , incorporation and acknowledgement , if denied or repressed they will become 'adamant' and eventually troublesome. That's why so many cultures appease them; leave out offerings, food for the piskies, and make or reserve special places for them and leave their established spaces alone. I like his ideas about how they can control you if not used in the right way. This is an essential understanding in magick and many a magician has been led astray on this point or started out on the wrong foot (purpose) in the first place. This can happen if one isn't in a good magical system or has a teacher with limited knowledge and not correct instruction himself:
  21. oh ... I forgot to mention; Zoroaster originally came from Peru ..... there ya go
  22. Philosopher's Stone Unveiled

    PS apologies for the lack of a final edit and typos and bad spelling ... I am not game to edit it
  23. Philosopher's Stone Unveiled

    Ha ... posted the above in the box and ... nothing ( with the left hand top button on to show all the posting commands, as this was the only way it was working before. Tried again .... nothing . Hit that button to convert to post appearance mode and try again and it appeared by itself ... it was there but invisible in the format that it only worked in before .... something is screwed. ... but this one didnt do it .... I mostly have trouble pasting and cant put up a pic. Cant one of you electronic alchemists fix that ?
  24. Philosopher's Stone Unveiled

    Firstly this is not an alchemical text, paper, treatise, academic writing, nor much more than a rave or bfeif out line. The subject is far too complex to detail here so I will be omitting vast blocks of technical information … the thing ism if one wants to just go ahead with the process biodynamics offers such a simple process that one doesn’t really need to understand it … IMO it the simpliest way of making an alchemical ‘stone’ - it might be noted here that the process isn’t about just making a ‘base material’ into ‘gold’ , the ‘Philosophers Stone’ , when made is able to turn the base material into gold just by ‘touching it with the Philosophers Stone’. Also, one reason the texts are confusing is that they cross over from types of alchemy and ‘stones’ to another in the same text. There is obviously metallic alchemy whose descendent was chemistry, there was ‘internal symbolic alchemy whose descendant was psychology (as Jung realised) and there is the ‘immortal’ alchemy and long-life or regenerative medicine – which is highly disguised in the old texts but revealed a bit more in the emergence of western tantric schools and se practices such as taught in forms of Crowley’s O.T.O. – now superseded and worked a different way , as Crowley predicted, and out in the public and accepted by all as a physical thing and not in the realm of magick and worked in the scientists laboratory . He didn’t say or know (?) what it was back then but IMO it stem cell technology. Enough digression. The first thing one needs is the base of prime material. What do the alchemical texts say about this ‘prima materia’? Lots of things. Some texts seem to be saying different things in their details, seem sketchy or overly detailed and mostly, on a superficial reading, seem obscure. But some texts seem to agree in principle with a majority of different texts. On the subject of the prima material and other processes I am going to use the ‘Gloria Mundi ‘– (The Glory of the World) 1526. What does it say about this prima material … the first substance needed for this process ? But first, as an introduction or preface: "For this they willingly, through their wickedness, are ignorant or, that through the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water, and in the water." (I will come to the importance of the water aspect during the preparation.) “I venture to shew forth the hidden mysteries of Nature, which God has planted there, and deigns to reveal to men, that they may see how marvellously things are created, and how wonderfully all classes of natural objects are brought forth: for a testimony to all believing Christian men, and for a comfort to all afflicted and troubled hearts -- seeing that all things created perish and are decomposed only to be renewed again, to be multiplied, animated, and perfected after their kind. For nothing that is created, or born, is at rest but daily undergoes increase or multiplication on the part of Nature, until it becomes that which is created and ordained to be the treasure of all mankind. Therefore, beseech God to give you such wisdom and understanding as will enable you to understand this Art, and to bring it, by His blessing, to a good issue for His own glory, and the good of your neighbour. Moreover, you must ask God to enlighten you by the gift of His Holy Spirit, to sharpen your understanding, to open your eyes, and to grant you a profound insight into that unfathomable wisdom which lies hid in our Art, and which no Sage has ever been able to express in his writings. For there are many secrets in Nature which it is impossible for our unaided human reason to apprehend. Thou needest no outward help; nature preserves nature, and is not separated from nature by the operation of nature. The thing is easy to find, the knowledge is easy, altogether familiar, yet it is as a miracle to many. , to the majority of mankind, a vile and a despised thing It is familiar to all men, both young and old, is found in the country, in the village, in the town, in all things created by God; yet it is despised by all. Rich and poor handle it every day. It is cast into the street by servant maids. Children play with it. Yet no one prizes it, though, next to the human soul, it is the most beautiful and the most precious thing upon earth, and has power to pull down kings and princes. Nevertheless, it is esteemed the vilest and meanest of earthly things. It is cast away and rejected by all.” In Biodynamics the first substance is cow manure. It fulfils the above descriptions quiet well. Why cow manure? I cant get too into Biodynamic theory here (see Steiner’s ‘Agricultural lectures’.) but here are some associations. The cow is a giant digestive machine on legs, in itself it has a whole alchemical process going on inside with a complex series of processes going on. Cow manure is very fertile and well balanced. Cows, as well as being considered a spiritual animal in some cutures have a strong association with the Moon (the significance of that in the use of the preparation will be apparent later but) many of us realise the important role the Moon plays in agriculture and the growth cycles and rates of the plants relating to the Moons many cycles (about 8 major ones are significant – one example is; I just cut my grass on the full Moon as I know that growth rate will slow and I wont have to cut it for some time, if its cut – at this time of year , here – it will be just as long in less than a week when the moon is waxing. Also weeds are easier to pull out at certain moon cycles etc.) The ancient Egyptians new this about cows and pictured the cow deities with a Moon between their horns … another important part of the animal that (that I will get to later) – this isn’t hard to realise as cows are not diurnal, their awake, sleep and tranced out cud-chewing cycles are dictated by Moon risings and settings and angular relation ships (they are mapped on Brian Keats Astro biodynamic calendars). So the first thing to do is collect cow manure, fresh. It should be from dairy cow that is producing milk and collected early in the morning from the previous night. (This is the beginning of the 501 prep, the ‘ luna’ or ‘water’ eart prep – as opposed to prep 502 , the Solar or fire air prep. ) What is needed next in an alchemical process? Basically a sealed container to cook the preparation (slowly ; one of the things that distinguishes alchemy from chemistry is the gradual application of slow low heat over along period of time, chemistry tends to ‘blast’ things) and, of course some type of oven. Alchemical vessels ; in particular ; n through to x and specifically f. What we need here is something like that a type of cone that can be sealed at the bottom. In Biodynamics the cow horn is used. It has the right shape, the essence here is that the circulation process (maybe the crucial principle in alchemy; circulation) rises, concentrates at the point and ‘rains’ back down, continually over a long time, through the matter inside). There is the cow’s horns association with the Moon, it is imbued with Moon energy as they also work as a type of Lunar antennae . Steiner talks about how a cow uses them, they are ‘physically desensitised ‘ that is, although sensitive to Lunar energy they can ‘pack a whallop’ when a butt is delivered with little effect to the cow. This ‘tough’ nature makes them reflective to the forces that will be drawn inside them during the circulation process . So, next, fill the cow horns (the hollow outer casing with the interior removed) with the manure and pack them tight. Next; the oven. I have seen some that are like a cabinet that is heated from underneath and the vessels are placed inside on a bed of sand. What is the Biodynamic version? ‘The Pit’. That is a pit is dug in the ground and the horns are placed inside standing up, points upward. Now there is a lot of extra stuff here; the pit in fertile healthy organic soil (like using the manure from a healthy fertile organic - preferably biodynamic – cow), the pit a certain depth, the soil treated previously etc. Again, I am skimming the ‘science’ here. The reasons I will skim as well. As well as the obvious reason for using the earth as the oven in ‘earth alchemy’ there are a whole other range of reasons; the constant required temperature, the ‘capture’ in through the bottom of the horns, of the appropriate ‘earth energies’ (501 is put down in autumn for the winter ‘cooking’ to extract the earth energies and lifted in spring {with appropriate astrology}, while 502 is done on the opposite cycle} and IMO (although they tend not to focus too much on it) the equally essential capture (or enticement) of micro fauna (who do most of the conversion process for us. I have been closely examining these little guys and some are amazing fantastic creatures … I hope to be able to post some of their pics here … in some ways they remind me off the little critters that appear in the alchemists flasks, those fantastic beasts we come across in alchemy; the white and red dragons, the different colour phases, and the different critters that appear and disappear while giving way to others during the process. More later ( the admixture with the water and the usage) and prep 502
  25. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    You are still making up your own assumptions about me and then criticising them as if they belong to me. That is called a 'projection' ... it means you are having difficulty with some aspect of yourself that you cant own. Look up psychological projection in wiki , the above is a summary. And here I was saying I wasn't going to play psychological analysis Ping-Pong with you ! I will admit that I have no idea what 'fare my eyes' means so ... <shrug> But you go ahead if that's what floats your boat.