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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Here it is; Philosophically the question is not logically answerable. But I liked this little outline: X was Fated to have had a normal life. His Free Will caused him to kill . His Destiny will be prison for the rest of his life. Other snippets of conversation I liked (One is Nungali, another a retired professor of mathematics – he goes first): Free will applies to things we think we may be able to control; fate refers to things which we think are beyond our control Destiny is the sum of our choices but we imagine it in reverse - as is laid out for us already and we are heading to a defined destination (that’s why there seems a discrepancy when what we thought was, or might be destiny, changes by a choice of ourselves or others to interact with us … or others events; ‘happenstance’ - randomness exists. or some such foolish fantasy of the ego, which always tries to occupy center stage. Life is but a dream, but it doesn't necessarily go merrily along like the rowboat in the song. What we call reality is the dream of the Lord Vishnu, iconographically depicted as a Lotus growing out of Vishnu's naval as he sleeps. His dream is not only creative, but is impacted by other entities, such as Shiva and Kali, forces of change, transformation, destruction. If not for destruction, the dream bubble would become too full and burst; the Lotus would topple under its own weight; and all creation would vanish instantly. Meanwhile we (myself included, of course) muddle along with our puny egoistic fantasies of free will and fate and destiny and karma and our illusion of being an autonomous entity of some sort. Whatever happens is in no way dependent on whether one believes in free will or fate. These are just attitudes, no more, no less, just a result of linear thinking. Reality is not linear. In Relativity Theory (which is no longer just a theory) it can even be impossible to distinguish between past, present, and future, nor is it possible to synchronize two clocks in different locations in the universe, since it is impossible for communication to be instantaneous, and the speeds at which the hands of the clocks move are dependent on the relative velocities of the clocks. A Christian told me ; “God gives you free will so that you can learn and grow, but sometimes God comes in and says ‘Oh no that's just too screwed up’ and doesn't let it happen." That’s pretty strange then considering what this Christian God DOES allow ! Yes … well, randomness exists. I have come to some conclusions then; that life is rather random; that fate hinges on the actions of others, whom are in turn influenced by others yet again; that free will puts me to a great extent where I am; d) that my destiny is the sum of my choices; that my karma is to learn what I can from my choices, and the reactions of others to those choices - hopefully to thereby evolve and that there is, I still believe, an element of Mystery present, people seem to ‘bring things with them’ when they are born? Yes ... even genetics seem to 'rule' us more than we realised; the twin girls seperated at infancy, bought up totally different, half a planet apart had an identical hair flicking motion, the twin brothers a continent apart having identical sun spots on their skin. But still ... it IS an interesting question philosophical QUESTION , regardless of us unable to come to a conclusion; If I jump into the flooding river, I am bound to be swept away. If I do it 'mindfully' I may end up exactly where 'I' want to go. I liked the story of the dream of Vishnu but for me, in my land, it's the Rainbow Serpent's dream ... the' knack' is, knowing it IS a dream ... and one's PLACE in that dream. And here ego can be tricky … we cant it here , traditionally and culturally like we are used to … one’s place in the dreaming (the living world now projected from the dreamtime) , traditionally is outlined by law and strict adherence , throughout a myriad facets of life; social contacts, marriage, hunting and food, territory ways of making things .. all set out - with an evolving and improving factor but severely limited, primarily by ecology – relationship to land and place as an integral component of religion and spirituality. But now, in MANY places the land is broken … ‘Broken Song’ so that link is different, even if broken land is part of the dreaming it has changed the harmony between people and law. So there is now a searching for one’s place in the dream because it may not be culturally outlined for you anymore. Maybe that’s why they say ‘New Dreaming’. Now we have new culture; traditional culture/ multicultural/western/global. WE all cant ignore place and location anymore, one of the significant things Aboriginal culture has taught Anthropology is the primal importance of connection to location spiritually for healthy societies and cultures. Find our place in the dream , or be born into it and ‘know it’ … live it out , or find it. Maybe big snake likes a dream more where he hasn’t worked out the ending – ‘experimental theatre’ … and maybe like ‘God’, described in the Christian opinion above , he lets us work it out , but sometimes we get to gross and he takes over ‘Alright you guys …that’s going too far.’ Maybe like when our dreams are a bit much and choose to modify them … or ‘attend to them’? because they don’t want to go in the direction the dream is going? Well then, big snake has some weird dreams too . They weren’t that weird until we came along . Everything was regulated and that was how the dreaming was going. So what happened. I don’t know … something disturbed the dream. Worlds/dreams collided? All part of one dream? If I remember rightly, all the land form to the west ranges and north and south along them was formed by a fight between a giant rainbow serpent and a goanna …. Somehow started by a giant bush turkey going around digging up sacred sites. There’s some food for thought !
  2. UFOs attack US military base?

    Who is " Capt. Robert Salis U.S. Airforce retard" ?
  3. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    there is no link between apes and humans as humans didn't evolve from apes ...purleeeese ... if you are going to try to use some evolutionary 'theory' to justify your 'god was a spaceman theory' at least get the kindergarten pop 'evolutionary theory' straight in the first place. Man did not evolve from apes, evolution pop 101 doesn't say that ... they postulate that humans and apes may have shared a common ancestor. What you should have said is ; aliens interbred with early pre human hominids to make homo sapiens. See ... now I am helping 'them '
  4. ANYWAY has anyone decided yet if More Pie Guy needs more discipline or not ... and if so what form will this discipline take ... will the stone of shame be attached to his neck .... electric Chi chair ... a stern rousing on ... or will he be forced to wear a patch on his jacket saying 'JC is not awesome' .... ooooo ,,,, you start that you are going to have to make a LOT of those patches! I will take a handful for the hermetic forum thanks.
  5. It only takes 10 minutes practice to be able to effect a multi meter holding the electrodes (on a very low setting) , I have got the meter climbing and then pulsing and going negative ... I think anyone can do that (but it just measuring electric resistance in the skin ... there is a trick to it of course. And I have made people jump heaps further than that guy did with the matchbox 'battery' trick ... I know its corny - its supposed to be, but some people swear the actually got a shock. I also had a trick lighter that shocked you ... some people used it once and told me I was a bastard, one guy told me my lighter was shorting out, and I said 'No it isnt', so he kept doing it and going 'Oww', yes it is, and I would say "no it isn't , don't be silly" and he kept doing it My fav was the Aikido Ki master. He sat on the floor and said he could stop someone from hitting him with a bokkan (wooden sword) without touching them. The first guy from the audience approached him , lifted up the sword, paused and then looked confused and put the sword back, the second, mush the same, the third rushed at him went to wack him, slowed down a bit and tapped him - bonk- on the head ... they both looked at each other surprised. Later guy 1 said ... I don't know, some force stopped me, guy two said he was going to wack him but then he decided he didn't want to and it was silly. guy three said fick it I am gonna wack him and at the last minute when he realised nothing was going to happen he just tapped him "I dint want to hurt the guy" he said. They asked the 'Master' later how come he got hit he said " OH ... it doesn't work with everyone" .... WTF !
  6. And why the squinty stare? What? Never seen a goanna before? (my version of )
  7. Mmehh ! Bing! Nungali sits up ... he what ? That interests me more than any witnesses doctors or scientists ! Where and how (and not by watching vids thanks ... they don't convince me of anything).
  8. Selfless acts ?

    Okay selfish / selfless = bogus ... what about the essence of what I am talking about ? Doing something that seems ..... 'an act purely to help others and not oneself'' ... the idea is that we do things like that because that is what we want to do - hence, it helps us (aside from the fact it helps others) . I get what you are saying above ... IMO you are describing 'intelligence' there. Intelligence - I do things to obtain gain and my actions also produce gain for others. (win win) Thief - I do things to obtain gain by taking gain from others. (win lose) Victim - I allow others to take my gain; I loose, they gain. ( lose win) Stupidity - I do actions that make me loose gain and others loose gain around me. ( lose lose) (stupidity is worse than theft as gain is still circulating in the system with theft, but it is removed from the system by the stupid)
  9. He would maybe have painted a lot of pics like this ... I like it ... it has a certain gothic appeal of power ... maybe I study him and start an art movement and inspire people to explore this power ... maybe a whole bunch of us band together ... now instead of one frustrated maniac we have 63 inspired maniacs ... I know lets start a political party the Nationalist Anti Zen Industrialists party. ... Again, no control experiment. No matter one's 'destiny' one can still be hit by a lightening bolt and that may or may not be part of it , who knows <shrug> Like I said before; I don't know why I am still alive.
  10. Good luck ... but how do we know it was changed without the 'control experiment' as I said above ?
  11. yes (as a Chef I know); separate (preferably stone or hard polished surface) chopping board and knives, wash hands after handling raw chicken, also use a different dishcloth / scourer etc to do board knives dishes and one to wipe down the sink and surfaces, (you should see the tests done on cloths that people use to 'clean' surfaces with ) soak cloths in very hot water with detergent, rinse a few times and hang to dry ... every day. Ando NO chicken shashimi ! The enemy of superbug is salt and sunlight. NOT antibiotics (I think they eat that stuff! )
  12. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    Oh here is (it wasn't missing after all ) “ The phrase missing link has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view of nature. “ [my emphasis]
  13. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    What missing link ? This one ;
  14. I think my view still applies to those situations .... destiny is laid out ... like a long path with some essential side tracks (to gain a bigger picture). Its up to you (and ? ) how far or if you go along that path and if you or others stop it. Otherwise we have no choice and others have no chance to intervene for good or bad. Of course there is the unanswerable question; :"What if xyz never happened ... or did happen or A never killed B ... pointless postulations IMO as unless we go back in time and do it different we can never know ... and to postulate on the unknowable IMO is not a good use of the philosophical facilities I wish I knew where that destiny / fate thing was ... I will have a look.
  15. “Caught in a raging storm, (a ) 35-year-old paraglider had been sucked up to a height of 32,000ft - higher than Mount Everest. She survived lightning, pounding hailstones as big as tennis balls, temperatures as low as minus 50c and oxygen deprivation. She came down to earth covered in ice and gasping for air - but alive. Doctors feared she might have suffered brain damage - but apart from frostbite and bruising she was given a clean bill of health. During her 80-minute ordeal under the span of her paraglider, the German adventurer was taken so high that she passed out for nearly 40 minutes.” 40 mins @ 50* below and less oxygen than would kill someone at the top of Everest in 10 mins. PS. when is death ? I did a paper on this somewhere - fingernails and hair can keep growing quiet some time after 'death'.
  16. I suppose I will offer my view Somewhere ... was it here ? Some genius wrote a little para on destiny and fate and what differentiated them ... IMO it was a great little piece.? IMO we have a destiny or circle of expansion, we can not go beyond that, but its limit may be beyond what we imagine. The limitation is usually in our mind, and we can break through that to manifest our full destiny ... but either ( expansion or failure to expand) isn't part of fate or destiny .... that is up to us. But we cant GO BEYOND that - sorry, no breatharianism or immortality of the physical body <ducks various thrown objects and missiles >
  17. here, in response to BKA She said 'change others' and YOU changed her words to 'impose your will onto others' ... was that a double-reverse back flip there? Do what? What she said or what you changed it into; the first ... go ask anyone that has been to a surgeon or a dentist ... the second ? Ask your self because you just did it via imposing your will/judgment on interpreting BKA's words. I have people challenge me on magick the same way ... "Oh, you are a power tripper trying to change things!" My resoponse? "What? You never put up an umbrella to keep dry?" Happy now ?
  18. Errrmmm no .... I actually meant these things; and this thing
  19. Selfless acts ?

    Okay; heart, arsehole whatever ... but 'selfless acts' ; I still don't get it .... its an ego thing isn't it ???
  20. Is this what Tesla was drawing from with his energy towers? (PS . Ha! Your little baby roach (?) in the bottom left corner of your post tricked me )
  21. Selfless acts ?
  22. Selfless acts ?

    Ah! Well then I suppose that depends on one's perception of who (or where) is I ? Lower self says ... nah . I will keep my money in my pocket. Higher self gives it too the street guy sitting on the corner. Why is the 'higher self' decision NOT what we wanted to do for our self. A; " I did it for him ... not for me." B; " NO, you did it because YOU wanted to help him." A; "Mother Teresa devotes herself to helping others ... she is the modern paradigm " B: " Mother Teresa does that because she WANTS to do that." We do what we want ... even if we 'fool ourselves' to think we have risen to some higher plane of consciousness and do xyz ... our 'higher plane of consciousness' WANTED to do that for its own satisfaction. I know selfish has a bad rep as a word ... but selfless acts IMO has a bad rep as a concept. ... I mean , I get the base idea on it ... yes, don't be selfish ... but I am going beyond the base idea. And going beyond that little rebellious voice that lies comfy in bed and says 'No I don't want to get up and do the dawn meditation.' If we get up and do it it is because that is what we wanted to do for ourself. When I got up pre dawn and entered the Gerry ward to face a plethora of pissy stinking beds and 6 showers to do , washing old people , sure I bitched and grumbled about it ... but WHY did I keep doing it .... no one held a gun to my head ... I could say I did it for them ... and I did too ... but I WANTED to do it for them get my drift ?
  23. 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

    But what is 'proper research ? No offence SoG but a few of these articles you put up, I did some very shallow research on and it just doesn't hold up ... even with the proof they give themselves. So what is this 'proper research' ? But is not this your own " pre-conceived notion" ? ; Nah man ... that's crap ... but errmmmm .... don't stop posting this stuff because I like it Who knows .... one day I might find something that makes me hmmmmm .... I did once .... an artefact depicted in Eqyptology (not out there or amazing ... quiet a simple easily made thing ... but when I figured out its usage ... DOH! <slaps third eye> of course! ... Now I think I know how Egyptians moved giant blocks of stone up steep ramps (as the other explanations were not making sense) Sorry - no ancient lasers and anti-grav beams from UFO ... just simple brilliant ancient natural ability of an innovative mind ! Which modern man has lost ... hence he seeks fantastic solutions \ IMO a bit like the old ... "Hey! That woman cant have done that on her own ... she must be ... a witch ! " watch out for them ... they have strange powers and can 'make' me do things I normally would not do !
  24. And as far as that white cat goes: What do you think you're lookin at bubs!
  25. I suppose one of the reasons that internet martial arts discussions go the way they do is that in face to face martial arts discussions such questions can easily be resolved I have said this before but; Dude comes to my place and raves on about his master who can put me on my arse from distance "Fine bring him around here, he can use magic chi power and I will go for his eyes throat and nuts and we will see how he goes. Dude is 'shocked' at my attitude and response ... oooh tooo violent! 'Okay lets step into the 'circle of death' (what I call the flat grassy bit I made for training outside ) ... all friendly, no hurties ( well ... hurties okay ... no injuries ). He knows I am not a bad person and trustworthy so he steps in ... what a joke ... I hope he doesn't try to do what he tried on me in a real life self defence situation. ) ... and I have NEVER considered myself highly skilled . The video clip is ... a video clip, If I have the experience myself, I may change my mind and outlook ... but change it from watching a video clip .... seriously ? (Yeah I know but I worked in the film industry for years I also watched a 'doco' on mermaids once that was backed up by scientists and people of good reputation ... at the end the credits said (fine print) that the scientists and qualifications were added to give the story a 'documentary feel' ) But whatever, carry on, don't mind me .... if he comes to my place and shows me he can do it fine ... I change my attitude (please, on a cloudy day ... I connect him up to my solar panel (PS ... no static electricity build -up and discharge ... even I can do that to people .... my sister used to hate it bzzzzt ! Yow! ... : MUUUUM! He did it to me again )